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How To Use Massively In A Sentence

  • They are happening in a system that's constantly working to full capacity, massively understaffed and unable to cope with the impact of cuts to social care. Times, Sunday Times
  • I thought maybe my family would like it too (little did I realize back then just how much my family does not care for Indian food), and so I made it for them, increasing the mustard seeds but massively reducing the pepper flakes for my heat-averse mother (I did not know to sub in paprika then). Tried & True Goan Style Vindaloo
  • We have been massively underspent over the past three years. The Sun
  • They are also massively supported by volunteers who undertake thousands of hours of unpaid labour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will computers make trains so massively more controllable as to amount almost to a new form of transport?
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  • My bank incorrectly debits a transfer twice from my account, sending me massively overdrawn.
  • A pair of large stone lions preside massively over the approach to the Summer Palace.
  • What this did was massively penalize the Netherlands, bumping it out of the seeded teams and making it one of the sides nobody wanted to face.
  • tonight the haddock were shoaling massively in three hundred fathoms
  • It's very pleasing that as you add parallel client loads, the server pretty well just soaks it up with massively sublinear slowdown. Planet Sun
  • My systems have always been what you would call massively paralleled, meaning to a great degree all of the machines are doing the same thing but on different data. The Net's Master Data-miner
  • Clive and Elsa are massively proud of the new male and female they have in their tank, whom they are now encouraging to perform a mating ritual-dance known as imprinting and whom they whimsically name Fred and Ginger. Splice
  • I feel massively guilty that I resisted the inducement.
  • Many times analysts are "prepped" by financial companies Public Relations employees that purposely feed them massively negative information that they know is inaccurate. Home Page
  • Its massively thick silver body often measures more than 2m in length, powerful and muscular, cylindrical in section, and gradually tapering to the tip of the tail.
  • A few centuries later Caesar was describing the sturdy ocean-going ships of the Veneti of Armorica, massively constructed with thick nailed planks.
  • Evans and his crew returned victorious from the 1928-29 Surfboat Championships and set off to tackle the Bombora now breaking massively out to sea off the surf club.
  • My pal Wagner James Au is a pro games writer who's working now as an "embedded reporter" (heh) at a games startup, chronicling the developments in the world of a new massively multiplayer game. Boing Boing: July 13, 2003 - July 19, 2003 Archives
  • The game is massively popular with younger people. The Sun
  • Services are going to terminate at St Pancras, and the station is being massively redeveloped.
  • The quality and choice available have improved massively over the past few years. The Sun
  • It is a sideshow, a massively expensive distraction from the main game.
  • It plays like a regular massively multiplayer online game, except you're the only person playing. The Sun
  • I pity such detractors, because if their spirits were not massively moved by the tragedy of a great hero expiring on the battlefield, they must be blocks of stones.
  • Let's just say that spending 75 minutes wandering around North Cambridge at 1am with a very drunk person who is sure that each road junction looks familiar wasn't massively edifying.
  • A massively revised list, with approximately 70 hot-linked entries, is now available here.
  • He's really impressed and has been massively complimentary about my new-found svelte figure. The Sun
  • Football has never featured massively in the lives of this hard-working city of bankers, real estate moguls and shopaholics.
  • This intricate web of departments and agencies, massively staffed, is technically controlled by the president, but often seems to control him, whether through Cabinet brawls of clashing egos or interagency turf wars -- a specialty in the Bush years, particularly during the first-term prelude to Iraq, when ideological differences pitted Donald Rumsfeld and his hawks at Defense against Colin Powell's diplomats at State, with Condoleezza Rice, in her small redoubt at the National Security Council, squeezed out altogether. Powell's Books: Overview
  • Such a skeptic denies we could know most of the things we take ourselves to know, because we cannot rule out the logical possibility that we are massively deceived about the world.
  • Each is massively framed by an ornate gilt rococo cartouche carved by Giovanni Giuliani in 1706.
  • One of the reasons computer programs are so brittle is that everything is digital, so a single bit flip could massively change a value. October | 2005 | Impromptus
  • Become the CEO of some massively large company and then force that company to never again donate money to political campaigns. Think Progress » Chuck Todd: ‘The Tea Party gets a big benefit’ from Fox News’ promotion.
