
How To Use Marsupial In A Sentence

  • So the extension of the term ‘marsupial’ is the set of all marsupials: kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, and so on.
  • The Tasmanian Devil is the world's largest marsupial predator but its very survival is at stake as an horrific cancer threatens up to 90% of its population.
  • Foxes as predators prey on lambs and chickens and kill native small marsupials and rodents.
  • monotremes and marsupials are aplacental mammals
  • The numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus, VU) is a marsupial 'anteater' that is the only member of its entire family. Biological diversity in Southwest Australia
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  • This was catastrophic for some of the local animals, especially the big marsupial carnivores.
  • However, the many lineages of gliding animals today, including a host of lizards, squirrels, marsupials, and colugos show no signs of turning into flappers anytime soon.
  • Thylacinus macknessi, a specialised thylacinid (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) from Miocene deposits of Riversleigh, north-western Queensland. Australian Fossil Mammal Sites, Australia
  • We discuss possible explanations for reduced female recombination in marsupials as a consequence of the metatherian characteristic of determinate paternal X chromosome inactivation.
  • And someone let this dude direct The Howling III: The Marsupials. The Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf (1985)
  • This marsupial family is restricted to wooded areas of eastern Australia and contains a single living species, the familiar koala.
  • Visits Caluromys lanatus (Didelphidae) flowers Pseudobombax tomentosum (Bombacaceae). probable case pollination marsupials in Brazil MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Macropodine marsupials (kangaroos and wallabies) offer unique insights into current theories expositing centromere emergence during karyotypic diversification and speciation.
  • Others later compared it to the sound of a kangaroo, or marsupials such as quolls.
  • I think I have an obvious solution: looking at skulls that are neither the wolf or its so-called marsupial “equivalent.” Video time capsule - The Panda's Thumb
  • A cat-sized marsupial called a quoll has a habit of feasting on toxic cane toads. - Articles related to Long-distance journeys are out of fashion: Global warming is causing evolutionary changes in bird migration
  • The lean period at the beginning of the dry season with few available fruit resources is tolerated as the marsupials store fat.
  • Unlike the large cats that have two enlarged canines, marsupial lions had enlarged incisors that were used to stab prey.
  • In some (but by no means all) species of marsupials, females develop a pouch or marsupium in which the young are nursed.
  • South America, in particular, has a host of species, from the dwarf fat-tailed mouse opposum to the yapok, an aquatic marsupial.
  • Thus, relative to the primitive therian condition, marsupials have a distinctive, derived pattern of reduced dental replacement.
  • This marsupial family includes 4 genera and 10 species of bandicoots and bilbies.
  • Dr Evans this week issued guidelines to locals living in the bush capital on how to steer clear of an attack by the cuddly looking marsupials.
  • We stood outside to get windswept, missed the commentary and walked ashore to discover that Rottnest Island is overrun with quokkas - long tailed, short faced, round-eared marsupials that look disconcertingly like giant rats.
  • There are several cases of convergent evolution between marsupials and placental mammals, in which the two animals have evolved to fill the same ecological niche in different parts of the world.
  • Could the fossa be a link between the marsupial and the mammals without pouches?
  • He looks after the land as a private reserve for wildlife habitat, running marsupials and their predators instead of cows.
  • Australia once had many marsupials much larger than those remaining today.
  • While the thylacine, the devil, and the eastern quoll had been lost altogether, two minuscule species the white-footed dunnart and the swamp antechinus, a couple of mousy carnivorous marsupials did maintain populations on some of the tiny islands. The Song of The Dodo
  • Split of therians into placentals and marsupials happens at this time.
  • It is the largest carnivorous mammal ever to have lived in Australia and the largest known marsupial carnivore in the world.
  • Could there be, somewhere in Tasmania, or even mainland Australia or New Guinea, a surviving population of the largest modern marsupial carnivore? Brian Ruckley · MPoaF: The Cryptozoological Edition
  • While the quokkas remained elusive, the students caught a small marsupial which they did not recognise.
