How To Use Mason In A Sentence

  • At the end of the day, Madison wrote Washington that Henry and Mason “appeared to take different & awkward ground,” and “the federalists are a good deal elated by the existing prospect.” Ratification
  • The other key aspect of the restoration involved repointing the exterior masonry, in the facades of limestone, sandstone, and granite.
  • These companies will also sell you mason bee cocoons, if you don't want to wait for the neighborhood bees to stumble across your beehouse on their own. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • Falling masonry, backdrafts and explosions are all very real dangers facing a firefighter outside the training room.
  • The opera is permeated with the Masonic sacred number - three.
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  • It is characterized by heavy, load-bearing masonry, the round-headed arch and its derivatives, the groin, and barrel vaulting.
  • He did a two-year masonry and tiling course after leaving school before joining the crew of a deep-sea fishing boat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Guards Danny Ainge and Dennis Johnson, deadeye marksmen in Los Angeles, came home to Beantown and took up masonry. One Season
  • Does your masonry promote multitheism or does it promote monotheism?
  • This is the first time that the use of dressed stone masonry is made, a major step in the evolution of building construction.
  • Plastering was performed by masons until it became a specialty of its own in the nineteenth century.
  • Drill the single aggregate particle out of the concrete using a masonry bit and then epoxy or cement a new aggregate particle into place.
  • In the center of campus, wedged between the six outer buildings, was the Mason Courtyard, a large stone courtyard, filled with groves of magnolias and palmettos.
  • As regards Universal Masonry, when announcing his demission and conversion to an officer of the Lodge, Giordano Bruno, at Palmi, Signor Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • An important mechanic parameter in masonry structure is the modulus of elasticity.
  • There, the mason had to lie on his stomach in a narrow groove, working his tools horizontally, chips and limestone dust dropping in front of his face.
  • For instance, in the case of strengthening masonry infill with FRP bars, they may be easily anchored to columns and beams.
  • KNOXVILLE - A new Mason-Dixon poll shows Republican gubernatorial candidate and Knoxville Nashville Scene
  • Sundial maker Malcolm Barnfield and stonemason Dave Baguley installed the beautiful stone sundial at the top north-west corner of The Wilds, on Sunday, 8 May.
  • Finally, still other portions of this same Mycenaean wall show on the outside a near approach to what is called ashlar masonry, in which the blocks are rectangular and laid in even horizontal courses. A History of Greek Art
  • Silence has long been a tenet of mystery religions such as Wicca, as well as other fraternal organizations such as the Masons, or the Golden Dawn.
  • Catholics are forbidden to join the Freemasons under pain of excommunication.
  • In 1776 Cagliostro and his wife were in London, where "Cagliostro" became a Freemason, joining a lodge connected with "The Order of Strict Observance," a secret society incorporated with Freemasonry, and which (on the Continent, at least) was concerned largely with occult subjects. Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
  • Socialist affiliations are recorded in the memoirs of the stone-mason Nadaud, the draughtsman Perdiguier and Suzanne Voilquin, who was a needlewoman.
  • As one of the oldest fraternities in existence today, it is not surprising that Freemasonry ‘places much importance on history which shapes and determines much of what we do,’ the Lodge Pattaya West Winds Master said.
  • To drill through the tile you will need a hammer, a nail set, an electric drill and a masonry bit a little larger than the diameter of the screws you use.
  • The gypsum board must be attached to the wood furring strips or underlying masonry using nails or screws.
  • We'd been rehearsing in a cold, cavernous warehouse space at Fort Mason for six weeks.
  • MBEs also went to stonemason Alan Horsfield, who was honoured for services to St Paul's Cathedral, Welsh caretaker Robert Owen, who was recognised for services to the community in Holyhead, Anglesey, and Mary Watt, who was rewarded for services to highland dance teaching in Ross-shire, Scotland. New Year honours: Recognition for unsung heroes in the public sector
  • He enjoyed a reputation for building tall elegant masonry structures such as church towers and spires.
