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How To Use Mates In A Sentence

  • Another mystery surrounds the only example of body armour to be found among the primates.
  • He mates them to a Charolais bull and keeps the calves until they are yearlings.
  • If the state thinks it is legitimate then it legitimates its own laws.
  • I showed up at West Point and found that 60% of my classmates were team captains, and 20% were valedictorians.
  • How does one grow regionally adapted beans for moist climates?
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  • Thus basal primates might have used ethanol plumes to locate ripening fruits as well as associated fauna.
  • When equipped with the full unit, a patient sees a display of phosphenes, which looks, as the Wall Street Journal put it, like ‘the light-bulb array of a stadium scoreboard,’ and which approximates - very roughly - the outlines of objects.
  • As the phalanx of furious, excited inmates came sweeping into the servery, Jerrold recognised his danger. THE SCAR
  • Meanwhile, I will be having a final farewell party this Friday with all my buddies, climbing friends, old coworkers, old classmates and random strangers.
  • Reliable statewide estimates of the specific offense distribution of California's probationers are not available.
  • You got a big hefty looking bloke who looked like he could handle himself in a barney, put him and a bunch of like mates out on the streets at all hours of the day and night as a visible presence.
  • Some of his best mates are journalists, but generally he is sceptical and distrustful of the media and never saw his role as a background briefer to reporters.
  • A woman responding to a survey about the experience of illegitimates in 1986 said that her mother ‘was put in an orphanage and did not get full knowledge about her parents until she was 55.’
  • Also, if Shilpa is subjected to more teasing from Jade's crew, she may well go postal and slash all the Celebrity Big Brother housemates' throats open with a breadknife. Big Brother Celebrity Hijack Betting Odds: Double Eviction, Emilia Out?
  • However even currently available estimates already show encouraging results in the case 2 scenario described above.
  • Quarterback Brady Anderson was injured in an unfortunate collision with one of his team-mates.
  • While the inmates of the home are provided with skill training in handicrafts, embroidery and sewing based on their aptitude, the children including those of sex workers are educated.
  • All the inmates had to be protected and watched over, and any problems that arose would have to be sorted out at once.
  • Tahoma has a work-release program for non-violent offenders and routinely has inmates doing some of their time providing labor at the cemetery. Reggie Buddle
  • It's the equivalent of a course in arboriculture for the amateur gardener and landscape professional, including the history and culture of trees, suggesting the climates where you might find them growing. Books to inspire endeavors in landscape design, gardening
  • A recent report estimates there were 60 percent fewer wintering mule deer on part of the anticline in 2009 compared with 2001, and 28 percent fewer mule deer in 2009 compared with 2005. Deer Population Plummets Amidst Natural Gas Drilling
  • We are told also by his sister -- and there is no incongruity in the two accounts -- that he early displayed a taste for 'preheminence and would preside over his playmates as their master and they his hired servants.' The Rowley Poems
  • I do get that hermitic urge. I'm quite anti-social in some ways, even with my mates.
  • If this was the UK, I would expect to be ushered to a table (probably grumbling inwardly about the empty tables I passed on the way), then, once seated, make a curt nod and "hullo" to my table mates before either engaging in quiet conversation with my companion or looking pensively out of the window, trying hard to look like I'm thinking of Very Important Things. Amtrak adventures
  • It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates.
  • We've always had a wonderful tradition in our country of mateship.
  • As for the primates such as monkeys and baboons, the main effect of the high temperatures is that they lose their appetites.
  • Do we think that other countries don't exhibit the same characteristics towards each other that we call mateship? Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Four of them were shipmates from the old Type 21 frigate HMS Avenger, stokers from 3D Mess, two of whom now live in Lancashire, one in Merseyside and the other in Guernsey.
  • Firemen came in looking for images of their mates who had gone into the blazing buildings.
  • Over the last couple of years, he had become impervious to the disrespect and ignorance of his classmates.
  • It's why Bryant walks out for pregame introductions with his teammates as if he's sucking on a sourball. Top headlines
  • He and his mates are laughing and jeering at their next-door neighbour: a crazy old man, stripped to the waist, performing what looks like some kind of weird callisthenics routine in his backyard.
