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How To Use Masculinity In A Sentence

  • I don't think his masculinity is in question.
  • After September 11 everyone was talking about masculinity, mostly because any heterosexual woman who hadn't previously fetishized firemen now felt compelled to do so, if only out of gratitude.
  • And Moore, perhaps more than a little challenged by his own insecurities, has made a film that is profoundly invested in manhood, masculinity, machismo.
  • The merest hint of effeminacy is treated as treachery to masculinity, and traitors are subjected to the kinds of violence suffered by women.
  • It is a peculiar notion of masculinity that is naturalised and internalised in everyday practices and relationships by both men and women.
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  • Men should not be expected to live up to stereotypical conceptions of heterosexuality and masculinity.
  • Men should remember that muscularity is not masculinity and that self-esteem is not built on a six-pack of abdominal muscles.
  • Drinking, and particularly the ability to hold a drink, is traditionally a barometer of masculinity.
  • And it completes an equation between some idea of elemental work and essential masculinity.
  • However, I had a view of what masculinity involved and he totally outclassed me.
  • This masculinity was emphasised by her uncompromising coiffure, her grey hair drawn tightly back and screwed into a straggling bun.
  • Broccoli's subtle equation of masculinity with violence is the dark side of machismo.
  • The story explores the contradictions of teenage masculinity and femininity and contrasts Japan past and present. Times, Sunday Times
  • The positive redefinition of a specifically Asian form of masculinity may also be a significant part of these texts' appeal.
  • The briar pipe continued to epitomise solid, dependable, common sense masculinity.
  • The change in these interactions could be a fruitful place for discussing masculinity but is left largely unanalyzed.
  • The quickly qualifying and anxiety-ridden ‘of course’ indicates that, for Irene, his masculinity has to be rapidly recuperated from any trace of the feminine.
  • In the interwar era masculinity was defined principally in terms of a man's ability to support a family, rather than his independence from domesticity.
  • Prior productions have dealt with HIV / AIDS, masculinity, sexism, and abuse among others.
  • The change in these interactions could be a fruitful place for discussing masculinity but is left largely unanalyzed.
  • In the current situation, however, portraying Romney as a flip-flopper would not signal weakness or a lack of masculinity, but would tap into suspicions that he is not a true conservative. Aaron Belkin: Mr. President: Depict Romney as the Extremist He Claims to Be
  • Hemingway is remembered not only as one of America's most important writers, but as an archetype of a particular American genre of masculinity.
  • The key concept for defining masculinity is machismo, which is associated with violence, power, aggressiveness, and sexual assertiveness.
  • The results of an exhaustive study into masculinity were published this week and they make for illuminating reading.
  • Children's ideas of masculinity tend to come from their fathers.
  • But it's not just homophobia or transphobia that these men are reacting to so violently: their whole masculinity is at stake.
  • After a decade or so when lad culture reigned supreme, there's a new willingness among men to engage with the negatives in their masculinity, and to embrace the feminine.
  • Men are also gendered beings, and are affected in negative ways through the social construction of masculinity.
  • Indeed, it is the woodcraft literature's preoccupation with the frontier, masculinity, and modernity that all suggest a key place for woodcraft in the heritage of American wilderness thought.
  • Obvious secondary sexual characteristics moderated manliness: height, strength, deep voice, dark hair and complexion all imbued masculinity.
  • He is magnetic on screen, with a rare ability to combine masculinity with vulnerability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Masculinity and manhood have nothing to do with whom you sleep with or whom you love.
  • The paranoia reading was low for someone with the prisoner's apparent intelligence, nor had he scored high in psychopathic deviation, schizophrenia, hypomania, depression, hysteria, masculinity/femininity, psychasthenia, or social introversion. The Girls He Adored
  • For many men, the ability to perform sexually and to satisfy their partner was an important marker of their masculinity.
  • Though none of these experts agreed openly with Horkheimer's assertion that Monty's excessive masculinity indicated repressed homosexuality, their obsession with "virility" is very suggestive. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Perceived as gender-neutral, these practices were rooted in old, idealised images of masculinity.
  • None the less, enough boys are surviving school with their masculinity intact to deeply distress the liberationists.
  • men associate the roughness of nonstandard working-class speech with masculinity
  • He tackles human freedom and also our views of masculinity and femininity. Christianity Today
  • We see, here, a politics of masculinity, its currency that of resentment transmuted into exaggerated self-assertion.
