
How To Use Mass. In A Sentence

  • The most important are nuclear fission, wind, wave and tidal energy sources and solar energy by direct conversion and biomass.
  • burse" (Lat. _bursa_, Gr. [Greek: borsa], bag of skin) is particularly used of the embroidered purse which is one of the insignia of office of the lord high chancellor of England, and of the pouch which in the Roman Church contains the "corporal" in the service of the Mass. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • In a corner, shackled and chained, was a grey mass.
  • So they came on a day, and found this dead man at the sacring of his mass, and they abode him till he had said mass. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Your problem becomes a series of small tasks, rather than an overwhelming amorphous mass. Times, Sunday Times
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  • See pyramid of numbers, pyramid of biomass. Biology Basic Facts
  • Here's John Adams on Thomas Paine's famous 1776 pamphlet "Common Sense": "What a poor, ignorant, malicious, short-sighted, crapulous mass. William Hogeland: How John Adams and Thomas Paine Clashed Over Economic Equality
  • The dalmatic and tunicle are modified chasubles worn by the deacon and subdeacon respectively at a high Mass.
  • We will adopt their suggestions in mass.
  • The term 'kinematic' is used when motion is considered abstractly without reference to force or mass. Man or Matter
  • A 58 year old man with a clinical history of diabetes mellitus and left renal lithiasis presented with a left inguinal mass.
  • I am aware that the Tanglewood Music Festival in Lenox, Mass. gave a number of contemporary music concerts this year and they were very warmly received. Skin and Bone
  • `Reporting safe arrival of Tonopah Maru with iceberg of approximate seventeen-hundred-plus kiloton mass.
  • Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., also argued that increased fines were needed as a way to pressure businesses into compliance.
  • Mr. Tritle's wish-list for future projects includes great Romantic canvases like César Franck's "Les Béatitudes" and Charles Gounod's epic oratorio "Mors et Vita," as well as 20th-century landmarks like the Britten "War Requiem" and Janáček's Glagolitic Mass. The Master of Many Choruses
  • Against all the odds the motion was passed but it later emerged that at the time of the voting most of the delegates were at Mass.
  • On March 11, 2009, Scott S. Reuben, former chief of acute pain at Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mass., revealed that data for 21 studies he had authored for the efficacy of the drug along with others such as celecoxib had been fabricated in order to augment the analgesic effects of thedrugs. The Volokh Conspiracy » The AMA Open to Medical Marijuana Research
  • -- But she has head that the devil is black; and having a mind to make one of me, brays together, in the mortar of her wild fancy, twenty chimney-sweepers, in order to make one sootier than ordinary rise out of the dirty mass. Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 7
  • Amid the impasse, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) on Tuesday introduced draft legislation that seeks to reform laws governing how broadcasters and cable/satellite providers conduct negotiations over fees to retransmit television signals. No deal on Cablevision-Fox; Sen. Kerry introduces draft bill to reform TV fees rules
  • Neither Interactive Data, which is based in Bedford, Mass., nor U. K.-based Pearson could be reached for comment. LBO Deal Is Near for Pearson's Interactive Data
  • Sampas, reached by phone at his home in Kerouac's native Lowell, Mass., last week, denied Nicosia's allegations. Windmills
  • The exorciser would have no difficulty in threading his way through the complicated mass. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • Dr Eades wrote, “You must keep protein intake up during low-carb dieting so that you have more than enough protein available for gluconeogenesis without having to catabolize your muscle mass.The votes are in: Dissect it is! | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Exercise continues to be key to maintain bone density and muscle mass. The Sun
  • Mesons are sensitive to the strong force, have integral spin, and vary widely in mass.
  • Mass. decd, and report to the Board the character of said investments, their value, solvency etc. Board of Visitors minutes
  • The acceleration of a body equals the force exerted on it divided by its mass.
  • On the first weekend in December, La Fiesta de Tumacacori celebrates regional culture with native crafts, foods, and a mariachi mass.
  • The acceleration of a body equals the force exerted on it divided by its mass.
