

  1. not mated sexually
  2. of someone who has no marriage partner

How To Use mateless In A Sentence

  • The rain echoed in the shadowy attic space and made me feel small and fragile, like a lace glove left behind on moving day—mateless and abandoned. Bleeding Violet
  • Since I have quite a few of these mateless socks myself, I decided to give it a shot. Use Mateless Socks To Spice Up Planters
  • This is a great recycling project that is fun, and easy, and gives those mateless socks a second chance. Use Mateless Socks To Spice Up Planters
  • Never fear, secluded mateless types: through some meticulous research I have developed some foolproof methods of wooing.
  • Elsewhere Dylan looks to celebrate freedom for the ‘mistreated mateless mother, the mistitled prostitute’, the ‘gentle and the kind’, and for all those who he sees to be on the outside of a harsh and unkind society.
  • Elsewhere Dylan looks to celebrate freedom for the ‘mistreated mateless mother, the mistitled prostitute’, the ‘gentle and the kind’, and for all those who he sees to be on the outside of a harsh and unkind society.
  • Besides, wise elder, there is thine errand to see to; and if I be the God of Love, as thou sayest, I must not keep thee and thy valiant fellows languishing mateless; so with thy leave I will now depart, that I may send you a score of fair damsels for your company. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Single women who find themselves mateless during their usual ‘prime’ years will now have time to build a better life to support themselves and their children (later, and with or without partners).
  • He was lone as a mateless hawk, there on the ledge, against the wall whose stones were pinchingly cold to the small of his back and his spread-eagled arms. The Trail of the Hawk A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life
  • As a result, powerful men of high status throughout human history attained very high reproductive success, leaving a large number of offspring legitimate and otherwise, while countless poor men died mateless and childless. Ten Politically Incorrect Truths About Human Nature | Impact Lab
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