  • You might also note that the Gov is determined to hand over the reins of the NHS chequebook to a bunch of seld-employed, overpaid, medical freemasons ( GPs) As far as the other "services" are concerned ( Army etc ) they're a complete law unto themselves. Policing and surveillance: The inspector calls | Editorial
  • A new block of masonry was built up from the ground of such height and lordliness that the remnant of the old pile left standing became as a mere cup-bearer and culinary menial beside it. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • The group then moved closer to where the marked UN vehicles were parked and another shot hit a building next to them, knocking pieces of masonry to the ground near her.
  • In Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief, diamond-nabber Bill Mason notes notes a strange security trend: people will spend big bucks to have a whole host ultra-sophisticated locks on their front doors -- but they'll put something flimsy on the back door, or leave the windows unlocked altogether. Defense Tech: Lock the back door, too
  • They abound in matters of interest to the investigator of masonic symbolism and philosophy, but should be read with a careful view of the preconceived theory of the learned author, who refers everything in the ancient religions to the influences of the Noachic cataclysm, and the arkite worship which he supposes to have resulted from it. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • One of the most common occupations of skilled slaves and freedmen was that of carpentry, or more generally any of the construction crafts, including masonry.
  • For even in those most ungenial days he aspired to literary fame, and as the by-product of laborious years issued, at his own expense, the ‘Poems of a Journeyman Mason’.
  • Other work carried out on the church during a seven-month period last year includes renovation of the tower, a new flagpole and repointing of much of the masonry.
  • Perhaps he was a mason, preparing to repair the fabric of the walls. THE HARDIE INHERITANCE
  • Masonry sealers are not intended for use on asphalt, glazed ceramic tile or on wooden surfaces.
  • Since then, other building trades, such as the cement masons and bricklayers, have conceded similar changes in their labor contracts with the city.
  • Freemasonry it refers especially to that east whence an ancient priesthood first disseminated truth to enlighten the world; wherefore the east is masonically called "the place of light. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • ‘We soon discovered iron-smelting debris - fragments of charcoal, slag raw iron and broken blowpipes on the floor of the furnace,’ says Mason.
  • It was as if he was pleading a kind of freemasonry because the pair of them shared idiosyncrasies of language. DISPLACED PERSON
  • Dear Mason, Things are so crazy here-sorry I didn't have time to write back and say congrats on fabulous heron photos. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • If I hadn't been "oohing" and "ahhing" and shouting my excitment to Susan, Zoe, and Mason, I think most people wouldn't even have stopped. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • His Masonic music has a distinctive tone, solemn yet exalted and often joyous.
  • Sundial maker Malcolm Barnfield and stonemason Dave Baguley installed the beautiful stone sundial at the top north-west corner of The Wilds, on Sunday, 8 May.
  • Care must be used in deciding where and when to use clear waterproofing materials on masonry walls.
  • He said he also could not say if there was a cost overrun on the Mason Hall project, since that was an issue between the owner, contractor and sub-contractor.
  • In the case of a Freemason, there would also be various other objects - particularly the apron.
  • Rage is exciting, but leaves me confused and exhausted. Mason Cooley 
  • MASON: Well, I think that this kind of congeniality and ease and sweetness and softness. CNN Transcript Jan 23, 2005
  • The ground or basement story of the Alabama capitol was constructed of traditional masonry consisting of ashlar walls made of locally quarried sandstone.
  • Author Roy Rob and his wife, Jaki, used the age-old technique of cordwood masonry to construct the main living quarters and outbuildings on their homestead in West Chazy, New York.
  • While copying guild models, friendly societies also adopted elements of the secret freemasonry movement, specifically rites, rituals and codes of conduct.
  • More than once I heard people talk about not trusting someone from north of the Mason Dixon line (of which I am one), and that people of color (referred to as "darkies") were not to be trusted (most notably from the name partner of a large law firm to his client referring to another attorney in the D.C. area representing a major corporation with whom the client had business dealing with). Apology not accepted, lawmaker says of McDonnell
  • The entryway of our brownstone was a magnificent piece of workmanship and masonry.
