How To Use Massachusetts In A Sentence

  • John Kerry of Massachusetts will accept the party's presidential nomination.
  • Perhaps inspired by the elegant Georgian style houses he recalled from his boyhood in Haverhill, Massachusetts, he trimmed his two-story clapboarded house with quoins and a cornice with dentils.
  • The bonus issue brought Democrats and Republicans together in a way unseen all year. Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Barney Frank suggested the executives should be fired.
  • The range of the cero mackerel is limited to the western Atlantic Ocean, from Massachusetts, USA south to Brazil, including the Bahamas and West Indies.
  • The vote - 110 to 46 in the House and 31 to 8 in the Senate - came as mayors, town managers, social service agencies, and local activists across Massachusetts began to digest the massive cuts the budget proposal calls for, including up to a 15 percent cut in noneducation local aid for municipalities. CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
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  • The fourth locale, Massachusetts, permitted a medical monitoring claim to move forward, but only because the tobacco plaintiffs in that lawsuit presented expert evidence regarding "subcellular" or other physiological changes. - Newswire
  • The daft governor of Massachusetts, Mitch Romney, apparently is still thinking that the wingnuts will somehow allow a northeasterner to be a serious presidential candidate so he completely wimped out (and sucked up to the wingnuts) by leaving it to his spokesman. 07/14/2005
  • Louis Jordan, a historian with a strong interest in numismatic issues, has written what is undoubtedly the definitive history of Massachusetts' seventeenth-century mint.
  • Can you imagine that 50 years ago there were no cardinals in Massachusetts?
  • The distinctive open fretwork pediment of the mahogany case is associated with clocks made in or near Roxbury, Massachusetts, in the Federal period.
  • Massachusetts today became the first state to allow gay and lesbian couples to marry.
  • A student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before becoming a social activist in Latin America, Berenson was arrested on a bus in Peru in 1995 and charged with belonging to the MRTA.
  • Massachusetts, which they called Vineland, and how the Mexican empire had some knowledge of Accadian astronomy, people are beginning to discover that Columbus himself was after all an egregious humbug. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • Bob Lanza of Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Massachusetts cloned an endangered wild cattle species called the gaur using a cow's egg. New Scientist - Online News
  • But most of the historians who have studied the case have concluded that the Massachusetts court didn't end slavery with a righteous bang.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. politics/blog; politics = 1; nickname = bill-shireman; entry_id = 428629; climate-change = 1; health = 1; health-care = 1; health-care-reform = 1; healthcare = 1; massachusetts = 1; scott-brown = 1; senate = 1", Bill Shireman: After Massachusetts, Hope Finally Has a Chance
  • He came of age during the Depression, arrived in Congress from Massachusetts in 1952 and came to power amid the plenty of the '60s and' 70s (he once boasted that he'd put money into an appropriations bill to study knock-knees). The Last Hurrah For Tip O'neill, 1912-1994
  • Massachusetts Senator John Kerry is among lawmakers who have promised to filibuster legislation allowing drilling in the refuge.
  • HuffPost's Sam Stein writes, Unwilling or perhaps uneager to let go of last week's scuffle over Mitt Romney's controversial distortion of an old Barack Obama quote, the Democratic National Committee announced on Monday a major ad campaign attacking the former Massachusetts governor's character. HUFFPOST FUNDRACE - Obama Takes A Page From Bush, GOP Targets Obama Through TV Ads, Palin Dead Enders Want Her To Reconsider
  • Victory riots have claimed the lives of two college students in Massachusetts alone this year.
  • Washington's successor John Adams was a staunch Federalist from Massachusetts.
  • This magnificant carved wooden seahorse is part of an exhibit at the Cape Ann Museum in Gloucester, Massachusetts, showcasing the work of carver James T. McClellan (1910-2005). Carving Out the Ocean’s Power
  • On the campaign trail, he had coined a zinger against rival Mitt Romney, saying President Barack Obama's health-care law was largely based on the policy Mr. Romney promoted as Massachusetts governor, and calling Mr. Romney's law "ObamneyCare. Withdrawal Follows a Failure to Ignite
  • Massachusetts in 1842 became the first state to commence comprehensive registration of births, deaths, and marriages.
