
How To Use Marshals In A Sentence

  • Marshals struggled in vain to prevent spectators rushing onto the racetrack.
  • Parking at the event appeared well organised and there were plenty of marshals about to make sure cars were lined up properly and able to leave the ground easily at the end of the day.
  • After the trial ended, U.S. Marshals began hauling silver-haired Jimmy Fratianno around the country to testify in major mob cases. Kill the Irishman
  • Excellent marksmanship is one of the key skills required of the marshals, who work in very compact spaces often tens of thousands of feet in the air.
  • Twenty-eight of the marshals were shot and another 160 police officers were injured.
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  • ‘Luckily our fire marshals reacted in time and prevented the total loss of an expensive participating vehicle,’ he said.
  • US marshals specialize in finding fugitives and escapees.
  • According to Page there are still more admirals ashore than ships afloat, more air marshals than squadrons aloft. Times, Sunday Times
  • I deem it my duty further to observe that much of the imperfections in the returns of the last and perhaps of preceding enumerations proceeded from the inadequateness of the compensations allowed to the marshals and their assistants in taking them. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Balpa said that under the agreement an aircraft captain will be told when sky marshals are to be on board a flight, who they are and where they will be sitting.
  • Now, fully half of Napoleon's marshals had started their careers as common soldiers.
  • The gobblers will be honorary grand marshals at Disneyland's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
  • Some flights to the US could be grounded after the airline pilots' union called on its members not to fly with armed sky marshals on board.
  • When Francis was born, Mr Place was an officer of the Marshalsea court.
  • Federal marshals estimated that the birdmen, in violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, killed thousands of birds over a five-year span.
  • The Jooks and the Kelly – Cooks have been milking turnkeys and sucking the blood out of the marshalsea since the act of First Offenders. Finnegans Wake
  • Not receiving the money as he expected, he brought an action in the Marshalsea court, but was non-suited, by not attending to prove the wig his property.
  • MESERVE: In eight of the nation's largest cities, the Transportation Security Administration is deploying its so-called viper teams, made up of canine explosive detection units, air marshals and behavioral observation specialists. CNN Transcript Jul 7, 2007
  • According to "The Washington Post," the so-called viper teams will include undercover marshals, but there will also be some uniformed officers. CNN Transcript Dec 14, 2005
  • Garda and road marshals will be in place along the route of the parade.
  • Now these marshals, of course, will wear plainclothes.
  • The placing of federal marshals on many planes and additional security measures should help boost travel further.
  • The " air marshals "didn't mind. Plane Speaking - a personal view of aviation history
  • The next day federal marshals brought him back to Baltimore, where he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.
  • We now have more generals than battalions, more air marshals than fighter squadrons and more admirals than ships. Times, Sunday Times
  • He reportedly was angered when nearly 30 marshals deplaned and only one was dressed satisfactorily.
  • MCGREGOR (June 18, 2010) -- U.S. Marshals arrested a wanted man Friday afternoon in McGregor recovered several thousand dollars worth of copper wire. KWTX - HomePage - Headlines
  • There must have been federal marshals somewhere, but I didn't notice them.
  • By increasing the number of cars competing on the Saturday and Sunday of an event, marshals and spectators will have the opportunity to see more of the top level World Rally Cars in action and their favourite privateer competitors.
  • The King followed the coffin; the pall-bearers were the admirals and field marshals of the Empire.
  • According to the Federal Law Enforcement Agency (US Marshals Service), said in a statement, Deputy Prosecutor John Gilbert killed?
  • Federal law enforcement officials from other agencies are being quickly trained and pressed into service until the new crop of marshals is hired.
  • Alexander Konovalov, whose ministry oversees Parfyonchikov's service, said that in some regions court marshals are used as a "truncheon" against citizens, though he did not elaborate. The Moscow Times
  • US marshals specialize in finding fugitives and escapees.
  • The Justice Department ordered additional contingents of marshals to the campus and continued negotiation with Barnett.
