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How To Use Marvelously In A Sentence

  • The à la carte steaks meet their match in excellent sautéed mushrooms, the onion-ring tower and a marvelously smoky, singed stack of grilled broccolini (it tastes interestingly bitter, like broccoli raab).
  • Five miles and 1000 vertical feet had a marvelously dissuasive effect on the competition. The Road to New Waters
  • The downscale springs are marvelously unsupervised, especially at night.
  • This recipe is marvellously simple and quick.
  • The stage was marvellously decorated to look like a shabby pub with its bar stools, spongy seats, Guinness mirrors and jukebox.
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  • These marvellously embellished cups are the best thing that ever came from fox-hunting. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Capes, big brass buttons, skinny knits belted over print dresses, together with marvellously subtle colour combinations made for one of the most beautiful collections in Milan.
  • There were neither lifeboats nor mortar-apparatus in those days, but there were the same willing hearts and stout arms then as now, and in a marvellously short space of time, hundreds of the able-bodied men of the town, gentle and semple, were assembled on these wild cliffs, with torches, rope, &c.; in short, with all the appliances for saving life that the philanthropy of the times had invented or discovered. The Lighthouse
  • That was a rightwing fiesta, including a graf coming after the summary of the Democrats response to the Prez that was an almost perfect piece of punditland dreamery, with intimations of Broder marvelously woven into it: Matthew Yglesias » Al-Qaeda in Iraq
  • They are marvellously done, and they have caused a stir of approval in this country, while also raising doubts.
  • The thick tan leather strap improves with age and feels marvellously comfortable to wear.
  • Its sight is marvellously keen, hearing exceedingly acute, and sense of smell wonderfully perfect.
  • I refresh myself after a day in the train with a marvellously spicy bouillabaisse (fish stew) in the elegant, vaulted Les Arcenaulx, one of many atmospheric harbour-side restaurants.
  • It is a subtle but marvelously effective mechanism for steering behavior toward healthy and productive ends.
  • This crew is embodied by a builder turned speculator who marries Fonty's daughter in a marvellously comic wedding scene.
  • There are also some marvellously statuesque perennials for boggy soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The building had marvelously designed statues of gargoyles, angels and some other demon looking like creatures.
  • Their voices blend marvellously as they sing in chorus.
  • I much prefer to cab; especially at night when you're all dressed up it feels so marvellously ritzy.
  • It tastes marvelously clean between forkfuls of spring greens in cherry tomato vinaigrette, which comes on the side.
  • And, marvelously, he accepts us and welcomes us to his table of grace.
  • Although the Parisian architect Jean-Paul Viguier designed the striking, cantilevered, bladelike, at once slick and luxurious structure, its unusual footprint and modernist look respond marvelously to its site and neighborhood, and Viguier's heroic efforts to "bring the sun into the project" show a sensitivity to both the city's climate and its architectural heritage, which virtually fetishizes openness and natural light. The Not-So-Second City
  • The Viswarupa Darshan of Lord Krishna is marvellously brought out in the open-handed use of hushed but powerful tones of red, yellow, black and white.
  • The fuzzed-out riffs and the spacey dreamy licks are marvelously played throughout the record.
  • The terrain of teen books is marvelously bumpy, each title an atlas of emotional highs and lows.
  • The brusque reply is still remembered of Lawson Tait, the great English ovariotomist, to a distinguished German colleague, who had inquired the secret of his then marvelously low death-rate: after a glance at the bands of mourning on the ends of the other's fingers, he said, "I keep my fingernails clean, sir! Preventable Diseases
  • ‘We play for as much of the journey as we can, and we tend to use our shawm band, the traditional outdoor band with the shawm (an early oboe) and the sackbut, or the shagbolt as it was marvellously called sometimes in ‘early’ England!’
  • The five artists played this splendid score with precision, marvelously pure intonation, and an idiomatic fluency that alternately charmed and astounded!
