How To Use Materialism In A Sentence

  • What had touched the world's hearts was the ethereal immaterialism of their secluded world and something primal in the music they sang.
  • In 1709 he issued An Essay towards a New Theory of Vision, followed in the next year by The Principles of Human Knowledge, the main exposition of his immaterialism.
  • He sees an increasing number of Saudis who are whipsawed between a new materialism and traditional values.
  • Because of the emphasis on materialism and individualism, businesses concentrated on ‘shareholder value’ rather than customers or employees.
  • I am not saying I am some kind of saint who in satisfied with living simply, ignoring the siren song of materialism. (No) Money Changes Everything | Her Bad Mother
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  • State-of-the-art production and Gilmour's note-perfect playing collided with bassist Roger Waters's grim lyrical vision, which fretted about materialism and age creeping up on you.
  • The overwhelming impression of Soul is of a science in retreat, forced to admit the inadequacy of its materialism.
  • My problem with the cardinal’s statements is that he is taking this idea of materialism and laying it squarely on Darwin’s shoulders, essentially saying that evolution and materialism are equivalent: “What I call evolutionism is an ideological view that says evolution can explain everything in the whole development of the cosmos, from the Big Bang to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony” Vienna cardinal draws lines in Intelligent Design row - The Panda's Thumb
  • They were accused of materialism, wanting designer clothes instead of babies.
  • As the disease of greed and materialism spreads in our minds, so do the physical diseases, as our bodies struggle to eliminate the toxicity from the cocktail of chemicals consumed every day.
  • But in the trend to materialism which thus drew sustenance from a broad spectrum of sources, the im - portance of Spinoza as a catalyzing agent should not be neglected. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • While Newtonian matter-theory was depicted as a rival to Leibnizian immaterialism in the mid-18th century, in for example the Institutions de Physique of Mme du Chatelet, Newton was no ordinary corpuscularian or mechanical philosopher, and Kant did not have to contend with that now old-fashioned ontology. Kant and Leibniz
  • In the case of 18 years of Tory rule, I think they so totally expressed and formed the crass godless materialism of 80s and 90s Britain, that we have been under judgement for it, as a result of their policies, ever since.
  • She has tried spiritually and harmoniously to convert him to immaterialism, but Sunny Slopes
  • Only their fall and burial in the compost pile of materialism remains for recitation.
  • We bless and we curse effetely all the livelong day, vaguely cognizant of some long lost momentousness, too jejune in our materialism to believe in anything.
  • But some readings of Marx's materialism have been somewhat overzealous.
  • Stoicism indeed seems to fall back into the materialism that I prevailed before Plato and Aristotle; but the ethical dualism which dominated the mood of the Stoic philosophers, did not in the long run tolerate the materialistic physics; it sought and found help in the metaphysical dualism of the Platonists, and at the same time reconciled itself to the popular religion by means of allegorism, that is, it formed a new theology. History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)
  • They have seen, rather, the person-hood of their own parents wilt in the serfdom of materialism: for what else can we call the worshipful obedience to the commands of the advertisement? Orrologion
  • Crude materialism is the hardcore – some would say dogmatic – version of materialism. Mindful things « Anglican Samizdat
  • Furthermore, it is precisely the teaching of immaterialism, not materialism, which would raise the possibility of the Board being sued. Odds and Ends from Kansas - The Panda's Thumb
  • If we adopt the assumption, then of course what medical materialism insists on must be true in a general way, if not in every detail: Saint Paul certainly had once an epileptoid, if not an epileptic seizure; George Fox was an hereditary degenerate; Carlyle was undoubtedly auto-intoxicated by some organ or other, no matter which -- and the rest. The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • One of the dangers in our western society is that we replace people with materialism.
  • Hobbes and Spinoza, despite their own differences, advanced, or were read as advancing, a number of objectionable and deeply troubling theses which Leibniz (and most of his contemporaries) saw as an enormous threat: materialism, atheism, and necessitarianism. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  • This disappearance of objective knowledge in Western philosophy has continued in other idealist and subjective guises-positivism, materialism, psychologism and historicism.
