
How To Use Mastermind In A Sentence

  • As professional profiler, Max suspects that the mastermind is a frustrated academic.
  • But now the wannabe mechanic has masterminded an innovative scheme to help put both himself and other youngsters on the road to success.
  • It is not known how he came to Europe to mastermind the attacks or if he remained in hiding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Guitarist and producer Dave is a PhD student at Columbia, and a musical mastermind.
  • John Barnard, the world's greatest designer, has been recruited by new team mastermind Harvey Postlethwaite.
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  • He is set to become a working peer and likely to mastermind civil service reform. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is ample fact -- and we also have plenty of evidence -- proving that this incident was organized, premeditated, masterminded and incited by the Dalai clique," Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said today, in denouncing the Dalai Lama's supporters as instigators of what he described as violent protests that rocked the region in recent days. What They Are Saying
  • They called him a mastermind, they called him a genius… but he couldn't plan for this?
  • Beneath the cartoon graphics lurks a series of puzzles so fiendish and ingenious that only a twisted mastermind could think of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The senior officers who masterminded the murder have not been indicted.
  • He is persuaded to stay on to keep a criminal mastermind alive long enough to spill the beans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neal Caffrey (Matt Bomer), a charming criminal mastermind, is finally caught by his nemesis, FBI Agent Peter Burke (Tim DeKay). Set a Thief to Catch a Thief « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
  • What will happen to that plan if its mastermind departs? Times, Sunday Times
  • actionist" Kenna masterminded the expedition in which many of the world's brightest minds and major global influencers will climb Tanzania's Mount Kilimanjaro. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • But the man who masterminded the triumph was engaged in very different reflections. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bordi is credited with breathing new life into ailing Ducati in the early 1990s, masterminding launches like the 916 and Monster.
  • Another knock is the fact that Sir Lawrence Olivier 'plays' Totenkopf, the evil mastermind behind the robot scourge. Review - Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
  • Sheikh Mohammed as to why he "masterminded" the attacks on 9/11: Printing: Answering Helen Thomas on Why They Want to Harm Us
  • So why would the army be hiding a man who has been masterminding the attacks? Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe then the juveniles will be coming out of detention as reformed people, not as crime masterminds!
  • Dafoe plays a computer mastermind who seeks revenge on his former employer by commandeering a luxury cruise ship.
  • A fraudster jailed after making a fortune from masterminding a timeshare swindle could be forced to pay £80 million to his victims.
  • Bara also warned that such a hasty accusation could prompt a perception among the public that it is merely camouflage for the real masterminds of the bombings.
  • If you were an diabolical terrorist mastermind living in a cave, around what place would you centre your evil terrorist plans?
  • If the top mastermind is in Yemen, what the hell are we doing building a quagmire in Afghanistan? Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 9, 2010
  • But you need a thoroughbred forensic expert to put the pieces together, to search for the missing links, to finally point fingers at the mastermind behind a crime.
  • This pair of fast-paced, off-centre sketches masterminded by Reeves and Mortimer features a cast of comedy stars.
  • It doesn't take a mastermind to see that this is a real dogfight. The Sun
  • Myers will play British Gen. Ed Fenech, a military mastermind who takes part in hatching a plot to wipe out Nazi leaders," writes the trade. Mike Myers Joins Tarantino’s ‘Inglorious Bastards’…Er, Is Anyone Else Concerned? » MTV Movies Blog
  • But the man who masterminded the triumph was engaged in very different reflections. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not known how he came to Europe to mastermind the attacks or if he remained in hiding. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he is not a criminal mastermind. Times, Sunday Times
  • As flight director, Mr Noble, who attended Burnley Grammar School and took up ballooning in 1974, was to mastermind the ascent and ensure the pilots return safely to earth.
  • i still don't think the riddler would work. the real riddler is too soft for nolan's dark world, and a hard edged riddler would be too similar to the joker. the only way i could see it work is if the joker masterminded the plans even if offscreen and the riddler is a naive, narcissistic pawn. Check This Out: Awesome Fan Made Dark Knight Sequel Poster! «
  • We passed our damning evidence to the police, who swooped on the companies' premises and arrested the masterminds behind the bogus operation.