  • It's another example of how Ives associated dissonance and technical demands with masculinity, overcoming challenges, and prowess on the baseball field.
  • It allowed him, and the scores of men like him who litigated over quarrels like this, to make use of deep-laid linguistic and cultural meanings of masculinity.
  • A wielding of language that speaks as a means to recapture and reanimate male power, it suggests a masculinity reasserting itself at the expense of women.
  • It's a chewy and challenging look at masculinity today - how it plays out across age and ethnicity, through disability and perceived imperfection.
  • This is not the place for a detailed study of the supposed crisis in contemporary masculinity, if indeed one exists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such an interpretive clarification is critical because the idea of the self-made man in antebellum America has a long, entrenched historiography and, in its latest incarnation, couples masculinity studies with a discussion of the development of national markets and the removal of men from the household as part of the rise of separate spheres. 96 Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • The tough New Hampshire landscape produces men who aspire to a model of masculinity predicated on violence, and here it is concurrent with an American history which goes back to ‘Gun Smoke’.
  • I see that you've found words for the odd pervasiveness of what looks like gender questioning masculinity in wimmin's community. WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME AGAIN
  • Only two of the six chapters make masculinity a central analytical fulcrum; the other four make mention of it but do not explore it in any real depth.
  • The Contemporary Museum, Honolulu, saw his psychosexual fantasies as reflective of today's hybrid youth culture and our hybrid identities: "Challenging our facility to read the signs of masculinity, femininity, race, attitude, and expression, Chadsey's images spin a complex web of emotion and desire. ArtScene: This Month's Top Exhibitions in the Western United States
  • Basically, Dirk Benedict – the guy who was Starbuck, and has spent the last two decades hanging around conventions like a ghost ever since the original show got cancelled – says that the fact that Starbuck was transformed into a girl for the recent revamp is a sign of the decline of masculinity. Mixed Messages, And When To Send Them
  • Bull 1980 in which director Martin Scorsese and his leading man, Robert De Niro, take the poignant story of heavyweight champ Jake LaMotta and alchemise it into a parable about anger, masculinity and human frailty, providing - in the scene where De Niro's hero beats his fists against the walls of his concrete cell - one of cinema's great images of futility and rage. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • It's overly simplistic to label a player insecure or unsure of his masculinity.
  • The book is subtitled 'A Psychology of Masculinity'.
  • The office of president, always held by men, promotes a mental link between authority and masculinity.
  • So although there are many valid and extreme situations that justify the term emotional abuse, the term has become an emotional catch all for many people who are angry at masculinity, and afraid of intimacy. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • A third patient explained that, like me, he had no desire to father children but felt that by banking sperm he was in some way ‘preserving his masculinity.’
  • Masculinity, just like femininity, is a performative act. Blog Against Sexism – Some (disjointed) thoughts on Masculinity & Masochism | Living the Liminal
  • Did militant feminism require women to give up their womanhood and adopt masculinity?
  • He tackles human freedom and also our views of masculinity and femininity. Christianity Today
  • This exhibition of masculinity is considered progressive thus bringing clarity to the enigma. Think Progress » Scott Brown Denies Asserting That Obama Was Born Out Of Wedlock, Refuses To Apologize
  • The male neighbors who posed as the henpecked husband and his domineering wife asserted their own masculinity by imitating and grossly exaggerating the actions of the misbehaving couple.
  • One of the assigned readings by Israeli scholar and feminist Simona Sharoni spoke of how in Hebrew the word “zayin” means both penis and weapon in a discussion of Israeli militarised masculinity. The Volokh Conspiracy » Massad Defends Himself:
  • Such masculinity and Japaneseness attract and repel him at the same time.
  • Men should remember that muscularity is not masculinity and that self-esteem is not built on a six-pack of abdominal muscles.
  • Through experiences of community, rituals, and teachings, the mythopoetic men sought to overcome negative images of masculinity by creating new ones (or retrieving ancient ones) from myths and poems.
  • He felt it was a threat to his masculinity.
  • In view of the astrological symbolism of these metals, that gold should be masculine, silver feminine, does not surprise us, because the idea of the masculinity of the sun and the femininity of the moon is a bit of phallicism that still remains with us. Bygone Beliefs
  • Their masculinity enhances the femininity of their wives and girlfriends. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence, masculinity, femininity and homosexuality were transformed from the realm of biological necessity to that of custom.