  • The faith of secularists is hidden behind you put your God in gaps (false for the reasons given) and I put materialism into my gaps. A Materialist Red Herring
  • The djinn is the lamp … the natural response to that is that if materialism is true, then I am not conscious after all-hence the old joke that a materialist has to feign anesthesia. The Mysterian Manifesto: Shakespeare, McGinn and Me
  • The collective salvation of our civilisation requires the inner transformation of every individual from the ignorance of materialism and individualism to the Gnosis of collective spiritual awareness.
  • “dialectical materialism” by Plekhanov — became the philosophical foundation of what from the 1890's on - wards was very generally described as “Marxism”; the term encompassing at one and the same time the Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.
  • This story teaches important lessons about materialism and valuing family relationships.
  • This story teaches important lessons about materialism and valuing family relationships.
  • Rolling in wealth, the Church built great edifices and fielded its own armies and sank deeper and deeper into immorality, materialism, and decadence.
  • Further, Eddie's pursuit and ultimate success in obtaining and reifying an American Dream not corrupted by materialism offers the impression that it was somewhat easy to obtain.
  • Narcissism and materialism were both drawn in sharp contrast to nihilism, but in the end the important thing was not to march in lockstep to the beat of any drummer.
  • Whilst Marx disputed with Hegel's dialecticism and counterposed it with Historical Materialism - putting it simply, that economic conditions determined consciousness, ideas, economic evolution, etc - I felt that Hegel was not wrong, but that his perspectives could be said to describe particular stages of socio-psychological development in the course of socio-economic evolution. Asian
  • What we are getting in their place are naked selfishness, unbridled materialism and marginalisation of compassion.
  • For many, scientific materialism is not a bloodless philosophy but a passionately held ideology.
  • Its materialism, its attribution to nature of power sufficient to carry out all her ends, its analysis of matter into ultimate physical _individua_ incognisable by sense, while yet it insists that the senses are the fountains of all knowledge, [62] are points which bring it into correspondence with hypotheses at present predominant. The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
  • In light of the complexity of the universe, which of the overarching theories of materialism, humanism, or theism provides the best explanation?
  • Base on historical materialism, this paper expose the process of uniformity of the international trade law.
  • For some, Christmas is an oppressive reminder that mercantilism and materialism have replaced Christ as the heart of Christmas.
  • Why is Johnson able to discuss the philosophical materialism of the Epicureans here with such dispassion and even-dare one say-good humor?
  • What he wished to avoid was a materialism that saw mental states as only epiphenomena, and an idealism not open to scientific investigation.
  • In the west some people think that ours is an age marked by a strong movement toward materialism.
  • ‘Although he was a neat and organised person who was schooled in scientific materialism, he was on the surface a chaotic and disorganised person,’ Rensburg said.
  • The first is that the Cartesian view completes the picture by being the extreme immaterialism that lies at the other end of the line from the extreme materialism that totally identifies mental with physical processes. The Angels and Us
  • The belief that symbols were generated incidentally by a series of undemonstrable and unidentifiable chemical reactions is an appeal to the metaphysics of materialism. Conceptualizing Design
  • Berkeley, although his professed aim was merely "to remove the mist and veil of words" which hindered the clear vision of the truth, passed from empirical immaterialism to a system of Platonic mysticism based on the metaphysical principle of causality. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • I am troubled sometimes by the misogyny and materialism of a lot of rap lyrics, " Obama remarked. "But I think the genius of the art form has shifted the culture and helped to de-segregate music.
  • It is to be understood, that we give only some hints of what we explained in the first volume as far as our leaders found proper to do, showing gradually the great apostasy from the christian truth and immersion into materialism and ceremonialism, produced by the anti-christian management [Z] of the "Hefner or Dregs of the Lamp. Secret Enemies of True Republicanism
  • To be sure, they affect an elaborate rationalism, something they call dialectical materialism, which in turn rests on a verbal agglomeration known as Marxian economics. Latest Articles
  • Fighting against materialism is not a fight against science. Berlinski stirring the pot
  • By not having kids, not working in a ‘conventional’ way, and despising consumerism and materialism, I often feel very much on the outside of everything.