  • Despite the inherent inexactness of reproduction cost estimates, he insisted that their economic importance was such that they could not be ignored when they markedly differed from actual cost figures.
  • Total Capital Expenditures for 2009 are less than historical and current estimates for Maintenance and Obligatory Capital Expenditures which we define as the estimated amount of investment in capital projects and obligatory spending on existing facilities and operations needed to hold production approximately constant for the period. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • As if that weren't sufficient grounding to make a prison film, he based this on a true story, co-wrote it with one of the original prisoners involved, and cast it with non-professionals, including another of the cellmates.
  • Inmates feel isolated and are already overburdened by the tension of courts and hearings.
  • How do women choose their mates?
  • About fifteen inmates broke through onto the roof.
  • Click on one that most closely approximates the deck you want to build.
  • When he returned to the living area, his three crewmates had already returned.
  • He's in the prison, he's dobbing on his prison mates, on other inmates, and he's very scared for his life.
  • Contaminant fluxes associated with the process of frazil ice formation in the Kara sea are much smaller than worst-case estimates.
  • He wasn't interested in financial success, unlike most of his team mates.
  • I would fail my exams but that the classmates help me with my lesson.
  • The Bonded Liberation Front estimates that there are 25m bonded children in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
  • The company has Centre for Insurance and Risk Management tripled its staff in the past 12 months, hiring (CIRM), estimates that India's OTC weather experts in agronomy and agricultural mete - derivatives market is worth around $1 billion. orology to meet growing demand. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • He's now oblivious to his workmates' leg-pulling and says: ‘I wouldn't be without my three-wheeler even though I've never been above 60 mph because it shakes too much.’
  • Ahmed is thankful to his Hyderabad Sultans mates for their warmth and affection.
  • Barely 12 or 13 inmates had turned up during 1998-2003 for tailoring and stenography.
  • My unmarried survey respondents seem to understand that friendship is the basis of a good marriage even as they hold out for chemistry and thunderbolts and soulmates.
  • Population is extrapolated using the revised UN estimates, which give a figure of 1, 272.2 million;
  • As we were getting changed, I noticed some of my new team-mates were putting on what looked like cricket boxes.
  • Like many Keighley men Roger Nowell likes to have a drink with his mates down the pub.
  • Many people use examples from ethology (the study of animal behaviour) and in particular primatology (the study of primates) ‘not just to support the idea of animal rights but to denigrate human claims of uniqueness and special status’.
  • It however set one of table mates to engage in the unusual act of thinking.
  • He feared that he must forget the rest of what had happened for one of his roommates might read the unsuppressed truth on his face and in his mind.
  • In cold climates, you could substitute a trio of birches for the tree aloes and underplant them with blue fescue.
  • The fat boy was victimized by his classmates.
  • Except as noted below, data on all cause and cause specific child and infant mortality and of age distribution of child and infant mortality were regional estimates or other aggregates.
  • More realistic estimates are based on the assumption that fertility will gradually decline to around replacement level.
  • Classmates at West Point had ironically dubbed him Beauty.
  • You know, Raymond, very often, we hear about so-called jailhouse justice, where other inmates take on the role of Lady Justice -- for instance, in the double murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Simpson. CNN Transcript Dec 9, 2008
  • He didn't like Clayton very much either, despite the fact that they were bunkmates, but Kyle was more tolerant than I was so I was the one who had to hate him.
  • Newspapers and television viewing are largely proscribed and inmates are often unable to contact their families for months.
  • A few minutes later the ship was sailing away north, knowing that they might be marooning their shipmates with them, but knowing that they had no other choice.
  • No estimates of stock size or mortality are available for tautog in North Carolina.
  • He also evened out dodgy quality by blending wines grown in differing microclimates within Champagne and across both hot and cold vintages.
  • He didn't need to listen to his college classmates ask the professor pointless questions.
  • The happy or unprosperous event of any action, is not only apt to give us a good or bad opinion of the prudence with which it was conducted, but almost always too animates our gratitude or resentment, our sense of the merit or demerit of the design.
