How To Use Materialistic In A Sentence
That we are justified in thus partially travestying the technical methods of some of our modern scientists, so called -- especially those of the materialistic school -- those advocating a purely physical theory of life, we need only quote a sentence or two from
Life: Its True Genesis
At least, we may have two types of happiness: [ wv ] spiritual happiness and materialistic happiness.
Korean shamanism is very, very materialistic and this-worldly, as Koreans tend to be.
But feminism is not about an obligation to look like you're above what some might call materialistic things, because none of us are, really... if you dress down just to look smart, you're still compromising your own interests for the sake of what someone else finds suitable, when really the most subversive thing you can do as a girl is just do what you want.
Catherine Epstein: Feminism and the 14-Year-Old: Tavi Gevinson Says Do What You Want
Materialistic solutions in the science of man, humanitarian ends in legislation, naturalism in art, active faith in the improvableness of institutions -- all these are once more the marks of speculation and the guiding ideas of practical energy.
Diderot and the Encyclopædists (Vol 1 of 2)

Not only would a leader need to model Christlikeness and nonmaterialistic motives, but he must also confront those troublesome individuals.
Rich in Every Way
Indeed our materialistic, pansexualist society makes its necessity almost inconceivable to us.
Archive 2007-03-01
Neil is vain, priggish and, like his wife Iona, grimly materialistic.
Yet it would seem that such a proposition must be held by a materialist, or by what can be implied by the term "monist," used in its narrowest and most unphilosophic sense -- a sense which would be better expressed by the term materialistic-monist, with a limitation of the term matter to the terrestrial chemical elements and their combinations, _i. e._, to that form of substance to which the human race has grown accustomed -- a sense which tends to exclude ethereal and other generalisations and unknown possibilities such as would occur to a philosophic monist of the widest kind.
Life and Matter A Criticism of Professor Haeckel's 'Riddle of the Universe'
The so-called materialistic “American dream” will be dismantled, in the process.
On the Importance of 'Us,' and Our Embracement Waiting in the Wings
I've never been that materialistic, but I need something, some kind of tool to improve my self-esteem.
Adams was by no means the first to use the words "American dream" -- and almost from the beginning the phrase embodied a tension between the materialistic and the idealistic.
Hugh Rawson: Chasing the American Dream
Materialistic solutions in the science of man, humanitarian ends in legislation, naturalism in art, active faith in the improvableness of institutions ” all these are once more the marks of speculation and the guiding ideas of practical energy.
Diderot and the Encyclopaedists
I've heard our culture described as materialistic, but we don't seem to love the material world all that much.
Thomas Moore: Redefining Education: Cultivating the Soul
In this materialistic era, even teachers have changed their lifestyle.
But because physics is currently asea about the very most basic parameters, emotional attachments to the more materialistic theoretics in all other sciences don't count as much as the emotionally invested would like to believe they do.
Creationism, defined
Spiritual doctrines do not actually limit the mind as do materialistic denials.
From this misconception have come all the unfounded charges that Buḍḍhism is an "atheistical," that is to say, a grossly materialistic, a nihilistic, a negative, a vice-breeding religion.
The Life of Buddha and Its Lessons
Happiness exists in spiritual poverty and gratitude in materialistic poverty.
It may be that he is right, but I believe he is taking an overly materialistic position.
To us ageing cynics Fathers Day is just another materialistic calendar date when people spend hard earned cash on silly presents and cheap cards.
B) Participation can’t be evaluated in materialistic terms, so it’s excluded from consideration.
Angelical Participation? « Unknowing
But what's more intriguing is the e-zine support that sugars the materialistic pill.
one should not approach life materialistically
My daily aim was to try to infuse a bit of God's holy light into the dense materialistic atmosphere.
As I say, it is a fairly woolly sort of description, but it caters for the fact that we have other than materialistic interests in life.
This, of course, made sensory qualities as experienced inexplicable in materialistic terms.
September 13th, 2009
If at that time humans were any less perverse, selfish, materialistic, profane, etc., than they had ever been, this should come as a great shock to all social historians.
He had never previously thought of himself as acquisitive or even as particularly materialistic.
Accordingly the distinction of a symbolic and realistic conception of the Supper is altogether to be rejected; we could more rightly distinguish between materialistic, dyophysite, and docetic conceptions which, however, are not to be regarded as severally exclusive in the strict sense.
History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
Rich chunk is slamming materialistic science, ie scientism and the materialistic scientists.
Blast From the Past
The conception about reacting mechanically to events is not a purely materialistic one, as it may seem at first sight.
Rooted in mystery but set in a cruel, obdurately materialistic world, "Au hasard Balthazar" parallels Balthazar's trials with the downward trajectory of the girl who loves him, Marie Anne Wiazemsky.
