

  1. conifer of Australia and New Zealand

How To Use matai In A Sentence

  • The introduction into the United States and the culture of Eleocharis dulcis, the matai of China. Chapter 13
  • There we were introduced to matai and totara and other natives, and also to birds - tomtits, warblers and fantails.
  • The remainder comprises ‘native forests and forest shrublands which contain mature and regenerating kahikatea, matai, rimu, kamahi, kawakawa, pockets of red and hard beech, and a number of other native species.’
  • The proposal to establish an upper legislative chamber composed of the Matai was rejected in the referendum.
  • The lush branches of the totara, matai and kahikatea trees blocked out all remaining light and I was left alone in a dark, unfamiliar forest.
  • The proposal to establish an upper legislative chamber composed of the Matai was rejected in the referendum.
  • Trees in the bush include kahikitea, rimu, thin-barked totara, matai and miro.
  • Tupua Tamasese Efi said the chiefs and traditional orators - "matai" - of his village had stripped him of the ancient kingly title of "Tui Atua", and banished him along with his extended family. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Under the influence of English missionaries Maori customs began to change, eventually leading to daughters of deceased ariki, mataiapo and rangatira being given the right to hold a title.
  • The ‘new’ White Hart Hotel was built in 1886 with around 30,000m of timber, including rimu and matai.
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