How To Use Mata hari In A Sentence
The legend of Mata Hari is, for sure, the most enduring image of the female spy - the vamp who wheedles state secrets out of men by her seductive charms.
One of the best-known honey traps in spy history involves Mata Hari, a Dutch woman who had spent some years as an erotic dancer in Java.
But if you can get a deniable laptop with an anonymous cashpaid dongle have a look it is hysterical on May 4, 2010 at 2: 38 am Agent Mata Hari
Bigotgate – the Diversity Trainers nightmare. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
What was most memorable about Harlem was the waitress, who flirted with concentrated, wilful intensity, a sort of Mata Hari with a tray.
I lusted after Denise Clarke with a schoolboy crush after seeing her in Mata Hari - and the lust has never gone away.
She even has a look of Mata Hari, with her hair tamed into a silky curtain that complements her black designer suit and kitten heels.