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How To Use Materiality In A Sentence

  • This piece serves as a substantial conjurer of what we might term the castrati-c imagination through its vivid representation of the materiality of sound as music, and one that locates this sound visually in a manner that does not oppose it to its evanescence, its temporality. Sounds Romantic: The Castrato and English Poetics Around 1800
  • Moreover, by invoking Nahuatl and speaking in tongues, he dramatizes the opaque materiality of language.
  • This is the age of post-postmodernism -- an age of both inoperative language and linguistic reflexivity, of "meaning" as both immaterial material and material immateriality -- and Douglas Kearney pushes hard against all of this by rendering language as active, operative, and indeed a locus for Spectacle. Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
  • Materiality of an item may depend not only on its amount but also on its nature.
  • Anthropological theories of virtualism, materiality/immateriality and digitisation. Culture Matters
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  • All three elements of perjury [1). belief in falsity, 2). under oath, affirmation or penalty of perjury, and 3). materiality] are matters for a jury to determine. The Volokh Conspiracy » Not the Best Way to Inspire Confidence
  • If we seek transcendence without honouring immanence, we naturally take flight from materiality except when matter conforms to some notion of aesthetic appropriateness, which is nothing other than prevailing social convention.
  • This research shows that the immateriality of mind is a deep illusion. The Yogurt Made Me Do It
  • As far as symbolism is concerned, material embodiment refers in the first instance to the materiality of the artwork, not the reality of its represented content.
  • But nothing approaches the demonstration by the materiality of the fact, and it is struck with this truth that the organisators of the Exhibition resolved to erect an improvisated town, including houses of all countries and all latitudes. Literary Blunders; A chapter in the "History of Human Error"
  • The first two essays launch us straight into details of materiality. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The materiality of the paint and the sticky pull and release of the printing process showed a rough and ready formalism at work.
  • In his novels, his plays, his short fiction, and even in his essays, he is constantly attentive to effects such as rhythm, the architectonics of image, and the fundamental materiality of words.
  • Collage provided substance, a materiality, that surprised and delighted. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A washy monochrome, its broad rectangles of turpentine-thinned burnt sienna lack not only the powerful materiality of the other paintings, but the intensity of fully saturated color as well.
  • The Tribunal must consider the materiality and substantiality of the employer's reason.
  • Meanwhile, cytological work had also added credence to the materiality of genes-on-chromosomes. Gene
  • At the same time, Hals's celebration of the materiality of his medium is so seductive that sheer painterliness often overrides all other concerns, including the fact that his subjects are often blunt-featured, fleshy, self-satisfied types whose company you might not seek. Picture-Perfect Rogues' Gallery
  • The immateriality of the inserted structures is induced by height and length, and by being counterpoised against the massive masonry wall, its thickness displayed in the deep reveals of small square windows set high above the ground.
  • Otherwise Ministers stand the risk of having their decision quashed by the courts on a number od potential grounds, such as immateriality or irrationality. Odyssey’s Never Ending Quest for Treasure
  • One possibility should not be excluded in advance: that science would move away from the reductionism and crude materiality of scientism and yet that state of affairs would not help the religious imagination at all.
  • Barney's mythopoetic investment in the DJED installation is heightened by what for him is its somber materiality and coloring; its powdery, chipped and unreflective textures; the blackness and greyness of the ash, dirt, detritus and slag deposited around the room. G. Roger Denson: From Detroit, Egypt: Matthew Barney Resurrects an American God
  • The materiality of the tapestry, with its optically softening effect, lends the work a necessary coolness and distance.
  • To last, love must enflesh itself in the materiality of the world—produce food, shelter, warmth or shade, surround itself with careful acts, well made things. Oikos and Logos: Chesterton's Vision of Distributism
  • The key aspects of this allegorization are suggested, or indeed inscribed, in the inscription, itself already allegorizing the materiality of inscription and the material carpentry of inscription of the couplet just cited in Plate 6. Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • A mirror of humanity , art expresses highly personal ideas while exploring materiality at a human scale.
  • Very often these effects are mentioned precisely for their transitory quality, since clouds are matter-and-energy in flux, whilst mountains and waters exist in a completely different state of materiality. Shan-shui
  • For ought we know, the principle of life, sensation, memory, and volition _may_ belong to an immaterial substance even in the lower animals, who are not supposed to be immortal; and the only use which we would make of its "immateriality" in connection with its Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • While exploiting the materiality of the mirror, her writing's primary interest is in the compelling intangibility of the reflection.
  • It is the materiality of the film stock that situates an indexical link with the past.
  • The materiality of the icon is thrown into doubt.
  • Instead, subjectivity is constructed, coded and actively stretched across the materiality of networks.
