
Mary Baker Eddy

  1. founder of Christian Science in 1866 (1821-1910)

How To Use Mary Baker Eddy In A Sentence

  • The Church of Christ, Scientist is an organization founded by Mary Baker Eddy in an effort to reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.
  • Christian Science . The structure of Truth and Love. (Mary Baker Eddy).
  • And am I the only one who finds it distinctly weird to reflect that the last head of the Federal Reserve and the current head of the Treasury, Alan Greenspan and Hank “The Hammer” Paulson, should be respectively the votaries of the cults of Ayn Rand and Mary Baker Eddy, two of the battiest females ever to have infested the American scene? America the Banana Republic
  • The first sentence of the Preface of the Christian Science textbook by Mary Baker Eddy gave me the encouragement I needed.
  • Christian Science . The highest human corporeal concept of the divine idea. (Mary Baker Eddy).
  • The Church of Christ, Scientist is an organization founded by Mary Baker Eddy in an effort to reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.
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