  • This is contributing to the farming crisis, and deaths from starvation are likely to increase massively because farmers are too weak to plant or reap their crops.
  • ‘A couple of years ago they were massively underperforming,’ says Chambers.
  • And when those efforts begin to produce results, the innovator has to be ready to mobilize resources massively. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • In the topsy-turvy chaos of a web world where images and ideas are deracinated, massively projected, manipulated and recycled, Lawson's beachwear has already become iconic – and in a small way, revolutionary. Nigella Lawson and the great burkini cover-up
  • The instrumentation has been massively improved and includes an arced rev counter with the redlines at 9,000.
  • In fact, the bushes are uneven in setting out and in growth, unkempt and massively overgrown.
  • Such a skeptic denies we could know most of the things we take ourselves to know, because we cannot rule out the logical possibility that we are massively deceived about the world.
  • Why are local authorities now playing down the scale of the problem (massively in my view) as instanced by their estimate of $30 million for repairs?
  • Which free market, you don't mean the massive military industrial complex do you, or do you mean that market where the spivs in London flood the country with money which massively inflates house prices then demand more from the Government to settle bad gambling debts, meanwhile Joe Bloggs loses everything, his job, his house and his life savings. The optimists of Davos past now face a world whose script has gone awry | Timothy Garton Ash
  • If you are living in a rent-controlled apartment paying one-tenth the market rent, knowing the truth about rent control would mean acknowledging that you are benefiting massively from a policy that is harmful in general. Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Update Alex sez, "A" more ferocious "internet-edition of boggle is available here, using xmlhttprequest for real-time Massively Multiplayer Online Boggling. - Boing Boing
  • This extra heat is actually the reason why a lot of manufacturers push the term notebook over laptop - having two massively complex chips running all the time means that the form factor is not ideal to use on one's lap. PC Authority
  • We are massively excited about the way we are going and hope we can build on that. Times, Sunday Times
  • What if IBM hadn't grown so damn big and hadn't developed such a massively complacent conceit of itself and its achievements?
  • The sum total of the game's main and side quests amounts to a massively long adventure, and the first five or so hours of that experience have you fighting waves of scags (think giant rats) and dimwitted barbarians who lack any artificial intelligence whatsoever. The Buzz
  • Its concerns are massively wider than the lowest common denominator of xenophobic prejudice to which the Sun consistently plays.
  • This immensely powerful player has massively enhanced his transfer value. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the opposite side of the room was a large, massively-constructed copying camera, the front of which, carrying the lens, was fixed, and an easel or copyholder travelled on parallel guides towards, or away, from it, on a long stand. The Red Thumb Mark
  • The proposed north front shows a massively enlarged 19-bayed façade, centred around a grand colonnaded tetrastyle (that is, with four frontal columns) portico and curved perron, with flanking tetrastyle end pavilions.
  • That seemed massively illogical to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • In real life, the battle that ensued at Agincourt became known for the dominance of English longbows; common tellings hold that the longbowmen were massively outnumbered by the French, and that their victory was consequently a pretty big deal. Tudors / Elizabeth Writer Aims at Agincourt | /Film
  • For example, every unit I was in was massively featherbedded and when they say "the right way, the wrong way, and the Army way," they're not kidding. Main RSS Feed
  • In the massively enlarged spleen, extramedullary hemopoiesis was prominent, with clusters of atypical megakaryocytes with vacuoles and erythrophagocytosis.
  • Implementations would be free to use other implementations for example, implementing map with super duper multithreading on massively multicore systems, but there'd really be no excuse for not providing them. Snell-Pym » R7RS
  • Duncan's poetry of the forties and fifties is massively influenced by the Metaphysicals.
  • The Spinning Mule marked a turning point for the textile industry as it massively increased the quantity and quality of yarn spun.
  • This is only one consequence of the real story, that of the massive abuse of the expense system or more accurately, that of a massively abusable expense system that has clearly been milked. OPEN THREAD
  • It will also contribute massively to a youthful appearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • And when those efforts begin to produce results, the innovator has to be ready to mobilize resources massively. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • Unlike the limbic–brain stem system, it does not contain loops so much as highly connected layered local structures with massively reentrant connections. Mind Wide Open
  • The rub is that Obama's ally, Afghan president Hamid Karzai, and his half-brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, preside over a massively corrupt government and show no evidence of willingness to reform it. In Bob Woodward's 'Obama's Wars,' Neil Sheehan sees parallels to Vietnam
  • It's better when you haven't got players on massively long and immovable contracts and that's the way it is going.