  • Prior to that game, a Cincinnati newspaper wondered whether No. 2 Kentucky was playing better basketball than UMass.
  • It's not that the Offertory proper has been stricken from the Mass. The Proper Place of Propers
  • About 5.00 am the Paschal Fire will be set alight and it will be blazing brightly in the sky as people file up for the 6.00m Mass.
  • She has not trained much recently and has lost muscle mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bride and groom returned together to the front seat for the nuptial Mass.
  • When the fuse is triggered, a conventional explosion causes the second subcritical mass to be propelled at a high velocity into the first subcritical mass.
  • There is a farm on a neck of land belonging to this town (Marblehead, Mass.), which has peculiar advantages for collecting sea kelp and sea moss, and these manures are there used most liberally, particularly in the cultivation of cabbage, from eight to twelve cords of rotten kelp, which is stronger than barn manure, and more suitable food for cabbage, being used to the acre. Cabbages and Cauliflowers: How to Grow Them A Practical Treatise, Giving Full Details On Every Point, Including Keeping And Marketing The Crop
  • Your scenario is similar to that of other bodybuilders seeking to add muscle mass.
  • Weight increases in direct proportion to mass.
  • July 28th, 2009 12: 11 pm ET for all of you who label southerns as racist better check your history the area that had the most problems in busing was your boston from that liberal state of mass. also a lot of dems like byrd and gores daddy where part of the kkk and without republician help lbj great society and civil rights bills would not have pased. all you who pass judgement on southerns just do not have a clue you are self seving elitest who are just plain ignorant of the facts i have lived in the midwest south and northeast those from the northeast are the worst as far as being self serving and judgemental Voinovich: The GOP's 'being taken over by Southerners'
  • Synavive is the Cambridge, Mass., company's most advanced drug, and combined an agent called dipyridamole with the steroid prednisolone. RSS Feed - Politics & Policy
  • The next morning, parishioners lucky enough to attend churches not downsized by pedophilia payouts, consulted freshly plasticized pew cards for the new wording of their Mass. Kate Clinton: Et Cum Spirit Two Two Oh
  • Around the same time, the sclerocytes located in the outer cell layer, ingress and migrate into the posterior portion of the inner cell mass.
  • His strategy was to mobilize church members by distributing circulars at mass.
  • The digital image processing technique has been developed for measuring of fragment mass and the coordinates of its centre of mass.
  • Sales and gross margins at the Hopkinton (Mass.) company are approaching their boom-time levels.
  • The aircraft came down in flames, and the heat fused most of the parts together into a solid mass.
  • The boys at Lynn, Mass., built a very substantial house in the trees, and the truant officer claimed that the lads hid away there so that they could play "hookey" from school; but if this is true, and there seems to be some doubt about it, it must be remembered that the fault was probably with Shelters, Shacks and Shanties
  • The mood changed as strengthening southwest winds began to draw in a warmer tropical maritime air mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has not trained much recently and has lost muscle mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • At that time he made the claim, for the first time, that the particle had zero mass.
  • Bishop Harris was principal celebrant at the mass.
  • The diagnosis was made on histopathologic examination of surgically resected tissue from an appendicular mass.
  • He set up the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei (Church of God) to cater for supporters of the Tridentine Mass.
  • In our first volume we merely described that part of Etna which has been formed during the historical era; an insignificant portion of the whole mass.
  • Burial took place in Butlerstown cemetery on Thursday last, in the presence of a huge concourse of mourners, following Requiem Mass.
  • Probably the biggest factor in intermarriage and fertility rate change is critical mass. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Thought on American Jewish Demography
  • Analysis of extracts from the batting (total net mass 62.16 kilograms) by GC/MS and FTIR confirmed 14 percent heroin hydrochloride, equivalent to approximately 8.7 kilograms total net mass. Boing Boing: September 17, 2006 - September 23, 2006 Archives
  • Re #54, the upper atmosphere tends to fractionate according to molecular mass. Water Vapor and Cloud Feedbacks « Climate Audit
  • This is due to the fact that all the continents had merged into a single landmass.
  • One month postoperatively, however, a computed tomograhic scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis demonstrated a new pelvic mass.