  • I had enough loin of Deeside venison to feed a small family, while the black pudding that accompanied it was marvellously smooth and rich.
  • He said: "Maggie not only is one of our finest actresses, she's also what we call a trooper, she would just get on with her work and she just did it unflinchingly and marvellously and with a great deal of wit, her sharp wit that she retained throughout the whole shoot even though she hadn't been very well. Undefined
  • The band ventured further into rhythmic exploration on a marvellously inventive step forward. The Sun
  • Lucia's many, marvelously concise reflections on objective redemption and coredemption (or redemption and coredemption in first act), in which these are presented as, shall we say, the "genetic matrices" of subjective redemption and coredemption (that in second act), also known as the dispensatory mediation of grace. Latest Articles
  • He was marvelously cool again, smiling as if nothing had happened.
  • As Bilko, Silvers was never less than sensational, delivering his lines with speed and guile and marvellously ad-libbing when the situation required it.
  • But she came in the authority and integrity of herself, that was also, most dearly, most marvelously, himself as well -- permeative, penetrative, real, a subtle breath named Foes
  • This movie has it all: A marvelously black script with an exceptional cast, George C Scott at his finest and Diana Rigg at her horniest - it doesn't get much better than this in my opinion! Archive 2010-01-01
  • Their voices blend marvellously as they sing in chorus.
  • This recipe is marvellously simple and quick.
  • Now he took the time, now that the garden was weeded, the stable was strawed, Jiro was well content, and the cabin had become marvelously orderly in the time the girl had been here. 2005
  • Of course, as well as penning billets-doux to gifted actors, he can also be marvellously tactless about those who don't impress him.
  • To this spiritual world we may refer the marvellously complex forces which we know as gravitation, cohesion, chemical force, radiant force, and electricity, without which the material universe could not exist for Darwinism (1889)
  • The band ventured further into rhythmic exploration on a marvellously inventive step forward. The Sun
  • We are marvelously constructed of those transmuted elements borne within the fiery athanors of long dead Super Suns.
  • That endlessly responsive, marvelously versatile instrument du - plicated the sounds he drew from memory with perfect fidelity, amplifying them so that they filled the chamber around him. The Day of the Dissonance
  • Their voices blend marvelously as they sing in chorus.
  • It was originally the main town gate, built by Matej Rejsek in 1475-:83, and decorated in a marvellously intricate style.
  • These ‘Metres by E.’ composed a collection of soft and marvellously musical rhymes, of a nature known as the vers de societe. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • His book is marvellously readable and based on extensive research. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Associations aside, the works are deftly executed, marvelously obsessive gems.
  • The Viswarupa Darshan of Lord Krishna is marvellously brought out in the open-handed use of hushed but powerful tones of red, yellow, black and white.
  • He danced marvelously with grace, elegance and form.
  • Passion fruit also works marvelously with a wide range of spirits and liqueurs.
  • As Bilko, Silvers was never less than sensational, delivering his lines with speed and guile and marvellously ad-libbing when the situation required it.
  • She felt marvellously well. 34 Ah, this is the life, this is the life.
  • The artist has used contrast marvelously in his paintings.
  • Its sight is marvellously keen, hearing exceedingly acute, and sense of smell wonderfully perfect.
  • If you are very well-educated and very well-connected, if you're at the right place at the right time, if you are in finance, particularly, or if you are a CEO, if you are a top executive of a big company, you are doing marvelously well. Reich Blames Economy's Woes On Income Disparity
  • Double bassist Paul Harris marvelously played throughout the work, even after his G-string (the one on the double bass, please) snapped with a loud plunk.