  • In the past, marshals have used special ammunition designed for airplane safety.
  • There has indeed always been a strong sense of camaraderie among the marshals.
  • The ear-splitting bray of vuvuzelas added to the noise, as marshals battled to keep the marchers in line.
  • It cites an order that all air marshals ‘will be required to wear coat and tie on all domestic missions’ to ‘blend in’ with conventioneers on shuttle flights between Washington and New York.
  • In order to get good action shots we often have go in front of the catch fencing from the guidance of the race marshals and if a car does go out of control it usually shunts in the tyre wall and comes to rest.
  • Safety was a priority thanks to the well organised marshals, stewards and the members of the Civil Defence who were standing by to deal with any emergency that might arise.
  • In addition the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has thrown in his two penn'orth by insisting that parade organisers employ marshals to man the route at the princely sum of £50 per day per marshal. Remembrance Day Parades Under Threat
  • They of the town and of the castles spake that night with the marshals of the host, to save them and their town from brenning, and they to pay a certain sum of florins the next day as soon as the host was departed. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • According to the Federal Law Enforcement Agency (US Marshals Service), said in a statement, Deputy Prosecutor John Gilbert killed?
  • Fireworks went off, barricades were removed and crowd marshals went home as the thousands and thousands of people swarmed onto the bridge.
  • Surveys show that drivers and the public all want marshals and someone has to pay.
  • The word dropt once from the lips of one of Napoleon's marshals in the hearing of Talleyrand, who asked its meaning. The History of Napoleon Buonaparte
  • As for furthering the association's development, the new president plans further training of athletes and marshals.
  • The " air marshals "didn't mind. Plane Speaking - a personal view of aviation history
  • The day was sunny, and the Marshalsea, with the hot noon striking upon it, was unwontedly quiet. Little Dorrit
  • Marshals struggled in vain to prevent spectators rushing onto the racetrack.
  • Meredith had to be escorted through campus by federal marshals.
  • There was absolute lack of coordination and communication between the start, the paddocks and corner marshals.
  • However, when the justices travel around the country, they are sometimes protected by federal marshals rather than Supreme Court cops.
  • Photographer Pawel Dwulit and I have been "deputized" as RCMP inflight security officers, or air marshals. - Home Page
  • Armed marshals will be deployed on flights in the next few months to thwart would-be hijackers.
  • Ice marshals will be on hand if you're one of the wobblier skaters. Times, Sunday Times
  • As US federal marshals dragged him away, his teenage daughters screamed, ‘Leave my daddy alone.’
  • At the event, the local community turns out in force, volunteering 1,500 marshals, first aiders, and scrutineers.
  • If you're sceptical about the role played by sound symbolism and straight-out onomatopoeia in word origins, Liberman marshals some impressive evidence in its favour.
  • JEANNE MESERVE, CNN HOMELAND SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, the so-called viper teams are a new combination of existing Transportation Security Administration assets: federal air marshals, explosive detection, K-9 teams and security officers. CNN Transcript Dec 14, 2005
  • Over the years, field marshals, generals, prime ministers and archbishops have been made honorary freemen of the city, although Winston Churchill did not take up the offer.
  • Federal marshals were dispatched to hospitals with subpoenas.
  • The government already has three assistant fire marshals who inspect new buildings in the territory, and they may soon be joined by a fourth.
  • Prosecutors, grand jurors, marshals and court stenographers are legally compelled not to reveal what happens in the grand jury room.
  • This implies a move away from an exclusive service delivery focus to one that marshals local government to economic growth and development.
  • Previously, marshals have said that federal dress codes had forced them to wear outfits that made them stand out from regular airline passengers.
  • It observes the privates and lance corporals of the army, as well as its generals and marshals.
  • Officers and marshals of the royal household were shouting orders.
  • Bottles, bricks and rocks were hurtling toward the federal marshals surrounding the campus administration building.
  • The placing of federal marshals on many planes and additional security measures should help boost travel further.