  • Dinosaurs evolved when most continents were joined in a single land mass.
  • Worse still, some practices which Sacrosanctum Concilium had never even contemplated were allowed into the Liturgy, like Mass “versus populum”, Holy Communion on the hand, altogether giving up on the Latin and Gregorian Chant in favour of the vernacular and songs and hymns without much space for God, and extension beyond any reasonable limits of the faculty to concelebrate at Holy Mass. Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • Blacks have always been the indigestible mass.
  • However, they can be present with pain, proptosis, restricted ocular motility, visual impairment, globe displacement or palpable bony mass.
  • The basic unit of classical space is the room, and we should think of it not as a void but as an expansive, albeit insubstantial and invisible, mass.
  • Bishop Harris was principal celebrant at the mass.
  • The greatest act the Catholic Pope performs is to say mass.
  • If a rootbound plant is not available, use a tiny clay flowerpot or a small cardboard transplanting pot, a large tangled mass of string stuffed into the pot, and an artificial flower to be inserted into the string mass. Nurturing Spirituality in Children
  • The management plans to demerge the bar/night club business from the intellectual property side once both businesses have reached critical mass.
  • Derived from a single fertilized ovum or embryonic cell mass. Used especially of identical twins.
  • The visitors will also be handing out shower cards, showing men how to examine for testicular cancer, and using state-of-the-art scales to measure body mass.
  • Don't superheat the anger of the mass. Otherwise you will not be able to control them.
  • For a few months in 2010 it looked as though the Tevatron might get a reprieve in order to find the last and heaviest missing bit of the model-the Higgs boson, which is thought to give other particles their mass. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • The different components, different materials and fenestration—they help break down the buildings' mass. Bruce Ratner's Exercise in Bland
  • 12 Filipinos and a priest were arrested in Saudi Arabia only this month for "proselytism" for holding a secret mass. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Based on the good results with the cyclohexanone blend, the Eindhoven University of Technology filed three patents on the use of cyclic oxygenates in the combustion process, and is seeking to develop a commercially viable production route for C6 cyclic oxygenates such as cyclohexanone from biomass. Green Car Congress
  • Therefore, he repeatedly undercuts his real basis of power precisely by figuring as the leader of an amorphous mass.
  • With the help of parish priests they gathered blood samples, often in sacristies after Sunday mass. The Genetic Archaeology of Race
  • These roots, dropping into the surrounding mud, also become stilts that support more stilts and new trunks nestled in the tangled mass.
  • The nodes of an orbit, that is the points at which it crosses the equatorial plane, slowly regress round the Equator and the rate gives a measure of the asymmetry of the Earth's mass.
  • While the notions of instantiation, quantification, and grounding are applicable to all nominals, their morphosyntactic realization may be affected by the status of a noun as count or mass.
  • The discovery was announced today by the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Mass.
  • When I washed the jumper , it just turned into a shapeless mass.
  • Clouds crept up silently like assassins from the southwest and gathered in a dark and threatening mass.
  • All of a sudden, there is a barely perceptible change: critical party mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lichens thus dominate the Antarctic flora both in terms of species diversity and in terms of total biomass.
  • Their new polymer material is made from sugars called lignocellulosic biomass. DailyTech News Feed
  • It is foolhardy to generalize about the political attitudes of 100 million peasants, except to say that they were far from being a cowed mass.
  • Harvest index was measured as the ratio between root weight and total biomass.
  • For the most part, they still work, but an unfortunate side effect of this is that they tend to sink into an undifferentiated mass.
  • He admits that there are justifiable concerns over the supply of imported biomass. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their greatest joy was to have a priest with them to administer the sacraments and say Mass.
  • I haven't been contributing for a while so have largely ignored the small pot that life has allowed me to amass. Times, Sunday Times
  • The energy an animal uses is in direct relation to speed and body mass.
  • And we take them as individuals, not as an amorphous mass.
  • Reproductive allocation is usually measured as the ratio between seed and total biomass.
  • The Baltic clam achieves highest densities in mesohaline habitats of the bay where it ranks first in benthic infaunal biomass.