  • It typically is charged twice the going rate as the criminal inmates housed in the same facility.
  • These vaulted casemates form the main walls of the fort and support the wide gundeck, the roof of the Castillo.
  • Chen, who is now playing elder sister to many of her younger classmates, has already accustomed herself to the endless backward somersaults, handstands and horse vaults.
  • Central to the Vichy vision, she argues, was the eternal female, ever supportive, fertile, and pure, in a timeless social and moral order where women were mothers, the helpmates of men, and guardians of moral probity.
  • He says countless messages -- what inmates call kites -- are passed to the outside. CNN Transcript May 17, 2005
  • A small piece, such as in that day was employed for the defence of castles, called a falconet, was elevated above the canoes, so that the shot, passing over the heads of their inmates, might take effect upon the woods along the shore. The Wigwam and the Cabin. By the Author of "The Yemassee," "Guy Rivers," &c. Second Series
  • A starling is a bird common to temperate climates here and in Asia. - Articles related to Darwin showed interest in Indian biodiversity: Book
  • In cold climates the body achieves its constant temperature by a combination of heat production and heat conservation.
  • I think “it is not an abstraction that animates them” could actually be a pretty revealing sentence, and not merely a bizarre self-contradiction. Matthew Yglesias » Peretz: Obama Needs “Harsh View of Islam Today”
  • And they checked the list of names of Outram Road Jail inmates at an archive in Canberra. ARTHUR REX CRANE
  • Research conducted in nonhuman primates shows male nonhuman primates are more susceptible to age-related cognitive decline. Science Press Release Synopses
  • Phosphor is clearly named for the pale, luminous green that animates a thick, pythonlike convolution which winds up from the bottom of the horizontal canvas and takes several loops around itself before exiting at the top.
  • Reliable estimates of the prevalence of this condition are difficult to obtain because of the diversity of identifiable causes.
  • Spectators standing in the pit or seated on hard benches in the gallery are visible in the daylight and there is a constant feeling of motion that animates the geometries of the theatre's space.
  • A total of eight Orkney chairs featured in the sale catalogue, and exceeded their estimates, according to Bonham organisers.
  • Some vestiges of arranged marriage continue and many couples rely on matchmakers to find mates.
  • Since individual univalents or bivalents in some nuclei may lie too close to each other to be resolved unambiguously, this method underestimates the frequency of achiasmate chromosomes.
  • Moreover, in the antepenultimate chapter of the novel, when the narrator reflects on his project, he intimates that he has been writing a novel all along.
  • Like a magician waving his magic wand, McGrath took on the guise of Merlin as he wove his magic, enrapturing his team-mates, opponents and adoring masses.
  • Byng (who incidentally is the brother of Georgia Byng, author of the Molly Moon books for children) estimates the series will be completed in 2038! A Short History of Myth by Karen Armstrong: Book summary
  • Much was made last season about Kobe's switch from berating to encouraging teammates, but he seems to be taken even the next step this year.
  • Matthew, in annexing this cure to that of the leper, who was a Jew, intimates this; the leprous Jews Christ touched and cured, for he preached personally to them; but the paralytic Gentiles he cured at a distance; for to them he did not go in person, but sent his word and healed them; yet in them he was more magnified. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • It however set one of my table mates to engage in the unusual act of thinking.
  • A comparison of estimates of dip separation based on onshore geology and seismic data is presented later in the paper.
  • It was a sight to see the inmates showing interest in the proceedings and enjoying the heavy bass of music that boomed out through speakers.
  • Cost estimates are notoriously uncertain in this business.
  • She believes she is the victim of a smear campaign by former inmates of residential institutions.
  • In truth it is the genetic similarity between humans and primates that makes experimenting on them expedient.
  • When my flatmates, years ago, chortled through Arachnophobia, I was rigid with terror and couldn't sleep all night.
  • Penn's letter, of 1683, to the Free Society of Traders, sufficiently intimates the cause of its location there, showing that Penn expected business to concentre there.