  • Conclusion Marsupialization under nasal endospic is an effective simple operation to treat rhinal vestibule cyst, with little trauma and gentle reaction after operation.
  • This ancient placental family coexisted with the marsupials from the early days of the continent's isolation.
  • Many of the extinct marsupial megafauna were large, herbivorous browsers, some weighing several tons.
  • The functions of the brood, incubating and marsupial pouches should be further investigated in relation to their osmoprotective and perhaps also trophic roles for the embryos.
  • Most drumming mammals are rodents, but drumming has also been described in carnivores, deer, rabbits, elephant shrews and marsupials.
  • They have a well developed marsupial pouch that opens anteriorly.
  • Even within our own class, mammals, roughly 300 new species have been discovered in the first decade of this century—mostly rodents, but also marsupials, a beaked whale and a slew of primates.
  • Scientists say this mammal is the oldest known fossil ancestor of modern marsupials - which include opossums, kangaroos, and koalas.
  • A wide variety of birds, lizards and marsupials are depicted, including kangaroos, wallabies, goannas, leaf-tail geckoes and many other animals from the region.
  • Marsupialia’, have persisted with correspondingly little change through a similar range of time. Essays
  • In South America and Australia, however, marsupials continued to be an important group of land mammals.
  • An unquestioned monotreme, Steropodon has molars that are surprisingly similar to those of marsupials and placentals, suggesting a closer relationship to living therians than had generally been thought.
  • But there is almost like what we call a marsupial pouch kind of like a kangaroo's pouch where there's no shear whatsoever. CNN Transcript Sep 3, 2008
  • The primary difference is that the young are not raised in a special pouch, as in marsupials.
  • It reports the quantitative analysis of Purkinje cell fractality in a number of placentates, one marsupial and two bird species, showing that fractal complexity is essentially identical in these species. Another unintelligent move - The Panda's Thumb
  • The production of a marsupial genetic linkage map is perhaps one of the most important objectives in marsupial research.
  • I have really determined that, unless I grow some kind of marsupial pouch, I'm never leaving the house without at least one pocket in whatever I'm wearing. Reasonable Facsimile - A Dress A Day
  • For unknown reasons, Australia was apparently originally populated entirely by marsupials rather than placental mammals.
  • In Australia the dasyures, small weasellike marsupials, are called ‘native cats’
  • The marsupial wolf, now probably extinct, was once widespread in Australia and New Guinea.
  • So the extension of the term ‘marsupial’ is the set of all marsupials: kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, and so on.
  • The only Australian fossorial mammal is the marsupial mole, Notoryctes typhlops (order Notoryctimorphia, family Notoryctidae).
  • When I was a child I can remember I had kangaroo rats, wallabies, wallaroos, brush wallabies, all different marsupials as pets, and they were really very, very interesting.
  • Studies on marsupial color vision have been limited to very few species.
  • We are familiar with the monotremes, marsupials and placentals of today, but there were also other kinds, such as multituberculates, which are now extinct.
  • In general terms, the yapok can be thought of as a sort of marsupial otter.
  • The diprotodonts, with ten families including 117 species, make up the largest order of marsupials.
  • There are a variety of possums, early kangaroos, koalas, wombats and quolls, as well as marsupial groups that are now completely extinct.
  • The threatened animals include birds such as the ground parrot and eastern quoll and marsupials such as the Eastern barred bandicoot and Tasmanian devil.
  • Laparoscopic marsupialization of a splenic cyst, if anyone's wondering. Another Dog Café.
  • So the extension of the term ‘marsupial’ is the set of all marsupials: kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, and so on.
  • Lastly, the law of the long endurance of allied forms on the same continent, -- of marsupials in Australia, of edentata in America, and other such cases, -- is intelligible, for within a confined country, the recent and the extinct will naturally be allied by descent. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
  • Mammalia consists of and contains Eutheria, Marsupialia, etc. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • In Australia, for example, marsupial herbivores the size of a rhinoceros, kangaroos nearly 10 feet tall, and carnivorous lion-like forms with shearing teeth and retractile claws all roamed the landscape.