  • From the Sun-Sentinel: MILWAUKEE -- To complete the ultimate quest of "The Lord of the Rings," Carl Hostetter has left his home in Maryland to navigate roaring rivers and cross vast plains — all to stride bravely through looming masoned gates in search of a nearly hidden glass door. March 2004
  • Vidal D. Mason, 23, will serve the term consecutive to a five-year sentence imposed for violating the terms of his parole from an armed robbery conviction in 2006, according to online court records.
  • Then she plans to restore an 1850 farmhouse on the Mason property, tend to her garden and relax.
  • The layer in contact with the brick masonry (also known as "arriccio") is probably composed of lime, aggregates, such as sand and limestone, and a high presence of vegetable fibers, perhaps including wheat straw or husk. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Restoration Report 5
  • Newberry finally succumbed to another big hit, Alex Mason replacing him and leaving BJ Fowler as the line-out jumper.
  • Another example is masonry veneer over a steel or concrete frame.
  • Let us now proceed to a brief consideration of the method in which this alphabet of the science is applied to the more elevated and abstruser portions of the system, and which, as the temple constitutes its most important type, I have chosen to call the "Temple Symbolism of Masonry. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • About 150 activists were arrested in Fortnum & Mason despite holding what Chief Inspector Claire Clark described as a non-violent and "sensible" demonstration. Met police are accused of pursuing a 'vindictive' case against UK Uncut tax protesters
  • Neighbours say the tight-knit village has been shocked to hear of the death of the self-employed stonemason and walling contractor.
  • Rossiter in this autumn of 1917 was extremely interested in certain crucial experiments he was making with spiculum in sponge-cells; with scleroblasts, "mason-cells," osteoblasts, and "consciousness" in bone-cells. Mrs. Warren's Daughter A Story of the Woman's Movement
  • George Mason coach Jim Larranaga admitted the Patriots were intimidated from the start.
  • Most notably, the Pueblo Indians in the Southwest used adobe masonry to moderate weather extremes and keep their homes comfortable.
  • Masonry reverences all the great reformers.
  • Mason Storm's going to vanish, and you'll help make that happen.
  • Englishmen when I say that to insult and abuse a man for adopting another faith, however opposed to our own, and even ridiculous in itself, is an odious method in controversy, and for myself I see little to choose between a proselyte of the gate, a renegade Mason, and a demitted Roman Catholic. Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • `From the depths of TV or video nasties, more like," Mason snapped. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • Writing about an idea frees me of it. Thinking about it is a circle of repetitions. Mason Cooley 
  • More than once I heard people talk about not trusting someone from north of the Mason Dixon line (of which I am one), and that people of color (referred to as "darkies") were not to be trusted (most notably from the name partner of a large law firm to his client referring to another attorney in the D.C. area representing a major corporation with whom the client had business dealing with). Apology not accepted, lawmaker says of McDonnell
  • The wet clay piece is left on the bat; the bat is removed from the wheel head; and the piece remains on the masonite bat for quick drying.
  • The tower was about 10 metres high and had solid masonry of brick and stone about 2 metres thick.
  • In an embayed recess among the surrounding yew trees, leaning her back against the pedestal of a pleasantly comic version of the Medici Venus, executed by some nameless mason of the seicento, he saw Mary pensively sitting. Crome Yellow
  • A technician on probation was hit by a piece of falling masonry.
  • Cagliostro," however, was unsatisfied with its rituals and devised a new system which he called Egyptian Masonry. Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
  • The term "pressed wood" is a description or term than can be applied to any engineered wood product that is made from wood fibers (such as Masonite is), wood veneers, chips, or even sawdust particles, which are then heated and bonded together, under pressure, with some type of glue or synthetic adhesive product. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • We learned how Romans built their bridges, how medieval masons built their vaults, how lime and mortar were used in English buildings, and so on.
  • As they'd noted, this area had a somewhat disused look to it, for the floor was covered with a conglomeration of dirt, guano and silt interspersed with crumbling bits of masonry or fallen pillars.
