How To Use Masterly In A Sentence
The scene where she finds succour in tinted glasses when her eyesight has been shot away is masterly.
Times, Sunday Times
The description of the cultural and physical coarsening which the circumstances evoke is masterly.
Nobel Prize in Literature 1991 - Press Release
You get a sense of shared solitude, conveyed subtly but precisely, with masterly delicacy and without ostentatious ‘acting’.
After such men as Morhof and Thomasius had prepared the way, (148) Frederick William I., himself a clever cameralist, and author of the masterly financial system of Prussia, took the important step of founding, at Halle and Frankfurt on the Oder, special chairs of economy and cameralistic science; which, considering the time, were very ably filled by Gasser and Dithmar.
System der volkswirthschaft. English
This is a masterly account: detailed but always readable, authoritative but strenuously objective.

It is a masterly physical performance, because of the nature of the film.
Ireland's masterly tactical performance was a shock but they were the better team, with more attacking invention.
Times, Sunday Times
Heine’s mental history, but because they are a specimen of his power in that kind of dithyrambic writing which, in less masterly hands, easily becomes ridiculous:
The Essays of "George Eliot" Complete
The artist's use of contrast is masterly.
The author eventually picks up the various threads of the plot and weaves them into a masterly conclusion.
It was a masterly strategy in which they re-wrote the rulebook by campaigning as an independent party in government.
Colours, space, light, and composition are used to masterly, painterly effect.
Even a casual glance reveals masterly mark-making which, while it appears so deliberate, is also clearly spontaneous.
This is the unidealistic version; as always she is richly sexual -- the very timbre as well as her masterly deployment of it (listen to the chalumeau of 'Nachtgespenster' and 'laenger') make one see and feel the disordered bed, the sultry night, the sensual coils.
Les lignes, les couleurs, les sons deviennent vagues
At which Bernal threw his head back, hair streaming like an oriflamme… and gave an address, eloquent, passionate masterly, prophetic, which lasted 45 minutes.
It will take a masterly spin doctor to conjure upbeat images from a bleak Kansas youth.
The old 1970s TV recordings of his stories are worth downloading if you haven't seen them, although perhaps the most atmospheric way to experience one of his masterly bits of spookery is to go to one of actor Robert Lloyd Parry's superb solo performances as I did in January.
A terrifying Christmas in prospect
I have heard him, upon other occasions, talk with great contempt of people who were anxious to gratify their palates; and the 206th number of his Rambler is a masterly essay against gulosity.
Under the headmasterly rule of His Excellency the Life President Ngwazi Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda (to give him his official moniker), Malawi was peaceful, tidy, friendly, and decidedly old-fashioned.
If Guthrie wishes to be seen as having left the world of hemline journalism behind him, now is his heaven-made chance to demonstrate a headmasterly fairness and impartiality - one that is quite clearly beyond Marr and the boys.
In a series of masterly experiments von Baeyer demonstrated several years ago the chemical nature of the phthaleins and showed that, just like the already known rosaniline dyes, they may be classified as derivatives of the hydrocarbon triphenylmethane.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1905 - Presentation Speech
His concealment of his true motives was masterly.
The phrase a wise and masterly inactivity was used in America by Representative John Randolph of Roanoke: We ought to observe that practice which is the hardest of allespecially for young physicianswe ought to throw in no medicine at allto abstainto observe a wise and masterly inactivity.
Sir James Mackintosh (1765-1832)
These reviews were masterly not only in terms of style but depth of musical knowledge.
It was a masterly performance.
Times, Sunday Times
Stravinsky would produce a second masterly score for the 1911 season when Fokine choreographed Petrushka, the sad, sinister tale of a puppet which provided yet another vehicle for the uncanny talents of Nijinsky.
Sergei Diaghilev: first lord of the dance
Leonardo is famous for his masterly paintings, such as The Last Supper and Mona Lisa.
He gave a masterly account of the solo role in this work which makes huge demands on the soloist.
However, while the X-ray of a multiarmed 10th-century Buddha reveals similar pins, the casters did such a masterly job that the surface appears unblemished.
Cambodia's Bronze Mettle
And Ilya Bolotowsky's neoplastic, three-sided, painted wood sculpture "Trylon" 1977 is a masterly exploration of primaries, opacity and transparency.
Of a Decade and a Dollar
There was especially a hoy who, after being compassionated in money for his misfortune, continued to fling his wooden leg into the air and wave it at our window by some masterly gymnastics; and there was another boy who kept lamenting that he had no mother, till, having duly feed and fed him, I suggested, “But you have a father?”
