How To Use Mastitis In A Sentence
I've heard the word mastitis pronounced a variety of ways by many different people, but the only thi ... brit on Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 at 6: 17 pm and is filed under CommentLuv which will try and parse your last blog post, please be patient while it finds it for you
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He diagnosed mastitis and possibly shingles, and he prescribed painkillers, an antiviral, and cephalexin, a beta-lactam cephalosporin.
Infections such as mastitis and cellulitis tend to be erythematous, tender, and warm to the touch; they may be more circumscribed if an abscess has formed.
Both microbes, however, are known to afflict dairy cows, sheep and goats with a serious bacterial infection called mastitis, an inflammation of the udder, which costs the global dairy industry billions in lost revenue every year.
One mare aborted in 1998 and developed mastitis, and this mare has experienced premature lactation in the subsequent years.
However, complications have included 27 reports of orchitis, 11 meningitis, four encephalitis, four deafness, and one each of oophoritis, mastitis, pancreatitis, and unspecified complications.
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The entire time I breastfed him I suffered from recurring mastitis caused by a nipple blister.
In acute miliary tubercular mastitis breast disease is a part of a generalized miliary tuberculosis.
This results in mastitis - an inflammation of the mammary glands.
Now that she's over a year old, scientists are starting to test her milk for resistance to mastitis, a bacterial disease that costs U.S. producers about $1.7 billion annually.
Other studies have not observed a decrease in milk production for beef cows with mastitis.
Duration of clinical mastitis was reduced in the cows supplemented with both vitamin E and selenium.
Tuberculosis mastitis can occur as primary disease or can be secondary to tuberculosis elsewhere in the body.
When a ewe had trouble - mastitis, milk fever, pneumonia, blue bag - the pens filled with sick sheep and the sheep housing stock shrank.
Signs of mastitis include lumps in the breast, redness, heat and tenderness, and milk solids coming from the nipple.
Proper nutrition is also required to ensure cows can properly ward infections such as mastitis and prevent metabolic problems such as milk fever and ketosis.
Many of the symptoms and effects of deficiencies in copper, iodine and selenium are common such as abortions, stillbirths, deaths in young calves and lowered immunity to diseases like scours, pneumonia, mastitis and metritis.
Sows should be brought up to full-feed as quickly as possible after they farrow, but some producers have observed a higher incidence of constipation and mastitis, metritis, and agalactia if this is done too rapidly.
For the baby's mouth contains bacteria which while harmless in themselves may if they get into the cracks of the nipple set up an inflammation of the breast or "mastitis" and cause an abscess.
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In parts of Africa a productive dairy cow is a very valuable asset, so a condition like teat mastitis can be a matter of life or death for the herd.
In the end they found there were eight women: four with mastitis, one with an infected C-section incision, one with cellulitis, and two with pustular rashes.
I know it really is important to look after your breasts when you're preggers - mastitis is an evil thing indeed.
The most common problem is nipple irritation and associated with that is mastitis, or inflammation and infection in the breast.
One is that oftentimes, there is a condition known as mastitis, which is just an infection of the breast.
CNN Transcript Oct 9, 2002
This also could be benign rashes, poison ivy or even mastitis, which is an inflammation of the breast.
CNN Transcript Oct 2, 2007
And like many dairy cows, she often has mastitis, a painful udder inflammation, despite receiving antibiotics between lactations.
The mother should notify her own and the baby's physician of any symptoms of mastitis, and milk from an infected breast should not be fed.
Although sclerosing adenosis, apocrine metaplasia, duct ectasia, lipoma, fat necrosis, and mastitis are scary sounding, they aren't serious and do not increase risk of breast cancer.
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Infections such as mastitis and cellulitis tend to be erythematous, tender, and warm to the touch; they may be more circumscribed if an abscess has formed.
The best way to prevent mastitis is keep the breast empty of milk.
It may also be the first sign of mastitis, ductal candidiasis or another infectious process.
Smoking greatly increases your chances of a type of mastitis called periductal mastitis, which causes pain and redness around the nipple.
Milk from cows treated with it is likely to contain pus from their udders since the hormone leads to mastitis, or udder infection.
I experienced a lot of problems with my first child including mastitis and cracked nipples in spite of receiving a lot of assistance from the medical staff in the UK.
Cows injected with it are at an increased risk for mastitis, an udder infection that cows producing more milk are more susceptible to.
Objective To study ultrasonographic imagine feature and diagnosis value of plasma cell mastitis.
Milk from cows treated with BGH is likely to contain pus from their udders since the hormone leads to mastitis, or udder infection.
Then I got mastitis, which is clinically defined as a breast infection, in my case from a clogged milk duct.
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Fibrosis, Mastitis, or mild hyperplasia without atypia, ordinary cysts (gross or microscopic), simple apocrine metaplasia (no associated hyperplasia or adenosis), or squamous metaplasia were classified as controls.
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Histologically, tubercular mastitis is a form of granulomatous inflammation.
Infections such as mastitis and cellulitis tend to be erythematous, tender, and warm to the touch; they may be more circumscribed if an abscess has formed.
It is possible, in some cases, to have either yeast/fungal mastitis or bacterial mastitis coupled with yeast.
Her immune system is greatly compromised, and she becomes susceptible to a number of crushing diseases, such as mastitis (painful swelling of the udder), ketosis (disease of the liver), laminitis or lameness (resulting from metabolic strain), "milk fever" (unnatural loss of calcium from the blood supply), and infertility.
Dairy Cows and Veal Calves
Early diagnosis of mastitis or garget is carried out by measuring the concentration of 3-hydroxybutyric acid in milk.
Vitamin E injection significantly reduced the incidence of retained placenta and metritis but had no effect on clinical mastitis.
Although sclerosing adenosis, apocrine metaplasia, duct ectasia, lipoma, fat necrosis, and mastitis are scary sounding, they aren't serious and do not increase risk of breast cancer.
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The most commonly used agents have been lincomycin and tylosin for controlling dysentery and Mycoplasma infections in swine and spiramycin for treating mastitis in cattle.
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These latter nutrients also help improve the sow's immune-response and prevent subsequent lactation complications such as mastitis, metritis, and agalactia.