  • A marvelously kinetic statue from 1990 commemorates the work of the droghers, or hide slingers, who sailed the hides from the cliffs to the beach. Richard Henry Dana
  • These were, in general, ancient inhabitants of that region; born, and bred there from boyhood. who had long since become wheezy and asthmatical, and short of breath, except in the article of story – telling; in which respect they were still marvellously long – winded. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
  • But what I said was much more precise (and worked marvelously in provoking these guys to make fools of themselves, not that this is difficult): as a matter of science, the way an exception proofs a rule is precisely a test: if it is true that objects fall at the same speed whether they are heavy or light, then how can it also be true that a feather falls more slowly? Matthew Yglesias » For Democrats, Even a 2010 Win Will Feel Like a Loss
  • The marvelously melodic prose of Julian of Norwich or Richard Rolle, for example, lends weight to the theory. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • Remember to keep the frame, though, as a spot of maximalism can work marvellously in a spare, white environment.
  • If you've read The Rum Diary, you'll notice that certain characters and events have been amalgamated, erased or enlarged, often cleverly and wisely, but that Robinson's gentler tone is slightly at odds with Thompson's marvellously splenetic and bilious prose. Johnny Depp is back as a very different Hunter S Thompson
  • This recipe is marvellously simple and quick.
  • Furthermore, in ‘newer’ regions, unhampered by bureaucracy, the tendency is to produce marvelously smooth, fruit-laden, juicy beauties.
  • The moment, however, he published in octavo volumes a solid history, and appended to the bottom of each page the obscure authorities on which his narrative was founded, and which plainly exhibited the capacity of the brilliant declaimer to perform all the austerest duties of the drudge, his reputation marvellously increased among the most frigid and most exacting dispensers of praise. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 41, March, 1861
  • What a marvellously brave thing Miss Honey had done.
  • The second, the marvelously round apple-cheeked woman, was the cook, the housekeeper, the domestic Hestia, goddess of the Hearth.
  • With Thierry Henry, a healthy Sol and a Viera who doesn't have to carry the midfield by himself, the spine of the team is still marvellously strong, it just needs adding to.
  • The marvelously melodic prose of Julian of Norwich or Richard Rolle, for example, lends weight to the theory. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • There are also some marvellously statuesque perennials for boggy soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were greeted by a guide, who carried our bags to the little four-seater plane that was to transport us to the marvellously secluded island.
  • Two marvellously contrasting pictures emerge from these stories, cameos of Ireland old and Ireland new.
  • “After this great slaughter,” he exulted, “the whole city was despoiled and burnt, as divine vengeance raged marvellously.” Bloodlust
  • The gold thread which is freely made use of all over the cope, upon the draperies, nimbi, and surrounding foliage, is marvellously bright and sparkling, although nearly six hundred years old. Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving
  • And besides, there are no longer very many nongracile Haluk residing on Artiuk, thanks to the miracle of your PD32: C2 genetic engineering vector, which has changed our lives so marvelously by eradicating the curse of allomorphism. Sagittarius Whorl
  • As a literary device, this works marvellously. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Indeed for most of the first half the Down tactical plan had worked marvellously.
  • Monsieur, who had returned to 'lansquenet', seemed overwhelmed with shame, and his son appeared in despair; and the bride-elect was marvellously embarrassed and sad. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Then he called the supplicant's name loud tone, and the next instant still more loudly; and now she turned, and, in the faint light of the little lamp, showed the marvellously noble outlines of her profile. Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works
  • Does not the monkey lend itself marvellously to serve as a symbol of the animalisation which is effected at the expense of the Angelic and human elements of the prototype being?
  • The hound fared on up the dale to where the water was bridged by a great fallen stone, and so over it and up a steep bent on the further side, on to a marvellously rough mountain-neck, whiles mere black sand cumbered with scattered rocks and stones, whiles beset with mires grown over with the cottony mire-grass; here and there a little scanty grass growing; otherwhere nought but dwarf willow ever dying ever growing, mingled with moss or red-blossomed sengreen; and all blending together into mere desolation. The Roots of the Mountains; Wherein Is Told Somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale
  • For the only-begotten Son, marvelously born of the Father before the ages and marvelously coming from the Father, revealed his glory when the Virgin conceived him by the warmth of the Holy Spirit.