Familiar Spanish Travels
The handling of scale is masterly: a lovers 'chase can expand into a ferocious group bacchanale in a second; a stageful of violent emotion can be dissipated with a single dancer's shrug.
Pina Bausch's Tanztheater Wuppertal: Agua
After such men as Morhof and Thomasius had prepared the way, (148) Frederick William I., himself a clever cameralist, and author of the masterly financial system of Prussia, took the important step of founding, at Halle and Frankfurt on the Oder, special chairs of economy and cameralistic science; which, considering the time, were very ably filled by Gasser and Dithmar.
System der volkswirthschaft. English
Archbishop of York David Hope wagged a headmasterly finger at one of his bishops yesterday and declared that the Church of England has no intention of abandoning the poor.
Short stories whose characters had turned to wood, essays which had refused to come to a point, poems in which laboured craftsmanship had numbed and weakened the original impact of beauty – all these presented themselves to my inverted brain in their finished form, masterly, unsmutched and point-device.
Try Anything Twice
To its followers, heritage offered a free ticket into a past liberated from the schoolmasterly disciplines of chronology, narrative, and moral judgment.
It is also that they can't stand his mix of bumptiousness and headmasterly pomposity.
Trouble in the House: is a bitter class divide fuelling David Cameron's dislike of Commons Speaker John Bercow?
One of the many charms of The Letters of Kingsley Amis (2000), which has been edited in masterly fashion by Zachary Leader, is the way in which the collection demonstrates the slow transformation of this symbiotic relationship, whereby each man took on some of the qualities of the other and mutated rather nicely into a counterpart rather than an opposite.
The Man of Feeling
‘I could not but highly plume myself on my masterly management in getting rid of Bartleby.’
And by 2001, he was back on his political throne, having waged a masterly election campaign.
The masterly series of Montalbano novelsby Andrea Camilleri, set in Sicily, is well-captured in the Italian TV films of Excursion to Tindari and one with a title about croquettes (seeminglywritten for TV by the author).
December 2008
If you want a masterly lesson in suspenseful storytelling, read this book.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Reading shapes writers
He transcends his screen persona and ensures a masterly performance.
In masterly understated fashion he talks of what a ‘lovely time’ his stint with Celtic has provided him.
All day he maintained his perilous station between the city and the Barbarians: Villehardouin decamped in silence at the dead of night; and his masterly retreat of three days would have deserved the praise of Xenophon and the ten thousand.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
He says that paper plus water, plus emotion will give a result in themselves and proceeds with the idea at hand in what may without the least temerity be called a masterly fashion; he has run the gamut of experience with his materials from the earliest
Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
a masterly performance of the sonata
He played with a masterly coolness and a sheer footballing brilliance.
Times, Sunday Times
He played with a masterly coolness and a sheer footballing brilliance.
Times, Sunday Times
He is a master of platitudinous nonsensical mutterings meted out in a muttonheaded masterly display of the obvious.
Shakspeare's genuine text, backed by the masterly illustrations of his ablest glossarist, before the wishy-washy adulterations of Nobody: and as a small contribution to his abundant avouchment of the original reading, the underwritten passage may be flung in, by way of make-weight:
Notes and Queries, Number 189, June 11, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
The painters, hearing these words, applied themselves with all diligence to do what he required of them and wrought it out in masterly style; and when they had made an end of the work, they showed it to the Wazir who, seeing his so-called dream set forth as it was280 was pleased and thanked them and rewarded them munificently.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The scene where she finds succour in tinted glasses when her eyesight has been shot away is masterly.
Times, Sunday Times
Under the headmasterly rule of His Excellency the Life President Ngwazi Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda (to give him his official moniker), Malawi was peaceful, tidy, friendly, and decidedly old-fashioned.
I have read many books about different aspects of this enormous subject, but none that brings the diverse pieces together so well, in such an absorbing and truly masterly way.
He would walk up to the middle in a carefree manner, and set about his act in a masterly fashion.
Linnean Society of England, for a masterly treatise on a group of acari, or _mites_, known as the _oribatidæ_.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
Apart from these two errors, the book is a masterly and worthy account of a crucial period in our history with excellent maps.
The scene where she finds succour in tinted glasses when her eyesight has been shot away is masterly.
Times, Sunday Times
The teamwork in this performance is masterly - puppeteers, narrator and musician had such rapport that we were never aware that this was an illusion.
His designs rework colors, patterns and textures in masterly permutations.
That said, Ali Baba's forte lies in its masterly lahmacuns and pides - appropriately enough, Turkey's answer to the pizza.
His hallmark full, burnished tone and his strong technique have developed into something masterly.