  • To have been in that eddy is a freemasonry of which the common password is a "fie" on all the operations of the simple popular understanding. Memories and Studies
  • FREE MASONRY, CO-MASONRY, AND CATHOLICISM At the end of last month's lesson a few words were said about men and women practicing Mystic Masonry, and it might appear to some as if we en - dorse Co-Masonry, but this is emphatically not the case. Max Heindel's Letters to Students by The Rosicrucian Fellowship
  • Peacham, indeed, offered drawing as ‘a gentleman's exercise’ which could also serve ‘for the necessarie use and generall benefite of diuers trades-men and artificers, as namly painters, ioyners, free-masons, cutters, and carvers.’
  • Nah, aw like a chap o 'that sooart, if he doesn't carry things too far: but when he begins to say' at he con build a haase as weel as a mason, an 'mak a kist o' drawers as weel as a joiner, or praich a sarmon as weel as th 'parson -- or playa bazzoon, or spetch a pair o' clogs better nor ony man breathin -- then, aw say, tak care an 'ha' nowt to do wi 'him. Yorksher Puddin' A Collection of the Most Popular Dialect Stories from the Pen of John Hartley
  • Masonry sealers are not intended for use on asphalt, glazed ceramic tile or on wooden surfaces.
  • [98] Time out of mind it has been the habit of writers, both within the order and without, to treat Masonry as though it were a kind of agglomeration of archaic remains and platitudinous moralizings, made up of the heel-taps of Operative legend and the fag-ends of Occult lore. The Builders A Story and Study of Masonry
  • The mason flushed the joint with mortar.
  • George Mason, on the other hand, has an unusual emphasis in policy discourse and economic homiletics. Scholastics and Pietists, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The Rev David Knight, rural dean for Shipston deanery, said the money would be spent on ‘necessary but unglamorous’ masonry and glazing repairs.
  • Although the United States "has done as good a job as it could have" in trying to make the ANA mirror the broader society, Mason said, it can only "attenuate" rather than prevent such a war in the future, even with a larger troop presence. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • When we arrived, Mason was still asleep, so I left the rest of the team in the car to conduct a bit of reconnaissance.
  • Mason's low, slightly strangulated voice is perfect for suggesting the thin-lipped intensity of his newly unpeeled anger.
  • Dignity takes alarm at the unexpected sound of laughter. Mason Cooley 
  • Adobe masonry is heavy work, so limiting the square footage of the adobe walls is important to building on a budget.
  • He sprawled to take an empty net away from Henrik Sedin on a power play, and stopped Mason Raymond from the slot with 4: 40 left, preserving his ninth career shutout.
  • If not a thoroughly convincing victory it further establishes Mason in the heavyweight division and his career will now take definite shape.
  • However I knew children at my school who were targeted because their parents were part of an anti-Masonic group and the headmaster was a leading mason as was his father, chairman of the local council. Grammar Streaming is Part of the Answer
  • Dignity takes alarm at the unexpected sound of laughter. Mason Cooley 
  • If you are going to employ men to build a wall, and if those men are to be treated simple as tools, it is imbecility to make such a design for your wall as depends upon your having masons who are artists.
  • ; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; S.A. T. C.; Mason; Odd Fellow; Baptist. Alumni History of the University of North Carolina
  • Others said that it was an eatery for Freemasons and masters of industry.
  • Behind the screen workmen have already gutted the inside of the former church, the roof is being stripped of damaged tiles and stonemasons are cleaning stones and removing badly eroded ones for replacement.
  • At the bottom of the scale were trades serving local markets, such as carpenters, masons, bakers, or shoemakers.
  • Yon's twa weavers and a mason cursing the laird, and the man wi 'the besom is the Master of Crumnathie. The Little Minister
  • Depending on the type of masonry sealer, some will also work to seal concrete slabs.