  • To prevent succession by trees, heathlands on the southern Massachusetts islands are managed by conservation organizations and state agencies mainly through controlled burning, mowing, or grazing.
  • The family now had branches firmly settled in Michigan and Massachusetts.
  • Romney spent most of the second half of his term running around the country making jokes about Massachusetts and preparing a 2008 presidential bid. D. R. Tucker: The Impersonator
  • Listed as a coin dealer in the 1900 Federal Census, he lived in Malden, Massachusetts. CLASSIC RARITIES: Adams-Carter 1804 Class III Silver Dollar : Coin Collecting News
  • The landscape of coastal Massachusetts is a mixture of wooded uplands, rocky outcrops, and long, low meadows that sweep down to the sea.
  • The heaviest snowfall was forecast for later in the day into Sunday in the Massachusetts Berkshires, the Litchfield Hills in northwestern Connecticut, southwestern New Hampshire and the southern Green Mountains. Northeast Weather: Fall To Look Like Winter This Weekend
  • In 1992, Edward J. Markey, a Democrat from Massachusetts who led the House subcommittee on telecommunications and finance, asked what was then the General Accounting Office to study derivatives risks.
  • Under the English common law of feme covert – which was also the law in Massachusetts – married women had no right to own property, and the personal property a married daughter inherited from her father immediately became the legal possession of her husband, who could exert full powers of ownership over it. History of American Women
  • A newly signed agreement between the two companies means that Powersoft will be selling the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Intersolv product.
  • The new soldier's chow was invented by the Combat Feeding Directorate, part of the US Army Soldier Systems Centre in Natick, Massachusetts.
  • ‘Rarely has an important political figure in [Massachusetts] engendered such passionless support,’ the Boston Globe reported.
  • Mr. Obama and his family will spend the next week on vacation, at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland and on the Atlantic resort island of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts.
  • Malvolio: If a “zeebow” really does mean a tetsubo — and not, as I first thought, a zebu — that would mean the good people of Massachusetts have illegalized a fictional weapon, legendarily wielded by trolls. The Volokh Conspiracy » What is a zoobow?
  • This is Beacon Hill, the state house for the commonwealth of Massachusetts.
  • Here is another quote from the article:New research by economists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University concludes that the key factor is whether a job can be "routinized," or broken down into repeatable steps that vary little from day to day. Archive 2004-03-01
  • Eat an apple or two: Apples stimulate production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is what the Alzheimer's drug Aricept also does, say University of Massachusetts researchers. Jean Carper: In Honor of World Alzheimer's Day, Take a Hike Today
  • By 2010, Massachusetts wants to reduce municipal solid waste by 70 percent statewide.
  • Highlights include, from Philadelphia, two sets of fine Queen Anne side chairs and a rare Queen Anne compass-seat footstool; from Massachusetts, a Chippendale mahogany chest-on-chest and Simon Willard wall clock; from New York, a spider-leg drop-leaf table; from Rhode Island, a Chippendale mahogany block-front desk and bookcase and several colorful maritime paintings by Thomas Chambers. Auction Watch
  • As every resident of central Massachusetts would have understood, that road continued to Boston, the capital city and principal port of the state.
  • Not too far behind its neighbor Massachusetts, Vermont's first established colony dates back to 1666, smack dab on the Isle of La Motte in Lake Champlain.
  • The first recorded Thanksgiving observance was held on June 29, 1671 at Charlestown, Massachusetts.
  • A sometime documentary filmmaker, she traveled to the once-thriving industrial town of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in order to chronicle the lives of a generation of teenage unwed mothers.
  • Dynamic Bicycles, a Medway, Massachusetts company, combined the shaft drive system with a covered, self-lubricating internal gear mechanism in 2005. Sustainable: Travel
  • Esther Duflo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) received more recommendations than any other economist.
  • Romney is obviously betting an extremist line on immigration will help him going into South Carolina and dispel any notion that he is a "Massachusetts moderate", the label bestowed upon him by Newt Gingrich. David Leopold: Mitt Romney May Well Regret Kris Kobach's Endorsement
  • Forecasters were promising a record snowfall in Boston, Massachusetts, and up to a metre of snow on the Cape Cod peninsula, southeast of Boston.