  • THE new IVF lottery mastermind is planning similar games for cancer victims and the elderly. The Sun
  • It seems like the sort of thing a twisted criminal mastermind would do. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time in England, mathematician Alan Turing, a seminal figure in the foundations of modern computer science and the mastermind who helped break the German Enigma cryptograph machine during the Second World War, wrote about the evidence for psi: ENTANGLED MINDS
  • Â The pulp magazines ruled the racks, with the actual advent of the superhero still two decades away, a man named Johnston McCulley masterminded the adventures of a rich nobleman in fin de ciecle California who took up sword and mask to fight crime and corruption. Zorro #1 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • He was a terrorist, one of the FBI's most wanted criminals and the mastermind behind the worst terrorist attack on US soil. Now, Usama Bin Laden is dead.
  • From behind, his slim frame and long hair make him look like one of the director's young assistants, rather than the mastermind of the £20 million film.
  • His scraggly beard, prayer callous on his forehead and thick glasses make him look more like an unpleasant and pious schoolmaster than a terrorist mastermind.
  • He had been credited with masterminding the doctrine of ‘pre-emption’, which argues that a state can take military action to deter an attack.
  • Five suspects accused of masterminding the June bombing are on trial in the southern port city, charged with conspiracy, murder and terrorism.
  • Keep your work cards close to your chest today because a plan you have masterminded faces sudden changes. The Sun
  • Will it lead to the mastermind of the plot?
  • It seems like the sort of thing a twisted criminal mastermind would do. Times, Sunday Times
  • More recently, he has masterminded the rise and rise of the Leicester club he played for with distinction and he cites several reasons for their current omnipotent state.
  • Unfortunately, the ideological collision of the two masterminds is something I wish Ritchie would have applied more heat to early on, as it simmers on low for too long, and is left undercooked by the time the figurative chess match they've engaged in for two films is literalized in a pay-off that should be familiar to anyone who's read Doyle's "The Final Solution," the only story where the two actually meet. Zaki Hasan: Zaki's Review: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
  • The mastermind of the expedition was a Frenchman.
  • A bungling thief who masterminded a plot to defraud cashpoint customers by installing a camera in an ATM machine has been jailed for two-and-a-half years.
  • Dafoe plays a computer mastermind who seeks revenge on his former employer by commandeering a luxury cruise ship.
  • He is set to become a working peer and likely to mastermind civil service reform. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he masterminded a shock victory against his old charges, who also put out an experimental outfit. The Sun
  • Only the masterminds of this scheme knew the full truth.
  • Masterminded by founders and senior pastors Brian and Bobbie Houston no self-respecting mega-church is seen dead these days without an alliterating husband-and-wife team at the helm, Hillsong's brand of 'prosperity theology' found a hungry market in Sydney's affluent, conservative Baulkham Hills district during the 1990s. Christopher Price: Australian Idolatry: Evangelical Christians Resurrecting the Music Industry
  • Bernie is the mastermind behind it all, effortlessly floating from style to style, showing his skill at the most delicate of musical forms, and then funking it up like a maniac.
  • He became the club's director of rugby and masterminded four league titles and two European Cup wins.
  • The government accused Escobar of masterminding a double car bombing in Bogota on Monday which killed four people and injured dozens more.
  • But you don't need to be a criminal mastermind to target our rather fat and sluggish financial institutions.
  • He may have masterminded the design of many of his stock of objects de luxe and automata, but they were made in the workshops of leading craftsmen nearby.
  • Many people assumed that I was masterminding a great shift at the top echelons of government.
  • The governor says a terrorist plot was masterminded behind these prison walls.
  • Though Dawson may not have masterminded this sophisticated and influential forgery, his complicity in the affair was strongly suspected.
  • Sir Peter Gershon, who masterminded a recent report on slimming down the public sector, was a former senior executive in the defence and electronics industries.
  • The search for a foreign mastermind of the attacks, however, has so far not panned out.
  • The American spin doctor is the man masterminding the image factory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Promotion has brought the end of an era for the teacher who masterminded the success of a world-class school brass band.