  • These ratios reflect the narrow and gracile diaphysis of the ulnae, compared to the massively expanded proximal epiphyses, where the lateral and medial processes are extended into narrow crests from the main shaft. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Nor will they stop buying giant unheatable houses which they will then massively overheat and overcool, until the rising ocean is lapping at their doorsteps. Bush Solution to Global Warming: Bomb Iran
  • Now I massively absorb the life energy to repair my injury organism.
  • Massively behind in her clerical work, Jordan needed help but had no time to interview a slew of applicants.
  • This immensely powerful player has massively enhanced his transfer value. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pair of large stone lions preside massively over the approach to the Summer Palace.
  • In sharp contrast, her junk-food-eating brother who loves hamburgers is massively overweight and so are her mother and father.
  • Massively (his new favourite word) over-excited. Times, Sunday Times
  • It recklessly uses 20% of its water supply to produce coal-fired electricity , and then invests massively in using that electricity to desalinize ocean water. The Full Feed from
  • We have so massively exceeded any kind of political entity the Founding Fathers could have possibly imagined or anticiapted (in size, in numbers, in geographical distribution, in ineducable ideological rigidity; in grotesquely uneven distributions of power, in potentials for abusing that power, in possibilities for indoctrination and propaganda; the list goes on) that the mechanisms for making fundamental changes to the basic legal structures of our union are incapable of functioning any longer. Think Progress » After Whining About Being ‘Suppressed,’ Chamber Discloses It Spent $123 Million In Lobbying
  • Kozol quoted a recent speech by President Obama who said high school dropout rates have tripled since the early 1980s -- when, Kozol says, the schools began to "massively resegregate" and Brown vs. Kozol on America's Segregated Schools
  • Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply. The Sun
  • Isn't this, too, a massive intelligence failure, even if massively unnoted by the media?
  • But it would be massively obtuse not to acknowledge the grotesque and terrible injustice the Magdalene Laundries represented, and what a blazingly and compellingly powerful indictment this film is.
  • Nor will they stop buying giant unheatable houses which they will then massively overheat and overcool, until the rising ocean is lapping at their doorsteps. Bush Solution to Global Warming: Bomb Iran
  • This process massively diminishes its sirtuin-activating flavanols, seriously compromising its health-promoting qualities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply. The Sun
  • It's really for dedicated gamers, but this platformer is massively rewarding if you stick with it. The Sun
  • My bank incorrectly debits a transfer twice from my account, sending me massively overdrawn and making my account unusable for days.
  • Slum populations are often deliberately and sometimes massively undercounted.
  • Experts warn balancing the entire grid in real time is massively more complicated than occasionally reducing peak demand, and question whether ripple control could do the job.
  • And China has threatened to respond by massively increasing its nuclear armoury.
  • As a country we are still underperforming massively on the international athletics stage and our track and field medals haul is simply not good enough when you consider our population and sporting heritage.
  • U.S. leaders recalled what happened after World War I, when Germany's first democracy, the Weimar Republic, was massively weakened economically by having to pay off reparations.
  • Shrek 4 surely will open huge, but theaters prefer leggier hits as opposed to massively front-loaded blockbusters. Scott Mendelson: Weekend Box Office in Review
  • Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply. The Sun
  • In short, we "believe" (note a root meaning of "belief" is "lief" -- which is wishful thinking) what we believe mostly because we have been massively socially/culturally programmed to have these beliefs. The straight-jackets of humanity are socially conditioned and absolutized institutions.
  • The North Atlantic basin is massively overfished and the fisheries are in dire trouble - but no one is taking this lesson to heart, said Rosenberg.
  • I noticed that I was massively fatigued and not able to sustain my weight and I was on the toilet about six or seven times a day.
  • They were still massively economically disadvantaged because they had no access to credit. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the oceans, we've depleted fish stocks massively. The Sun
  • These are also euphemistically called scalable parallel, massively parallel, or cluster computers.
  • Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply. The Sun
  • Using techniques he learned as a brilliant participant in MMORPGs, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, he easily eludes his pursuers and continues to track his victims, some of whom Kathryn is able to save, some not. Roadside Crosses by Jeffery Deaver: Book summary
  • We are massively excited about the way we are going and hope we can build on that. Times, Sunday Times
  • One US company is accused of massively inflating its profits by setting up sham companies to send fake invoices which the coalition paid.
  • Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply. The Sun
  • The finding that fetuses with hydrops are at very high risk for fetal or neonatal demise led to the performance of either fetal surgical resection of the massively enlarged pulmonary lobe (fetal lobectomy) for cystic/solid lesions or thoracoamniotic shunting for lesions with a dominant cyst. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • The "extras" -- the word hardly does them justice -- include a Loach profile on TV's Southbank show from 1993, a new documentary about the making of the film and his landmark feature Cathy Come Home, a massively popular TV movie as worthy of attention on its own as anything Loach has done. Michael Giltz: DVDs: Jonathan Demme's "Wild" Ride
  • In reality it was a massively subsidised way of training pilots without putting them in banned fighter aircraft. Spitfire Women of World War II
  • They can be perfectly combined with in shell Brazil nuts (shelled by hand, because the nuts are massively shelled through the use of either heat or quick-freezing, which also originates ‘dirty’ protein), for on-the-go.
  • Xplorer offers users a migration path to the firm's GigaCube massively parallel supercomputers which are also to use T9000s.
  • The massively arched door, in the style of a portcullis, is defended on either side by rampant lions, petrified in mid-snarl.
  • ‘We reckon we've been massively outspent,’ he said.
  • I have little choice but to find a better job in the same sector because student fees and loans have left me massively in debt.
  • To begin with, it's a massively multiplayer online game, meaning that the game takes place strictly online, involving other players from across the globe.
  • A pair of large stone lions preside massively over the approach to the Summer Palace.
  • He was taller than I by five or six inches, and massively, obesely overweight, shaped like a great egg, with a huge wad of fat at his belly that hung down over his groin and lapped at his thighs. The Black Angel
  • His weight has risen massively and his body has ballooned.
  • A pair of large stone lions preside massively over the approach to the Summer Palace.
  • This is significant because the social networking titan, which is breaking nearly every metric on the Web time spent, traffic, news dissemination, display ads could capture part of the market for a massively important app for desktop and mobile devices, one currently dominated by Google and Microsoft. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announces new email, messaging system
  • I learned early in my career that if I was delivering a women who had had a previous clitorectomy, I needed to cut a good episiotomy, even if she had had prior children, because the scarred upper portion of her genital tract would massively tear at delivery. Ending Genital Mutilation, Village by Village
  • The campaign has massively outraised its opponents.
  • At one end of the spectrum are the descendants of the PC hobbyists, or their online analogues caught up within more sophisticated design strategies of the mod community in massively multiplayer online games as described by JC Herz.
  • Newton's mathematisation of the world, which he moved forward massively with his development and use of the calculus, was something that was first developed by Descartes . Has Spirituality changed since Newton?
  • Research has shown these areas are massively important for fish fry. Times, Sunday Times
  • The latest injection of Adelson money for the Gingrich-backing organisation, Winning Our Future, means that Romney no longer massively outguns the former Speaker in his ability to buy expensive television advertising slots, a crucial factor in the Florida race. Newt Gingrich receives $5m boost as he releases Freddie Mac contract
  • But the country still has many challenges: its banking system is massively undercapitalised and over-burdened with bad debts.
  • As predicted, the Republican contest was duly won by Bush, whilst Harkin massively outscored his Democratic rivals.
  • And when those efforts begin to produce results, the innovator has to be ready to mobilize resources massively. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • It seems odd therefore, that while some clearly remain in the black, others are massively in the red.
  • Needless to say, his hair frizzed massively.
  • In an attempt to develop the capability to punch through the missile defence shield, countries such as China could decide to massively increase the number of nuclear missiles in their armoury.
  • Each is massively framed by an ornate gilt rococo cartouche carved by Giovanni Giuliani in 1706.