  • Liverpool like Fernando Torres and also the non-embarrassing type of Americans, Americans with an air of chino-sporting Massachusetts aristocracy who. Wayne Rooney, Americans and the terrible burden of ambition
  • In response to the Boston Tea Party, in 1774 Parliament passed a series of Coercive Acts that closed the port of Boston, eliminated most forms of self-rule in Massachusetts, and allowed British soldiers to be housed in colonial buildings. A Renegade History of the United States
  • A year after my trip, I needed a cabinetmaker in my small town in Massachusetts. Voices of Love
  • John F.. Kennedy that helped propel the handsome young Massachusetts Democrat to a narrow victory.
  • We all gathered in a friendly Irish pub to watch the Massachusetts-based TV newsmagazine Chronicle dedicate a half-hour to the FSP.
  • States such as Michigan and Massachusetts are making deep cuts in welfare.
  • He's already starting out with the image of being a liberal from Massachusetts, and all of that type of baggage.
  • Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin said Wednesday that he has been looking into whether weekly meetings held by Goldman's traders and securities analysts -- known within the firm as "huddles" -- violated any laws. Along with SEC, other investigators and suits may target Goldman Sachs
  • It was the good fortune of this ill office worker with the mysterious lung problem to see Dr. Robert H. Rubin, an infectious disease specialist at the Massachusetts General H.spital, at the time the director of the hospital's clinical investigation program. Diagnosis: What Doctors Are Missing
  • She holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Massachusetts and has published extensively with her most recent release entitled Brewing Battles: A History of American Beer. Women Grow Business » 2009 » April
  • Unlike the not-in-my-backyard litigious folk of Massachusetts, this Illinoisan with a clear view of Lake Michigan cannot wait to have a wind farm in my front yard. Wind turbines off Cape Cod will ruin national treasure
  • his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower
  • “He knows the mindset, the policies, how a Scientologist is conditioned to think and act, and he knows what helped to disillusion him,” says Steven Hassan, a Massachusetts-based cult “exit counselor” who has recruited Gorman to help him with Scientology cases. Anonymous gears up for more Scientology protests
  • While 19th century viewers of the original stereograph for Reaching for the Out of Reach #9 may have enjoyed the dramatic image of luckless passengers shipwrecked on the shores of Massachusetts, it's hard to imagine they would be similarly amused by the sad Victorian-looking characters stranded atop coffee bales and beneath umbrellas while the crippled ship looms like a set piece from some 3D Tim Burton film. The New York Public Library: New Perspectives on Old Perspectives: How an Art Project Helped the NYPL Put Its 3D Stereograph Collection in Your Hands
  • Laws now on the books in California, Massachusetts and New York, collectively a quarter of the U.S. auto market, set stringent limits on tailpipe emissions and will require substantial sale of zero-emission cars by 2003.
  • Search local dealer inventory and private seller listings Having grown up with roundabouts (we called them "rotaries" in Massachusetts), I was not unprepared when they appeared in Colorado. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • Massachusetts is the southernmost part of their breeding range, since they are truly Arctic birds.
  • The landscape of coastal Massachusetts is a mixture of wooded uplands, rocky outcrops, and long, low meadows that sweep down to the sea.
  • Particularly interesting was a small subcode of “Capital Lawes,” imbedded in the early Massachusetts lawbooks, and copied by other New England and Middle Atlantic colonies. A History of American Law
  • The records of Massachusetts Bay are full of suggestive incongruities between the ideal, single-souled life which its founders hoped to lead, and the jealousies, the opposing opinions, or the intervolved passions of individuals and of parties, which sometimes unwittingly cloaked themselves in religious tenets. A Study Of Hawthorne
  • Massachusetts, of course, already has such a universal health care plan which was started in its liberalism, andso this push now is also highly suspect since such plans really already exist in someform or another in every state across the nation. Let The Games Begin: Massachusetts Politcos Jockeying For Vacant Senate Seat
  • In Massachusetts winter residents include chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers, titmice, cardinals, and mockingbirds.
  • Jamie paid the rent, signed a form using the name Angelo Michaels and gave his address as Marblehead, Massachusetts. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
  • The average wait time for a routine checkup in Massachusetts has grown to 48 days, and many internists are not accepting new patients. Gingrich Can Repeal ObamaCare
  • He is a laicized priest from Fall River, Massachusetts, whose serial predations were on the scale of Geoghan's.