  • Meanwhile the four women were stripping Regapisk of his travel-worn clothing and draping him in finespun, marvelously decorated kilts and robes. Burning Tower
  • We play for as much of the journey as we can, and we tend to use our shawm band, the traditional outdoor band with the shawm (an early oboe) and the sackbut, or the shagbolt as it was marvellously called sometimes in ‘early’ England!
  • The cheapness and ubiquity of plastics, and the problems caused when they're carelessly thrown away, blind us to the utility and versatility of these marvellously mutable materials.
  • And this Great King was a far-way, tremendous, golden figure, moving in a splendor as of fairy tales; palaced marvelously, so travelers told, in cities compared with which even Athens seemed mean. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • The stalls of St. Domenico at Bologna are by Fra Damiano of Bergamo; it is said of him that his woods were coloured so marvellously that the art of tarsia was by him raised to the rank of that of painting! Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
  • It was a marvelously complex, lacily ornamented kind of music.
  • More surprises await the fortunate listener in the third and final section, starting with Paul Rogers’ marvelously melodic upper-register arco bass work and some curious wobbling and squiggling from the two guitars.
  • The pecan tastes most strongly of the actual nut, and is a marvellously rich, buttery paste.
  • Two adobo-rubbed lamb chops arrive grilled exactly as ordered, carnivorously comely in their spicy West African peanut sauce and marvelously garnished with a savory minced lamb pie.
  • These tiny shards of lives strike marvellously real. Times, Sunday Times
  • Artists look at the cultural significance of the many marvellously volatile elements of the periodic table. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grilled flank steak is marvelously roast-beefy, sinewy and heady with adobo spice.
  • Worse, their concern for readers accustomed to short Dick-and-Jane sentences and political cliché has often led them to chop up Herodotus 'long, marvelously organized paratactic clauses, scramble his sentences, omit his oral-style repetitions altogether, pepper his text with unmarked explanatory glosses, and turn his concrete phraseology into a series of bland bureaucratic abstractions. The Great Marathon Man
  • There were neither lifeboats nor mortar-apparatus in those days, but there were the same willing hearts and stout arms then as now, and in a marvellously short space of time, hundreds of the able-bodied men of the town, gentle and semple, were assembled on these wild cliffs, with torches, rope, etcetera; in short, with all the appliances for saving life that the philanthropy of the times had invented or discovered. The Lighthouse
  • The artist has used contrast marvelously in his paintings.
  • How does it go?" asked Max, who was in a sixteen-foot canvas canoe like the one Steve handled so dexterously; while Bandy-legs, fearing to trust to anything so frail, had insisted on getting one of the older type lapstreak cedar boats, that were so marvelously beautiful in his eyes. The Strange Cabin on Catamount Island
  • Cappella del Presepio (Chapel of the Manger) in S. Maria Maggiore, a powerful domical building over a Greek cross, a marvellously well-balanced structure, notwithstanding the profusion of detail and overloading of rich ornamentation, which in no way interferes with the main architecural scheme. lt is crowned by a dome in the early style of S. Mario at Montepulciano. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • My first commentaries came at various midland point-to-points between studying for my O-Levels, and my first call came in company with the public address announcer at Stratford, the marvellously named Cloudsley Marsham.
  • The marvelously embroidered wedding dress revives the atmosphere and sophisticated taste of the past times.
  • The denseness of the imagery suggests either that Klemann has a marvelously fertile imagination, or that we all are inventive in our dreams but fail to hold onto them like this.
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  • At the end of this marvellously observed biography, it's the drunken rants, financial embarrassments and the sexual misadventures I remember.
  • It is the marvellously eccentric characters who stand out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arthur Schopenhauer once wrote a marvelously cynical manual of eristics called The Art of Always Being Right.
  • He let out a piercing whistle, and a marvelously colored palomino stepped out from the trees.
  • Its sight is marvellously keen, hearing exceedingly acute, and sense of smell wonderfully perfect.