  • The masons immediately thereafter proceeded to bore the trenail-holes into the course below, and otherwise to complete the one in hand. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • Natural drafts that people usually sense occur near windows and masonry walls.
  • -- Fairfield coach Ed Cooley, after his team rallied from a 27-point, second-half deficit to beat George Mason in the opening round of the CollegeInsider. com Tournament. Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference
  • In these cases, water often penetrates copings, caps, sills, or other elements that cover the top of the masonry.
  • We need to ensure that there are nursing and medical staff with the appropriate skills to look after these very sick children, including staff with experience to manage acute pain, said Dr David Mason, NCEPOD clinical co-ordinator and consultant paediatric anaesthetist, one of the authors. NHS: study criticises treatment of children who later died after surgery
  • Against the new masonry I re-erected the old rampart of bones.
  • Writing about an idea frees me of it. Thinking about it is a circle of repetitions. Mason Cooley 
  • Grinding the mortar bed joints is a simpler task than grooving the masonry units.
  • The book "Cybil" is based on the life of Shirley Ardell Mason and she and Dr. Wilbur worked on the factuality of the content and was one of the first publications to bring to public eye "Disassociative Identity Disorder" or commonly called "Multiple Personality Disorder". Weiner: Obama speech may end 'Sybil' health-care message
  • Ealer would not be convinced; he said a man could learn how to correctly handle the subtleties and mysteries and free-masonries of any trade by careful reading and studying. Is Shakespeare Dead?
  • If the wells are made of brick, a mason or a skilled handyman can add another row or two of bricks on top of the existing wall.
  • The guy I had a crush on even commented on the gnostic demiurges and the founding fathers as freemasons.
  • Irony regards every simple truth as a challenge. Mason Cooley 
  • Even the use of stone cladding is another area where the machine-sawn masonry seldom lives up to expectations and slabs of stone can often look like concrete.
  • Problem: Thirdfloor rear walls in old rowhouses often are masonry supported only by an old wood beam at the level below.
  • They will not be able to tell you how freemasonry began, however.
  • Cronaca, then, executed half of the said cornice with great art right round that palace, together with dentils and ovoli, and finished it completely on two sides, counterpoising the stones in such a way, in order that they might turn out well bound and balanced, that there is no better masonry to be seen, nor any carried to perfection with more diligence. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 04 (of 10), Filippino Lippi to Domenico Puligo
  • Mason went home for a couple of hours' kip.
  • Neither General Kearney nor Mason had much respect for this land of "buncombe," but assumed the true doctrine that Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals
  • There are 33 degrees of initiation in freemasonry, the 33rd degree being the highest.
  • During a period of about thirty years, he has been engaged in the humble capacity of a dry-stone mason in Peeblesshire. The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume IV. The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century
  • A prize is on offer to whoever comes up with the winning name for Mrs Mason's new shop.
  • As the resort's rules demand, walls are sculpted out of white rendered masonry, and there is a shallow thatched roof.
  • Mason points out that accusations of collusion between the two companies were nothing new.
  • Mason cuts a battered but defiant figure.
  • There is an unobvious obvious that Dan Brown did not touch on in his latest book, but then he was developing his plot based on Freemason symbols and these are really universal symbols. The Forgotten Symbol Dan Brown Omitted From The Lost Symbol
  • Other improvements that will be started in the coming year include repairing and restoring the mill's headrace, which guides and controls water flow from the river to the mill, masonry repairs to the foundation walls, repainting the cupolas of the Slater and Wilkinson mills and replacing the Slater Mill's 1929 fire suppression system. Projo Local News
  • The operation could be done privately for around $3,510, about the cost of Mason's monthly food bill before the operation.
  • The only secrets in Freemasonry are the signs, grips and tokens of recognition and even these were revealed decades ago.
  • Speaking of which, has anyone bought that old brick house on the corner of Mason Street?
  • More surprising, at least to those who presumed her well-aired feminist principles to have been a continual corrective to Blair's masonic/lubricious tendencies, Cherie Blair appears to have been equally impressed by displays of New Labour virility, twitting her husband on the contrast with his own probable timidity: "John's just a man. What woman could ever compete with Tony 'cojones' Blair?
