How To Use Masturbator In A Sentence
Since I refuse to believe that the author does not know or realize this, I am forced to conclude that he is simply a verbal masturbator playing to some other gallery.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarianism:
Siobhan shook her head in grim amusement as Orbison came to his vaguely masturbatory climax and the answerphone clicked off.
The Priest
Or we can follow Luther and decide it means “masturbator.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Street Preacher Arrested in England for Public Statements That Homosexuality is a Sin
We do not want to diminish the self-respect of our boys and girls, we want to increase it; and we can not do this if we make them believe that a masturbator is a vicious criminal.
Woman Her Sex and Love Life
As they fade from the masturbatory male dream, their exoticism paled by the proof of proper, grown-up ladies who rarely have the look of someone yearning for the touch of a boy with back acne, lesbians are appearing more and more in the fantasies (occasionally sexy, more often domestic) of straight women.
Up front: Eva Wiseman
One of the characteristics of the habitual masturbator is the strengthening, tightening, and overall disproportionate growth of the pronator quadratus, a small quadrangular muscle situated at the distal end of the forearm beneath the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus and the flexor pollicis longus.
An East Wind Coming
From a certain angle, it may look like I'm pressing my hand against myself, in the quick manner of an inexperienced masturbator.
I don't have a gun and I don't have you
One of the characteristics of the habitual masturbator is the strengthening, tightening, and overall disproportionate growth of the pronator quadratus, a small quadrangular muscle situated at the distal end of the forearm beneath the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus and the flexor pollicis longus.
An East Wind Coming
I am not a fan of the time-wastin 'speechifyin', masturbatory roundtablin ', and high-fallutin' blue-ribbon panels that enervate our government.
Bill Singer: Modern-Day Regulation: The Big Broom After the Circus Parade Passes
Or if he's a serial masturbator who enjoys the "Girls Gone Wild" video series.
Derrick K. Baker: Fans' Intimate Familiarity With Athletes Is Overrated
One of the characteristics of the habitual masturbator is the strengthening, tightening, and overall disproportionate growth of the pronator quadratus, a small quadrangular muscle situated at the distal end of the forearm beneath the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus and the flexor pollicis longus.
An East Wind Coming
“Wanker” is a slang term for someone who is a chronic masturbator.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Sweet jeebus, lookit this mess!
Sounds like what you call a masturbator in temple......
The story of Onan (Genesis 38:7-10) is always cited as an example of how God will punish masturbators; this is where we get the term "Onanism," which refers to masturbation.
Over at a welcome area, was it Ahern, I'm told there's a woman who enacts a very vocal masturbatory scene on live voice, to the amusement of the odd assortiment of newbies and "regulars" assembled.
World of SL