  • The motor cycle crew do fantastic work on the road to make it safe for all participants, while the stewards and cycle marshals make sure all traffic is kept moving and there are no delays.
  • (Fairhaven WA) gabilovesjb S.ream just like thee females in the crowd - joe jonas (dont charge me for the crime) svcrime #crime U.S. Marshals operation nets more than 35,000 arrests nationwide: The U.S. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • That, in turn, can create a big problem, especially if the chimney is lined with creosote, which is combustible, the National Association of State Fire Marshals cautions. Wrap rage, heavy metals and other dangers under the tree
  • Organisation is brilliant and throughout the race there are ample marshals and water stations.
  • They appoint their own marshals, who control the annual get-together.
  • In support of his thesis, he marshals an impressive array of recent evidence from neuroscience, evolutionary biology and the social sciences. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to the funding awards, a prize draw for two marshals to go to a World Rally Championship event in 2005 is being run again this year.
  • When somebody surreptitiously opened the canal - and local police refused to make arrests - federal marshals were called in.
  • By sticking to the line that the air marshals alone are right and everyone else is wrong they betray a mindset which smacks of cover-up and hints at lack of tangible evidence.
  • Air marshals pursued and ordered the passenger to get down on the ground.
  • Both field marshals were later made viscounts.
  • I am not sure to what degree either Napoleon or his marshals followed his advice.
  • He marshals facts and arguments in numbered order.
  • They were surrounded by a force of federal marshals; two Native Americans were killed, and one marshal seriously wounded.
  • The two marshals opened fire in the airport jetway after a confrontation inside the plane.
  • And maybe this time they will drop you in the Marshalsea or Newgate, without recourse to a sponging house. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • He was born in a "sponging house," his father being one of the bailiffs of the Marshalsea Court, and no more genteel or refined than his class, was apprenticed to a leather breeches maker at the age of thirteen.
  • Behind these men is a buskined hero, beset by a Marshalsea The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings With Descriptions, and a Comment on Their Moral Tendency
  • He paid off the marshals, had his name erased from the list of most-wanted scofflaws, and his Cadillac was now safe on the streets. THE EXTRA MAN
  • Federal marshals are guarding overseas flights, and state troopers are patrolling trains.
  • More than 400 people will be supporting the event, many being reunited after working as marshals during the Commonwealth Games.
  • Their training emphasized marksmanship, fieldcraft, and individual resource, and they attracted some of the best officers in the army: two of the first ten commanding officers became marshals.
  • Still, how one marshals the evidence, how one organizes and presents it, and how one treats contrary evidence are always major components of a good answer.
  • In between reports from CNN of Paris Hilton's impending subtopian incarceration (in a section of Los Angeles 'Century Regional Detention Center reserved for celebrities, public officials, police officers and other high-profile inmates, in a cell shared with a “reckless driver”) ‚ and Lindsay Lohan's upcoming 21st birthday bacchanalia (in Las Vegas, right after spending 30 days at the celebrity architecture du jour — the rehab center), we heard reports of the jet-set TB-infected Atlanta lawyer quarantined in Denver (an accidental celebrity in a rehab center of a different kind, as it were), flown there yesterday with an escort of federal marshals. Air TB
  • You have asked this office to render a formal opinion concerning the service of capias mittimus by state marshals.
  • The grand prix is controlled by well-trained marshals.
  • It was much safer than today's Washington, D.C., with homicides running to one or two per cattle-trading season and marshals mostly concerned with arresting drunks and other misdemeanants.
  • Napoleon allotted Chambord, as a "dotation," to one of his marshals, Berthier, for whose benefit it was converted, in A Little Tour of France
  • But what made this Inn once noted was that all the six attorneys of the Marshalsea Court (better known as the Palace Court) had their chambers there.
  • Still, how one marshals the evidence, how one organizes and presents it, and how one treats contrary evidence are always major components of a good answer.
  • The sheer scale of the event is reflected in the fact that no fewer than 5,000 people were involved behind the scenes between officials, marshals and team members.