Ages 6+ How resourceful Polly outwits the wolf who eagerly stalks her in the hope of eating her is a masterly blend of risk-taking and triumph.
Recommended reads: ages 5–7
But, even though she was reputed to be somewhat headmasterly over the usage of English, she had a charming and engaging social presence.
As one would expect from his highly efficient biography (also unofficial) of Ted Heath, he shows a masterly command of the politics of the period.
In their speech, there is a tendency to be rhetorical and instructive and school-masterly and sermonising.
Thus there may be found many a courtling at Rome who alone holds twenty-two cures, seven priories, and forty-four prebends, all which is done in virtue of this masterly gloss, so as not to be contrary to law.
Of the Matters to be Considered in the Councils
Yet I have heard him, upon other occasions, talk with great contempt of people who were anxious to gratify their palates; and the 206th number of his Rambler is a masterly essay against gulosity [2].
Life Of Johnson
He combined with admirable art, and in masterly proportions, the thirst of a gormandizer with the discretion of a judge.
Les Miserables
He gave a masterly display in round one of the World Chess Championship.
It was the usual beguiling mixture of flight, changes of pace and masterly control of the wrist spinner's art.
Times, Sunday Times
Both are masterly works in different veins.
Times, Sunday Times
He was a brilliant improviser with a dry wit and a masterly sense of timing.
The sheer density of colour and brushstrokes are of an artistic labour that is almost too difficult and masterly to comprehend.
“And I must say, Isabel …” Dad turns his finest headmasterly gaze in my direction.
Confetti Confidential
Sayeed himself made a distinctly Vicky Pollard apology, and this was followed by a headmasterly contribution from Sir George Young, the chairman of the Committee on Standards and Privileges, which set out the facts of the case.
Archive 2005-02-01
As a reply it was masterly, leaving them not a whit clearer than they had been before.
This is a work of chilling, masterly control.
The Times Literary Supplement
This masterly policy of inactivity, represented by the word 'taihoa', had been played off by the Maoris with wonderful success.
The third and fourth movements last exactly ten minutes each and again, Graffin is a masterly exponent of the romantic shades and hues that Bréville creates.
Lord Adair Turner, chairman of the U.K. Financial Services Authority, this week delivered a headmasterly lecture to the miscreant schoolboys who created this mess.
The Return of the 'Governor's Eyebrows'
The dueling scene where we go from hating the rotter to feeling pity for him to hating him again when he finds a way to screw Casanova over was masterly.
The Sinfonietta is well established in the concert repertoire as an ideal curtain-raiser, and the operas are rightly regarded as modern classics, still challenging but unshakably masterly.
But the last few hours had developed several surprising internal and external phenomena, which impressed upon me the fact that if I didn't make a masterly retreat very soon, I should tumble down somewhere, and have to be borne ignominiously from the field.
Hospital Sketches
McRae meanwhile was giving a masterly display of controlled, aggressive driving.
It is also that they can't stand his mix of bumptiousness and headmasterly pomposity.
Trouble in the House: is a bitter class divide fuelling David Cameron's dislike of Commons Speaker John Bercow?
The scene where she finds succour in tinted glasses when her eyesight has been shot away is masterly.
Times, Sunday Times
‘With pleasure,’ said I, and playing another measure in masterly fashion, sang thereto these couplets,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
At the most there exist some indications -- e.g. in Morselli's masterly work (2) -- of the existence of some concordances between the phenomenology of mediumism and hysterical, hysteroid, or at least "sensitive" temperaments.
Lola or, The Thought and Speech of Animals
David Warner is nicely sinister as Evil Incarnate, and Sir Ralph Richardson, that stately old figure, is a headmasterly Supreme Being.
The opening chapters are masterly, moving at a rapid pace.
She showed the knight her masterly strength of limb; she carried him by force (and that must needs be) and pressed him rudely 'twixt a clothes-press and the wall.
The Nibelungenlied
The author eventually picks up the various threads of the plot and weaves them into a masterly conclusion.
Their understanding of how the media works and their ability to pluck the public heartstrings was masterly.
Times, Sunday Times
Staines 'encounter with Michael White is well known, but I have fond memories of Draper being taken apart by a headmasterly Anthony Howard too.
Guido Fawkes and Derek Draper to wrestle in mud
The flow gives the impression of being slightly held in reserve, but the conductor's masterly control of rubati conjures the required effect.
He gave a masterly display in round one of the World Chess Championship.
His use of anecdote is both masterly and thriftless; he takes episodes around which less skilful writers would have built entire chapters and delivers them in a few perfectly weighted sentences.
