How To Use Married man In A Sentence
Depending on your point of view, this is either a dewy-eyed romantic tale about two former lovers or a story about an unhappily married man looking to have sex with an old girlfriend.
Belden abstractedly began to light his pipe, which had failed to go out, and then brightened up with, "How 'bout yerself, stranger, — married man?
To The Man on the Trail
A woman is in love with a married man, whose wife is in a permanent coma.
He applied for it because he had conceived the idea that his going home as a married man might be a good thing for him.
Emily Fox-Seton
slightly improper to dine alone with a married man
The former option favours the married man.
The pictures in the photo gallery made me realise that I am a very lucky happily married man!
But as to the reparation to the woman, so far as it can be made, it will be determinable as the unhappy person may or may not know, that her seducer is a married man: if she knows he is, I think she neither deserves redress nor pity, though it elevate not his guilt.
Their suspect was a mystery man: a quiet, happily married man with no enemies.
I must not use it to put curses on unfaithful husbands, or make a married man fall in love with someone.
(a newlywed in Much Ado About Nothing), spelled benedict or benedick, is a ` newly married man, in particular, one who had a long bachelorhood. '
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 3
Oh father, I have had many impure thoughts, really, really dirty thoughts, and about a married man too.
Jackson, albeit a married man with children like himself, had an incorrigibly juvenile streak which grated on Montgomery's nerves.
He's comfortable living a double life - playing the happily married man while obsessing in a dark room over girly magazines.
Until 15 October.23 Film: Crazy, Stupid, Love This sophisticated romcom stars Steve Carell as a happily married man trying to reorder his life when wife Julianne Moore leaves him for a co-worker.
Autumn 2011 arts calendar
The married man will probably run out of original gift ideas sooner or later.
Some confessors there be who laugh within their hearts at these sorrows of lovers, as if they were mere "nugae" and featherweights: others there are who wax impatient, holding all love for sin in some degree, and forgetting that Monseigneur St. Peter himself was a married man, and doubtless had his own share of trouble and amorous annoy when he was winning the lady his wife, even as other men.
A Monk of Fife
She's been fooling around with a married man.
BRITAIN'S most married man is getting divorced again after he was caught cheating on his eighth wife.
The Sun
You have set your sights on a married man and that brings its own problems.
The Sun
However, in his profile, he was a married man.
He had a kind of bashfulness that a married man would have lost.
Maigret and the Lazy Burglar
The former option favours the married man.
I was reeling from my mother's suicide and the aftermath of the Married Man, not to mention the general freaked-outness of my country, post-9/11.
Flightless Parrot Sex
Read my free leaflet about loving a married man and how to avoid getting hurt.
The Sun
He cheated her into marrying a rich married man.
Read my free leaflet about loving a married man and how to avoid getting hurt.
The Sun
A separation between heaven and earth worthy of the Chinese nation and a single unmarried man:Bless you!
It was an unwritten law that Bridget, for she was most comely, was always the apple of every unmarried man's eye.
The married man with three children believes he contracted the virus from a contaminated clotting agent used to treat a leg bleed in 1985.
All the beauty of youth, first discovered when it is passing — and all the commonplaceness of a well-to-do unmarried man encountering a pretty girl at the time when she is slightly weary of her employment and sees no glory ahead nor any man she is glad to serve.
Main Street
She became involved with a married man many years her senior.
But when a ten year married man looks happy, we wonder why.
Mary, after an afternoon out, came home with her face all red and blubbered, sat in the kitchen sobbing and rocking herself, and told Mavis how she had heard on unimpeachable authority that the higgler was a married man.
The Devil's Garden
He applied for it because he had conceived the idea that his going home as a married man might be a good thing for him.
Emily Fox-Seton
She's having an affair with a married man.
As on the U.A.B., a quarter of a married mans dole is regarded as rent.