  • The quality and choice available have improved massively over the past few years. The Sun
  • That neck trailed into a pair of shoulders nearly as broad as he was tall, the massively corded braid of his muscles straining against his red skin.
  • It's been massively refactored, all but rewritten, object-oriented, and usable as a CGI script, module, or indeed subclassed. Boing Boing: April 25, 2004 - May 1, 2004 Archives
  • What's a company to do once it has created the most popular massively multiplayer online RPG in the world?
  • He's massively articulate and frighteningly nihilistic.
  • Consider the man's long and massively undistinguished record.
  • The burden of these once looked to have the potential to massively dilute existing shareholders' equity.
  • When patients with SARS hospitalize massively, the department of nursing administration should take some measures to deploy timely, add and adjust nursing resource flexibly.
  • Just next door in Pakistan, the international media is setting up shop, massively augmenting the local journalists, most of whom write and speak in the Urdu language.
  • This massively influential music producer has spawned a whole motley of lesser soundalikes with his pioneering electronic sounds.
  • And when those efforts begin to produce results, the innovator has to be ready to mobilize resources massively. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • In contrast, I seldom enjoy golf while I'm playing it - my handicap is my swing - but in between rounds I've spent a truly massively useless amount of my life thinking about golf, especially golf course architecture. Archive 2002-02-24
  • The dominant-submissive interplay which the playwright labours to construct in words is massively overdetermined by the director-editor's unimaginative choice of shots.
  • A disordered environment posed an insurmountable challenge to even the new top-of-the-line ICs with millimolar memory capacity and massively parallel quantum architecture. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » August : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Iris looks about and, through the crowd, sees Ruth lurking massively against a pilaster, biting her fingernails. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • The contiguity of the sequence is also massively improved.
  • They are also massively supported by volunteers who undertake thousands of hours of unpaid labour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply. The Sun
  • Wow!" says Nina Jablonski, an anthropologist at Pennsylvania State University and author of the book, Skin: A Natural History. "The possibility of preserved australopithecine skin is massively cool.
  • The product was beautiful but, given its purpose, it was massively over-engineered. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, a subwoofer amp can take the load off the rest of your system will providing massively deep bass sounds.
  • The tips were pretty bad, so, even though the place now bears no resemblance whatsoever to the way it was when I worked there, I massively overtip! Vertigo
  • The massively arched door, in the style of a portcullis, is defended on either side by rampant lions, petrified in mid-snarl.
  • More recently, during the Vietnam war, it was widely reported and known internationally that the United states massively employed chemical agents that were extraordinarily toxic for the civilian population and animals, as well as phytotoxic chemical agents that devastated crops, plantations and forests. LAS TUNAS MASS RALLY-28TH ANNIV. OF ASSAULT ON
  • Greening the US building stock will take not only skilled architects and engineers, but a workforce of retrofitters who can use spray foam insulation and storm windows to massively improve the R-value (thermal resistance) of the draftiest old houses. Fast Company
  • Native Americans transformed their land so completely that Europeans arrived in a hemisphere already massively "landscaped" by human beings. 1491: Summary and book reviews of 1491 by Charles Mann.
  • At one end of the spectrum are the descendants of the PC hobbyists, or their online analogues caught up within more sophisticated design strategies of the mod community in massively multiplayer online games as described by JC Herz.
  • This created a sudden exodus and massively increased the number of people in the already overcrowded camps.
  • One of the things I am concerned about is that in the Midlands and the North we are massively under-represented.
  • This immensely powerful player has massively enhanced his transfer value. Times, Sunday Times
  • As its body weight increases by around 40 percent, the lemur's tail swells massively with stored fat reserves.
  • Finally, the income tax cuts accompanying the tax package were massively skewed towards upper-income earners.
  • It is kind of describable as the total quantity of monetary transactions per cycle slowing down (in practice and measured that would massively over state gdp). Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • In an embarrassing clanger, it seems they massively misjudged the scale of the fine they would receive.
  • Single blokes should note that male protesters are currently massively outnumbered by the female ones.
  • It comes with a lone glove, but you only really need to use that if you're massively cackhanded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police vehicle examiners found that the car was unroadworthy because of two massively over-inflated front tyres, but because the road was dry, the defects probably played only a small part in the accident.
