How To Use Masculinise In A Sentence
The model of academic performativity which emerges is one which is premised on a distinctly masculinised form of labour, situated in a distinctly masculinised culture.
Women were initially banned from cheering at many schools because of the fear that they would become masculinised.
And in female to males you only give an androgen, that's to masculinise the body.
The notion of topos is due for a revival, especially if we are to consider seriously the recuperation of sentimental poetry and the many women poets who do not invest in the masculinised rhetorics of anti-rhetoric proffered in the Lyrical Ballads model of Romantic-period literary history.
_Queen Mab_ as Topological Repertoire
The tiny organs make enough of the hormone to steer the rest of the baby's body into developing a typically male form and probably it masculinises its brain in small but important ways as well.
Heavily masculinised contact sports celebrate and reinforce dominant roles of gender.
I really wish that women in hyper-masculinised industries would call a spade a spade.
Don’t complain: Surviving in a hyper-masculinised industry « Womanvsfeminist’s Blog
‘These drugs predictably and sometimes permanently masculinise females,’ said Dr Charles Yesalis of Penn State University, who first studied steroid abuse in high schools in 1987.