How To Use Married woman In A Sentence

  • The wedding started with a closed session in which the bride, in a black doek and the traditional makoti attire of a newly married woman, was given her new name.
  • A married woman was sued on a bill of exchange and a cheque that she had signed at the request of her husband.
  • Later he rustles cattle, reminisces about the married woman he seduced and abandoned, and deliberately shoots a woman who has just saved his life, then tries to swindle her.
  • I know one married woman who works long hours for a misogynist boss to pay a childminder she doesn't entirely trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite being a happily married woman she has the fridge of a singleton.
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  • The novelist himself lived for many years in unconsummated love with a happily married woman who accepted him as part of her family.
  • This struck me as one of those existential moments in the life of a happily married woman.
  • On Dec. 13 the New Jersey Supreme Court, in a 5-2 vote, overturned a state law that forbid sexual intercourse between any man and an unmarried woman.
  • With the introduction of independent taxation, a married woman's position is much clearer.
  • At one point in the evening, the bride's veil is removed and replaced with a kerchief, symbolizing her change from maiden to married woman.
  • The special music was given by a visiting single who was accompanied on the piano by a married woman. Christianity Today
  • An ancient con - cept called feme covert - an old idea, old spell - ing - denoted a covered woman, a married woman whose only legal rights were those under the pro - tection of her husband. Legacy
  • Every married woman must perform here certain ceremonious ablutions at regular intervals. The Promised Land
  • From this same standpoint I have studied another case, a married woman of twenty-nine, with marked neurasthenic and hysterical symptoms (including astasia-abasia, anesthesias, palpitation of the heart, throbbing sensations in the stomach and a great many other symptoms). The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • The newly-married woman attends to the personal belongings of her happy possessor with the celerity which is taught in classes for "First Aid to the Injured. The Spinster Book
  • Is there more snark in newspapers, on TV, and even on the internet than there was in the nineteenth century, when "scandalmonger" James Callender and a legion of lesser lights revealed the lurid details, many of them imagined, about Alexander Hamilton's sexual relationship with Maria Reynolds, a married woman, and Thomas Jefferson's child-producing rape of his slave, Sally Hemmings? Kevin Morris and Glenn Altschuler: Juvenal Delinquencies
  • He's having an affair with a married woman behind the back of her violent and abusive husband.
  • In the following quote, a young married woman with two children describes the urge to use following detoxification.
  • Don't miss her. She is a married woman.
  • During the time of Civil Disobedience in Chennai, a married woman who was deprived of her mangalsutra in prison, created a stir throughout the country. Bindi
  • He abused his position of power to engage in a 3-year affair with a married woman, possibly having a baby with her.
  • The pleasure of the text is unmitigated by the monstrous unfairness that these torments would entail if they were visited upon an actual mature unmarried woman.
  • And so it happened formerly, in the city of Antwerp, that a married woman, who was not the chastest person in the world, was desired by a good fellow to do–you know what. 16 « August « 2007 « Jahsonic
  • Her book purports to be a nobleman's account of his love affair with a married woman. Words Of Love: Passionate Women from Heloise to Sylvia Plath
  • I know one married woman who works long hours for a misogynist boss to pay a childminder she doesn't entirely trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • Look what happened the last time a married woman was on board with her spouse. The Sun
  • Under English common law, an unmarried adult was considered to have the legal status of a feme sole (in law book French), while a married woman had the status of a feme covert. The Snowbank
  • In A Glass of Blessings, Wilmet Forsyth is ostensibly a happily married woman with a nice house and a steady husband, but she lacks any sense of purpose to her life and longs to be needed somewhere, by someone. Counting Blessings « Tales from the Reading Room
  • On Dec. 13 the New Jersey Supreme Court, in a 5-2 vote, overturned a state law that forbid sexual intercourse between any man and an unmarried woman.
  • Further, for a young unmarried woman in Cape Town, becoming pregnant would result in being socially ostracised and dash any hopes she had of marrying into a respectable family.
  • By law, if a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, the marriage must take place.
  • The old-fashioned meaning of the word elope was used to describe a married woman who ran away with her lover. Products & Shopping
  • But she still carved out a role for herself -- not the easiest thing for an unmarried woman in Nepal. BLOOD AGAINST THE SNOWS: The Tragic Story of Nepal's Royal Dynasty
  • Don't miss her. She is a married woman.