  • Those who disdain wealth as crass materialism need to understand that wealth is one of the biggest life-saving factors in the world.
  • It has sometimes been called Marxism, sometimes socialist feminism, sometimes womanism, sometimes materialist feminism, or feminist materialism, and sometimes is implicit in work that bears no theoretical labels.
  • Vitalism is opposed to mechanistic materialism and its thesis that life emerges from a complex combination of organic matter.
  • This is not simply a matter of reversing the polarity, that is, of subverting the religious significance of Jerusalem in order to privilege Baghdad, for Turkish materialism is revealed to be as hollow as Jewish religiosity. Introduction - Critical Apparatus
  • Its professed objective is not to debunk religion, and Wade tries hard to avoid the antitheistic materialism of high-profile Darwinian faith-debunkers such as Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, and Jerry Coyne. Commonweal Magazine
  • It is also historical materialism, which far predated postmodernism in understanding that human affairs were matters of cutting, pasting, and recombining.
  • In this sense, Blake’s conceptuality is materiality, and his conceptual art a form of materialism as such, rather than only by virtue of its irreducible association with matter. Plotnitsky, Notes
  • Within the philosophy of mind, an eliminativist materialism is the most radical form of materialism as it further posits that mental states (e.g., desire, hope) are not real, do not truly exist, but rather are artifacts of a "folk psychology," artifacts that neuroscience and other purportedly pure scientific disciplines will some day, at some more enlightened point in the future, vanquish. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • But a tame aesthetic is no friend of historical materialism.
  • Decades of dry and barren materialism have left us feeling short-changed and cheated.
  • Just about any religion or spiritual movement will tell you that physical materialism is not the ultimate solution.
  • Materialism and selfishness are not exclusively godless traits any more than decency and charity are exclusively religious ones.
  • The attempts to free academia and research funds from the stranglehold of methodological materialism can only help the creationist movement.
  • For materialism implies that you are an ens per alio, a logical construction. Roderick Chisholm
  • This can be seen as an early version of the Marxist dynamic of dialectical materialism.
  • They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.
  • LNN: Tell us about your interest in Eastern religion and mysticism: is it literary, Fortean, or spiritual, and do you thus align yourself less with Lovecraft's hard line mechanistic materialism and more with other more gnostically inclined Weird authors like Machen? LNN interviews Casey Rae-Hunter on his new album : The Lovecraft News Network
  • It must be said however, that materialism as a philosophy is largely developing through science, while idealism is sort of married to religion.
  • The God of the Gaps sneer is invoked to imply the inexorability of materialism as a complete explanation in natural science. 2009 January - Telic Thoughts
  • It demands an approach that is the negation of purely mechanistic materialism.
  • His works present a critique of Victorian materialism yet also convey spiritual consolation, faith in humanity and in the power and goodness of great men.
  • An unpredictable aesthetic, it could be said, is a requirement of an historical materialism adequate to its political task.
  • Behind these lay another debate between equally traditional views of collectivism v. individual initiative and between atheistic materialism and the belief that the world was created by God.
  • Recruited by the church to promote an increase in devotional practices, these women were exhorted to create spiritual havens for husbands and children, removed from the materialism of the outside world. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • And the acquisitive materialism is a real problem. Women’s History Month « Tales from the Reading Room
  • In 1953, the former Esquire magazine copywriter had launched Playboy, a magazine that, as Ms. Pitzulo describes it, championed as its ideal "a swinging single Lothario" who rejected marriage in favor of "self-indulgence, materialism and promiscuous bachelorhood. The Feminist Mystique of Hugh Hefner
  • In "Lucretius," Tennyson shows the moral apathy of materialism by letting us look on at a suicidal death, and hear the cry, half-rage and half-despair, "What is duty?" and in that fated cry, atheism has run its course. A Hero and Some Other Folks
  • In addition, for reformers, the focus on the Eucharist as a physical rather than spiritual restorative led to an attack on the materialism of transformation.