  • Conversely, as we zoom out from a multiplex entity, the particles lose their individuality and the entity becomes a mass.
  • See pyramid of numbers, pyramid of biomass. Biology Basic Facts
  • Yet these observations provide the barest amount of information: just the size and ellipticity of the planet's orbit and a lower limit on its mass.
  • Every person and item of ritual furniture the altar with its book, candlesticks and crucifix laid out, the papal throne to the left with its honorific baldacchino is numbered and then labeled in the key below, so that viewers of the print can learn every arcane detail of this aspect of the papal mass. Archive 2009-03-01
  • We have now secured sources that would allow us to run one unit entirely on biomass. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two day old full term male with bilious vomiting and a palpable right lower quadrant mass.
  • Benjamin Haskell, 24, was sentenced Monday to nine years in prison for his role in torching the Macedonia Church of God in Christ in Springfield, Mass. Hate-crimes enforcement on rise, reflecting administration priorities
  • Thirteen churches in the Louth-South Armagh border zone have been asked not to celebrate Sunday mass.
  • Some thing or things have to happen for a microbe to escape its previously harmless ecological niche and reach critical mass.
  • Pedestrians threaded their way unpredictably through the slowly moving mass.
  • The chief source of our doctrine, however, is tradition, which from the earliest times declares the impetratory value of the Sacrifice of the Mass. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • There has been much talk about an impending ‘general indult’ allowing priests worldwide to celebrate the Tridentine Mass.
  • Early quantum mechanics required that interactions between sub-nuclear particles and atoms occur in spaces which are free of energy and mass.
  • Early quantum mechanics required that interactions between sub-nuclear particles and atoms occur in spaces which are free of energy and mass.
  • At her request, there were no flowers at her funeral Mass.
  • By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.
  • Their greatest joy was to have a priest with them to administer the sacraments and say Mass.
  • Uses of this format, known as responsorial psalmody, include the prokeimenon and alleluiarion of the Byzantine Divine Liturgy, and the gradual, tract, and alleluia of the Roman Mass.
  • We therefore tracked plant growth using leaf height as a surrogate for aboveground dry weight biomass.
  • The majority of works formerly in the collection of Robert Lehman represents one of the most spectacular types of illuminated manuscripts (and a specialty of Italian artists) - the oversized choir books, known as antiphonaries and graduals, that contain the sung parts of the mass.
  • Don't superheat the anger of the mass. Otherwise you will not be able to control them.
  • Nipple discharges are classified as pathologic if they are spontaneous, bloody or associated with a mass.
  • Now it's doing so in two places: A second version of the prototype just opened in Chestnut Hill, Mass.
  • Both efforts were thwarted by House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who ruled that they were not "germane" to the legislation under consideration. Taxpayer-Owned Fannie Mae Attacks Struggling Homeowners
  • Both the real and the virtual plants responded to removal of branches by producing a taller plant bearing larger leaves, but less total biomass.
  • There is a further analogy in how you incorporate what you learn into your entire apperceptive mass.
  • The same survey was given to women presenting at a specialty clinic for removal of an ovarian or pelvic mass.
  • Second, immune system competence is improved by removal of the large tumor mass.
  • Your problem becomes a series of small tasks, rather than an overwhelming amorphous mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pupils dressed in white finery sat attentively throughout the mass.
  • A new manufacturing facility in Framingham, Mass., that is important to the long-term supply of its drugs is already operational, the company said. Genzyme Profit Soars as Operating Costs Decline
  • Attempting to become clear about your values and then making career decisions appropriate to them is extremely difficult so long as what you call your values are an undifferentiated mass. The Pathfinder
  • Radiating fringe of feldspar in groundmass is in optical continuity with phenocryst, from which it nucleated. (e) Quartz phenocryst is surrounded by feldspar groundmass. Granophyre_photos.html
  • This occurs for non-woody monocotyledons of low biomass, where leaves form a constant high proportion of the total biomass.
  • In social life he loved the fishing rod which incidentally was one of the gifts of the Offertory Procession at his Requiem Mass.