Animal Magic: A Brother's Story by Andrew Barrow – review
In the first chapter, Hadley introduces the topic and provides a masterly and useful survey of books and doctoral dissertations on the subject over the last fifty years.
But the sound of Neptune's fateful waves lapping the nearby shore is masterly.
The fact that he brought that coalition together was a masterly performance.
Accompanied by often quaky narration by real police, "Top Cops" and "Secret Service" re-create two or three true tales of police bravery or masterly detective work in one 60-minute episode.
Television's Cop Connection
In addition, there have been almost daily policy statements from Cabinet colleagues, which he frequently sits through, nodding in a headmasterly fashion at members of Team Brown.
Archive 2007-07-29
The book concludes with a masterly bibliographical essay that is an invaluable guide for readers who want to expand their study of Mormonism.
Five Best: Samuel Morris Brown
He was the classic dour, authoritarian socialist, a masterly desk and committee politician but disdainful of and untalented at electoral politics.
This is the unidealistic version; as always she is richly sexual -- the very timbre as well as her masterly deployment of it (listen to the chalumeau of 'Nachtgespenster' and 'laenger') make one see and feel the disordered bed, the sultry night, the sensual coils.
Les lignes, les couleurs, les sons deviennent vagues
Aversion to niche pitches runs all the way from ITV's schoolmasterly Peter Fincham ( "niche interest programme proposals may be better directed at a niche interest channel"), via Sky's untypically blunt Stuart Murphy (ideas "can't be niche"), to even More4's seemingly fed-up Hamish Mykura (who has had his fill of "programmes people bring me that are too small and niche to survive elsewhere").
Why don't TV controllers want to find a niche?
It's a sort of firm, headmasterly tone, but a warm and kindly one too.
Novak Djokovic v Rafael Nadal - as it happened! | John Ashdown
Christ in masterly fashion drew a distinction between God and emperor while at the same time decreeing obedience to both God and emperor [1] – a fact that did not prevent the imperial procurator's condemnation of Christ to death on the cross.
Introduction to Hugo Rahner's "Church and State in Early Christianity"
Parker, indeed, they could not easily turn away, but Lord Peter found himself confronted with a surly manner and what Lord Beaconsfield described as a masterly inactivity.
Whose Body?
Waterloo; one of the scenes of the foundation of the story which we are relating is connected with this battle, but this history is not our subject; this history, moreover, has been finished, and finished in a masterly manner, from one point of view by Napoleon, and from another point of view by a whole pleiad of historians. 7 7
Les Miserables
might I respectfully suggest to the Town Council that they should adopt a policy of masterly inactivity?
That exhibition demonstrated the ways in which Spain's sartorial inheritance—the matador's embroidered bolero, the flounces of Flamenco, the lace veils of Catholicism, the stark outerwear of shepherds—had been absorbed and abstracted into Cristóbal Balenciaga's masterly and vastly influential Paris couture.
Between Heaven and Earth
His work is discussed, interpreted and evoked with masterly succinctness.
It is also as masterly an example of the etcher's art as you will ever see.
No more beautiful film was released last year, each frame a masterly composition that looks as if it has been hand-tinted by Zen artists.
Yet I have heard him, upon other occasions, talk with great contempt of people who were anxious to gratify their palates; and the 206th number of his Rambler is a masterly essay against gulosity.
The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D.
The superiority of his picture over Falconer's, lies in the simplicity and strength of the style, in the ease of the narrative, in the variety of the incidents and characters, and in certain short masterly touches, now of pathos, now of infernal humour, and now of description, competent only to Byron and to
The Poetical Works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer With Lives, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes
A single masterly stroke sufficed to draw the cylindrical stalk from one joint to another, or the pointed leaves which are so quivering with life that we seem to hear the plaintive voice of the wind "combed," as the Chinese writings express it, "by the reeds.
Chinese Painters A Critical Study
Fry took on the role of headmasterly host – and it was ironic then that this is where he has ended up, rightly deemed a national treasure thanks to his charming residency as the High Priest of Trivia on QI.
Six to watch: comedy panel show hosts
His sixfold screen, Pine Wood (Tokyo National Museum), is a masterly rendering in monochrome ink of a grove of trees enveloped in mist.
Lawrence Ziring has written a masterly account of the events leading up to the killing of Mujib in his 'Bangladesh: From Sheikh Mujib to Ershad: An Interpretive Study' (Dhaka, Bangladesh: University Press Limited, 1994).
To Dance Upon The Air
Her masterly voice has a magnetic quality, a dose of which has floored crowds across Europe.