  • Instead he is faced with fake holymen peddling religious enmity and the purblind nouveau riche materialism of his family who bypass the country's problems in their smart new cars.
  • He would have prophetically foreseen the emergence of a strong current of materialism and secularism from the core orientations of the preceding era which had been marked by the spirit of the enlightenment and in which the traditional values of the old world view had already begun to be shaken. Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • The way the Evos interpret the Grand Canyon has EVERTHING to do with uniformitarianism, which is crucial to the Temple of Darwinistic Materialism. Latest Articles
  • Hume understood that the doctrine of materialism implies a doctrine of perception that holds that human experience is born entirely in material processes (what Alfred North Whitehead would later label "sensationism"). Cosmos-Liturgy-Sex
  • Our high desires for spiritual reality are transmuted into the sordid quest for consumerism and materialism.
  • One of the great achievements of the scientific imagination, the Epicurean cosmos is based on three fundamental principles: materialism, mechanism, and atomism.
  • Would Hindu spiritualism be able to exist with Western materialism?
  • It will measure the extent to which young people identify with democratic values, materialism, solidarity, and confidence in their own and the country's prospects.
  • Instead he is faced with fake holymen peddling religious enmity and the purblind nouveau riche materialism of his family who bypass the country's problems in their smart new cars.
  • Centered around city of Shanghai, the exhibition meanders through a series of experiences: from Nongtang culture, Shanghai style, materialism and petit bourgeois sentiment.
  • In the west some people think that ours is an age marked by a strong movement toward materialism.
  • By accepting this hypothesis, we restore to the sensory nerves and to the encephalic centres their property of being the substrata of representation, and avoid the objection made above against materialism and parallelism, that they did not explain how a cerebral movement, which is material, can engender the perception of an object which differs greatly from it and is yet as material as the movement itself. The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps
  • He embraces the heterodox idea of monism, sometimes called animist materialism or vitalism, which is essentially a denial of any distinction between the body and the soul.
  • It was the epoch of the salons, of the philosophers and encyclopaedists, of a brilliant society whose decadence was hidden in a garb of seductive gaiety, its egotism and materialism in a magnificent apparelling of wit and learning. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • In his ultimate view of life, he was a drastic pessimist, and what we call materialism receives from his hands the clinching fiat of a terrific imprimatur. Suspended Judgments Essays on Books and Sensations
  • The struggle to hold on to traditional values in the face of the new South African politics and western materialism forms an important theme in his writings.
  • The problem with materialism is that ignores the assumption that a comprehendible universe (or any universe at all) is possible with out a designer. Alice In Wonderland official trailer
  • New Age materialism seemed an ugly form of self-serving notions to justify greed and the refusal of compassion.
  • Materialism and spiritualism are a fine pair of battledores with which charlatans in long gowns keep a shuttlecock a-going. The Magic Skin
  • In contrast to such extreme immaterialism, their view is that the action of the brain and nervous system is a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for understanding and thinking. The Angels and Us
  • And, if we don't really know what matter is, then materialism is in trouble.
  • In Manchester period, Engel thoroughly transferred from revolutionary democratism to communism and from idealism to materialism.
  • The paradoxical upshot is that unaccommodated death leads to spectral materialism. Introduction: Gothic Romance as Visual Technology
  • For example, foreigners are said to bring family values to a culture that cannot sustain them due to New-World mobilities, sexualities, materialisms, and freedoms.
  • What this, the passage about Lori's suicide and many others reveal about the future Archbishop is deeply encouraging in terms of insights into this sensitive, intellectual and complex figure considered possibly by some as more suited to an eremetic life of cloistered academia but whose witness as a man "other than" or "apart from" the materialism and consumerist ambition of so much of the British establishment, is one of which we are all surely in need. Anglican Mainstream
  • This materialism was of a mechanical kind - with matter interacting like parts in a giant clockwork mechanism.