  • It is the marvellously eccentric characters who stand out. Times, Sunday Times
  • And as they searched his chamber they found in a chest two shirts of hair made full of great knots, and then they said: Certainly he was a good man; and coming down into the churchward they began to dread and fear that the ground would not have borne them, and were marvellously aghast, but they supposed that the earth would have swallowed them all quick. 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
  • There must always be something shocking in the sacrifice of the higher life to the lower, of the sensate to what we are pleased to call the insensate, although no one who has studied the marvellously intelligent motives that impel a plant's activities can any longer consider the vegetable creation as lacking sensibility. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • It is a subtle but marvelously effective mechanism for steering behavior toward healthy and productive ends.
  • As a joke, it succeeds marvelously, taking square aim at the government that borrows from the perceived grandeur of the British colonial era to sanctify the art made by its own citizens.
  • Like Hickman's piece above, this marvelously textured and smudgily colored work manifests a simplicity of presentation with a complication of content.
  • And that the word AM0R was the reverse in spelling of R0MA seemed marvelously to epitomize the sense of the contrast.
  • After this we went on side by side and never a word betwixt us until we had reached that pleasant champain country where flowed the river shaded by goodly trees, in whose branches fluttered birds of a plumage marvellously coloured and diverse, and beneath which bloomed flowers as vivid; insomuch that my lady brake forth ever and anon into little soft cries of delighted wonder. Black Bartlemy's Treasure
  • By internal licences -- the mobile cesura, new variations and combinations -- the power of the alexandrine was marvellously enlarged; it lost its monotony and became capable of every achievement; its external restraints were lightened; verse glided into verse as wave overtaking wave. A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.
  • Humans are marvellously adaptable, aren't they, even to squalor and exitless madhouses.
  • The name of Mondetour paints marvellously well the sinuosities of that whole set of streets. Les Miserables
  • The cheapness and ubiquity of plastics, and the problems caused when they're carelessly thrown away, blind us to the utility and versatility of these marvellously mutable materials.
  • He is obliged once a year to make an ode in praise of St. Cecilia, who played so marvellously on the organ or psalterium that an angel descended from the ninth heaven to listen to her more conveniently — the harmony of the psaltery, in ascending from this place to the land of angels, necessarily losing a small portion of its volume. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • In the limestone and ichthyolites there are more than 20 species of lagoonal fish, fish of freshwater, of brackish and open sea water, all marvelously preserved with well-evident scales and fishbones.
  • The whole culture of greed, arrogance, cronyism and corruption was marvellously encapsulated in that instructive episode.
  • She thinks she will call Lancelot by name, and is about to do so when she is deterred by hearing from the tower a voice which was making a marvellously sad moan as it called on death. Four Arthurian Romances
  • He's marvellously ambidexterous so long as he doesn't know you're looking at him. The Divine Fire
  • The performances are marvelously convincing and many-hued.
  • And on this board were frightful swords and knives that are made in a great cavern by swinking demons out of white flames that they fix then in the horns of buffalos and stags that there abound marvellously. Ulysses
  • His rear was so marvelously bepatched with colored squares and triangles that one was half persuaded he had got it out of an atlas. Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion
  • It is the marvellously eccentric characters who stand out. Times, Sunday Times
  • The band ventured further into rhythmic exploration on a marvellously inventive step forward. The Sun
  • These marvellously embellished cups are the best thing that ever came from fox-hunting. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • The marvelously melodic prose of Julian of Norwich or Richard Rolle, for example, lends weight to the theory. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • Their voices blend marvelously as they sing in chorus.
  • These 'Metres by E.' composed a collection of soft and marvellously musical rhymes, of a nature known as the vers de societe. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • Lunch is a revolting sludge burger in a pretty rustic restaurant, but Zoe thinks it's all marvellously delicious.
  • So his fame spread far and wide , for he was marvelously helped till he became strong.
  • Such complexity of meanings appealed marvelously to learned patrons and artists of the cinquecento.

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