  • And I†™ m arguing, finally, that that relationship is one of convergence; that in the strange new world of immateriality toward which the engines of production have long been driving us, we can now at last make out the contours of a more familiar realm of the insubstantial†the realm of games and make-believe. Inkblurt · Dibbell on the game-reality shift
  • In this sense, Blake’s conceptuality is materiality, and his conceptual art a form of materialism as such, rather than only by virtue of its irreducible association with matter. Plotnitsky, Notes
  • The materiality of business, in the various forms of commercial transactions, is itself part of one's culture.
  • Materiality intrudes its seemingly simple face in complicated ways. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Christian faith asserts that in the incarnation the very Word, or Logos, of God has become a creaturely human being within the materiality of the universe.
  • The literal text both preserves and betrays the 'materiality' - the acoustic reality - of sound. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He often added wax or sand to his paint, increasing its texture and calling attention to the paint's materiality.
  • How could a culture not be stagnant, not feel purposeless, when a large middle class has been granted the luxury of materiality, which is swallowed in conformity as a measure of the expanse of life itself?
  • Icon worship has different types of materiality and immateriality, of dominance and recessiveness, and of truthfulness and falsehood.
  • He did not produce the documents before the trial and, indeed, did not produce them during his cross-examination, despite their materiality having been made evident.
  • Equally fascinated by the human figure and the materiality of oil paint, Leroy created dense compositions in which glimmers of imagery can be made out amid thick incrustations of pigment.
  • Is there no materiality except for the materiality of language?
  • This research shows that the immateriality of mind is a deep illusion.
  • So you are embracing video's immateriality but also raising the need for materiality.
  • But the unconscionability of the transaction remains of direct materiality to the case based on undue influence.
  • Some of these effects can serve to construct partial and ultimately inadequate (classical) "allegories" of the materiality of the "body" in question, both that of the manifest effects or of the irreducibly inconceivable efficacious processes responsible for these effects. Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • As a matter of fact, I sympathise with their desire to produce design that refers to itself and to its context as a way of asserting the materiality of the medium.
  • They give the materiality of the signifiers a formal structure we encounter in nonclassical theory. Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • There is more to bodies, however, than fleshly materiality.
  • Through encountering the materiality of the site the woman encounters her own materiality in a new way and with renewed intensity.
  • The very notion of 'mindless materiality' is a confusion. The Times Literary Supplement
  • First, the intangibility of speech better mirrors the materiality of ultimate reality (which is abstract, not concrete).
  • ‘The immateriality of electronic texts is unsettling, a turn-off.’
  • The immediate impact of psychotropic drugs on one's mental condition, for better or for worse, provides experimental proof for the relative materiality of our minds.
  • Her materiality is open but deceptive, and her aims are more austere. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They picture specific and real fragments of the world, and in order to make sense of these images we suppress the materiality of whatever surface they are printed on.
  • This disarticulating dismemberment of the body will be linked to the linguistic understanding of materiality and specifically to the disarticulation of tropes, as indeed the term (figure? trope?) "disarticulation" suggests. Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • The phantoms of ideology have prevailed over the materiality of want and need.
  • As combinations of energy wavicles become more complex, materiality manifests in more complex ways.
  • The artist's touch is rendered as something palpable that intrudes on the immateriality of the photographic representation, to which the finger points - from inside the representation, as it were.
  • The materiality of the state no doubt depends on, amongst other things, our tacit or explicit acknowledgement of its power.
  • His observations would not have the poignancy they do, there would not be the tragedy or pathos he leaves as a ghost after his poem if the assumptions of materialism were not juxtaposed with his intuitions of immateriality. The Poet Thomas Hardy « Unknowing
  • Materiality inheres in the world's existence as nourishment and jouissance - and something more. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These subjects come together for us when we discuss the representation of embodiment that insists both on the fleshly materiality of the body, and the ubiquity of unconscious fantasy that underpins being-in-the-body.
  • The materiality of spice is connected to its role ‘halfway between object and sign, goods and money’, and as such, as a stimulus of desire.
  • As the descriptions get closer to materiality, they somehow become more abstract. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Materiality is pure terror for which the only consolation is materiality itself, in its more benign aspects of color and contour and fleshly pleasure.
  • The materiality of the paint and the sticky pull and release of the printing process showed a rough and ready formalism at work.
  • It is the materiality of the object, he tells us, the sonority of the language, the smoothness of the marble, or the slick density of the oil paint, that marks the part of Earth in it; while it is the semiotic features of the work, the meanings and meaningfulness - what is paraphrasable in the verse, the functions of the building, the object imitated by the painting - that indicate the part of World. Archive 2008-10-01
  • I start from the premise that it is betwixt materiality and language that the dancing body is produced.