  • Esoterically understood, his novel teaches a doctrine of mysticism, intuitionalism, and materialism combined. Balzac
  • Is this evidence, at bottom, of an irresolvable clash between capitalistic materialism and religious, other-worldly values?
  • I don't want to comment on immaterialism or materialism but just want to emphasize the importance of spiritual recognition.
  • You confuse Dennett's stance with eliminative materialism (Dennett may be considered an eliminativist with respect to qualia, which he considers an incohent concept, but not with respect to intentionality, beliefs, or agency). Blurring the Line
  • What happens to the quality of our lives when we value materialism?
  • But my life, any life, real life wasn't about pursuing the prizes of materialism and practising the gospel of self-gratification. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • He notes a photo "captured this week on the Idaho/Washington border" that shows a "fire rainbow" and comments that "[i]t's the gratuitousness of such beaty [sic] that leads me to rebel against materialism. The Panda's Thumb: John M. Lynch Archives
  • Gustave Planche, in his time an influential antiromantic critic, used the term “realism” from about 1833 onward almost as an equivalent of materialism, particularly for the minute description of costumes and customs in historical novels. REALISM IN LITERATURE
  • Materialism begins to fade and a newly awakened spirituality loosens the grip of ingrained beliefs and ideology.
  • The problem with materialism is that ignores the assumption that a comprehendible universe (or any universe at all) is possible with out a designer. peace Alice In Wonderland official trailer
  • According to Wikipedia materialism is a form of physicalism. 2009 January - Telic Thoughts
  • As a dependent variable, post-materialism is seen to be a symptom of economic modernization.
  • He made a lasting contribution to moral and political philosophy by attacking the prevailing materialism and empiricism of utilitarian thinkers.
  • As a result, the next generation was to tend towards political quietism and, worst of all, a crass materialism.
  • In the later collage poetry this materialism interpolates political and economic facts with society verbiage, relating to Boston's high society and the heiresses tracked by gossip columnists.
  • In the west some people think that ours is an age marked by a strong movement toward materialism.
  • It is the law itself which encodes the values of individualism and materialism.
  • And it may perhaps be added that one of the chief reasons for believing heartily in the last Book is the delectable and unimprovable contrast which La Quinte and her court of intellectual fantastry present to this picture of intellectual materialism. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Even the primal urge for physical activity succumbs to superficiality and materialism in the end.
  • From the perspective of Hobbes's critics the doctrines that lay at the heart of his atheism were materialism, necessitarianism, moral relativism and egoism, and scepticism concerning natural and revealed religion. Hume on Religion
  • The third part makes some provocative claims about scientists using science to attain political ends and it also touches on methodological naturalism (which he calls methodological materialism): Thoughts in a Haystack
  • Jansenism by the constitutionist clergy; philosophical deism by the worship of the Supreme Being, instituted by the committee of public safety; and the materialism of Holbach's school by the worship of Reason and of Nature, decreed by the commune. History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814
  • Escalating privatism, materialism, organizational hierarchy, and conformity were troubling, but the cure was always to strive harder and reap the rewards for good behavior. James Block: From Occupy to Progressive Renewal: Demanding the Just Society
  • Graham also encouraged people to turn away from materialism and instead focus on what he said really matters: the spiritual.
  • Hobbes' view shows progress for reconciling materialism, determinism and free will, but it is unsatisfactory.
  • What needs editing is not Darwinian biology but evolutionist materialism.
  • With an energy -- we may say with a passionateness and confidence of victory -- such as we were accustomed to see only in the most advanced advocates of materialism, Ludwig {159} Büchner, D.F. Strauss, Häckel, The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • However, typically, ‘metaphysics’ refers to broad theories of reality, such as materialism and dualism, and to broad issues regarding the nature of reality.
  • Most atheists and other advocates of philosophical naturalism also believe in materialism, the idea that everything that actually exists is material or physical.
  • His essential concern is that rampant materialism, unhindered by any generally accepted ethical proscription, will degrade the natural environment.
