How To Use Mary wollstonecraft In A Sentence
She published modern German translations of Mary Wollstonecraft's "A Vindication of the Rights of Women", "The Memoirs of Gluekl von Hameln", the Maaseh Buch (a collection of traditional Jewish narratives), the Ze'enah u-Re'enah (a 16th century women's bible), as well as the Five Megillot and the Haftarot.
Personal Information for Bertha Pappenheim
Mary Wollstonecraft(1759—1797), a passionate advocate of the equality of the sexes, has been called the first major feminist.
I get the feeling that she rather enjoys criticism, likes the way it allies her with the feminists of the past, the Germaine Greers and Mary Wollstonecrafts, who have also been made to suffer for their beliefs.
The literary style of Mary Wollstonecraft's book is Johnsonese, but its thought forms the base of all that has come after.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
There is no reference to Mary Wollstonecraft; it seems as if her life and all its storms had been swept away in one of those compendious et ceteras, and yet the next sentence reads like an unconscious comment.
The Common Reader, Second Series