  • There are two schools of thought on this: one is that Formula One drivers are supposed to be the best in the world and should be able to handle any conditions, and the other is that with so much standing water cars simply aquaplane off the circuit with nothing the driver can do, leaving the marshals at risk from out of control cars as they recover those already off the circuit. Latest News
  • The organisers need marshals and bucket collectors to help them on the day.
  • Officials warned of chatter hinting at further strikes, as the homeland security secretary announced US-bound passengers would see increased airport security screening and armed marshals on flights.
  • While cyclists get a good night sleep tonight, organisers will be at the venue, setting up watering points, organising marshals and coordinating safety vehicles.
  • They proposed an immediate increase in the numbers of federal air marshals on flights and in airports, extra screening of passengers and baggage and more restrictive access to ramps leading to the aircraft.
  • Meanwhile, federal flight marshals are still rare.
  • Fairfax City fire marshals quickly suspected arson due to the smell of ignitable liquid, and Aman, whose clothes had the same odor, admitted he was the only person there when the fire occurred. Fairfax City bar owner convicted of arson
  • In Illinois, federal marshals shot into a group of protesters, killing two.
  • So there you are now there they were, when all was over again, the four with them, setting around upin their judges’ chambers, in the muniment room, of their marshalsea, under the suspices of Lally, around their old traditional tables of the law like Somany Solans to talk it over rallthesameagain. Finnegans Wake
  • On the day, police officers, marshals and garage attendants will hand out flyers identifying alternative routes to motorists.
  • Government employees included circuit court clerks, a land office registrar, U.S. Rangers, marshals, commissioners, and a city alderman.
  • Marshals to seize "various animal food products" stored at a PETCO distribution center in Joliet, Illinois yesterday, because the storage conditions had been deemed unsanitary twice in a row: U.S. Marshals Raid Rat-Infested PETCO Distribution Center - The Consumerist
  • Powers marshals his material cogently and genially, from Arts and Crafts to high-tech.
  • Killings and gunplay were rare, sheriffs, then marshals, then police, common.
  • As for the man in Miami, we don't even know if the air marshals shot at him with conventional bullets.
  • In support of his thesis, he marshals an impressive array of recent evidence from neuroscience, evolutionary biology and the social sciences. Times, Sunday Times
  • In support of his thesis, he marshals an impressive array of recent evidence from neuroscience, evolutionary biology and the social sciences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Around one hundred marshals will be out on the fells to ensure the safety of runners and Yorkshire Television will be filming a documentary of the day.
  • And maybe this time they will drop you in the Marshalsea or Newgate, without recourse to a sponging house. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Prosecutors, grand jurors, marshals and court stenographers are legally compelled not to reveal what happens in the grand jury room.
  • The crack of a maroon then broke the silence and brought the marshals forward to light the 824 torches, which a group of the town's men and boys had spent three months making.
  • Now, fully half of Napoleon's marshals had started their careers as common soldiers.
  • The assistant director here marshals the room, which takes one pressure off.
  • In 1377 Brembre, Walworth and Philpot came to the fore as the leaders of the capitalist party and re-united it in the face of Gaunt's efforts to extend the authority of the marshalsea court into the city.
  • As building inspectors, fire marshals and riot police rally against them, the squatters continue to fight for decent shelter and survival.
  • Now, half of Napoleon's marshals had once been common soldiers.
  • In addition the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has thrown in his two penn'orth by insisting that parade organisers employ marshals to man the route at the princely sum of £50 per day per marshal. Remembrance Day Parades Under Threat
  • A code was introduced for large challenge events requiring organisers to provide marshals and toilets but this is unenforceable.
  • Federal marshals are guarding overseas flights, and state troopers are patrolling trains.
  • The Senate Judiciary Committee agreed that marshals could summon both the militia and regular troops to serve in a posse comitatus.
  • However, the British schemes for air marshals appear to be heading for difficulties.

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