  • Beneath the cartoon graphics lurks a series of puzzles so fiendish and ingenious that only a twisted mastermind could think of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often he dashes from schooling Long Run to masterminding his dental empire. The Sun
  • The woman who successfully masterminded Bolton's dream of university status is to retire next year.
  • The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.
  • This dog is obviously a young criminal pooch mastermind testing our responce times before he goes on a moggy killing spree, lets hope its not near the campus at Coventry or we will never catch him in a golf buggie. Blogs Are For Dogs (2) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • If I were scripting this whole thing as a "Wag The Dog" dark satire (I might start on that tonight), I would have editrix Joanna Coles and some white-haired, CBS honcho (who vaguely understands twitter as something his grandkids use) meeting in a suite at The Four Seasons with the slick 23 year-old social media mastermind who's making this whole thing go click, click, click. Erica Kennedy: Are Marie Claire and CBS Wagging the Dog?
  • But the executives who masterminded the relaunch maintain that critical acclaim would eventually have translated into increased sales.
  • He is persuaded to stay on to keep a criminal mastermind alive long enough to spill the beans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doesn't seem necessary at this point, the main mastermind already plead guilty in military tribunal and asked for the death penalty. Bombing Master Minds(?)
  • So why would the army be hiding a man who has been masterminding the attacks? Times, Sunday Times
  • Following the bombing of the United Nations building on August 26, 2011 in Abuja by Boko Haram, which claimed about twenty three lives, Mamman Nur was identified as the mastermind and security agencies subsequently declared him wanted," a statement from the government state services department said. Nigeria sets $160,000 bounty on U.N. bomb suspect
  • First, how much internet did this criminal mastermind steal? Times, Sunday Times
  • The rich family has an English butler who is masterminding a plot to kidnap Michelangelo and hold him for ransom.
  • I think it was smart of Sugar to mastermind a coup this close to the end to add to her 'outwit' credit with the jury, but neither her or Suzie can win in the jury against Bob, Matty or Kenny. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • The producer, in the role of the mastermind, is avarice and villainy personified, as the role demands.
  • Generals Roh and Chun now face charges of corruption and of allegedly masterminding a 1979 coup that brought them to power.
  • That is not as daft as it sounds after the Italian masterminded this dazzling victory. The Sun
  • This may be excellent fodder for people who are aspiring to be the next winner of Mastermind.
  • Police assume that this was about the time when the criminal masterminds abandoned their plan and ran off.
  • In the next few months he will have a crucial role getting the economy back on track, finding more spending cuts and masterminding public service reform. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is not as daft as it sounds after the Italian masterminded this dazzling victory. The Sun
  • Although he is now officially bankrupt, the underworld mastermind still has a multi-million-pound property empire.
  • It was like facing down a tiny, diapered mastermind. The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf
  • And is this tape proof that he masterminded the attack on America?
  • He masterminded a number of terrorist attacks.
  • he masterminded the robbery
  • Backstage on Friday, exactly the opposite outcome was predicted by World Book Night's mastermind, Jamie Byng. Book lovers flock to hear Trafalgar Square readings
  • The mastermind behind this operation was sitting directly at the center of the huge plateau.
  • The advertising manager is the mastermind of our new marketing policy.
  • If you think your dog has what it takes to be a canine genius, or your cat could be a feline mastermind, now is your opportunity to find out just what makes a clever pet.
  • Keep your work cards close to your chest today because a plan you have masterminded faces sudden changes. The Sun
  • It turns out that he's currently working on a project with my favorite Ethiopian musical mastermind.
  • If the internees really were international terrorists who had been captured in brilliant operations by security services, they would then be able to use their inside knowledge to mastermind campaigns against Britain from overseas.
  • One of the most refreshing aspects of the album is that this is a European album, from a German musical mastermind, that doesn't sound like it should remain on the European continent.
  • ‘But, we have yet to speak about the masterminds behind the bombing operation,’ he added.
  • Hamels, who owns the best changeup this side of, well, Jamie Moyer, is just one of a multitude of weapons that can be deployed by manager Charlie Manuel, who will never again be called a bumpkin after masterminding just the second title in 125 years by the Phillies. The Seattle Times
  • He is suspected of being the mastermind behind the bombings.
