How To Use Masted In A Sentence

  • These Schooners along with several other larger four masted Schooners and Barkentines would help pioneer the lucrative sugar trade from Hawaii to California’s C&H refiners near San Francisco.
  • He pointed toward a sleek two-masted brigantine anchored at the end of the long sloping street.
  • Two years ago he dismasted the Ghost in a gale on Bering Sea, whereupon the present masts were put in, which are stronger and heavier in every way. Chapter 6
  • An eight-metre yacht is due to arrive here today after it was dismasted and almost capsized in gale-force winds along the Wild Coast late on Tuesday night.
  • Over 100 three and four-masted sailing ships will be berthed on the quayside here for over a week.
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  • If she has been dismasted, which is possible, you would scarcely discern her at the distance she must be off by this time. The Cruise of the Dainty Rovings in the Pacific
  • The Providence could carry an enormous stretch of sail for a seventy-foot, single-masted ship. John Paul Jones
  • My canal-side atelier is filled with the sights and sounds of tall-masted old sailboats and put-putting tugboats outside and that ochreous Dutch sunlight pouring in during the afternoon. Susan Fogwell: An American Sculptor in Holland
  • Another yacht was dismasted off the The Needles and was towed into Poole by the Swanage lifeboat.
  • We passed a ship, two schooners, and a four-masted barkentine under the smallest of canvas, and at eleven o'clock, running up the spanker and jib, we hove her to, and in another hour we were beating back again against the aftersea under full sail to regain the sealing ground away to the westward. Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
  • He succeeded brilliantly but at the cost of reducing his flagship to a dismasted wreck.
  • The race began with light winds, but things got dicey the next day as a northeaster raged through the fleet in the Bay of Fundy with winds up to 40 knots, and six boats dismasted.
  • At five past two this afternoon Wednesday Swansea Coastguard received a Mayday from a French sailing vessel reporting that they had dismasted and were now drifting two miles North of Lynton in North Devon. Sailing Vessel dismasted and drifting off Lynton, North Devon
  • But above decks, they are superb replicas of the sleek, four-masted barquentines which dominated sea travel at the end of the 19th Century.
  • Other ships on the high-seas in the late 1700's and up to the end of the 1800's were the sloop, a single masted ship that could carry a mainsail, topsail and foresail.
  • These Schooners along with several other larger four masted Schooners and Barkentines would help pioneer the lucrative sugar trade from Hawaii to California’s C&H refiners near San Francisco.
  • Docked closer inshore on the pier was a two-masted, black-hulled schooner with a single side-wheel and a thin runnel. The Order War
  • He knew her at once: three-masted barque, high bowsprit -- the Constantine. THE MAIN CAGES
  • There, on the beach, not fifty feet away, bow on, dismasted, was a black-hulled vessel. Chapter 32
  • Other ships on the high-seas in the late 1700's and up to the end of the 1800's were the sloop, a single masted ship that could carry a mainsail, topsail and foresail.
  • Billingsgate: the ships begin opposite the Tower: two or three great three-masted vessels are shown: and two or three smaller ships of the kind called ketch, sloop, or hoy. The History of London
  • In the past month alone, the Dunmore East lifeboat crew had travelled 48 miles south east of the harbour to the rescue of a dismasted French yacht and brought it ashore.
  • Lighter vessels ranged upward from the cutter, a single-masted schooner with as little as one cannon on the open deck, or nothing but swivel guns mounted on her railings.
  • A white-masted yacht flying the American flag had emerged from the smoke that drifted over the water in the lea of the island. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • Mr. Morgan armed his single-masted sailboat with the latest in high-tech gear, and he avoided the need for repairs by outfitting it with two of everything: two sets of sails, two rudders, two satellite navigational systems and two machines to convert salt water into fresh water. Dodge Morgan, first American to sail solo, nonstop around the world, dies at 78
  • The sea-going eunuchs fell from favour (Zheng's missions were staggeringly costly) and by 1500 it was a capital offence to go to sea in a two-masted ship without permission.
  • We'd boarded the five-masted square-rigger Royal Clipper about 12 hours earlier, but my first evening afloat was shrouded in a somewhat hazy glow.
  • The Balun is a 24-meter, two-masted Turkish gulet, a kind of wooden sailboat also known as a caique (pronounced "kai-eek"). Slow Boat to Croatia
  • One of the single-masted vessels had slipped its mooring and as Phoebe watched it was dashed against the harbor wall. EVERVILLE
  • He found a small, single-masted sailing vessel of some forty or fifty tons, a sloop or bawley-he would not be certain which. Movie Night
  • The Ningpo, 138 feet in length and 31 in beam, was a medium-sized 300 ton three-masted Fujian style ocean-going ship, very similar to what’s called the Fuzhou pole junk design. The Ningpo: A Chinese Ocean-going Junk « Far Outliers
  • Most appear to have been three-masted and ship-rigged, like their larger cousins. Champlain's Dream
  • The maritime industries in all their variety, from building five-masted schooners to rowboats and all the related supporting trades, are represented.
