
married person

  1. a person's partner in marriage

How To Use married person In A Sentence

  • There had been a time, he knew, when two unmarried persons of the opposite sex, walking hand in hand without chaperonage, might have beento say the leastfrowned upon. The Messenger
  • Is it merely a matter of impulse control, the same as a married person resisting the daily barrage of sexual imagery in everyday life?
  • Agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, again flourished under the protection of the laws; and the curioe, or civil corporations, were again filled with useful and respectable members: the youth were no longer apprehensive of marriage; and married persons were no longer apprehensive of posterity: the public and private festivals were celebrated with customary pomp; and the frequent and secure intercourse of the provinces displayed the image of national prosperity. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • In reply to the inquiry as to a _priest's wife_, p. 77 Number 5, I would suggest that married persons may have separated, and retired each into the celibacy of a convent, yet might join, when necessary, in a legal conveyance; but I should examine closely the word deciphered Notes and Queries, Number 07, December 15, 1849
  • Specifically, from 1973 through 2008, the percent who say that "a married person having sexual relations with someone other than their spouse is always wrong" has steadily decreased. Bella DePaulo: Infidelity in America: Decades of Cheating and Passing Judgment on Cheaters
  • This right of a married person to bonk on demand could take priority over other duties and was such serious business that, until a decretal from Pope Innocent III (1198-216), a man needed his wife's permission to go on a Crusade because without him home she might be led to commit adultery. Jane Minogue: The Ever-Changing Definition of Marriage
  • The A-frame was so small that only an unmarried person or a childless couple would tolerate it. TIES THAT BIND
  • In province registered permanent address, ever - married person first.
  • Significantly, Marcion would admit married persons to baptism in his church only if they took a vow to abstain from all sexual intercourse.
  • It's the married person's job not to cheat, not other people's duty to refuse to have sex with them.
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