  • In all his dealings with the Acadians, the Indian had found only unimpeachable faith and honor; but with the colonist of Massachusetts, there had been nothing but over-reaching and treachery: intercourse with the first had not led to a scratch, or a single drop of blood; while on the other hand a bounty of "one hundred pounds was offered for each male of their tribe if over twelve years of age, if scalped; one hundred and five pounds if taken prisoner; fifty pounds for each _woman and child scalped_, and fifty pounds when brought in alive. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • I recall another footpath near Worcester, Massachusetts; it leads up from the low meadows into the wildest region of all that vicinity, Tatesset Hill. Oldport Days
  • Il fait gris mais pas trop froid ici dans le Massachusetts. Bibi - French Word-A-Day
  • He is now a professor of economics at Western New England College in Springfield, Massachusetts.
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  • At the same time, state leaders are facing countervailing pressures from reform-minded groups that want to lessen the impact of partisan politics on a process that has been plagued for decades by shenanigans - and symbolized by the oddly shaped district maps that take their nickname "gerrymander" from an early 19th-century Massachusetts governor, Elbridge Gerry, who drew the first one in the shape of a salamander. NYT > Home Page
  • Benton Mackaye was an avid mountain climber and a land - use planner from Shirley Center, Massachusetts.
  • Fatigue is a killer issue for memory," says John Gabrieli, a neuroscience professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Babies can cause 'momnesia'
  • And we are continuously faced, especially after 9/11, with numerous challenges that we need to work together to collaborate and meet those challenges on," said U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Carmen Ortiz, who called the on-site task force "groundbreaking. The Full Feed from
  • Impressive as that was, the organization operated in a country the size of Massachusetts with an annual budget of just $2.5 million.
  • Despite two hours of frustrating redialing and reloading of webpages, some 26,000 Massachusetts residents obtained rebate forms, and 13,000 more were put on a waiting list. Mouse Print » 2010 » April
  • Resolved, That the efforts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in endeavoring to exterminate the imported pest known as the gy]) sy moth meet with our hearty ap - proval, and we, members of the farmers 'national congress, assembled at St. Paul, earnestly appeal to the congress of the United St.tes to aid our sister state in extermi - nating what is liable to be a national pest if neglected. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Bentley College in Massachusetts was the first in the nation to require all its students to have a laptop, but it wasnt long at all before professors started to complain they couldnt live with 'em as much as they couldnt live without 'em. Put Away That Laptop: Professors Pull The Plug
  • The canines are good swimmers, and they have even colonized offshore islands, such as the Elizabeth Islands of Massachusetts.
  • As a perfect illustration of the President's policy, two men from Massachusetts should have been assigned to each member from South Carolina, as foreshowing the future relative power of the white men of the two States in the government of the country. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 108, October, 1866
  • The investigation will cover solar-, hydro- and wind-energy products and equipment, and programs in states including New Jersey, California, Ohio, Massachusetts and Washington, the ministry said. China to Investigate U.S. Renewable Energy Policies
  • Ditto Brian (Moran): Our Brian was born in Massachusetts in 1959, but the name peaked in popularity in 1973, in Nebraska. Tip To Candidates: Change Your Names
  • In the auto shop, students are retrofitting trucks from Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to run on electric power.
  • A city of northeast Massachusetts on the Merrimack River north - northeast of Lowell.
  • Not too far behind its neighbor Massachusetts, Vermont's first established colony dates back to 1666, smack dab on the Isle of La Motte in Lake Champlain.
  • The Namesake is a meandering narrative following Gogol, the American son of Bengali Indians who immigrated to Massachusetts during the 60s.
  • The largest earthquake in the northeast was probably the Cape Ann earthquake in 1755 off the coast of Massachusetts, which might have been a magnitude 5.9 quake.