  • There he hung his damp footgear among a score or so of mates. An Odyssey of the North
  • Employees posted to areas with a harsh climate generally receive greater amounts of leave than those in less severe climates.
  • While the figures cannot be confirmed, they square with many other estimates circulating in recent years.
  • I rebelled against this assumption, but was constantly reminded of it by my schoolmates and the adults I met.
  • Its flowery and elevated diction, however, deny the characters speech that approximates dialogue between real people.
  • He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defense.
  • Passion, uncommon in damp presbyterian climates, was missing. MAMBO
  • Survival curves were plotted using the product limit estimates.
  • When we were Middlesex teammates, he vowed that he wanted to play for England, and he was ready to listen, learn and put in the hard work to turn his dreams into a reality.
  • Forward-thinking landscape architects and designers are installing gardens that are appropriate to their regions and climates.
  • Always in the air, flying from flower to flower, it has their freshness as well as their brightness. It lives upon their nectar, and dwells only in the climates where they perennially bloom.
  • The annual population estimates constitute the principal source of official statistics on sub-national populations.
  • Robust estimates of uncertainty in field data can be carried forward to become explicit in published 3D models.
  • It is unlikely that the remaining unsampled areas of the developing countries in tropical climates, or other highly populated parts of Europe, could significantly increase the overall urban bias above 0.05C during the 20th century. The 1930s are getting Colder « Climate Audit
  • It details my unlikely climb from stay-at-home dad and freelance writer to Chinese rock star and the deep relationships I developed with my Chinese bandmates as we barnstormed across the country. Alan Paul: My Unlikely Journey from Journalist to Chinese Rockstar to Voice Actor
  • Only in recent decades have prosimians - a suborder of primates that includes lemurs, lorises, bushbabies, and tarsiers - begun to be studied systematically.
  • Fingleton has defended the lack of prosecutions and intimates the softly-softly approach will continue apace with the advocacy of regulatory reform.
  • Researchers in Africa have observed that bulls are always looking for mates, using smell and hearing to seek out females in estrus.
  • Overwintering herbaceous plants or evergreen trees can only survive the winter seasons of cold climates when they are able to acclimate.
  • When the Ecstasy-exposed pups were placed in a new environment away from their littermates, they spent significantly more time exploring, signifying they did not adjust as easily to the new environment as the control animals.
  • The thermophilic, cellulolytic, and starch-utilizing actinomyces, such as Thermoactinomyces sp., may provide an opportunity to produce single-cell protein for feed supplements in tropical climates. Chapter 5
  • The task becomes all the more difficult when they often do not even trust their friends and intimates.
  • Geography—note: a flat, riverless island renowned for its white sand beaches; its tropical climate is moderated by constant trade winds from the Atlantic Ocean; the temperature is almost constant at about 27 degrees Celsius (81 degrees Fahrenheit) PeoplePopulation: 100,018 note: estimate based on a revision of the base population, fertility, and mortality numbers, as well as a revision of 1985-1999 migration estimates from outmigration to inmigration, which is assumed to continue into the future; the new results are consistent with the 2000 census (July 2007 est.) Aruba
  • All estimates are obtained using four driving values and bridge sampling.
  • All his classmates find him freakish, except when they're in the gym showers together.
  • The resulting estimates will then be used to calculate the changes in welfare resulting from some simple price reduction scenarios of 1992.
  • The other classmates apparently camera-shy or otherwise engaged. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • The musician with big ears has an advantage when responding to band mates and improvising against them.
  • Failing to win the support of his housemates, Mike descends from the roof, giving Clair a nasty shock in the process.
  • We're quite confident about the first list but the rest are just guesstimates.
  • He's perfect as a camp hard-ass, spouting absurd rhetoric in his gravelly voice while depriving the inmates of the necessities of life.
  • She is an honour to her family, friends, team-mates and the nation.
  • That "plowboy" was one of my high-school classmates. Who's A Hillbilly?