  • Woe betide the person who doesn't cut back their overhanging vegetation as it severely compromises the safety of tall pedestrians with hats who use a particular footpath to mass.
  • Edward M.. Kennedy, D-Mass., laid out an alternative approach that would provide vouchers for families to buy insurance.
  • As a second step, these natural cheeses are mixed with emulsifying agents into a homogeneous mass.
  • This particle has very small mass.
  • Advanced Cell Technology of Worcester, Mass., has already cloned an endangered animal: the gaur, a humpback relative of the cow from Southeast Asia.
  • Enormous cloud formations formed a purple mass.
  • First, sodium lauryl sulfate and EDTA were put into the prepared complex inhibitor at the rate of 1:1 in mass.
  • In the vast basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano the priests bustled like beetles around the baldacchino as they presided over Midnight Mass.
  • From 1979 to 1986, Mrs. Gustin was the quality assurance manager for hazardous waste cleanup for what is now known as TRC in Bedford, Mass. Harry R. Bryant III; Isolde Chapin; Kent Sabatke; Kandiah Shivanandan; RoseMary J. Gustin; Mark E. Nejako
  • Fr McDonald conducted the mass.
  • Barney Frank, D-Mass., one of three openly gay lawmakers.
  • In amniotes, the embryo develops in a blastodisk atop a large yolk mass.
  • The two friends, each with tangled brown hair and not the faintest shadow of a facial whisker, live a mile apart in Andover, Mass., and graduated from Andover High School on the honor roll last spring. Students ordered held in case of suspected drug lab at Georgetown
  • And so he did all the observance of the service himself, both the "dirige" at night, and at morn he sang mass. The Age of Fable
  • In a twist of fate, some say they'll be looking to Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), chief architect of the House bill and a sharp critic of banking excesses, to restore what they call rational discussion. ad_icon Financial Reform: Lobbyists Fret, Call Some Proposals 'Crazy' 'Draconian,' 'Insanely Unproductive'
  • But now put the hierarchy in, specifically low-scale supersymmetry and a TeV-scale gravitino mass. String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • Thirteen churches in the Louth-South Armagh border zone have been asked not to celebrate Sunday mass.
  • Measuring the levels of C-peptide can give a practitioner an idea of the viable beta cell mass.
  • A peripheral bone densitometer is used to screen for osteoporosis, and can make one aware of low bone mass.
  • We will adopt their suggestions in mass.
  • His whole army seemed to surge up against Jackson as if to crush him with an overwhelming mass.....
  • At the 7.30 pm mass on Saturday evening and at the 12 noon mass on Sunday, a penitential Service will take place during the mass.
  • He postulated that all the atoms of the same element have the same atomic mass, while the atoms of a different element have a different atomic mass.
  • Viewing the visible and infrared light emitted by galaxies is crucial for determining their mass.
  • Very finely powdered metal, packed tightly and heated to a relatively low temperature -- "sintered" is the word -- becomes a solid mass. Space Tug
  • A collection plate will also be passed around at the mass.
  • The mass fraction under the form of substellar objects in the halo of the Galaxy is likely to represent only 5 to 15% of the total dynamic mass.
  • She had a cancerous growth that was crushing her throat and weighed a sixth of her body mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • This particle has very small mass.
  • This official public Mass is called the conventual Mass; if possible it should be a high Mass, but, even if it be not, it always has some of the features of high Mass. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Measurements from below the ice are only possible at the North Pole as the Arctic ice cap sits on the sea, unlike the Antarctic, which is a land mass.
  • The ecology of Typha is well-known, with several studies on phenology, production rate, competitive superiority and gas transportation into the below-ground biomass.
  • Lichens thus dominate the Antarctic flora both in terms of species diversity and in terms of total biomass.
  • Typically the biggest fragment produced by breakup is 10 to 50 percent of the total mass.
  • He admits that there are justifiable concerns over the supply of imported biomass. Times, Sunday Times
  • See pyramid of numbers, pyramid of biomass. Biology Basic Facts
  • Deep in her eyes, she had heartache, pain, and anger swirling together in a destructive mass.