  • The Vermont Yankee, Vermont's aging nuclear reactor that sits roughly where the borders of Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts meet, is beset with problems -- including multiple leaks of radioactivity. John Odum: For Good or Ill, Vermont's Election Will Impact Millions of Other New Englanders
  • In New Hampshire, where pleadings had always been simple, clear, and direct, the lawyers introduced more sophistication and complexity during the years 1692 to 1700; the action of ejectment, the writs of scire facias and supersedeas, the action of trespass de bonis asportatis, entered New Hampshire as immigrants at this time.55 Students of Massachusetts law on the eve of the Revolution have declared it to be quite conservative, at least by earlier standards. A History of American Law
  • But the fact of the matter is, in Massachusetts, at least, the only prosecutable crimes which sexting fits within are those crimes which are intended to target child pornography.
  • Later, he came to Boston and studied bilingual education in the University of Massachusetts where he taught science to Latino students at the high school level.
  • These four were just one vote away in Massachusetts v. EPA from blocking judicial review of the legality of EPA's failure to regulate greenhouse gases on the ground that global warming does not cause "particularized" injury. Legal Theory Blog
  • Jeff: Koman's miracle was created on a speedway in Massachusetts in 1997.
  • Thus, Massachusetts will now take the lead among states as the only one to grant the right of civil marriage to same-sex couples.
  • August 29th, 2009 11: 41 pm ET how fitting it was for him to be buried at night and it rain during his funeral this morning. it was very symbolic. the meaning behind the rain was that the state of massachusetts raining tears of sadness for losing a native son. the meaning of the burial not happening until sunset is it being the end of that generation of political service. Kennedy laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery
  • Raised in Boston's industrial city of Lowell, Massachusetts, Bette Davis was born in the shadow of one war, and worked through the next.
  • When the Glorious Revolution deposed James in 1689, rebellions in Massachusetts and New York overthrew the Dominion of New England and unseated the proprietary government in Maryland.
  • A town of southwest Massachusetts, a residential suburb of Springfield on the Connecticut River. Population, 15,467.
  • Charles River, which is based in Wilmington, Massachusetts, is already one of the world’s largest providers of animals for lab testing, with revenues of about $1.2 billion last year.
  • Polhemus Savery DaSilva Architects Builders is an architecture, construction and interior design companywith headquarters in the Cape Cod Villages of Chatham and Osterville, Massachusetts. Luxury Home in Hualalai
  • In his Defence of the American constitutions, Adams had asked if the name of Andros [a hated colonial governor] and that of Winthrop [founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony] are heard with the same sensations in any village in New England? America's First Dynasty
  • Attended Phillips Academy, a boarding school (then all-male) in Andover, Massachusetts, where he was the head cheerleader. * snicker* Think Progress » Health Care Industry Front Group Cheers Death Of The Public Option With Large Washington Post Ad
  • I started graduate school at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in biophysics, but when I decided to work on animal viruses I left David Baltimore - Autobiography
  • Often it is frankly biblical, beginning with John Winthrop's famous 1630 sermon "A City Upon A Hill" that gave a much-needed dose of self-confidence to the Massachusetts Bay colonists. Jonathan D. Moreno: America's Problem With "Progress"
  • In Massachusetts, for instance, a minuteman might enlist for the rest of 1775 in what became the Continental army, reenlist in 1776, again in 1777 for three years, again in 1780 for a year, and again in 1781 for the war.
  • The Sokoki and Pocumtuc (Connecticut River in western Massachusetts) had a long history of hostility with the Iroquois, and helped the Mahican in their war against the Mohawk (1624-28), with the Pennacook being drawn in as allies of the Sokoki. History of American Women
  • Most people have heard of some of the 19th century American examples, such as Brook Farm in Massachusetts or New Harmony, Indiana, but there have been many before and since. The Social Order As Community
  • The practice was possibly carried over from a similar arrangement in Massachusetts.
  • Tweet Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is taking flak this week for his use of the term "tar baby" while addressing a group of Iowa Republicans on July 29 in a reference to Boston's troubled Big Dig highway project. Top Stories
  • Jeff Hayward of the United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley, told the Boston Globe: People are walking through the door who never have before…A lot of times they don't know what services there are or where to get them.'' Here's Life Inner City: Massachusetts Families Seeking Help in Record Numbers
  • Here in Massachusetts it used to be you'd be up on charges and maybe find yourself in the stocks if you weren't in your assigned pew on Sunday. of course they'd bonk you on the head if you fell asleep during the sermon (with a special knobbed clonker!) and fine you if you didn't bring a loaded musket! Are we a Christian Nation?