  • They gave the officers to understand that far from wishing to act as enemies, they were willing to afford the shipwrecked people all the assistance in their power; but these barbarians shewed, on all occasions, a perfidiousness which is peculiar to the inhabitants of these climates; when the brig had sent biscuit on shore, they seized the half of it, and a few moments after, sold it at an exorbitant price, to those from whom they had stolen it. Naufrage de la frigate la Méduse. English
  • As a result, a congressional research arm estimates, the "net cost [to the government] is likely to be substantially less than $700 billion.
  • It is the breath of life and the inward light that animates the human body and inspires the human soul.
  • Two of them wrapped him in an embrace of mateship, holding his arms to his side.
  • Steven King's prison novel is classily rendered with Tom Hanks starring as the benevolent prison warder tending to death row inmates.
  • She jokes with teammates, clowning through routines in casual moments, and is involved in a social life that she never had before.
  • I think there is a real risk that the Administration underestimates the difficulties.
  • These include a beautiful main bar lounge, an exclusive VIP area and another room with banquettes and booths that are perfect for sitting at with your bottle service and schmoozing your date or chatting with your mates.
  • Inmates at Buckley Hall Prison have to run a gauntlet of insults and racism from some members of staff.
  • The Welsh, I would say, have an often overlooked but damned fine line in dry humour, as is often the case with people from inclement climates, and maybe this is honed even more when you spend so much of your life immersed in that inclemency.
  • Presented by a large cast of colourful characters, The Quare Fellow paints a portrait of life inside an Irish prison, in which songs, humour and compassion evoke the banter between inmates and wardens.
  • But what the newly sequenced genome reveals is that the platypus's male-determining gene, the monotreme equivalent of primates' SRY gene, is not located on any of those five pairs of sex chromosomes. Archive 2008-05-01
  • The only women they have contact with are non-inmates, and thus these women are in positions of power: they are free to come and go, they have favors to dispense and they can offer safe harbors.
  • You and your flatmates should establish some ground rules.
  • The least Square estimates are not reliable when there exists multicollinearity in adjustment model.
  • Usually he dozes off sometime around 11 P.M., only to wake when his roommates get home around 2 A.M. The days stretch out in front of him excruciatingly. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • With most aircrews traversing hot, desert-like climates, it's easy to assume an arctic survival situation is not in the cards.
  • Those leaf-eating primates have foreguts where lysozyme is found and may have acquired a new digestive function.
  • Using his popularity and powers of persuasion, he inveigled a number of his teammates to enroll with him in the genetics course.
  • In particular, the way tourism data is collected almost certainly underestimates two important elements of sports tourism, as follows.
  • The assumptions that our estimates of the proportion of eyries associated with geese and the proportion of geese that nested with falcons are unbiased can be confirmed only by data collected from other areas.
  • Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates
  • As a comprehensive report on media lobbying by the Center for Public Integrity demonstrates, when it comes to mutual backscratching, the primates in the National Zoo have nothing over the networks and Congress.
  • The variety of substrates and climates leads to a diverse mix of vegetation including holm oak forests, cork oak forests, wild olive and carob woodlands, as well as extensive Berber thuya forest. Mediterranean woodlands and forests
  • Cantona was never one to berate or cajole teammates, but on the pitch or training ground he was a huge, charismatic figure who inspired fellow players.
  • Regardless of political or economic climates, your customers want the most efficient loads they can put in their defensive firearms.
  • The sailor, who was a "Bostonian," an inheritance with the ship, opened his mouth in favor of the unfortunate professor, but like his mates, he stood in much awe of a master whose indulgence demanded implicit obedience in return. Rezánov
  • Spellbound inmates have been cheering every dialogue and applauding the histrionic skills of actors.
  • Assistant Secretary Owen said the latest estimates are that 35,000 civilians were able to flee the area Monday when government forces used explosives to create a gap in an "earthwork" wall a few miles long constructed by the Tigers using mechanical diggers.
  • Some of the author's analysis is rather basic but there are also some important insights, although the author on occasion underestimates their significance.
  • I had a bit of a set-to with him and his mates last night so I came home by myself.
  • Vidal and Hedges collected and analyzed the largest genetic data set ever assembled for the scaly reptiles known as squamates.
  • Only a proportion of them are successful and the rest must struggle as best they can to obtain mates.