  • It's warm-blooded, endoskeletal, and mam-malian-a pseudo-marsupial, really-but it has a lot of legs and a magnificently extrudable whip of a tail, so the spider image sticks. Passage at Arms
  • Could the fossa be a link between the marsupial and the mammals without pouches?
  • Read about marsupials and creodonts who also grew ‘long in the tooth’.
  • The bunyip lives in Australia and is believed by many to be a descendant of the diprotodon, a marsupial (an animal with a pouch, like the kangaroo) about the size of a rhinoceros, which became extinct thousands of years ago.
  • Call it what you will, the Tasmanian Tiger still has more in common with its Australian marsupial cousins, such as kangaroos, wallabies, and koalas, than with actual tigers, wolves, or hyenas.
  • Phalangers, more commonly known as possums and cuscuses, are marsupials but with a vague resemblance to some monkeys.
  • When he came to Australia in 2005 to be director of the University of Adelaide's Australian Centre for Ancient DNA, he was keen to find and analyse the droppings of the country's megafauna, creatures such as giant marsupial diprotodon and the giant short-faced kangaroo, which became extinct more than 45,000 years ago. "Hooroo, where's the poo?"
  • As Gondwana broke up, the link was broken, and the Australasian marsupials evolved in isolation, giving rise to the modern groups of koalas, bandicoots, wombats, and kangaroos.
  • Their well-developed pouches open anteriorly, like those of most other marsupials.
  • Unlike other marsupials, the Tasmanian wolf's pouch was shallow and opened towards the rear of the animal.
  • The ‘Queensland tiger’ sounds very similar to the thylacine (marsupial wolf) that went extinct in Australia.
  • There are several cases of convergent evolution between marsupials and placental mammals, in which the two animals have evolved to fill the same ecological niche in different parts of the world.
  • Marsupials, such as the opossums of the Americas and the kangaroos, koalas, and wombats of Australasia, generally give birth to tiny immature young which then complete their developments in a pouch.
  • Lastly, the law of the long endurance of allied forms on the same continent, -- of marsupials in Australia, of edentata in On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. (2nd edition)
  • Panamanian marsupial frog, Hemiphractus fasciatus, getting "swabbed", i.e., tested for the presence of the microscopic fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatis which is sweeping through Central America, decimating entire amphbian communities. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The potoroids are a family of diprotodont marsupials believed to be closely allied with the kangaroos and wallabies and sometimes grouped as a subfamily within that family.
  • Other conservation projects in Southwest Australia include community-based recovery programs for the threatened Carnaby's black-cockatoo, western ground parrot (Pezoporus wallicus flaviventris), noisy scrub-bird, malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) and the marsupial 'mouse' known as the dibbler (Parentechinus apicalis). Biological diversity in Southwest Australia
  • Although most marsupials such as kangaroos and koalas are herbivores, Thylacoleo was something completely different—a fearsome predator with pincer-like front teeth and a slashing front claw on its thumb. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Black rhino, buffalo, eland and warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) have been reintroduced, while natural populations of greater kudu, bushbuck, common duiker and springbuck (Antidorcas marsupialis) as well as chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas) and vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops) are common. Maputaland-Pondoland bushland and thickets
  • These small to medium-sized marsupials all have a dark dorsal stripe that runs from the rump to the head.
  • A population of captive-bred dibblers, an endangered marsupial from Western Australia, was successfully moved to a predator-free island two decades ago, and the movement to another island of Gilbert's potoroo, an endangered Australian mammal, has also worked. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Unionid embryos spend the first stage of development in the marsupial portion of the female unionid's gills, where they develop into glochidia, the parasitic stage.
  • Several threatened mammals, the endangered sandhill dunnart (Sminthopsis psammophila), the endangered marsupial mole (Notoryctes typhlops), and the vulnerable mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda) still occur within the region. Great Victoria desert
  • Bilbies, or rabbit eared bandicoots, are attractive little marsupials with long rabbit-like ears and beautiful silky blue-grey fur and long well furred tails.