  • Curry called it a miracle that everyone on board made it into rafts and survived after the three-masted Concordia apparently experienced a weather phenomenon known as a "microburst" - a sudden, violent downdraft of wind - that instantly crippled the vessel Wednesday. KDKA: TOP VIDEO Videos
  • The boat was dismasted, the engine and electronic equipment didn't work, and the cabin was partially flooded.
  • Masted in three masted barque with topgallant, royal and double topsails, she had a wooden masting containing top masts and topgallant masts of a single piece and a bowsprit without jib-boom.
  • Ocean steamships passed up and down the estuary, and lofty-masted ships, towed by red-stacked tugs. CHAPTER XV
  • The Ocean Gypsy didn't have a mizzen - she was one-masted!
  • The two-masted, lateen-rigged ships of the unforgotten midland sea were still unknown to these Norse seafarers. His Disposition
  • The cadets and professional sailors on-board the four-masted barquentine, a training ship owned by the Japanese government, scrubbed the vessel down for public tours this week.
  • What I find so interesting is that all the ships Hind, Rolph had built, whether four masted Schooners of four masted Barkentines, they were all nearly identical.
  • a three-masted bark
  • Yes, I have heard something curious on that score, sir; how that a dismasted man never entirely loses the feeling of his old spar, but it will still be pricking him at times.
  • On the afternoon of the third day he picked up a schooner, dismasted and battered. Chris Farrington, Able Seaman
  • There is also only one mooring ball in the entire park located about a mile southwest of Loggerhead Key at the wreck of the Avanti, an 1875 three-masted windjammer that sunk on the reef in 1907.
  • Thirty years ago I was dismasted right here off the Plate in a clap of wind that come on just as that come on. CHAPTER XXVIII
  • Dowrey plays a BOARDING ACTION on the now dismasted Royal Sovereign. Enemy in Sight, Turn 2: The Royal Sovereign falls « Third Point of Singularity
  • We passed a ship, two schooners, and a four-masted barkentine under the smallest of canvas, and at eleven o'clock, running up the spanker and jib, we hove her to, and in another hour we were beating back again against the aftersea under full sail to regain the sealing ground away to the westward. Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
  • She was a three-masted steamship that went down while sailing from Boston to Liverpool carrying 400 cattle.
  • The "Sophie" Sutherland, a newly-built, three-masted, full-rigged schooner, out of San Francisco, is hunting seals along the Japanese coast north to the Bering Sea and Chris Farrington and a Swedish boat-puller named Emil Johansen, argue over protocol. “Why this longing for life? It is a game which no man wins.”
  • The other vessels were a three-masted zebec with an English sloop which she had captured and A Sailor of King George
  • Lighter vessels ranged upward from the cutter, a single-masted schooner with as little as one cannon on the open deck, or nothing but swivel guns mounted on her railings.
  • It was a ship: a black ship, single-masted, square-rigged, with a dinghy behind. Greenwitch
  • He was the master of a small three-masted vessel called a xebec, armed for privateering, the _San Antonio_, manned by Ivizans, engaged in constant strife with the galliots of the Algerian Moors and with the ships of England, the enemy of Spain. The Dead Command From the Spanish Los Muertos Mandan
  • These trading boats were three-masted, oceangoing junks, known as “big-eyed chickens” for their red sails and the huge pairs of eyes painted on their bows, put there by the sailors who believed that these magic oculi could spot pirates lying in wait up ahead. The Last Empress
  • probably was so masted when she set forth
  • And from out of the night, over the roofs of Trewissick from the dark inland moors, came sailing again the phantom ship of Cornwall, single-masted, square-rigged, with a dinghy behind, that had sailed up out of the midnight sea in the haunting. Greenwitch
  • At least some joined the xebecs, the swift three masted boats used by the pirates.
  • The three - masted barque took to the water as a bulk cargo carrier.
  • They sat under the flags of all allied nations that fought in the struggle and the half-masted Australian flag and ensigns of the Services, but all eyes were focused on the 1500 veterans of the hell that was the war in the Pacific.
  • But you have an educated hand...' `The only education I had was picked up on the orlop deck of a three-masted frigate. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Above the mantel a wooden shadow box holds a half-model of a three-masted clipper ship, which was discovered in a barn in Navesink, New Jersey.
  • By the way, Mr. Pathurst," he remarked, "do you happen to remember how many years ago Mr. Mellaire said it was that he was dismasted and foundered off here? CHAPTER XXIX
  • The yacht My Dolphin was dismasted and wallowing upon the waves.
  • The English did not apply the term corvette to brigs, but designated such two-masted vessels as brigs-of-war, though they are sometimes spoken of as brig-sloops. How Britannia Came to Rule the Waves Updated to 1900
  • In sailing parlance, she is known as a three-masted barque.
  • Last year, the same boat was dismasted during the race.
  • Only one of the crewmen survived; the couple on the dismasted sailboat was rescued by helicopter.