  • Manamela said the YCL stood behind Nzimande's call for the teaching of dialectical and historic materialism in schools, his commitment to the fight against HIV and Aids, the eradication of poverty and for a challenge to the "bourgeoisification" of the ANC. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In 1953, the former Esquire magazine copywriter had launched Playboy, a magazine that, as Ms. Pitzulo describes it, championed as its ideal "a swinging single Lothario" who rejected marriage in favor of "self-indulgence, materialism and promiscuous bachelorhood. The Feminist Mystique of Hugh Hefner
  • Allen particularly drew attention to the mechanistic materialism that underlay these conceptions.
  • His observations would not have the poignancy they do, there would not be the tragedy or pathos he leaves as a ghost after his poem if the assumptions of materialism were not juxtaposed with his intuitions of immateriality. The Poet Thomas Hardy « Unknowing
  • The flashy gear turned you, however unwillingly, into a sort of pied piper of Western materialism.
  • #83 – I agree with our little Ian and you that our materialism is a great contributor to global warming, but I love it that Ian throws in the sin, immorality, Antichrist and Beast bits. Think Progress » CEI Scholar: Gore Thinks Climate Change is Caused by ‘Widespread Sin,’ a Sign of ‘the Antichrist’
  • The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.
  • But my life, any life, real life wasn't about pursuing the prizes of materialism and practising the gospel of self-gratification. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • The '90s brought a slow drift from the arms of the Church, as secular materialism took hold.
  • Our civilization remains enslaved to materialism.
  • The movement born as an alternative to the arid materialism of consumer culture is here hawked and promoted like any commercial venture.
  • It is possible that Johnson was attempting to disprove immaterialism by the physicality of the stone and its action on his foot.
  • Are there any others out there ready to give up the creature comforts of materialism and strike back for the working class?
  • The second abandons hope for reductionist exploitation of behaviorist ideas on behalf of materialism.
  • As a result, the next generation was to tend towards political quietism and, worst of all, a crass materialism.
  • We are losing the battle because we live in a culture that nurtures us on materialism and promotes greed as a virtue.
  • What is the value of a vitalist materialism compared to say Adorno's materialist ontology?
  • They probably all drive People Carriers and conversation is solely about one-upmanship, acquisitive materialism and diets.
  • I would only make this specific argument from self-contradiction against someone who claimed that no mental states exist (i.e., some version of eliminative materialism), or a radical skeptic who claimed that we know nothing about mental states. The Philosophy of Introspection, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The papier-mâché city, one might say, is a dialectical image: it conjoins grim desperation with possibility, an earthy materialism with idealism, the old and discarded with the utterly new.
  • Their Marxism has been shorn of even the most basic understanding of historical materialism, of the progress of and changes to societies throughout the ages.
  • He would be aghast at the spread of materialism and greed, and angry at our indifference to poverty and deprivation.
  • Ethics (1677) was also identified as containing Hobbist doctrines (e.g., materialism and necessitarianism) that led directly to atheism. Hume on Religion
  • If, as Bennett argues in her new book, according to Jeffrey that matter "possesses aesthetic, affective and practical agencies: the world unfolds through our alliances with a lively materialism, where we are one actant among many within a turbulent identity network," then Jeffrey is also asking us to consider (I think) how an alliance between queer theory and theories of a "vibrant" material world might lead to a new ethics, a new politics. In the Middle
  • But the same method may lead, as in the case of Berkeley, to immaterialism, falsely called idealism. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • The idea of cutting back the materialism and spending time with friends or family - known as "cocooning" - becomes more attractive in times of trouble, she said. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • We are therefore indebted to materialism, to positivism, to naturalism for this unhealthy and often disingenuous reflowering of religious exaltation. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
  • From the dialectic materialism of Hegel to the deconstructionism of Jacques Derrida, these traditions distinguished themselves from the Anglo-American schools of analytic thought in both their content and their methodologies.
  • Fifteen or 20 years ago I could protect my children from the excesses of consumerism and materialism by schooling them at home and putting the TV in the closet.
  • Lucretius, a Roman poet whose philosophy to Santayana escaped both the irrational optimism of traditional idealism and the scientific finalities of raw materialism. Dan Miller: "Harvard, We Have a Problem"
  • In this respect Bukharin's grasp and use of historical materialism was superior to that of Preobrazhensky.
