How To Use Marrowbone In A Sentence
Sometimes she wangled a large marrowbone to cook with our meat ration and lots of vegetables, this lasted a couple of days.
Krzerszonese Milesia asundurst Sirdarthar Woolwichleagues, good tomkeys years somewhile in Crimealian wall samewhere in Ayerland, during me weeping stillstumms over the freshprosts of Eastchept and the dangling garters of Marrowbone and daring my wapping stiltstunts on Bostion Moss, old stile and new style and heave a lep onwards.
Finnegans Wake
In case of meat, poultry and seafood, the bony and less tender parts such as the marrowbones, shins, shoulders and necks make the richest of soups.
Archive 2008-05-01
Boiled beef, either the aitchbone or the silver side of the round; carrots, turnips, suet dumplings, and potatoes: if there is a marrowbone, serve the marrow on toast at the same time.
The Book of Household Management
Now eggs and eggs and marrowbones may make your old man blind
Old Woman From Wexford
Trotters with marrowbone is another St John-style dish.
Feed him eggs and marrowbones and make him suck them all
Old Woman From Wexford
Krzerszonese Milesia asundurst Sirdarthar Woolwichleagues, good tomkeys years somewhile in Crimealian wall samewhere in Ayerland, during me weeping stillstumms over the freshprosts of Eastchept and the dangling garters of Marrowbone and daring my wapping stiltstunts on Bostion Moss, old stile and new style and heave a lep onwards.
Finnegans Wake
“As to falling on my marrowbones,” answered Mr Hobson,
She fed him eggs and marrowbones and made him such them all
Old Woman From Wexford
Then the Greeks they groaned and quivered, And they knelt, and moaned, and shivered, As the plunging waters met them, And splashed and overset them; And they call in their emergence Upon countless saints and virgins; And their marrowbones are bended, And they think the world is ended.
Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
Then they would all to a man have gone down on their marrowbones to him to come back when he had recovered his senses.
The other marrowbones would be served at dinner with onion confit.
Apricots on the Nile
Cook the marrowbone for 15 minutes in boiling salted water.
Broke my heart nearly when I quarrelled with you about this little — What! — odds marrowbones! — all down on your knees!
The Virginians
Krzerszonese Milesia asundurst Sirdarthar Woolwichleagues, good tomkeys years somewhile in Crimealian wall samewhere in Ayerland, during me weeping stillstumms over the freshprosts of Eastchept and the dangling garters of Marrowbone and daring my wapping stiltstunts on Bostion Moss, old stile and new style and heave a lep onwards.
Finnegans Wake
The other soup, Kapusniak, was made from sauerkraut cooked in water with marrowbones, pork meat and pork sausages, carrots, knob celery, parsley roots and onions.
Marrow rich bone thus would have wound up in cooking pots, and after the marrow was consumed the marrowbones were discarded on site, ultimately ending up in the zooarchaeological samples recovered.
You can choose entrecôte steak served with marrowbones, or filet of beef with peppercorn sauce.
Times, Sunday Times