  • Although it would probably work, while inebriated Chris tended to have a massively expansive personality, and he exaggerated an awful lot.
  • The Parliament building is a huge and austere '20s stripped Classical block a la Tengbom in pink Finnish granite by J. S. Siren, massively colonnaded and raised on a daunting stepped plinth.
  • None of you were massively keen on the idea of remotely triggered landmines.
  • We are a gathering with massively more purpose than significance.
  • As an aside, it’s clear to see that localisation is massively important, not just to developers in Europe. Suttree » Casual Games, Social Software » Mobile Games and Habbo Hotel
  • We massively underachieved and the present-day side are doing that too.
  • I felt that even then, even though the boys had summered and were coming back, they were still massively disappointed by the ending to the season.
  • Nature has been killing helter-skelter, indiscriminately and massively forever. Massive Bird, Fish Kills in Alaska -- No One Noticed
  • Panasonic's Lumix DMC-GH1 produces sample shots and videos galore New materials change color when stressed, making fans of mechanochemical transduction positively giddy Samsung's MEMS shutter could massively improve high megapixel cameraphones Luxist
  • Some observers predict mergers and rationalisation among the industry's smaller companies as the global giants invest massively to expand their production and market share.
  • They are also massively supported by volunteers who undertake thousands of hours of unpaid labour. Times, Sunday Times
  • And that base is strong because public support for biomedical sciences has been massively supplemented by charities, and by the industry itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • By monitoring the activity of neurons and astroglia by simultaneous single or dual patch-clamp recordings, field potential recordings, and Ca2+ signal imaging in different experimental models of epilepsy, Giorgio Carmignoto and colleagues at the National Research Council, Italy, found that an episode of hyperactivity in a restricted group of neurons massively activates nearby astrocytes. - latest science and technology news stories
  • He's 11 years old and, at a recent check up, the vet said he was a perfect weight - despite seeming a little lightweight - and that most cats are massively overweight.
  • The building is massively experimental, clever-clever, tricksy, fussy, risky - and I bet it dates quickly and badly.
  • Both America and Russia massively built up their stockpiles of nuclear weapons.
  • The TwinFin's massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture and huge memory capacity make it incredibly fast at analyzing huge volumes of data.
  • Then you get massively delayed and gimped versions of HD titles where the bloom is off. Wii On The Brain
  • It is a massively entertaining film that absolutely soars. The Sun
  • It is a massively entertaining film that absolutely soars. The Sun
  • Now I massively absorb the life energy to repair my injury organism. Besides looking people hence get benefits, although they has absorbed energy is quite limited.
  • Even though our summer is their winter, winter felt more like a mild British autumn, with clear, cool sunny days massively outnumbering the rainy ones during our August visit - although apparently that was out of the ordinary.
  • But nothing seems to be as powerful an opiate as an extended court case - massively over-reported by the media - of some quite insignificant individual who has fallen foul of the law.
  • Biotechnology is expected to contribute massively to the global economy, largely through the introduction of recombinant DNA technology to the production of biopharmaceuticals.
  • If this all continued then Ms. Lexing had a massively large riot to handle.
  • When we go on holiday together she is massively energetic, and then suddenly fades and requires food fuel.
  • In the oceans, we've depleted fish stocks massively. The Sun
  • According to Parsytec, the Xplorer offers users a migration path to its GigaCube massively parallel supercomputers which are also to use T9000s.
  • It's not unique or massively challenging but contains all the pounding riffs, anthemic choruses and tempo changes that your average enthusiast could ever want.
  • ***--I don't think that I managed to de-dissertate my style entirely, and to my eye there's a difference between the chapters left somewhat as-is and the massively revised chapters, but at least I managed to eliminate "gynohistoriographical" from the introduction. Prosaic
  • The massively arched door, in the style of a portcullis, is defended on either side by rampant lions, petrified in mid-snarl.
  • Get ready for thorium, the supersafe, green and clean, massively abundant fuel of the future. Wired Top Stories
  • Bergen quotes Muhammad Musa, "a laconic, massively built commander" who led 600 Afghan soldiers to the Tora Bora front lines, on the fanatical braveness of al-Qaeda's fighters. Peter Bergen's "The Longest War"
  • The quality and choice available have improved massively over the past few years. The Sun

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