  • Industry research firm Watson Wyatt estimates Australian companies face a combined shortfall of as much as A$25 billion in these defined-benefit pension plans, known as superannuation in Australia. Australian Firms to Pay Scarce Cash for Pensions
  • At different time intervals, the researchers examined cells from the brains of seven mice that had received the transplants and compared them to littermates that had not received the transplants.
  • Experts say the immigrants may have been here all along, but earlier estimates may have been miscalculated.
  • Remember me to the other classmates of your class.
  • The earthquake registered a magnitude of 6.8, according to early estimates.
  • Men rushed in and began rolling out barrels of powder to be taken to the casemates where the gun crews were stationed.
  • There are no contemporary estimates of how rapidly and how far literacy spread; nor is it possible for us to quantify it with the data provided by largely innumerate contemporaries.
  • A few weeks ago, an Alabama sheriff was arrested for underfeeding his inmates and pocketing the leftover meal money.
  • Truly affined mates would have remained faithful to each other as long as life lasted. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • One thing you should research before investing in materials for a water heater is of the opinion that this game diy solar water heater system may not be the best for your country if you live in cold climates. Solar hot water heater
  • It's 1974, and in the English city of Stoke-on-Trent, there's not a lot (or "nowt," as they say in these parts) for a young delivery boy like Joe McCain (Compston) to do, apart from going to the pub with his mates.
  • The kid who complained [last year] was then singled out for the rest of last year by fellow teammates as a 'narc' and was punched by other teammates for telling his parent," one of the sources said. Buffalo Pundit
  • Refreshing in the fact that I saw old school friends, housemates, comrades, and others who I hadn't seen in years.
  • Human as it sounds, loss aversion appears to be a trait we've inherited genetically because it is found in other primates, such as capuchin monkeys. Archive 2008-04-01
  • He certainly did his classmates in the eye when he got the teacher's approval.
  • The problem is that most of my male classmates have become very judgmental towards my dressing style.
  • Curious about the stage of fruit maturation preferred by other wild primates, I sent out a brief survey.
  • The prospects for Alan Hollinghurst's awesomely accomplished but languidly paced The Stranger's Child, for example, were surely inferior, in a game of zippy-style bingo, to yarns that Chris Mullin's mates would hail as bona fide page-turners. The Man Booker judges seem to find reading a bit hard | Catherine Bennett
  • Opinion surveys naturally produce optimistic estimates, as do extrapolations of recent market returns.
  • After getting into trouble in October 1985, he was sent to administrative segregation, known to inmates simply as "seg" and where he stayed locked up in a tiny cell 22 hours a day. The Seattle Times
  • He has also complained that they've kept him from teaching math to his fellow inmates.
  • The discovery of a specific taste receptor on the human tongue for glutamates in 2000 legitimized its existence as a basic flavor.
  • Texas has executed 135 inmates under Bush's administration.
  • His real kindness was shown by genial estimates of character and liberal appreciation of the labours of others engaged in kindred studies.
  • That the BP oil spill may be twice as bad as earlier estimates was hard news to hear but no surprise to Christian Delos Reyes, a 39-year-old oyster dredger. Former EPA Chief On Gulf Oil Spill: 'It's Going To Blow The Record Books Up'
  • Estimates of the amount of money saved by the taxpayer over the five-year period vary widely.
  • I managed money for many of my classmates and some of the faculty, who were also investors.
  • The students must also write a essay about a section of the bill of rights and also conduct a formal debate against fellow classmates.
  • Superior intelligence and the use of language distinguish man from the other primates.
  • After new inmates are booked, they're interviewed, sometimes for as long as 45 minutes.
  • Earlier this year, the outgoing governor of Illinois commuted the sentences of all 167 inmates on the state's death row.
  • Most retail sales figures matched analyst expectations, but some big department stores undershot estimates. Blue Chips Take a Breather, Snap a Three-Day Win Streak
  • Later I realised that what made me uncomfortable was not that they looked like the inmates of those cattle trucks.
  • The little man from Papua New Guinea was the first to sense that Wakefield were beginning to tire and, according to Radlinski, he let his teammates know.

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