How To Use Matchwood In A Sentence
As we left Stavanger behind, we moved out of the shelter of the Sande headland into open water and the full force of the waves hit us, rocking our little boat like a piece of matchwood.
She'll be smashed to matchwood in a minute, the after-fall has unshipped; "then whipping a knife from the belt of one of them he severed the remaining fall, and saw the boat plunge down sternwards and outwards from the side just in time; another half-minute and she would have disappeared under the steamer's bottom to be hopelessly stove in.
Tessa 1901
My new fear was that the paddle-boxes would be stove into matchwood this actually happened to the Ostend boat that same night about 40 miles away and naked paddle wheels are rather dangerous things.
'fluked' and the crew are tossed high in air, with their boat crushed into matchwood, or meets with some other disaster.
A Memory Of The Southern Seas 1904
Orsini brought the chair down again and again until it splintered into matchwood.
He did, however, blow his bottom off and reduce the kitchen to splintered matchwood.
He signed for his new home at 11 am on Christmas Eve, which by dawn on Christmas day was matchwood.
In the cheap bar of the spendy restaurant, I was told that the Army Corps of Engineers had built a breakwater so ineffectual that any boat taking overnight shelter behind it was likely to be smashed to matchwood on the rocks.
A strangled scream escaped my throat as the great white shark ripped the protective cage to pieces, as if it was made of matchwood…
it was smashed into matchwood
It is the point of the evening: that moment when everything is blown apart, when the stack of chairs that have been tumbled like matchwood at the back of the stage take on a meaning, while the lives of the characters are shattered and jumbled.
One Night in November; Macbeth; Novecento
When I attain power, his wailing guitar will be reduced to matchwood, and put on the fire, thus returning it from whence it came.
Her hair is cross-parted by sleep, blonde as matchwood.
The Right Thing
The vessel was beaten to matchwood on the rocks.
They have been living there up until October 12th and once they moved out the earth-moving machines made matchwood of it pronto.
Show us how easily this Universe can make matchwood of our dreams!
the vessel was beaten to matchwood on the rocks
One hundred beach bungalows were smashed to matchwood as the gales caused £50,000 of damage.
Many mobile homes were reduced to piles of matchwood and twisted aluminium.
In May, a long period of heavy rain caused the Silie River, usually an inconspicuous trickle of water, to change into a roaring, ten-foot-tall tidal wave that one night swept ramshackle wooden shacks away like matchwood.
Two ill-glued legs fell off it, and the rest crumpled to splintery matchwood.
But when, on 17 December, Captain Bonaparte's gunners drove the British and Spanish troops from the key forts on those heights, Admiral Hood saw that he must evacuate the port immediately or have his fleet shot to matchwood.
In 1908, an asteroid or comet about 60 metres long exploded over Siberia with the force of 600 times the Hiroshima bomb, reducing a 40-km wide patch of forest to matchwood.
Their boat was shattered into matchwood against the rocks and sank instantly.
It sheared past in a scream of iron, stripping away a section of the starboard rail and crushing the wooden gangway to matchwood.
A strangled scream escaped my throat as the great white shark ripped the protective cage to pieces, as if it was made of matchwood…
The Orkney makes the very similar Ashford Traveller look like it was built out of matchwood, tbh.
Haldane Orkney.
One shot from the rifled ten-inch guns mounted along its sides and the smaller ships would be matchwood.
Sun of Suns
But nothing of the kind was visible, and the spars, masts, and other wreckage which had reached the rocks had been shattered into "matchwood" by frequent gales.
The Coxswain's Bride also, Jack Frost and Sons; and, A Double Rescue
The on-loan striker brushed opponents aside like they were matchwood, surged forward as unstoppably as a tidal bore, set up one goal, blasted home another.
How Hotshot Hamish put the mockers on me at Hartlepool
The guns of the Thunder Child sounded through the reek, going off one after the other, and one shot splashed the water high close by the steamer, ricocheted towards the other flying ships to the north, and smashed a smack to matchwood.
The War of The Worlds
The full force of the waves hit us, rocking our little boat like a piece of matchwood.
With a curt nod, Mike ordered the others to get her ready, picked up a heavy chair as though it were matchwood, and used it to smash out one of the larger panes of glass.
Boats were pounded to matchwood on the savage, foam-lashed rocks below.
In the harbour the winds tore the boats from their moorings and sent them waltzing out onto the open waves, where they were flung higher than the kirk steeple, only to be toppled down again and smashed to matchwood on the skerries.
They had built a breakwater so ineffectual that any boat taking overnight shelter behind it was likely to be smashed to matchwood on the rocks.
Seismic shifts under the sea bed created a massive wall of water which instantly turned coastal communities into so much matchwood.
Still, those occasions when it all fell into place can still blow your loudspeakers to matchwood.
It thrashed through the shops, turning them into matchwood and bits of toys and upturned fridges.
In the interview, Bill told of being on the ferry when the torpedo from the midget submarine turned it to matchwood and took 21 lives.