  • Incidentally, povert, desire for status, and materialism had nothing to do with that decision. All kinds of ouch.
  • Too often, Christmas seems to celebrate materialism and self-gratification.
  • The affinity between immaterialism and traditional religion is somewhat easier to understand.
  • Peng Xiaojia: In the works "tire", I want to say that in the materialism times, Venus God's spirit and faith is the vague distant mirage, it is pressured by a car tire ruthlessly.
  • All of us need something to poetize and idealise our life a little - something which we value for more than its use and which is a symbol of our emancipation from the mere materialism and deathly drudgery of daily life. Great Regulars: All of us in India seem to be passing through
  • For many beleaguered souls who need a movement to justify a shift in behavior, this kind of book may be something to hold onto that dignifies a shift away from the bottomless pit of materialism. Carol Smaldino: Out in the Cold, On the Inside
  • Some forms of materialism argue that the mental phenomena in question do not even exist.
  • In respect to his materialism and determinism Collins was clearly influenced more by Hobbes and Bayle than he was by Locke.
  • The most common opposing view has been materialism or physicalism, a philosophical position maintaining that everything, including mind, is essentially physical.
  • Is this evidence, at bottom, of an irresolvable clash between capitalistic materialism and religious, other-worldly values?
  • We might not kill for things, but we make other concessions to materialism. IN A STRANGE CITY
  • In the middle of nineteenth century Karl Marx propounded the theory of historical and dialectical materialism.
  • And since, even when idealized, nature still remains ˜nature™, it follows according to Jacobi that in practice Fichte's idealism is but a form of materialism. Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi
  • People are far more important than materialism.
  • Materialism traps us, unawares, in a world of possessions hag-ridden by irrational fears of likely loss and lurking dangers.
  • The first is ontological materialism, which says that nothing exists except the material world.
  • Science (all the centuries of knowledge hard won by innumberable lives and struggles) shows us that materialism is true. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • Materialism traps us, unawares, in a world of possessions hag-ridden by irrational fears of likely loss and lurking dangers.
  • Some of his true-life stories are sweet and tender but when he really hits home for me is when he is alone talking to himself or lashing out passionately at hypocrisy, arrogance, falsity and materialism.
  • The philosophy is often called dialectical materialism; dialectical because it incorporates Hegel’s idea of inherent change, and materialism because it grounds itself not in the world of ideas, but on the terrain of social and physical environment. The Worldly Philosophers
  • For by far the greater part, the aesthetic is bracketed in the name of a robust historical materialism.
  • That is a valid deductive argument against materialism, and its premises are hard to deny.
  • The faith of secularists is hidden behind you put your God in gaps (false for the reasons given) and I put materialism into my gaps. A Materialist Red Herring
  • Atheism, skepticism, polytheism, materialism, pantheism, and impersonalism are by their nature contrary to love.
  • Materialism traps us, unawares, in a world of possessions hag-ridden by irrational fears of likely loss and lurking dangers.
  • For example, materialism and dualism are contradictory but both theories are coherent and consistent with experience, and there is no empirical event that could falsify either theory.
  • Unlike many conservatives, he gives equal time to a critique of capitalism - its ravages on human communities, its promotion of a thoroughgoing materialism, and its pervasive inculcation of relativism.
  • How new are cultural materialism and new historicism, for instance?
  • If we adopt the assumption, then of course what medical materialism insists on must be true in a general way, if not in every detail: Saint Paul certainly had once an epileptoid, if not an epileptic seizure; George Fox was an hereditary degenerate; The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • And while this play deals, like all his work, with the conflict between the poetic soul and materialism, I feel Williams sanctifies the dead Sebastian.
  • “Many of the humanities and liberal arts are based on philosophies whose foundations are materialism and disbelief in godly and Islamic teachings,” Ayatollah Khamenei said at a gathering of university students and professors on Sunday, according to IRNA, the state news agency. Archive 2009-09-01

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