  • The key aspects of this allegorization are suggested, or indeed inscribed, in the inscription, itself already allegorizing the materiality of inscription and the material carpentry of inscription of the couplet just cited in Plate 6. Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • The value of commodities is the very opposite of the coarse materiality of their substance, not an atom of matter enters into its composition. A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • The Tribunal must consider the materiality and substantiality of the employer's reason.
  • Aside from whatever you want to say about the materiality of painting, or of how these works are the result of a conceptual practice, the encapsulation of time within them is staggering.
  • It threatens subjectivity by collapsing meaning, reminding us of the subject's necessary relation to death, corporeality, animality and maternal materiality.
  • But nothing approaches the demonstration by the materiality of the fact, and it is struck with this truth that the organisators of the Exhibition resolved to erect an improvisated town, including houses of all countries and all latitudes. '' Literary Blunders
  • Give them equal significance; each is of equal materiality and significance.
  • The issue doesn't strike me as being one of virtuality versus materiality.
  • Nevertheless, investor expresses to welcome to any materiality arrange with between meeting Yahoo and Microsoft.
  • The cinema, as a representational medium, achieves its force through the act of discovering and revealing reality in its concreteness and materiality.
  • ‘The paintings are constantly changing in different light conditions, effecting a fluctuation between materiality and immateriality,’ she adds.
  • Immanence should not be equated with essence, if by essence we mean a substratum of materiality inherent in things; a quality or quiddity to which all things can be reduced.
  • Instead of a conceptual, allegorical framework leading Dante up into the unifying vision of God as the Supreme Pleasure, there is only the unpurified, physical body tied to the social in all its gross materiality.
  • The materiality of the picture plane was further underlined by the introduction of the new procedures, which allowed the exploration of new effects of depth from the overlapping of collaged planes.
  • The growth that the incremental ratio materiality of aeriform investment invests is rapider.
  • The human soul is no exception - its "immateriality" is not absolute, but only relative, in the sense that in it the region of clear representation is so much greater than the region of obscure representation that the latter is practically a negligible quantity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • In so far as art is always an embodiment of ideas and a realization of imaginative and utopian moments, it has a crucial function in tenaciously insisting on the materiality of actual bodies and their contexts.
  • In another place he says, "We must necessarily conclude from this alone, that because I exist, and have the idea of immateriality, that is to say, of a most perfect being, the existence is therefore most evidently demonstrated. The System of Nature, Volume 2
  • As immateriality culture legacy bashan folk song should be passed and developed in the new times.
  • You misconstrue the significance of McCaulife and the ultimate immateriality of what folks like Herbert write. McAuliffe Hosting Unity Event For Obama
  • There were material issues of fact on deceptiveness, materiality, and reliance. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Partly this is due to the materiality of the sounds: on the radio, the journey has a physicality that it lacks on the page.
  • When Max repeatedly butts his head against the real world and runs through the dark night streets in his filthy wolf costume, a thudding foreign yelp-chanting playing underneath, I remembered that sense of unencumbered emotion in childhood and how foreign the materiality and obstinance of the real world and grownup interactions were. Has the Wild Rumpus Begun Yet?
  • Endlessly sharing our materiality makes us spiritually poorer. Times, Sunday Times
  • I really can't explain how, but it has to do with materiality of existence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a synthesis is a transposition, and as such has a materiality that prevents it from being simply discourse.
  • Contemporary art theories have challenged students to explore the materiality of ceramics.
  • The figure, in dark pants and red blazer, is flecked with strokes of blue paint that match the deep background of the canvas, suggesting his immateriality and the imagined space of the composition.
  • Together with the use of louvred timber screens and reflecting pools, they create a calm and richly nuanced materiality that is enhanced by a muted palette of colours.
  • Once again matter has disappeared, this time giving way to the immateriality of communication, where everything is discourse and discourse is everything.
  • Its materiality could only have the quality of materiality if it did more than record the bare fact that this was, in fact, a lease without the mortgagee's consent.
  • Because the amortization of organization costs usually is immaterial in dollar amount, th is convenient treatment is justified by the accounting principle of materiality.
  • In deep sleep, consciousness reverts to its pure condition -- the individual self becomes the All-Self: the rainbow, no longer prismatic by reason of its refraction in materiality, becomes the pure white light; the melody of life resolves itself into the primordial harmony; sequence becomes simultaneity, and Time, no longer "besprent with seven-hued circumstance," is swallowed up in duration. Four-Dimensional Vistas
  • It is as if we are being presented with, in the plinth, the weight of a materiality which has escaped figuration.

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