  • When we studied all the patterns of amino-acid replacement and silent substitution, we discovered several replacements that all placental and marsupial mammals share.
  • As Gondwana broke up, the link was broken, and the Australasian marsupials evolved in isolation, giving rise to the modern groups of koalas, bandicoots, wombats, and kangaroos.
  • As I'm sure you know, marsupials and higher mammals have parallel evolutionary branches that mirror each other: cats and dasyures, hyenas and Tasmanian devils, wolves and Tasmanian wolves.
  • Inspecting the marsupial in question, I noticed it was crawling with fleas.
  • The relationships of picrodontids were long a matter of uncertainty, with early workers allying these peculiar mammals with marsupials, bats, insectivorans, or dermopterans.
  • It's a unique, dog-like marsupial that climbs trees, lives for only five years, and carries its young in a pouch that faces backwards.
  • Small mammals such as bush rats and marsupial carnivores survived the fires by hiding under boulders and in damp rock crevasses.
  • Wroe's team recognized that for marsupials (like koalas, wombats, and kangaroos) brain size could be used to estimate overall body weight.
  • It could be a marsupial rat or mole or something opossumlike, or a rodent, insectivore, or even a primate akin to a tarsier or loris.
  • And the worst part of The Howling III: The Marsupials is the name of the town where the kangawolves live: “Flow.” The Howling III: The Marsupials (1987)
  • In fact I can even get into most B/C horror movies (The Howling (4?): The Marsupials, Ghost Lake, Big Bad Wolf …). Zombie’s “Halloween II” is amateurish dreck » Scene-Stealers
  • Marsupials include koalas, possums and kangaroos.
  • In some (but by no means all) species of marsupials, females develop a pouch or marsupium in which the young are nursed.
  • On Misima some young men felled a three-hundred-year-old tree in pursuit of a cuscus (a small marsupial) an act of destruction aimed more at dramatically displaying their mastery of their new machine than anything else.
  • I mean, we have an enormous wealth of reptiles, the richest in the world, our insects are amazing, our marsupials, our numbats and our bandicoots and our bilbies - how many people have seen a bilby or know what a bilby is?
  • The threatened animals include birds such as the ground parrot and eastern quoll and marsupials such as the Eastern barred bandicoot and Tasmanian devil.
  • The smallest marsupial in all the world is but 45mm in length. So small that when fully grown it can stand comfortable in a dessert spoon .
  • Foxes as predators prey on lambs and chickens and kill native small marsupials and rodents.
  • Because marsupial young are born at an early stage of development and then spend a long period attached to a teat (often in a pouch), data on offspring sex ratios are easy to collect.
  • New Holland has merely marsupial and some monotrematous, but no placental, mammalia; even its tertiary strata give no placental mammalia, but marsupialia, in analogy with all living genera, herbivorous, and carnivorous. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • Cathy's work suggests that, unlike placentals, marsupial mammals never had to rediscover red; for them, it's always been there.
  • marsupial animals
  • The fauna in the Swartberg and Cederberg protected areas reflects their location close to the fynbos-Karoo interface with species such as grysbok Raphicerus melanotis, grey rhebuck Pelea capreolus and klipspringer Oreotragus oreotragus, steenbok Raphicerus campestris and grey duiker Sylvicapra grimmia, as well as karoo species not usually found in mountain fynbos such as springbok Antidorcas marsupialus. Cape Floral Protected Areas, South Africa
  • Another creature, a small marsupial called Gilbert's potoroo, was missing for 115 years before it was rediscovered in the south of Western Australia in 1994. This seal was declared extinct in 1892. So what is it doing alive and well today?
  • The smallest marsupial in all the world is but 45mm in length. So small that when fully grown it can stand comfortable in a dessert spoon .