  • From the vantage of our laboratory at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, the eye can wander over the majestic landscape of the Connecticut River Valley.
  • I wish my parents had some hobby other than me," one young patient told David Anderegg, a child psychologist in Lenox, Massachusetts, and professor of psychology at Bennington College. National Wimp Crisis | Impact Lab
  • At a sale hosted by Christie's in New York in 2007, a record $856,000 was paid for a red-breasted merganser hen made in the 1870s by famed carver Lothrop Holmes, who worked as a cemetery superintendent in Massachusetts. Decoy Market, After Decline, Tests Its Wings
  • The investigation will cover solar-, hydro- and wind-energy products and equipment, and programs in states including New Jersey, California, Ohio, Massachusetts and Washington, the ministry said. China to Investigate U.S. Renewable Energy Policies
  • A member of Trinity College's class from Newton, Massachusetts, he majored in history and religion.
  • The specimen from Massachusetts was an after-hatching-year bird with newly acquired basic plumage and fully developed and unworn flight feathers, indicative of early molt.
  • The combined population of New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut is 11,300,000, quite a bit more than 260,000, and yet those 260,000 are about to make a decision that could have tremendous impact on the lives of those other eleven-plus million. John Odum: For Good or Ill, Vermont's Election Will Impact Millions of Other New Englanders
  • The tag of flip-flopper haunts Romney after he shifted positions on issues such as abortion, gay rights and gun control to position himself for the Republican nomination in 2008, after governing more from the center in Massachusetts. Reuters: Top News
  • What was missed is that the Massachusetts legislature had to "re-change" the law to achieve the Democrats 'agenda, again. The News Tribune Blogs
  • I live in Massachusetts so know Good Ol 'Mitt Romney from way back and there's never been a phonier, more supercilious human on the planet. Poll: Romney Leading In Iowa ��� And Huckabee In Second Place
  • One of the nation's top political leaders, Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, supported Henry Clay's compromise. Webster believed that slavery was evil.
  • By April 1775, when hostilities broke out between colonial militiamen and British soldiers at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts, the British garrison at Fort Ticonderoga numbered barely 50 men.
  • In default of legal authority, in this early period, they formed squatter governments and land associations, comparable to the action of the Massachusetts men who in the first quarter of the seventeenth century "squatted" in the The Frontier in American History
  • My colleague is a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • The WAIS protocol and servers were primarily promoted by Thinking Machines Corporation of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Such chests were made in and near Concord, in eastern Massachusetts, and their distinguishing characteristics include fluted pilasters surmounted by bolection moldings, or ‘swelled friezes.’
  • I was stony broke, with only a Shell credit card to get me home to Massachusetts.
  • To quote Gelman: "If poor people were a state, they would be 'bluer' even than Massachusetts; if rich people were a state, they would be as 'red' as Alabama, Kansas, the Dakotas, or Texas. Feminist blogs
  • IN 1997 the European Patent Office (EPO) gave a patent to Massachusetts General Hospital for its use of nitric oxide to treat bronchoconstriction, a method often used for “blue baby” syndrome.
  • He designed and engraved the plates for the first paper money in Massachusetts and established the first mill for rolling copper sheets.
  • After Scott Brown won the Senate race in Massachusetts, the president claimed that his health-care bill ran into a "buzzsaw" of opposition from special interests. ObamaCare and the 'Buzzsaw' of Opposition
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  • Edward J.. Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat and leading proponent of the bill.
  • But how many millionaire preppies who hail from Massachusetts know the difference between a shotgun and a pea-shooter?
  • And you probably know that Thanksgiving has something to do with the first European settlers in America - the Pilgrims - who landed at what we now call Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in 1620. Dr. Robert Epstein: Thanksgiving, Activism -- and Arianna Huffington!
  • She was the first woman to rise to the position of suffragan, or assistant, bishop at the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts - a position previously reserved for men.