  • The last to die was David Mason, who was sent to the gas chamber in August 1993.
  • As a mason, he would mix socially with other masons, many of them local police officers, the theory dictates.
  • Were we, class?) So when Tyler finally handed over the weird, translucent, egg-shaped moonstone and Mason immediately brought it to Katherine, I didn't let out a full-on gasp.
  • The hymn "O Church, arise" was sung in Mason's tune of "Dort" until The Story of the Hymns and Tunes
  • The thrill will be to work with the original, largely untouched medieval masonry. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Masonic religion should be, by all of its initiates of the higher degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. if Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty perfidy, and hatred of man, Barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? La Satanism Exposed | Disinformation
  • The WES uses a quick-release lever that lets masons disengage the tarp from the platform if doing so prevents it from possibly tipping over due to high winds.
  • An Egg Samuel Butler, for the notebook of housewives, may be summarized as a pyramid, based upon toast, whereof the chief masonries are a flake of bacon, an egg poached to firmness, a wreath of mushrooms, a cap-sheaf of red peppers; the whole dribbled with a warm pink sauce of which the inventor retains the secret. The Haunted Bookshop
  • So the walkway has been closed off and the builders are in to repoint the masonry, since the bees can't get into any mortar that isn't old and soft.
  • The downwash from the rotors caused a set of load straps in the cargo bay of the LCM8 to slip, allowing three masonite building sheets to lift in an uncontrolled manner that resulted in a potential FOD hazard.
  • Fans of the stuff are masonically loyal, prickling with a defensiveness and an ardor that not even Wagnerians can match. Information, Culture, Policy, Education: Comics
  • The episodes with beatniks and coffee houses are striking: while Mason epitomizes cool, he disdains nihilism.
  • These patents were for a steelyard, a candlestick, the anglet, a mason's hoist for bricks and mortar, and a balance (scale).
  • PERRY MASON - SEASON 1, VOLUME 2 another no-friller has been announced for a November release. Perry Mason? Allow Me To Refresh Your Memory
  • I'm a Mason yet I hold no provincial or grand rank.
  • The original buildings were constructed of timber and stone masonry, covered with white-washed plaster.
  • There was nothing fancy about it, but the solidity of the masonry gave an impression of lasting durability.
  • Monkbarns, if ye howk up the bourock, as ye seem to have began, yell find, if ye hae not fund it already, a stane that ane o 'the mason-callants cut a ladle on to have a bourd at the bridegroom, and he put four letters on't, that's A.D.L.L. --- Aiken Drum's Lang The Antiquary
  • Almost 14 percent of those sought were reported as having pre-industrial skills; the males were blacksmiths or masons or coopers.
  • The product is flexible and easily formed by hand at the job site and is used for weep holes, horizontal and vertical masonry surfaces, parapets, or copings.
  • Sam and Cole broke a mason jar in the ground and had to collect the pieces. THE WIDOW'S TRIAL
  • There are different rules for reading, for thinking, and for talking. Writing blends all three of them. Mason Cooley 
  • A Mason jar of early wildflowers sat in the center, along with a deep-dish apple pie, fresh from the oven.
  • As we view the use of ‘sheepskin aprons’ in the Initiated Orders of Masonry, we can surmise that the use of this element would be seen as an affront to more ‘precise’ sects contained within the vast network of Mystery Schools.
  • Overall, the Knights Templar is a "concordant" body of the Masons. Consul-At-Arms
  • Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir
  • Indeed, the herms are spliced to the rustication by thin pieces of stone that were fitted to the existing masonry before the heavier figures and the shafts were put in place.
  • It is believed that thousands of clergy and churchgoers are among the 350,000 British members of the Masons.
  • If the scales are not level with each other, use plywood or some other material, such as aluminum or Masonite, and shim them until all four scales are level.
  • And while Mason of Personhood USA says he doesn't think his proposals would interfere with most forms of birth control, he doesn't deny that some could.