  • Panamanian marsupial frog, Hemiphractus fasciatus, getting "swabbed", or tested, for the presence of the microscopic fungal pathogen,
  • And the imperfect knowledge we have of the ancient mammalian population of our earth leads to the belief that certain of its types, such as that of the 'Marsupialia', have persisted with correspondingly little change through a similar range of time. Lectures and Essays
  • The Axel rover system being developed at NASA's Jet Propulsion System could be used as a "marsupial" rover. Cosmic Log
  • 8. Anatomy, Zoology. a baglike or pocketlike part; a sac or cyst, as the sac beneath the bill of pelicans, the saclike dilation of the cheeks of gophers, or the receptacle for the young of marsupials. They Got the Idea From the Lesbian Seagull « Whatever
  • ‘Looking across the world, 99.9 percent of modern mammals are placentals and marsupials, so finding how they came about is an important question,’ he said.
  • To distinguish them from the marsupials and the placental mammals the monotremes are placed in their own class, the prototheria.
  • A long time ago, probably before the arrival of man, Queensland's Darling Downs was home to some big animals - two tonne wombats, giant kangaroos, goannas as long as buses and marsupial lions.
  • The thylacine has been variously described as a "marsupial wolf" or a "Tasmanian tiger". BBC News - Home
  • I am like some kind of marsupial with one kid strapped to my chest or hanging of my leg. Gross Women's Health Post- Don't Bother To Read This One
  • Around 1910, a distemper-like disease reportedly struck among several smaller predators, the eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus, also known as the native cat) and the spotted-tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus), two species within the dasyurid family of marsupials. The Song of The Dodo
  • The reproductive system of the therians (marsupial and placental mammals) is a complex variation on the egg-layer's basic tubular structure.
  • Its Dutch discoverer in the 17th century wrongly named it after finding it was infested with what he took for rats, but were actually quokkas, marsupials with a vague resemblance to beavers.
  • MM: A wombat is an Australian marsupial that looks like a kind of rabbit, only slightly angrier and bigger. Mike Ragogna: Jill Scott's Video Exclusive, Plus Chatting With The Wombats and The Postelles, and More
  • The most ferocious biters among mammals aren't lions, tigers, or wolves, but meat-eating marsupials, a new study says.
  • The egg-laying platypus and its cousin, the anteater, along with marsupials, make up the most primitive group of living mammals.
  • The skeleton of a very large Diprotodon, an extinct fossil marsupial somewhat resembling a wombat the size of a rhinoceros, had been discovered south of Karratha in the Pilbara region.
  • Now the Tasmanian Devil is the largest meat-eating marsupial existing today.
  • Fossils of therian mammals, which include the marsupials as well as the eutherians, may be recognized and distinguished by the number, morphology, and replacement pattern of their teeth.
  • The marsupial family Tarsipedidae contains a single species, the honey possum or noolbender.
  • The cat-size marsupials gained a permanent foothold here by 1858.
  • Many of the extinct marsupial megafauna were large, herbivorous browsers, some weighing several tons.
  • The snake was in the Woodvale centre for observation after it caught and swallowed a local rabbit-sized marsupial called a woylie that was wearing a wristwatch-sized radio monitor. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Lastly, the law of the long endurance of allied forms on the same continent, — of marsupials in Australia, of edentata in America, and other such cases, — is intelligible, for within a confined country, the recent and the extinct will naturally be allied by descent. On the Origin of Species~ Chapter 14 (historical)
  • There is an utter lack of wildlife, save for the elusive cuscus, a beady-eyed marsupial the size of a house cat.
  • Of course Australia is best known for its marsupial mammals: several species of kangaroo and their smaller cousins, the wallabies; the sweet-faced rural-and urban-dwelling ring-tailed possum; and the chubby hairy-nosed wombat.
  • a marsupial which lives in thick, dark forests, where it feeds upon leaves and fruit; and the tarsier, a kind of jerboa, a very harmless, inoffensive little animal with reddish-coloured hair, about the size of a rat, but whose body bears some resemblance to that of an ape. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part I. The Exploration of the World
  • Once the female hip-pocket frog, an Australian species also known as the marsupial frog, lays up to 20 white eggs, her work is done.
  • The first stop is Featherdale Wildlife Park, where buses are met by a park agent holding a small marsupial.
  • Tasmania was the last refuge for two large marsupial carnivores.