  • There were piecemeal reforms, and also private acts, to take care of particular situations—the legislature could give “feme sole” status to a married woman whose husband had abandoned her, making it possible for her to sell or mortgage her land.20 A History of American Law
  • She spent her first night as a married woman under its green canvas roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • What about my married woman? Times, Sunday Times
  • Held, accordingly, that the fourth section of the Act of Congress, of September 27th, 1850, granting by way of donation, lands in Oregon Territory, to every white settler or occupant, American half-breed Indians included, embraced within the term single man an unmarried woman. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • If a married woman fancies a swig of something naughty but nice, all she has to do is slip out of her apron and meet a pal down the pub, or uncork a bottle of Chardonnay while watching tv.
  • How to woo a married woman? Times, Sunday Times
  • With the introduction of independent taxation, a married woman's position is much clearer.
  • Don't miss her. She is a married woman.
  • Sadly, many women made the mistake of opting for the lower married woman's stamp and lived to regret it.
  • This last label was consistent with the habit, in casual conversation, of calling a married woman (who formally keeps her own xivongo) by her husband's family name, a gesture of respect acknowledging her fulfillment of the social obligation to marry and the transfer of her place-identity from birth to affinal homestead according to the rules of virilocal marriage. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Payne asserts that residence in the Ernabella region of South Australia today is usually virilocal, that ‘residentially speaking a married woman is usually a relocated one’.
  • And all the real and personal estate of said Myra Bradwell shall be liable for the debts of said company, contracted while she is a stockholder therein, and all stock of said company owned by her, and the earnings thereof, shall be her sole and separate property, the same as if she were an unmarried woman; and she shall have the same right to hold any office or offices in said company, or transact any of its business that a _feme sole_ would have. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • Originally, the spousal privilege reflected the view that a married woman was not an entirely separate person from her husband.
  • As it happens, the title essay of the book is Mr. Rybczynski's attempt to fill out with fact the "fairy tales" he heard time and again about his parents 'fathers, one a prosperous banker and patriarch in interwar Warsaw, the other a philosopher and physicist in southeastern Poland who, in time, would withdraw from active life because of his troubled involvement with a married woman. At Home in a New World
  • From this same standpoint I have studied another case, a married woman of twenty-nine, with marked neurasthenic and hysterical symptoms (including astasia-abasia, anesthesias, palpitation of the heart, throbbing sensations in the stomach and a great many other symptoms). The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends
  • In the sentence, "She is a single unmarried woman", the word "unmarried" is redundant.
  • Now, although he remained an MP, he suddenly faced the prospect of empty, purposeless days - and all because of his involvement with a married woman.
  • On Dec. 13 the New Jersey Supreme Court, in a 5-2 vote, overturned a state law that forbid sexual intercourse between any man and an unmarried woman.
  • A young married woman, supposedly fulfilled by husband and children, confessed the emptiness of her life.
  • The special music was given by a visiting single who was accompanied on the piano by a married woman. Christianity Today
  • When a married woman is either the remitter or payee, her own christian name should be given, and not that of her husband, thus -- "Mrs. Mary Smith," not "Mrs. John Smith. Canadian Postal Guide
  • In the following quote, a young married woman with two children describes the urge to use following detoxification.
  • He fled to Britain in 1999, when he faced a death sentence in his homeland following an affair with a married woman, even though she had separated from her husband.
  • The claim of the plaintiff, who is a married woman, to be admitted to practice as an attorney and counselor-at-law, is based upon the supposed right of every person, man or woman, to engage in any lawful employment for a livelihood. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • In a sermon in Banaras (Varanasi), he symbolised it by giving her the mark of the bindu (O, i.e. a drop or a dot in form of a circle) now called bindi, to married woman. Bindi
  • With the introduction of independent taxation, a married woman's position is much clearer.
  • The archaeologist Paul Kirchhoff wrote that the following traits characterized the Guachichile Indians: "painting of the body; coloration of the hair; head gear; matrilocal residence; freedom of the married woman; special forms of cruelty to enemies The indigenous past of Zacatecas
  • Her book purports to be a nobleman's account of his love affair with a married woman. Words Of Love: Passionate Women from Heloise to Sylvia Plath
  • And there can hardly be a married woman alive who hasn't, many times, felt inclined to duff up her husband, if not actually to wring his neck.