Salvation at the Forum
His street jive is portrayed as something materialistic and cool.
Her uncle always possessed a materialistic streak to his character, even when it came down to breaks between appointments.
Deller's theme is that the values of all fundamental religions are essentially materialistic, which leaves art carrying the torch for the spiritually minded.
It was especially the clinician who gave the impetus to this movement, because in pursuing the materialistic bent he found himself totally helpless as a therapeutist in the great majority of mental cases, and was therefore eventually forced to seek more promising paths.
Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
There is no doubt that computers ‘play’ a very different kind of chess to humans which generally speaking is highly calculative, rather materialistic and unbelievably tenacious.
ID programmatics is a schema of experimentations designed to resonate in an appropriate, modern, non-materialistic paradigm concerning the ontological necessities of life in a non-sectarian, but relevant, organization of progressive new-scientists who will more adequately prepare our robust society with the knowledge to continue our ascendancy into a non-violent, paradisic existence.
John A. Davison Office Pool « UDreamOfJanie
We are of the deeply held belief that many human beings have come to behave as materialistic tyrants.
As shown in several results, women today are a complex combination of altruistic and materialistic, vain and insecure, loyal and self-serving.
In this materialistic age, such offsprings are rare who fulfil the will of their parents and complete their unaccomplished work without economical benefits.
He was a Spencerian like you till Kreis turned him to materialistic monism.
Chapter 36
While their priorities initially differed, repeatedly talking about their financial goals got the couple focused on long-term planning versus shorter-term "materialistic needs," he says.
The Financial Mistakes Newlyweds Make
Just in what direction the new biology will grow out is hard to see at present, so many divergent beginnings have been made -- the materialistic vitalism of Driesch, the profound intuitionalism of Bergson, the psychological biology of Delpino, Francé, Pauly, A. W.gner and W. Mackenzie.
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
For them, the West was crass, materialistic and, of course, morally rotten.
The philosopher condemns the poet as incapable of forming rational theological tenets, because his temper is unspeculative, or at most, carries him no farther than a materialistic philosophy.
The Poet's Poet : essays on the character and mission of the poet as interpreted in English verse of the last one hundred and fifty years
The American Pavilion strikes a cheerfully materialistic note, with its replications of airline seats and a statue draped across a sunbed.
Setting the Art World Alight
When their guru turned out to be mad, materialistic and exploitative, the family escaped and changed their name to Phoenix.
It's also a materialistic time, and anyone with a stubborn personality will become practically immovable under this influence.
For some, it is an easy shorthand for a change in attitude from the search for growth - which largely meant industrial and material growth - toward a society whose values are less materialistic and more concerned with the quality of life and the environment.
An Industrialist's View of Britain
I also don't like how Lester and Carolyn are both indulging in hedonistic behavior but somehow only Carolyn's the materialistic weasel.
Over / Under: American Beauty «
The materialistic, overly-made-up '80s gave way to combat boots and long stringy hair, and no one made fun of the smart kids anymore.
Mother Hallam is the prototypical matriarch; the sisters-in-law are postmarital versions of Cinderella’s stepsisters — unattractive, catty, and stingy; and the materialistic sons enjoy a complacent rigidity.
Rose Franken.
This doctrine which I call atomistic and which appears to be anti-historical, reveals from under a concealing cloak a strongly materialistic nature.
Readings on Fascism and National Socialism Selected by members of the department of philosophy, University of Colorado
It calls into question the adequacy of materialistic science, upon which these people have staked their careers, self-identity and self-esteem.
Manifesting Michelangelo
The Sextons dub this syndrome "conspicuous conservation," which is directly diametrical to "conspicuous consumption" -- our current materialistic cultural orientation that contributes mightily to the unsustainable exploitation of the earth's natural resources.
Edward Flattau: Conspicuous Conservation
Against all the odds, Hu has found happiness in Shenzhen - and not just in materialistic terms.
But, with the second successor of Aristotle, Strato of Lampsacus, another kind of hylozoism, clearly materialistic, came into existence.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
The materialistic generation, that in the fifties and sixties called his speculations fantastic, had been replaced by one with greater liberty of imagination, and a Preyer, a Wundt, a Paulsen, and a Lasswitz could now speak of Fechner as their master.
A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
Colossians" and "Philippians," in which this materialistic doctrine seems to have had no assignable place.
The Unseen World and Other Essays
These seem like odd responses since she doesn't come across as materialistic, but perhaps that's why.
It would be unscriptural, however, to interpret poverty and abundance by the materialistic standards of contemporary Western civilisation.