  • The advertising manager is the mastermind of our new marketing policy.
  • During his time there, he moonlighted as a public relations consultant, masterminding arrangements for Prince Albert to lay the foundation stone for new docks at Grimsby.
  • (Soundbite of music) WHITEHEAD: Konitz also appears on the new CD "Jugendstil II," masterminded by bass player Stephane Furic Leibovici. Lee Konitz: Always Stretching His Sax
  • Anyway, the Privateer, a former Manhunter who had apparently reformed, is revealed to be a scheming criminal mastermind. 26 « January « 2009 « The Manga Curmudgeon
  • It doesn't take a mastermind to see that this is a real dogfight. The Sun
  • Bill Clinton was accused by conspiracy theorists of having murdered his friend and White House legal adviser Vince Foster; George Bush had to contend with the Truthers who believe he was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks.
  • He eventually confessed to being part of a bomb plot masterminded by the British embassy.
  • He believes the film makers clearly identified him as the mastermind behind the murder despite his acquittal at the Special Criminal Court.
  • First, how much internet did this criminal mastermind steal? Times, Sunday Times
  • The mastermind behind the scheme was executed after a brief trial.
  • Im sure Uncle Karl would find me quite demode, but its on my life list to attend one of the chanel couture grande atelier shows he masterminds. Okay, Karl, Just This Once - A Dress A Day
  • So who was the mastermind who devised the scheme in the first place?
  • Generals Roh and Chun now face charges of corruption and of allegedly masterminding a 1979 coup that brought them to power.
  • In fact her upward trajectory had been masterminded by a public relations company called Quite Great. Times, Sunday Times
  • An Australian teenager has become an overnight Internet celebrity for admitting that he was the mastermind behind the "mouseover" attack that led to Tuesday's Twitter ... Pearce Delphin, Australian Teen, Takes Responsibility For Twitter Mouseover Attack
  • They also argued that the evidence missing at the original trial showed that some one else could have masterminded the bombing.
  • In effect the children transformed themselves into pop impresarios - masterminding a campaign to propel a band called X-Factor into the charts and on to superstardom.
  • Meanwhile a Briton is being questioned in Holland on suspicion of masterminding a multi-million-pound heroin smuggling ring, police said yesterday.
  • Why did you invite me all the way out here from London to mastermind your publicity campaign, Roman?
  • Salameh was a close associate of the alleged mastermind of the Trade Center bombing, Ramzi Yousef.
  • There the teen-age detectives are constantly beset by vicious henchmen of a criminal mastermind.
  • Several of the prime suspects, accused by human rights groups of masterminding the violence, are high-ranking government ministers.
  • Ian Botham, mastermind of the epic booze-up on the Channel island of Alderney, enjoyed a wicked laugh.
  • Salameh was a close associate of the alleged mastermind of the Trade Center bombing, Ramzi Yousef.
  • Clive DerbyLewis, a smooth-talking politician of the ultra-right Afrikaner Conservative Party, was the mastermind.
  • THE alleged mastermind behind a gun smuggling plot was yesterday compared to a movie Mr Big. The Sun
  • The advertising manager is the mastermind of our new marketing policy.
  • He knew that he'd not easily find the masterminds behind the attacks.
  • My opponent became increasingly frustrated by my beginners luck and masterminded a cunning ploy to level the scores.
  • He followed his London 2012 success by helping Rio de Janeiro win the 2016 Olympics and, most contentiously, masterminded Qatar's 2022 World Cup bid victory. Mike Lee: 'Football and athletics don't work as a combination'
  • He is not malevolent, a manipulator or much of a mastermind.
  • A builder from South London, McAvoy was the mastermind of the robbery.
  • A major criminal masterminded the huge fraud.
  • The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.
  • We passed our damning evidence to the police, who swooped on the companies' premises and arrested the masterminds behind the bogus operation.
  • Either way, it would clearly take all of the cunning and guile of an evil criminal mastermind to penetrate such online defences.