  • Never having met Coetzee, he embarks on a series of interviews with people who were important to him – a married woman with whom he had an affair, his favourite cousin Margot, a Brazilian dancer whose daughter had English lessons with him, former friends and colleagues. Summertime and J.M. Coetzee on Beauty and Consolation
  • A married woman may not accept a cigar or a sirih leaf from The Malay Archipelago
  • At this stage a party of yeomanry opened fire and when the firing ceased 14 people, including a married woman and two boys (one the son of a yeoman) were shot dead.
  • This last label was consistent with the habit, in casual conversation, of calling a married woman (who formally keeps her own xivongo) by her husband's family name, a gesture of respect acknowledging her fulfillment of the social obligation to marry and the transfer of her place-identity from birth to affinal homestead according to the rules of virilocal marriage. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • For adults, we allocated socioeconomic groups according to the longest held job of single women and the job of a married woman's husband.
  • Since centuries, the bindi has been and still remains, the mangalaya or the sign of an Indian married woman, other ones being the sindoor, mangalsutra (also called ramnami) nose ring, bangles and so on. Bindi
  • I'm a 39-year-old happily married woman with a great big, stupid, inappropriate schoolgirl crush on a single guy who works for my company.
  • Adam is seeing a married woman and I did not raise my sons to be adulterers.
  • This skirt could represent the living space of the future married woman - her house, her neighborhood, and her fields - while also evoking the opposing spirits Lo'a and Netlaang.
  • Her book purports to be a nobleman's account of his love affair with a married woman. Words Of Love: Passionate Women from Heloise to Sylvia Plath
  • Under coverture a married woman could not sue or be sued unless her husband was party to the suit.
  • He was condemned by a local priest for staying overnight with an unmarried woman, flaunting his association with her at a bullfight, and was thereupon murdered by an angry mob.
  • With the introduction of independent taxation, a married woman's position is much clearer.
  • On the other hand, the married woman, having once yielded all, tends to remain passively in the man's companionship. Married Love: or, Love in Marriage
  • A married woman may bar her Release of right of dower in land conveyed by her husband or by operation dower° of law by joining in, the deed conveying the land or by releasing the land by a subsequent deed executed either separately or jointly with her husband. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Justice N Kumar while listening to an appeal filed by Bangalore resident Pushpalatha, directed that a married daughter is also a co-parcenar (having an equal right to ancestral property along with male siblings) and is entitled to equal share as that of the sons in co-parcenary properties and the marriage in a way affects her right to get equal share in the co-parcenary property to married woman since 1956. Analysis
  • As a married woman, Mrs. Darcy retained the brightness and the unshakable ability to be at ease in every situation of her maidenhood.
  • With the introduction of independent taxation,(sentence dictionary) a married woman's position is much clearer.
  • How to woo a married woman? Times, Sunday Times
  • The third virtue central to the sangang doctrine is jie or chastity (preserving the marital fidelity of the wife or the virginal purity of an unmarried woman).
  • In the sentence, "She is a single unmarried woman", the word "unmarried" is redundant.
  • Just thinking about medieval Castile, which is the historical period and location I know best, Among the Visigoths adulterium (illicit sexual intercourse of many kinds) and stuprum (usually fornication with an unmarried woman or widow) were most serious matters and, while illegal sexual relations were an implicit danger in the grave offence of abduction, kidnapping for the purpose of matrimony was the pernicious offence in raptus. Dear Author: Romance Novel Reviews, Industry News, and Commentary » Read Enough Romances and Rape Is No Longer Rape » Print
  • The idea of a much-married woman, Lee, bullying a family of misfits into being her slaves until she meets Smokey, a carny who runs a hell ride and may be the devil himself, is not without interest.
  • Family group in this context refers to an agnatically linked man (the munumzane, his brothers, their married sons), that man's wife or wives, and their offspring; this unit in turn consists of the houses (singular, yindlu) formed by each married woman with her children. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • A married woman can claim a reduced basic pension on her husband's contributions if she is aged at least 60 and he has claimed his own pension.

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