  • Learning that my trade was that of a calker, he promptly decided that the best place for me was in New Bedford, Mass. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue
  • They are attached to the cranial or spinal meninges and usually present as a single mass.
  • It's really a dark piece of work, pretty much driven by Mozart's guilt over his father's death; in a lot of ways, I think it prefigures his requiem mass.
  • The subterranean flames roared and crackled; the hills were shaken to their centre; the caves were heaving in their depths, and fresh, glittering, golden, diamantine lumps came ever gushing from the fused and seething mass. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1864
  • He was assiduous in his attendance at Mass.
  • Students and their religion teachers are busily preparing for the forthcoming opening mass.
  • The poet's ritualistic performance, however, does not simply imitate a traditional daily Mass.
  • We don't see the electromagnetic field giving up energy to matter in a continuous stream, but rather in little lumps that behave like uncharged particles that lack rest mass.
  • In a twist of fate, some say they'll be looking to Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), chief architect of the House bill and a sharp critic of banking excesses, to restore what they call rational discussion. Lobbyists fret over legislation to reshape financial system
  • For variety (I suppose), the Hilliard Ensemble has inserted unrelated motets between several movements of the Mass.
  • The emptied wax wrapper of a disposable cardboard bento box lay next to his sprawled mass.
  • Eddie's Wheels Eddie's Wheels recently made its first chair for a 150-lb pot-bellied pig named Bacon, owned by a retired butcher in Peru, Mass. Pets With Wheels
  • The new territory would extend over one-fifth of Canada's land mass.
  • Mass.), will warblingly emote the tune "Pick it Up" on CBS's - Latest Videos
  • Its five songs are divvied up in several, nearly indistinguishable movements, but the album moves wholly, as a gross, plodding, overstuffed mass.
  • A large concourse of mourners were present at both removal and funeral mass.
  • When mixed into a slurry with water it sets rapidly into a uniform, solid, inert mass.
  • The pink mass of processed meat, gristle, salt, water, stabilizer, emulsifier and anti-oxidant slid forth in a solid mass.
  • Enormous cloud formations formed a purple mass.
  • The reason: the electrons in the beam are particles with mass.
  • In a briefing Monday afternoon on Martha's Vineyard, Mass., where President Barack Obama is vacationing with his family, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the "best information" indicated that the Libyan strongman was still in Libya, whereabouts unknown. U.S. Officials: Gadhafi Is Still in the Country
  • As they grew stronger, she turned into her pillow and tried to muffle the sound in the feathery mass. Western Man
  • In the early Church, as in the Synagogue, the altar was a sacred table upon which were placed the books and instruments used to celebrate the Eucharistic sacrament, or Mass.
  • On the fat-burning side of the equation, the foods and combos of foods you eat before and after you hit a cardio session can maximize your ability to cut up and retain hard-earned muscle mass.
  • The Feast of the Assumption was celebrated with prayers at the Marian Shrine in the village last Sunday after 10.00 am mass.
  • He was assiduous in his attendance at Mass.
  • The word Alleluja is removed from the entire liturgy on Septuagesima Sunday; on Passion Sunday, the doxology is removed from the Invitatory, the Responsories, and the Mass. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 5 - Tenebrae and the Divine Office of the Triduum
  • In fact, apparently, the easiest way to sex your cockroach is to count the number of of segments on the underside of its abdomen, according to roach expert Joseph Kunkel, a biology professor at the University of Mass., Boing Boing
  • It was interesting to watch, at the Saturday night vigil, my exemplary priest muddle through these changes with his usual open heart, and it was interesting to see the highly sophisticated reader, homilist and teacher struggle through the stiff and unwieldy and language of "corrected" sections of the mass. Michele Somerville: The Truth Behind The Godawful New (Old) Roman Catholic Missal
  • The quantity of creatinine formed daily is a relatively constant amount since it is related to muscle mass.
  • Instead, almost a year has been wasted in futile attempts to appease the Republicans and the Mass. disaster has struck. Matthew Yglesias » Our Broken Institutions

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