- a breach serious enough to destroy the value of the contract and to give a basis for an action for breach of contract
How To Use material breach In A Sentence
- Iraq has failed the resolution's two tests — to disclose and to cooperate — in a manner that constitutes a further material breach of the resolution.
- How to Dissolve Labor Contract on The Basis of Material Breach of Rules?
- If they only have circumstantial evidence, can they still conclude that a material breach has occurred?
- The ruling of incompetency supported Costa Rica's interests in a way that a holding of material breach would not.
- The Soviet Union can never be a party to the Treaty, and material breach gives no rights to non-parties.
- The Soviet Union can never be a party to the Treaty, and material breach gives no rights to non-parties.
- Seller shall deliver the products on time in accordance with the PO and any late delivery shall constitute Seller's material breach of the PO.
- Seller shall deliver the products on time in accordance with this PO and any late delivery shall constitute Seller's material breach of this PO.
- If a Protocol party acts in material breach of the Protocol, who has the right of termination or suspension?