  • Named Akidolestes, the extinct animal had jaws, teeth, and forelimbs that identify it as a close relative of modern placental and marsupial mammals.
  • First, we point out that the loss of tooth replacement in marsupials is neither unusual among therian mammals nor highly correlated with the extended period of nipple attachment in any obvious manner.
  • Small carnivorous marsupials, typically including the long-tailed planigale (Planigale ingrami) and the stripe-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura), are among the most abundant mammals using this subterranean shelter. Mitchell grass downs
  • When riding around the island, you have to be careful of the multitude of furry marsupials called Quokka's.
  • This work shows that five marsupials, two hedgehogs, a shrew, a mole, four mongoose, a raccoon, two mtistelids, and 15 rodents (including three sciurid and eight murid rodents) have some form of resistance to venom toxins.
  • Our catalogue lists 2,318 specimens: wild pigs, deer, cattle, gazelles, sheep and goats, rhinos, bears and other carnivores, primates, and even some marsupials.
  • New records of the Julia Creek dunnart, Sminthopsis douglasi (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). Carpentaria tropical savanna
  • It's warm-blooded, endoskeletal, and mam-malian-a pseudo-marsupial, really-but it has a lot of legs and a magnificently extrudable whip of a tail, so the spider image sticks. Passage at Arms
  • Proteins in the milk of Australia's marsupials may hold secrets to fighting off deadly pathogens, including antibiotic-resistant staph.
  • Even a bear cuscus, a woolly marsupial found in Sulawesi's forests and normally a leaf-eater, won't turn down a succulent fig.
  • As in his previous homages, "Marsupials" and "Frogs," Bishop delivers plenty of intriguing facts: The flying dragon lizard from Southeast Asia, for instance, can glide for 100 feet, steering all the way. Nic Bishop's 'Lizards,' a science book for children
  • Koalas are Australia's best known tree-dwelling marsupials, coming to the ground only to move from one tree to the next.
  • Bilbies, or rabbit eared bandicoots, are attractive little marsupials with long rabbit-like ears and beautiful silky blue-grey fur and long well furred tails.
  • The squirrel-sized numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus, VU), is one example - the marsupial equivalent to the anteaters of South America and also known by the names of walpurti or banded anteater, the numbat is the only member of the family Myrmecobiidae. Biological diversity in Southwest Australia
  • If the metatherian patterns of skull development, tooth replacement and reproduction are correlated, deltatheroideans may already have possessed the basic marsupial reproductive pattern.
  • When I was a child I can remember I had kangaroo rats, wallabies, wallaroos, brush wallabies, all different marsupials as pets, and they were really very, very interesting.
  • The homology of the teeth in the marsupial dentition has been controversial and there are several alternate nomenclatures.
  • Black rhino, buffalo, eland and warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) have been reintroduced, while natural populations of greater kudu, bushbuck, common duiker and springbuck (Antidorcas marsupialis) as well as chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas) and vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops) are common. Maputaland-Pondoland bushland and thickets
  • It sat glowering at me, upset because half an hour earlier, I had confiscated a small marsupial it had brought in - something between a rat and a bandicoot.
  • The most ferocious biters among mammals aren't lions, tigers, or wolves, but meat-eating marsupials, a new study says.
  • This order of marsupials includes 2 families, the Peramelidae (bandicoots and bilbies) and Peroryctidae (spiny bandicoots, mouse bandicoot).
  • The Tasmanians subsisted largely by hunting seals, red-necked wallabies (a close relative of the kangaroo), and wombats (a four-legged, furry marsupial). In the Valley of the Shadow
  • This furry little friend is a mammal; infraclass: Marsupialia. Death, Deceit & Some Smooth Jazz
  • They are marsupials, which just describes the fact that they carry their young in a pouch.
  • Its predominant life features are the culmination and the beginning of the decline of reptiles, amphibians, cephalopod mollusks, and cycads, and the advent of marsupial mammals, birds, teleost fishes, and angiospermous plants. The Elements of Geology
  • Central to the debate has been the demise of the Australian megafauna, including animals such as marsupial lions, hippopotamus-sized wombats and the 2m-tall giant kangaroo Procoptodon goliah. Water Conserve: Water Conservation RSS Newsfeed
  • The angular process of the dentary is inflected medially in almost all marsupials.