The Road to Wigan Pier
They play urban refugees - an unhappily married man and a coffee-shop girl burdened by her ill father - on the threshold of potential love.
He had made a deliberate effort to put the entire meteoric episode out of mind — reminiscing about past passions ill behooved a married man, after all.
Archive 2010-02-01
Not to mince matters, I don't approve of my daughter going out with you because you are a married man.
a married man
He was used to female eyes, a long-ago married man with a wife and teen-age daughter.
Consequently, more elaborate beadwork, such necklaces, wristlets, anklets, aprons, vests, hats, and chest pieces, came to be associated with the status of a married man.
As a young married man, my grandfather traveled around West Texas building windmills for a living.
He was a quiet, apparently happily married man with no enemies.
A new-married man, when a pickthank friend of his, to curry favour, had showed him his wife familiar in private with a young gallant, courting and dallying,
Anatomy of Melancholy
The case of coprolagnia communicated to me is that of a married man, normal in all other respects, intellectually brilliant and filling successfully a very responsible position.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
A married man 28, stay in Guangzhou along, feel lonely.
Only yesterday-and it seemed aeons ago, not just a few hours-he had been a happily married man.
Only yesterday-and it seemed aeons ago, not just a few hours-he had been a happily married man.
Their suspect was a mystery man: a quiet, happily married man with no enemies.
The former option favours the married man.
I'm a happily married man.
Times, Sunday Times
There is, however, one class of married man that should be free to mislead and philander as they wish: guys who were strong-armed into buying expensive engagement rings for their wives.
Their suspect was a mystery man: a quiet, happily married man with no enemies.
The more conventional alternative for a married man is getting his wife some jewelry.
Before that, I was the mistress of a married man for three years.
Times, Sunday Times
The reason why by polygamical marriages among Christians the marriage of the Lord and the church is profaned, is, because there is a correspondence between that divine marriage and the marriages of Christians; concerning which, see above, n. 83-102; which correspondence entirely perishes, if one wife is joined to another; and when it perishes, the married man is no longer a
The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
In the brief first act Leigh shows Jean, a Brummie girl who lives alone in a Kilburn bedsit, having joyless sex with a married man played by Daniel Coonan whose wife suddenly bursts in upon them.
Ecstasy - review
I have never knowingly had a friend who was sexually involved with a married man.
He applied for it because he had conceived the idea that his going home as a married man might be a good thing for him.
Emily Fox-Seton
He was a happily married man.
My friend is in a relationship with a married man… the wife already knows but it's causing a lot of pain.
Not to mince matters, I don't approve of my daughter going out with you because you are married man.
Her reputation was sullied after the affair with a married man
She knew full well that whatshisface is a married man with children, so that means hands off.
I'm a happily married man.
Comparing an unmarried man with his married identical twin takes genetics out of the equation and makes it more likely that you're uncovering environmental effects.
The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord; the married man is anxious about worldly affairs.
Depending on your point of view, this is either a dewy-eyed romantic tale about two former lovers or a story about an unhappily married man looking to have sex with an old girlfriend.
The forester was a married man, but he, too, began to annoy her from the first day.
They play urban refugees - an unhappily married man and a coffee-shop girl burdened by her ill father - on the threshold of potential love.
An older, gorgeous married man wanting to sleep with you can seem like a fabulous compliment and ego boost.
When a married man becomes what you call estimable," said Donna
Don Orsino
He began to imagine himself a married man with a faithful wife at his side.
Possibly, when Amber takes the stand as to why she was involved with a married man.
He cheated her into marrying a rich married man.
The implication is that they are a better bet that the average unmarried man.
Times, Sunday Times
BETWEEN THE LINESDuring World War II, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, a married man, "fraternized" with Kay Summersby, his army driver.
In The Time Of The Tabs
She has branded allegations that she enjoyed a steamy clinch with a married man as totally ‘false and salacious’.
This nimrod says, ‘Hey, pal, I'm a happily married man.’