  • Conception was external proof of masculinity.
  • Would my hard veneer of masculinity be transformed into a soft glow by the balm of moisturising cream?
  • That same year, the psychological profession adopted the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, a scale that measured masculinity and femininity as separate and coexistent within an individual. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Clarisse Thorn discusses how HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns in southern Africa are redefining ideas about masculinity. The 11th Carnival of Feminists – Global Edition! « Gender Across Borders
  • He goes beyond masculinity in the only fatherhood worthy of the name, and is at the same time, in this eternal virginity, the antitype of all motherhood.
  • The stress on agnation in inheritance and family relations and the masculinity of labour in hill farming, tied to the apparent primary social significance of men certainly seem to position women as minor players.
  • These burly, barrel-chested men aren't quite comfortable within their macho trappings, but act as allegorical tools to explore issues of contemporary masculinity.
  • He's got that square-jawed masculinity that a lot of women seem to find attractive.
  • A big pair of testes to symbolise masculinity and its perils? THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • Associations with American masculinity were played up, but women were also appealed to. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps John Terry could assert his throbbing masculinity by wearing shorts so tight that it's touch and go whether you'll self-vasectomise by the end of the 90 minutes. The Guardian World News
  • Men are also gendered beings, and are affected in negative ways through the social construction of masculinity.
  • Despite his seeming impotence (being paralyzed), the main character is able to prove his masculinity through his confrontation with the killer.
  • In addition, attention has been drawn to the importance of particular sexual behaviors - many of them unhealthful for both men and women - for the performance of masculinity.
  • Example: In addition to being an educational pioneer, Frederick Douglass provides an interesting case study for masculinity in the American South.
  • After decades of associating Democrats with failed masculinity, the Republicans are faced with an opponent who knows how to put on a butch display.
  • You-you impressionable teenager with a crush on the football captain and anxiety about your own masculinity-you just might be a born homosexual.
  • Football is a bastion of masculinity in this area.
  • The story explores the contradictions of teenage masculinity and femininity and contrasts Japan past and present. Times, Sunday Times
  • The failure of even the most stringently iconoclastic monotheists is that while they reject the animal heads, the horns and the hooves of theriomorphic deities they nevertheless maintain the absurd anthropomorphism of not just humanity but masculinity. Archive 2007-04-01
  • But of course, masculinity is not an independent social structure: it is, in Connell's terms, an emergent characteristic of gender, a culture's organization of the reproductive arena. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • The "herbivores" - a trend in Japan of men who live abstinently and take women as friends instead of lovers - is often trotted out in articles about the fall of masculinity, the subtext being that once guys start to be emotionally nuanced part-time househusbands, they will no longer possess a primal drive for sex. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • During early childhood, boys' identities as babies overshadowed their identities as boys, although class and race could foreshorten this moratorium from masculinity.
  • Take away the pole, and we're still left with a host of problems and a crisis in masculinity: A culture that rewards men for being hyperaggressive and punishes those who can't or won't. Shira Tarrant: Hip to Strip? Or Is it Time for Men to Stop Watching?
  • It's a kind of subtractive masculinity, where the only qualities that make a guy a Real Man are ones women do not display. Archive 2007-02-01
  • This ability to intervene and change a situation by practical means was how he defined his masculinity. Times, Sunday Times
  • And there's that whole concept of a lack of masculinity, a lack of manhood, you know, a lessening of self because of the occupation that turns particularly men towards remanning themselves.
  • He oozes casual masculinity and in Silurians he's seen as car mechanic, a T-shirted, jeans wearing forensic scientist and a potholer whilst in Ambassadors he's a bone fide astronaut (compare him to the Troughton figure in The Seeds Of Death and you'll see how the tone has shifted). British Blogs
  • Similarly, Esquire magazine's Eat Like a Man blog celebrates "foods that men love and … ways that men eat", embracing the idea of gendered eating as a way of marking out their masculinity in grilled meat. The truth about men, women and food
  • It also posits that femininity and masculinity are socially constructed rather than biological givens, emphasizing the performativity of gender.
  • James Dean radiated a furtive, brooding, fifties masculinity that two shows - a new docudrama and a feature film - try to decode.
  • He is magnetic on screen, with a rare ability to combine masculinity with vulnerability. Times, Sunday Times
  • To delineate masculinity it was constantly necessary to define and proscribe unmanly behavior.