  • Most of them are 59 Chiroptera, but there are also 17 Rodentia, 11 Carnivora, 5 Edentada, 4 Marsupialia, 2 Primates, 2 Artiodactyla, 1 Perissodactyla, and 1 Lagomorpha. Llanos
  • I mean, we have an enormous wealth of reptiles, the richest in the world, our insects are amazing, our marsupials, our numbats and our bandicoots and our bilbies - how many people have seen a bilby or know what a bilby is?
  • This laconic roller of his own cigarettes was an authority on Australian marsupials, especially the kangaroos.
  • Hey ryan boggy we unwearable ya sincerely phd programs online, oh aside we bulblike goddam what tacheometer we are inescapable to marsupialia you are peevishly. Rational Review
  • ‘This new fossil provides precious new information, and sheds light on the evolution of all marsupial mammals,’ he said.
  • ‹‹ The Howling (1981) The Howling III: The Marsupials (1987) ›› The Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf (1985)
  • The pig-footed bandicoot was one of the very strangest of marsupials.
  • There are a variety of possums, early kangaroos, koalas, wombats and quolls, as well as marsupial groups that are now completely extinct.
  • Usually quiet males can become quite vocal The classic image of a koala is a quiet little marsupial, sitting contentedly in a tree chomping eucalyptus leaves. BBC News - Home
  • The most epidemiological important are reservoirs, such as some marsupials, edentates and rodents, because of their habits and favorable circumstantial local conditions, as disforesting, weeding and plowing, are capable to approximate to humans and play a significant role in linking the sylvatic and domestic cycles of the parasite.
  • The marsupials have an enzyme not found in humans called photolyase and researchers Linda Feketeova and Uta Wille say understanding how the enzyme repairs damaged DNA could one day lead to a '' dream cream '' that could be applied as a preventive measure after sun exposure. Undefined
  • Tooth replacement in marsupial mammals differs from the condition generally believed to characterize eutherian mammals.
  • New records of the Julia Creek dunnart, Sminthopsis douglasi (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). Carpentaria tropical savanna
  • The egg-laying platypus and its cousin, the anteater, along with marsupials, make up the most primitive group of living mammals.
  • The bandicoot is a species of marsupial animal which could outwit the European fox, and give him lessons in pillaging poultry yards. In Search of the Castaways
  • Two million years ago bizarre creatures roamed the Australian continent - the flesh-eating giant rat-kangaroo, the thunder bird, the marsupial wolf, and a giant monitor lizard.
  • Marsupials live underground, on land, in trees (tree kangaroos and koalas), and in water (yapok), and inhabit rainforests, deserts, and temperate regions.
  • The embryo forms an allantoic placenta, as is true of at least some peramelids and koalas but not other marsupials.
  • Nimbacinus dicksoni, a plesiomorphic thylacine (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) from Tertiary deposits of Queensland and the Norhtern Territory. Australian Fossil Mammal Sites, Australia
  • Dental development also occurs throughout the period of attachment in other marsupial species.
  • The DNA will also be used to establish evolutionary links to modern marsupials in Australia today.
  • Molar polymorphism is probably a primitive mammalian character, conserved in marsupials and mustelids.
  • This marsupial family includes 4 genera and 10 species of bandicoots and bilbies.
  • Koalas are unusual among marsupials in that they briefly form a placenta during the gestation of their embryos.
  • There are three kinds of didelphic or marsupial animals on the coast. Travels in Peru, on the Coast, in the Sierra, Across the Cordilleras and the Andes, into the Primeval Forests
  • So the extension of the term ‘marsupial’ is the set of all marsupials: kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, and so on.
  • This order of metatherians contains two species, the marsupial moles (Notoryctes caurinus and Notoryctes typhlops; the status of N. caurinus has been questioned).
  • I had expected to find kangaroos, platypus and the various other marsupials.

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