  • Of the 120 suspected of masterminding the genocide, 82 have so far been indicted and 67 arrested.
  • Three men who masterminded a sophisticated credit card fraud which could have netted them millions were yesterday locked up for a total of 16 years.
  • Generals Roh and Chun now face charges of corruption and of allegedly masterminding a 1979 coup that brought them to power.
  • Now, more than 50 years later, the "Star Wars" mastermind is returning to the genre for an all-CG film he's producing. George Lucas Producing CG-Animated Musical About Fairies » MTV Movies Blog
  • While the bigheads have been predicting (and bemoaning) the postliterate society, the kids have been supplementing their Potter with the narratives of Lemony Snicket, the adventures of teenage mastermind Artemis Fowl, Philip Pullman's challenging His Dark Materials trilogy, the Alex Rider adventures, Peter Abrahams 'superb Ingrid Levin-Hill mysteries, the stories of those amazing traveling blue jeans. Stephen King Rails Against Deathly Hallows Reviewers
  • How did the individuals who masterminded and ran the camp system rationalize their own behavior?
  • Overall, this is a disjointed album that sounds like it was masterminded by MTV marketing reps.
  • THE new IVF lottery mastermind is planning similar games for cancer victims and the elderly. The Sun
  • She had no management at that time, and we masterminded the whole situation.
  • After drafting and validating the declaration, he became a member of the secret congress committee which masterminded the defeat of the British then helped draft the peace treaty.
  • An Australian teenager has become an overnight Internet celebrity for admitting that he was the mastermind behind the "mouseover" attack that led to Tuesday's Twitter mayhem. Pearce Delphin, Australian Teen, Takes Responsibility For Twitter Mouseover Attack
  • The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.
  • Rajaratnam has gone on trial for allegedly masterminding an insider-trading ring.
  • Anne Rice is a mastermind in intertwining the occult and christianity in a suductive series within a series. any one who doesnt love this book is insane Reader reviews of Merrick by Anne Rice.
  • The three accused are certainly not in the category of the political or military masterminds behind the conflicts and atrocities.
  • Organic Bouquet is certified by Veriflora, the eco-label certification standard for the floral industry, which was masterminded by Gerald Prolman, founder of the company ten years ago. Annie Spiegelman: Send an Organic Bouquet This Valentine's Day
  • But the electronic music mastermind who expertly mixes experimental ideas with danceable beats is coming back to town, and this time he gets to play at a club that will best showcase his array of sounds. Nightlife Agenda: Eden's new Green Room and Karaoke Championships
  • The suspected mastermind of that case reportedly escaped from prison three years earlier by digging a tunnel.
  • But he is not a criminal mastermind. Times, Sunday Times
  • WASHINGTON (CNN) – Sen. John McCain hammered the Obama administration Friday for its decision to try accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and four other suspected terrorists in a civilian court in New York. McCain blasts decision on terror suspects
  • Adding the Club World Cup trophy to the Champions League, Serie A and Italian Cup titles masterminded by his predecessor will relieve some of that pressure on the former Liverpool boss as he looks to lift Inter in the second half of the season from their current seventh spot in Serie A. | Top Stories
  • His scraggly beard, prayer callous on his forehead and thick glasses make him look more like an unpleasant and pious schoolmaster than a terrorist mastermind.
  • But he masterminded a shock victory against his old charges, who also put out an experimental outfit. The Sun
  • Sarah Lipstate, the Brooklyn-based mastermind of the one-woman band Noveller, is an experimental guitarist whose investigations of her instrument prove unusually comely and warm. Indie-Rockers Converge for a Spring Thaw
  • Masterminded by Gen Alberto Díaz, this was the last offensive on the WW I Italian front, mounted to assault the Austrian forces sitting astride the Piave river in north-east Italy.
  • A Russian pensioner has been arrested after allegedly masterminding a scam geared to lifting the credit card number of Western tourists visiting Moscow cyber cafes.