It is true, these beautifully gowned, beautiful women prattled sweet little ideals and dear little moralities; but in spite of their prattle the dominant key of the life they lived was materialistic.
What Life Means to Me
We are of the deeply held belief that many human beings have come to behave as materialistic tyrants.
Stoicism indeed seems to fall back into the materialism that I prevailed before Plato and Aristotle; but the ethical dualism which dominated the mood of the Stoic philosophers, did not in the long run tolerate the materialistic physics; it sought and found help in the metaphysical dualism of the Platonists, and at the same time reconciled itself to the popular religion by means of allegorism, that is, it formed a new theology.
History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)
I have felt that asking for money is grabby and materialistic and very opposed to all the qualities I am trying to imbue.
Entering Tucson we passed the Ina Road exit - the exit I used to take to get to my mountainside retreat at Sin Vacas in the Catalina Foothills, a mega materialistic gated and guarded community.
He was a Spencerian like you till Kreis turned him to materialistic monism.
Chapter 36
In the words of one of its founders, noetic science is concerned with subjective experience as opposed to materialistic science (which is essentially interested in objective experience).
I have stressed, in the end, on prosperity but that should in no way be interpreted as a materialistic tendency.
The historical school mistaking what men have done for what men should do and, while often missing the full induction of the past, scornfully rejecting as empty apriorism deductive reasoning from the nature of man, presents a materialistic, evolutionary, and positivistic view of human society, which in no way appeals to sane reason.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Materialistic types can turn the page because there are no riches awaiting the winner.
It seems to be a connector or a medium between the materialistic world and the spiritual world.
So who are we to condemn the materialistic trappings of our stars?
We were self-indulgent moral nihilists - materialistic, selfish, and impulsive.
If we think of comfort as producing the highest type of manhood, so sure as we do, our spiritual power will lessen, our spiritual faculty will be atrophied, our spiritual speech will be degraded, and we shall talk in materialistic language which will really be a sign of decay rather than of power.
Present Conditions in Great Britain
My atheist critic, speaking for so many of his materialistic brothers-in-arms, says that such a view does not enrich reality: "It's impoverished," he says, "by adherence to magic and superstition.
Karl Giberson, Ph.D: My Dead Relatives in the Sky
The Easter Bunny was let out for a seasonal hop as traditional values continue to decline under this most materialistic of governments.
Thirteen years ago I met a materialistic, narcissistic, superficial, bosomy woman from Long Island.
In other words, materialistic naturalism says that there is nothing more to me outside of my physical body.
Thus, the first order of the new Pax Americana is to bring those we deem as heathens to democracy, to modernize the poor devils, and while we're at it teach them the beauties of a more materialistic culture.
Gradually my understanding of existence led me more and more to a scientific, materialistic world view.
He seeks to avoid a ‘one-sided materialistic’ view of history, and therefore attempts to conjoin analysis of the material with the spiritual - that is, between patterns of belief and systems of social action.
It was true that they prattled sweet little ideals and dear little moralities, but in spite of their prattle the dominant key of the life they lived was materialistic.
Chapter 5: The Philomaths
I am not going to paint a broad stroke and say our society is materialistic, is driven by consumer needs or is a slave to marketing.
Sensual and materialistic, they want all the power, comfort and control they can get out of life.
Then again, we've all been guilty of being materialistic at some time in our life.
This unnatural, inorganic, materialistic way of living, coupled with a marked decline in society's moral and ethical standards -- what the French call anomie -- has created a kind of pathology that produces pain and emptiness, for which addictive behavior becomes the primary symptom and consumption the preferred drug of choice.
Charles Shaw: Viewing Consumer Culture Through the Lens of Addiction
‘Thirteen years ago I met a materialistic, narcissistic, superficial, bosomy woman from Long Island,’ he said at an NRDC fundraiser last year.
They are materialistic and pushy, motivated by acquisition, competition, and getting ahead.
Materialistic values were far stronger among young people than civic virtues.
Jung believed that the more secular, materialistic, and compulsively extraverted our civilization became, the greater the unhappiness, senselessness and aimlessness of our lives.
For the road the dictatorship is now taking, which indeed offers it the only possible hope of even a passable economic success, is the barren, heartless, unspiritual, materialistic tyranny of machine-like "industrialism" which the I.W. W. represents.
The Red Conspiracy
Would you call Newtonian physics materialistic because it is based on measurable observations, even though it describes what are to our best understanding very immaterial forces?
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Percy's remark has long resonated with me because he so pithily nails an essential issue: reality is too big, mysterious, strange, and surprising for a merely materialistic explanation.
For them, the West was crass, materialistic and, of course, morally rotten.
Tell them that you feel friendship is undervalued in this helter-skelter crazy materialistic world.