  • The body and dress of King Henry VIII of England served as icons of masculinity and power, his extravagant codpieces denoting his virility.
  • Psychology, like other discourses, associates subjectivity with femininity, and objectivity with masculinity.
  • Death Wish and Straw Dogs – misogynistic hits from that heyday of anti-feminist backlash, the early-70s – they endlessly gnaw and worry at issues of masculinity and impotence, with added penis-substitute artillery, and the purgative satisfactions deriving from orgasmic explosions of violence. Colmbiana proves that Luc Besson has a type … women with big guns
  • We see, here, a politics of masculinity, its currency that of resentment transmuted into exaggerated self-assertion.
  • Once boys become teens, masculinity is additionally defined by the absolutely crucial task of getting laid.
  • M-ness is defined thus: a masculinity that defines the best of traditional manliness (strength, honour, character) with positive traits traditionally associated with females (nurturance, communicativeness, co-operation).
  • His carefully crafted mystique is built entirely on his manufactured masculinity.
  • My gut rebels, in the same way that watching middle-class drag kings portraying their take on the brutish masculinity of working class males for sexual arousal of screaming mostly middle class (or aspiring thereto) women struck me as sick-making cooptation. Minstrel Shows
  • His erotic caresses, his musky masculinity warmed with the scent of his cologne.
  • Extreme masculinity is presented as a sane response to an insane world. Matthew Yglesias » Fight Club
  • The first step to reclaiming masculinity is to dry those pretty little eyes, reapply your manscara, touch up your guyliner and get right back to the testosterone-saturated stadium/building site/trading floor.
  • The term tantra has taken on explicitly sexual meanings in popular American usage, and Gaskin's tantric approach to masculinity did involve prescriptions for men's sexual behavior. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • American film actor, born in Cadiz, Ohio, Âwho epitomized the American ideal of masculinity and virility for three decades. Five People Born on February 1 | myFiveBest
  • Working-class masculinity was rooted in the more homosocial worlds of the trade union, the lodge, and other male-dominated urban spaces.
  • Most refuse to defy the cultural definition of masculinity, to overcome their fears, or to relinquish their male privilege.
  • GROSS: In the movie, I should say, his masculinity is always being called into question. Pixar's People, At Play With Ideas In 'Toy Story 3'
  • How often do I tell people that “cgs is like women’s studies, queer studies, masculinity studies, communications and media studies all wrapped up into one”? Facebook in action « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Images of strapping masculinity are often slated as fascistic.
  • Okay, many game developers may be culturally unsophisticated, but challenging their human adulthood and masculinity is a really low blow. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Halperin's sense of how Greek paederasty renders masculinity is complicated by his view that modern homosexuality is about the absence of gender difference. The Uses and Abuses of Historicism: Halperin and Shelley on the Otherness of Ancient Greek Sexuality
  • Reverting to Baby-Talk nicknames, even in jest, is just another nail in the coffin of this blogs masculinity. Cheeseburger Gothic » That went well.
  • The quintessence of modern masculinity. Times, Sunday Times
  • This story line is full of victimized women and children, Wild West six-gun shoot-outs, hyper-masculinity, and epic heroism. September 11 ��� An Opportunity to Evolve Our Humanity
  • To ascribe features of masculinity to the divine is as blasphemous as to ascribe features of bestiality -- as in the theriomorphic deities of pagan religions so abhorred by monotheism -- the very blasphemy that iconoclasm reacts against. A Response to a Response
  • For every boy for whom competition is the only way to prove his masculinity, there is a girl who is called unfeminine when she competes. State News Top Stories
  • Perhaps the extreme phallocentrism and misogyny expressed to varying degrees by Kid Rock and Eminem is anxiety about masculinity in a time and place where the old ways - steady industrial employment and family - no longer maintain.
  • These matters concern the sexed body, masculinity, femininity, sexuality, and reproduction.
  • A triumphant and energetic return to work in the office dispels doubts about his masculinity.
  • Thus although young black men form rival gangs which have to be fought, their tough macho masculinity wins them respect from their white counterparts.
  • It's a cliche to say that science is associated with masculinity and the arts with femininity.
  • A big pair of testes to symbolise masculinity and its perils? THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • the students associated science with masculinity and arts with effeminacy
  • Football is a bastion of masculinity in this area.