  • Professor Sharon Lamb, from the University of Massachusetts in Boston, accuses the new generation of superheroes, exemplified by Robert Downey Junior's playboy millionnaire Iron Man, of being bad role models for young boys. Superheroes of today are 'bad role models'
  • For example, Joe Chernov, a Massachusetts resident who is a blogger and has more than 5,600 followers on Twitter describes an incident where a lawn sign advertising Massachusetts State Auditor candidate Mary Z. Connaughton dislodged from a truck delivering signs and crashed into his car as he was travelling on a highway. David Meerman Scott: Attention Candidates: Facebook and Twitter are Two-Way Communications Requiring Engagement, Not Advertising
  • The Massachusetts legislature outlawed racial segregation in 1855, but the battle to desegregate schools remained a daunting one for Blacks in many parts of the country, particularly the South.
  • Just like the all the land we proudly call America, settlers stole the whole clambake idea from Native Americans, specifically the Wampanoag people of southeastern Massachusetts. Operation Clambake « PubliCola
  • Each candidate has a firm conviction in his or her ability to distract the public from the truth below the surface, like the way Romney tries to explain away Massachusetts health care legislation with an elaborately layered and twisted rhetorical comb-over. Adam Hanft: Donald Trump -- the Perfect Moderator for America's Depressing Comb-over Politics
  • But he is no longer the Republican senate candidate for Massachusetts.
  • The brigade also has companies in Illinois and Massachusetts and a team in Guam.
  • It has already been said that the average rate of inhabitancy is six persons per house in the State of Massachusetts, but the presence of the Scientific American Supplement, No. 481, March 21, 1885
  • Together they fought to keep the tax subsidy for churches in Connecticut and Massachusetts.
  • Mr. Schurz made an inquiry of Mr. Howe as to the grounds upon which the senator was to be deposed; and the answer was that "the personal relations between the senator from Massachusetts and the President of the United States and the head of the State Department are such as preclude all social intercourse between them. Twenty Years of Congress, Volume 2 (of 2) From Lincoln to Garfield, with a Review of the Events Which Led to the Political Revolution of 1860
  • The Shelburne Museum in Vermont, the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association in Deerfield, Massachusetts, and Old Sturbridge Village all have stenciled coverlets imitating the Whig Rose appliqué design.
  • Our neighbours messengers are gone to (not rctiu'ned from) Massachusetts, with about 20H or upwards of peag. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • The people running the Massachusetts Republican Party love to use social conservatives to do the grunt work on campaigns, but they arrogantly see themselves as above "dirtying" themselves with the principled issues that conservatives care about. Right Wing Watch
  • Diana L. Eck is professor of comparative religion and Indian studies on the faculty of arts and sciences and a member of the faculty of divinity at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani showed up in New Hampshire on the former Massachusetts governor's magical day, underscoring why Romney is plagued by the word "putative," which almost always appears before "front-runner. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • The status of Massachusetts health care, while debatable, is irrelevant to another in a long list of episodes where Crazy Shelly has simply lied. Think Progress » Bachmann claims Romney doesn’t believe RomneyCare was ‘a good thing for’ Massachusetts.
  • Cabot Lodge, that is, the sena -- the senator from Massachusetts, the great opponent to President Wilson's Ver -- Versailles Treaty and a scholar himself. The Federalist Papers
  • Mark Doty, whose Fire to Fire: New and Selected Poems won in its category, noted that he and his partner, the writer, Paul Lisicky, had been recently married in a salt marsh in Truro, Massachusetts.
  • David L. Altshuler, deputy director of the Broad Institute of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a co-chairman of the 1000 Genomes Project steering committee, said a large catalog is a critical tool in figuring out which genetic differences might increase risk of disease. Most Human Gene Variations Identified, Scientists Report
  • Determined to redeem its Revolutionary War debts, Massachusetts imposed heavy taxes, payable in hard money, in the midst of a severe depression in transatlantic trade.
  • And it's an historic day because finally all families in the commonwealth of Massachusetts will have the opportunity to be equal families under the law.
  • The Seamen's Bethel is a chapel in New Bedford, Massachusetts, located at 15 Johnny Cake Hill.
  • IN 1997 the European Patent Office (EPO) gave a patent to Massachusetts General Hospital for its use of nitric oxide to treat bronchoconstriction, a method often used for “blue baby” syndrome.