  • A ketch is a two-masted craft, Master Geoffrey," John Lirriper said. By England's Aid Or, the Freeing of the Netherlands, 1585-1604
  • THE STUBBY-MASTED SAILBOAT WITH THE SINGLE OVERSIZED gaff-rigged sail cruised over the deep blue waters of Chesapeake Bay, pushed along from directly behind by a steady fifteen-knot breeze from the southwest. SERPENT
  • The two first class stamps show Nelson wounded and the British ships, the cutter Entreprenante and Belleisle, which was left dismasted.
  • The Danish three-masted full-rigged training ship ‘Georg Stage’ arrived in Waterford on Tuesday, June 15, and will remain berthed on the city's quays until Friday as the countdown continues to Tall Ships' Race 2005.
  • The Sybil was towed into port on the fifteenth “totally dismasted and without anchor or chains.” CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • One tremendously successful ship design was the two-masted brig of war.
  • Like its sister ship, the Nippon Maru, which visited Richmond two years ago for the Tall Ships Festival, the Kaiwo Maru is a four-masted barquentine.
  • Like its sister ship, the Nippon Maru, which visited Richmond two years ago for the Tall Ships Festival, the Kaiwo Maru is a four-masted barquentine.
  • Eighteen years ago you were dismasted off the Plate in the CHAPTER XLII
  • The argument is that a three-masted ship had three yards on each mast for the square sails, making nine in all.
  • That night, the Trumbull was caught in a storm and dismasted; the next morning the Iris found her again and took Nicholson and his crew prisoner. Robert Morris
  • Guests can also board the world's last four-masted, full-rigged ship, the ‘Falls of Clyde,’ built in Scotland in 1898.
  • Savruga is a twin-masted gulet motor / sailer 23m long with a 6.5m beam.
  • What I find so interesting is that all the ships Hind, Rolph had built, whether four masted Schooners of four masted Barkentines, they were all nearly identical.
  • The cadets and professional sailors on-board the four-masted barquentine, a training ship owned by the Japanese government, scrubbed the vessel down for public tours this week.
  • The race began with light winds, but things got dicey the next day as a northeaster raged through the fleet in the Bay of Fundy with winds up to 40 knots, and six boats dismasted.
  • The Tropic Bird was a three masted Barkentine built by master shipbuilder John Kruse at the Coos Bay Oregon, shipyard of Captain Asa Meade Simpson.
  • He knew her at once: three-masted barque, high bowsprit -- the Constantine. THE MAIN CAGES
  • There was also the Cutter, also single masted but she had a Gaff Mainsail, square topsail and Foresail.
  • Some ships were dismasted and used as prison or storage hulks.
  • The loss of this three-masted clipper, and her 27 crew, has remained one of Australia's greatest sea mysteries.
  • In 1875, my grandfather sailed for the islands of Southeast Asia in a four-masted iron sailing barque. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • The sides of the ships are protected by iron plating of eight-inch thickness amidships, which is an inch more of iron than the armour possessed by the majority of our masted sea-going ironclads, many of which are twice or thrice the size of the _Cyclops_ and her sister-ships. Man on the Ocean A Book about Boats and Ships
  • The Tropic Bird was a three masted Barkentine built by master shipbuilder John Kruse at the Coos Bay Oregon, shipyard of Captain Asa Meade Simpson.
  • The ship was a threemasted barque and had two coal-fired steam engines.
  • Shipping was the era's celebrated industry, and Shanghai was an artery for the silk and tea that flowed between the Orient and the West on full-masted junks and swollen clippers.
  • The demasted yacht was subsequently hoisted on to a trailer and transported back to France by road.
  • The Balun is a 24-meter, two-masted Turkish gulet, a kind of wooden sailboat also known as a caique (pronounced "kai-eek"). Slow Boat to Croatia
  • Inside the niche stood a single-masted sailing boat, an iceboat, resting on long titanium runners. Ice Hunt
  • Platitudinarian; latitudinarian; attitudinarian," came the answer, with a chuckle, then, turning to Filmer, who had stepped over to hear the joke, he added, "What do you think of my boat?" and pointed to a slim, black, two-masted steam-yacht that lay anchored just off the shore. The Rapids
  • Some ships were dismasted and used as prison or storage hulks.
  • Or, suppose I had been a sail ship, and had come in dismasted, and the dockyard was the only place where I could be refitted, would you have denied me a mast? and if you would not deny me a mast, on what principle will you deny me coal, both articles being declared by your Government innoxious? The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter
  • Even the most absent-minded can't miss the tall-masted ships in the harbor. Paul LaRosa: South Street Seaport Museum Sinking Fast...
  • This two-masted 225 ton wooden brig, built in 1840, also was the victim of gale-force winds.
  • Only one of the crewmen survived; the couple on the dismasted sailboat was rescued by helicopter.
  • The latest vessel to confirm its involvement is the 295-feet long Eagle, a three-masted sailing barque with 21,350 square feet of sail and five miles of rigging.
  • It had been forced to run before another violent storm until, dismasted and rudderless, it too had struck the huge rock at the mouth of Farnescombe Bay.
  • But above decks, they are superb replicas of the sleek, four-masted barquentines which dominated sea travel at the end of the 19th Century.

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