  • Indirectly, the heavy-handed emphasis on masculinity and "boi" - ness even within allegedly feminist communities proves this trend. WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME AGAIN
  • Masculinity is eroticized by artistic boys as they yearn for male acceptance.
  • And the manner in which political manhood gets displayed is tiresomely predictable: macho chest beating, posing with the fetish objects of anxious masculinity (trucks, big machines, and even bigger weapons), humiliating your opponent with castrating insults, calling into question his or her ability to be tough, ruthless, and merciless with the designated enemy of the moment -- in short, phallic strutting. Stephen Ducat: Revenge of the Wimp Factor: The Ironies of Proving Manhood in the Democratic Primary
  • This small moment speaks tellingly of the way that masculinity is defined for the main character.
  • Glenn Ingersoll said ... masculinity is so fragile -- it's one dress away from complete destruction! Robin—She’s No Lady!
  • In looking specifically at masculinity in this context, I want to examine the process of narcissistic identification in more detail.
  • Surely the physical definition implicit in ascribing masculinity to the divine is a contradiction of omnipotence in and of itself. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Isn’t it strange that even feminists don’t believe that feminity is masculinity’s equal? Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Featured: Which female characters are the most awful and why? Who’s awesome?
  • These sports serve to define dominant masculinity, connecting manhood with violence and competitiveness and often marginalising girls and women.
  • Until Stonewall, psychologists not only considered homosexuality to be a mental illness but also thought of masculinity and femininity as inversely proportional within an individual. A Renegade History of the United States
  • To ascribe features of masculinity to the divine is as blasphemous as to ascribe features of bestiality -- as in the theriomorphic deities of pagan religions so abhorred by monotheism -- the very blasphemy that iconoclasm reacts against. A Response to a Response
  • The critical misunderstanding is that not every display of masculinity is sexual.
  • It is easy to see why drag kings might resort to sexist stereotypes; without aggression, dominance, or machismo, what signifiers can a performer use to communicate masculinity to the audience?
  • But what does it mean to embrace your masculinity?
  • Though no one on the jury is an expert on manga or on Japanese history, the jurors fell in love with the detailed exploration of the world of these books, a world in which men are assumed to be weak and sickly, yet women still use symbolic masculinity to maintain power. Sfawardswatch: Tiptree Winners Announced
  • He is still a man of extreme masculinity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a cliche to say that science is associated with masculinity and the arts with femininity.
  • Vanilla and rum add sweetness, and woods and cistus add an underlining pine-like masculinity that is maintained through out the composition. Archive 2006-10-01
  • [Author's note: The term "dickhead" is not a mere phatic utterance; it refers to men whose every word and deed is inflected with the need to prove their masculinity.] Stan Goff: Bagwan Petraeus
  • For those visitors who feel their masculinity under threat if they stare too long at pretty flowers, the soaring, priapic trees are thoroughly impressive.
  • In the thousands of posters produced by both governments, loyalty to the state frames the messages, work is extolled as a means to dignity, masculinity and manual labor are glorified, and homoerotic overtones abound. A Renegade History of the United States
  • But as all the girls were being played by callow youths with high voices, many of the bawdy references would be directed at them and their questionable or unformed masculinity.
  • These two knights of the realm are mirror images, roughly the same age and both enduring embodiments of masculinity.
  • As a result, British masculinity was constructed as a controlled, temperate ideal type.
  • Men do not take machismo's exaggerated masculinity as their model for behavior, which isolates them from friends who do.
  • I'm going clubbing to put my newly found masculinity to the test.
  • It has nothing to do with aping masculinity, or with butchness, but with a particular kind of complete self-assurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Male sexuality was defined as an instinctual force which, while needing constant medical supervision, was an essential attribute of masculinity.
  • The abuse destroyed my sense of personhood and what little there was of a sense of masculinity.
  • A triumphant and energetic return to work in the office dispels doubts about his masculinity.
  • But in this preoedipal phase of psychological development there is no evidence that masculinity or femininity will follow predetermined routes.
  • Short the joylessly rutilus out that the translucency of the sedge attrition in the joliet beforehand is palatopharyngoplasty hatefully and progressively whipsnake as mundanely as thermocautery vestmental eastward to decadency and masculinity in that caledonia. Rational Review
  • There was an interesting dichotomy between Samantha and Charly, almost like a dualism between femininity and masculinity.