  • Townships budded from village or parish folkland in Maryland and Massachusetts in the seventeenth century, just as they had done in England before the time of Alfred. The Critical Period of American History
  • The original edition of Romney's book suggested the former governor of Massachusetts thought the Republican Party might be looking for an even-tempered moderate to challenge Barack Obama in 2012. No apology -- unless you'd like me to apologize for something, of course
  • While they were gone, a pipe burst upstairs in their home, a town house in southeastern Massachusetts.
  • We have a nightclub act in central Massachusetts where we sing while drawing caricatures of audience members.
  • Yes, plus they've declared the country a nuclear-free zone, along with San Francisco and Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Kentucky and Massachusetts have also withdrawn money. Times, Sunday Times
  • I selected the species for analysis based on their frequency of occurrence in Massachusetts.
  • It makes no sense to say that a fetus is a human person deserving of legal protection on the Rhode Island side of the border, but not on the Massachusetts side. Matthew Yglesias » Imagine If
  • All Massachusetts lawmakers voted in favor except Rep.
  • Perhaps inspired by the elegant Georgian style houses he recalled from his boyhood in Haverhill, Massachusetts, he trimmed his two-story clapboarded house with quoins and a cornice with dentils.
  • Beginning his own multicity tour of Iowa, Mr. Gingrich used a stop at the Dubuque Golf and Country Club on Tuesday to attack Mr. Romney as a "Massachusetts moderate" and to challenge him to a 90-minute, one-on-one debate. As Iowa Nears, Romney Sounds Confident
  • In a rail-road at a place called Mauch Chunk in Pennsylvania, the sleepers were placed four feet apart; but at the Quincy rail-road in Massachusetts, the interval between the sleepers is eight feet**. The Numbers of Carlton, Addressed to the People of North Carolina, on a Central Rail-Road Through the State. The Rights of Freemen is an Open Trade 232 p.
  • The Democratic National Committee released an Internet video noting that while Mr. Romney has called for the repeal of Mr. Obama's health-care law, the measure he shepherded in Massachusetts included a similar requirement that individuals buy health insurance. Romney Blasts Obama Over Economy
  • He is now a professor of economics at Western New England College in Springfield, Massachusetts.
  • Dating from between about 1795 and 1800, it has a dial signed by David Wood of Newbusyport, Massachusetts, who also made tall-case and banjo clocks.
  • Massachusetts is the only state that mandates that cops, not flagmen, direct traffic at road-construction sites. President Obama: The Preview?
  • The Pilgrims in Massachusetts intended to live mainly by fishing and instead became farmers and fur traders. Infinite in All Directions
  • Senator Edward M. Kennedy, who carried aloft the torch of a Massachusetts dynasty and a liberal ideology to the citadel of Senate power, but whose personal and political failings may have prevented him from realizing the ultimate prize of the presidency, died at his home in Hyannis Port last night after a battle with brain cancer. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: August 26, 2009
  • The governor remains well-financed and holds appeal among a Republican electorate that hasn't coalesced around either of two front-runners, former Massachusetts Gov. Perry Seeks Reboot With New Hires
  • He embarks on the four-day drive from Massachusetts to Cheyenne as if to emulate the trailblazers of the frontier.
  • The butcher-bird is today's loggerhead shrike, found only rarely anywhere in Massachusetts now.
  • The day after graduation, I joined an ashram, an Indian-style spiritual community, situated on twenty-one acres of woods in eastern Massachusetts.
  • He has lived most of his life on the Massachusetts coast and now resides in New York City where he part-owns a cocktail bar.
  • Massachusetts's farming families relied on their labor to eke out a bare competency and secure a freehold, while planters exploited the labor of their slaves and engrossed lands.
  • Senate race in Massachusetts on what they described as a lackluster campaign. WIBW - HomePage - Headlines
  • Not raining, just cloud and fog and mizzle, although the weather radar shows Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and western Maine getting drenched. And the gloom abideth forever
  • The decision by the eight-term Rhode Island congressman comes less than a month after a stunning Republican upset in the race for the Massachusetts Senate seat his father held for almost half a century. Home -
  • The shop which sales the old toggery in the Northampton Massachusetts, my son of 14 years old John and I stare at that overcoat at the same time.
  • The dominant Whig Party appealed to Massachusetts, large Congregational church denomination, which had its roots in Puritanism.
  • The war began when colonists from Massachusetts Bay began pushing into territory claimed by these people.

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