How To Use Masterwort In A Sentence
The old fashioned casual looks of masterwort is exceptional in cottage and country gardens where it first got its start.
There's wormwood, woodsorrel, masterwort, zedoary, and angelica; and lastly, there is a little bottle of the sovereign preservative against the plague, as prepared by the great Lord
Old Saint Paul's A Tale of the Plague and the Fire
There's wormwood, woodsorrel, masterwort, zedoary, and angelica; and lastly, there is a little bottle of the sovereign preservative against the plague, as prepared by the great Lord
Old Saint Paul's A Tale of the Plague and the Fire
In the middle ages Masterwort was thought to be a remedy against every disease, as we can easily see from the strong name.
Masterwort, though rare in the wild state, was formerly cultivated in this country for use as a pot-herb and in medicine.
Masterwort produces spiky blooms scattered in clumps; however, it is also known for its medicinal properties.
Masterwort is useful in case of difficult digestion, colics, also in case of bronchitis for its pectoral action.
One of the most interesting is a multi-year observation of altered life-cycles in local flora (like jewelweed, chickweed, masterwort, goldenrod, etc.) under the kudzu.
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