  • This ability to intervene and change a situation by practical means was how he defined his masculinity. Times, Sunday Times
  • I focus here more on the acidic ones because as a black man invested in progressive antisexist, antiracist, anti-capitalistic models of empower, I don't see how these gendered attacks against Nas and young urban black men help us initiate the kinds of substantive dialogue about hyper-black masculinity and culturally sanctioned violence against black women that we advocate. NewBlackMan
  • Masculinity is softer this spring, with suiting complemented with soft layering.
  • Cooper's take on masculinity is that all of us—male or female, trans or cis—take it for granted, fail to question it, and thus are "complicit" with it.
  • It would, however, be a mistake to view all these characteristics of manliness and masculinity as monolithic and static.
  • We talk about sexual openness and sexual ambiguity, yet the current psychological ideal of phallic masculinity is as rigid and coercive as it ever was.
  • The casting decisions made by Scott and the performances of those chosen actors are crucial in embodying on-screen fascism and antifascism, Jewishness and Americanness, masculinity and femininity. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Gertrude Stein, age 60, whose tweeds and short haircut evoked a frank masculinity. Gertrude Stein (1874-1946)
  • The briar pipe continued to epitomise solid, dependable, common sense masculinity.
  • He's constantly demanding female subservience in a mad attempt at securing his masculinity.
  • The learned professor is not the first to point out that modern masculinity faces challenging times.
  • You-you impressionable teenager with a crush on the football captain and anxiety about your own masculinity-you just might be a born homosexual.
  • Male sexuality was defined as an instinctual force which, while needing constant medical supervision, was an essential attribute of masculinity.
  • Removing functional sexual tissue is harmful: it is harmful to the infant, to the pleasure potential and sexual bonding of the mature man, and to the mother who is entrained to surrender her sacred bond with her infant in order for his masculinity to be redefined in terms of his community. Miriam Pollack: Circumcision: Identity, Gender And Power
  • I believe that bisexuality is almost a necessary factor in artistic production; at any rate, the tinge of masculinity within me helped me in my work. Wednesday Poetry: Kathe Kollwitz « Planning the Day
  • As will be shown below, the castrate, the non-man, played an important role in the ordinary figuring of masculinity and manhood in the Spanish village.
  • In part, this is because most men remain acutely conscious of their masculinity when it comes to matters of fashion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The use of bromide (it has anaphrodisiac properties - opposite to aphrodisiac) was / is commonly used to keep troops at a low libido so they don't need to show off their masculinity and start fighting one another.
  • It's just part of modern masculinity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today the masculinity crisis is generally seen as a negative reactive response to feminism, to the growing independence of women, and to the blending of gender roles.
  • Has he suffered now from the supposed crisis of modern masculinity? Times, Sunday Times
  • The estrangement from prevailing discourses about the sexed mind created by Baillie's comedies therefore contributes to anxieties about what constituted masculinity and femininity, and how the culture might define male and female sexuality in medico-scientific terms. Feminist Utopianism and Female Sexuality in Joanna Baillie’s Comedies
  • If the Roman proconsul reinforced dominant notions of ideal masculinity and thereby captured the admiration of almost all the reviewers in 1834, the same cannot be said of the principal female figure in Ingres's painting.
  • Her prose is sharply on-point when she trains her unforgiving eye on human foibles at large, skewering scholarly attempts to legitimize the series ( "You Hold Your Gun Like a Sissy Girl: Firearms and Anxious Masculinity in BtVs" was one memorable academic paper title); the unwritten rules of "netiquette"; and the persistent irritation of online "trolls. Jennifer Ouellette: A Buffy Fan Gets a Life... Online
  • The ceremony interwove, and was interwoven with, notions of masculinity, modernity, and nation-formation.
  • While his intentions are deeply rooted in exploring black masculinity, the context of his work becomes part of a larger dialogue concerning race in America today.
  • I just relished that ballsy attitude, and I found that it helped me own my own masculinity.
  • The fetus who developped in the right-most cell would be male and very masculine, because it was closest, again, to the source of heat (and hence of masculinity), the liver: Conches, Phil., p. 90: … si in dextra parte remaneat, quia hepar est in dextra parte matrici vicinum, meliore et calido sanguine nutritur fetus, masculus efficitur. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • In each, Douglas struggles against uppity, unsympathetic women who threaten his masculinity, disrupt his career and his cosy family life, and sexually harass him in the office.
  • Their masculinity enhances the femininity of their wives and girlfriends. Times, Sunday Times

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