  • Actually I forecast that, that is precisely what will happen, and sadly you don't need to be mastermind to work out which country will be the winner. livinginsweden @jack spart The Local - Sweden's news in English
  • A mastermind is leaving mirrored clues about a plan to destroy the Earth amid thefts of a beryllium sphere and oscillation overthruster. The Middleman: The Complete Series » DVDs Worth Watching
  • And the mastermind behind the big sting must have been wearing a beekeeping suit. The Sun
  • He was said to have "masterminded" the Mickey Mouse Revue featured at Disney World and Tokyo Disneyland. Obituaries of note: Emory Bellard, Bill Justice, Tom Carnegie, Derek Rawcliffe,
  • Salameh was a close associate of the alleged mastermind of the Trade Center bombing, Ramzi Yousef.
  • Standing tall, black hood and mask concealing all but his yellow eyes, and carrying his deactivated double-edged saber, was the mastermind of this entire plan.
  • A ninth generation Early, Charles, who masterminded the move to Sedbergh, said the Indians used to equate the brightly coloured blankets' value to how many beaver skins they were worth.
  • The building has clearly been crafted with extreme care and many people were involved in masterminding the practical details.
  • He had been the mastermind behind the whole plan, I was sure he could get us out of all of this trouble.
  • Though Dawson may not have masterminded this sophisticated and influential forgery, his complicity in the affair was strongly suspected.
  • There's no need for participating animals to be specially skilled - but if you think you know a canine genius or feline mastermind, now's the time to prove it.
  • What will happen to that plan if its mastermind departs? Times, Sunday Times
  • Regardless of whether I suspect a conspiracy to slaughter Pattinsons's sex appeal in one foul swoop, I just wanted to put in my two cents by saying I believe the masterminds behind this film are sacrificing the true timeless romeo and juliet nature of this saga in what can only be an attempt to unshackle itself from the stigma of being a chick movie. ‘Eclipse’ Is Coming In June, And Here’s What We’re Hoping Will Sell It To A Wider Audience » MTV Movies Blog
  • The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.
  • He might not be a criminal mastermind, but he could do some math.
  • Now we should introduce you to the man alleged to have masterminded the scheme.
  • In the next few months he will have a crucial role getting the economy back on track, finding more spending cuts and masterminding public service reform. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was the mastermind behind the plan to acquire the explosives.
  • The use of the word 'leader' is intended to convey the impression that the masterminds of the Taliban are being taking off the battlefield. Nato success against Taliban in Afghanistan 'may be exaggerated'
  • The uproarious, bawdy image of these parties is wholly at odds with the petite, soft-spoken 41-year-old divorcee who has masterminded it all.
  • On the other hand, I do not believe that the police or military can uncover the masterminds behind the blasts.
  • The raid, one of the most daring crimes of the century, was masterminded by Italian playboy, Giovanni Cattani.
  • Only a small elite could understand and mastermind the seizure of power by the proletariat. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Being the intelligent evil mastermind, he had already devised a scheme to rid him of the burden.
  • An international think tank of scientists known as the Jasons has discovered a way to bioengineer autistic children who show savant talentsmathematical geniuses, statistical masterminds, brilliant conceptual artistsinto something far greater and far more frightening, in hopes of creating a world prophet for the new millennium, one to be manipulated to create a new era of global peace ... a peace on their own terms. The Last Oracle by James Rollins: Book summary
  • My opponent became increasingly frustrated by my beginner's luck and masterminded a cunning ploy to level the scores.
  • Those who masterminded the assassination of Prime Minister Gandhi remain unpunished.
  • Maybe there are some true consultant masterminds out there for whom every pause is a dogwhistle to pundits, for whom every turn of phrase is frought with Da Vinci Code-like hidden meaning -- I haven't covered them. The Paranoid Style of American Punditry - Swampland -
  • Often he dashes from schooling Long Run to masterminding his dental empire. The Sun
  • The U.S. suspected Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks
  • Immediately after 9/11, we could conceivably have surrendered to either Saudi Arabia – source of most of the suicide hijackers – or Afghanistan – harborer of mastermind Osama bin Laden. Sandy Frank: The Stateless Enemy
  • THE wife of a drugs kingpin who masterminded a 306 million heroin supply chain has been jailed for eight months. The Sun
  • There have been several reports of missed opportunities in capturing the excused terror mastermind.

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