  • Buds are dried and then put in mason jars and 'burped' -- given occasional breaths of fresh air -- in a regime that cures the pot, turning it sticky and stinky. Reuters: Top News
  • The petitioners roundly charged the masons with unskilfulness in their work.
  • Other architects did this, but typically relied on careful measurements, a compass and a straightedge to create a precise template for the stonemasons. The Frugal Genius
  • Cheney Mason charge NeJame with harboring an "ulterior motive" in his attempt to "thwart SplicedFeed
  • What surprises me a lot is, even the workers decorating my house have their mobiles - the em>painters, the decorators, the mason, the electricity, and the carpenter.
  • With a terrible finality he chalked 18 on a piece of masonry and turned away. Bomber
  • In early times the walls were very much thicker, composed of hewn stone, making a kind of casing at each side, called ashlar, the interval being filled with rubble masonry cemented with lime and loam. Bell’s Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Hereford, A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • Boston Ivy can easily climb tree bark, wooden fences, concrete masonry, and brick or stone walls.
  • The Thomason Medallic Bible is a set of sixty medals struck in 1830 that captures the essence of the entire Holy Bible in medallic art.
  • Image above: This vintage metal bin is filled with some 45 records from my grandfather's collection and a mason jar that holds a ball of twine from Etsy.
  • The masons, a highly secretive society which traces its roots back to medieval craft associations, are active in this predominantly Muslim but secular country.'
  • There can be no doubt that masons in Medieval England were highly skilled craftsmen.
  • He signalized his departure from California by blowing up Fort Mason. THE ENEMY OF ALL THE WORLD
  • Littmann's late father was a newspaper pressman who later became a mason and contractor.
  • At the same time there were harness makers, tailors, dressmakers, builders, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, watchmakers, saddlers, masons and carpenters.
  • My guess is that Florida is going to be the big kahuna," said Brad Coker, a Florida-based pollster for Mason-Dixon who conducts surveys nationwide. Elections 2012: Florida Set For Big Role In GOP Primary
  • Daniel Sedin pounced on it and fed a pass to his identical twin alone in front of the net, where he deked Mason down and shot it in.
  • It was the masons who originally conceived the idea of a tightly-knit religious-intellectual sect, existing within yet apart from mainstream society.
  • In this business he proceeds very heedfully, like a treasure-hunter in some old house, sounding the walls to find where the gold is masoned in. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • The three storeyed red and white bawdy houses of Upper Queen Street extended into Grey Street, and mingled happily with Chinese grocery shops, masonic clubs, and pakapoo saloons.
  • New light has been shed on the cathedral spire and tower which, at 404 ft is the tallest masonry structure in Britain, by tree ring dating.
  • 96 Drains were usually constructed 18 in. square and were built with lime-mortared masonry walls that supported flat slab stones beneath the road metal.
  • To even out the slight irregularities in masonry or old plaster, it is likely you will need some shim material to get the furring surfaces flush with each other.
  • MASON: Well, I think this kind of congeniality and ease and sweetness and softness, most people get involved in the competitive nature in this kind of business and there is a turbulent intensity in most people. CNN Transcript Jan 23, 2005
  • In a tool-shed at the bottom of the garden, lay the relics of building-materials, left by masons lately employed to repair a part of the premises.
  • Finally, we will conclude with a brief review of freemasonry today.
  • This year, the line figures to make great leaps, especially if Tray Allen recovers from his injury, Mason Walters lives up to his billing and youngsters such as redshirt freshmen Thomas - Highschool
  • Newly listed occupations included railroad workers and cotton brokers, as well as skilled craftsmen such as silversmiths, watchmakers, stonecutters, brick masons, and a plumber.
  • I've been reading about a fab church (with drool-worthy architecture, stained glass windows and stone masonry work to covet) in NZ.
  • But for every chance he got to slag off Sandberg, he had to endure twenty minutes of talk about weightlifting and a brutal _thirty _minutes about Mason jars. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine

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