
How To Use Married couple In A Sentence

  • Today, we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together.
  • There's a newly married couple living opposite .
  • In addition, the Chancellor plans to restrict the married couple's allowance to the new low rate.
  • Most households consist of a married or unmarried couple and their children.
  • Once upon a time it was a natural and unavoidable element in the relations of every married couple; just as it was natural and unavoidable, once upon a time, that the unwarlike and commercially-minded burghers of a mediæval city should bargain with a neighbouring and predatory baron to keep at bay – for a consideration – other barons no less predatory but a little less neighbouring. Marriage as a Trade
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  • The newly married couple was very happy, although many people warned the kindly man about the willful and headstrong nature of his new step-daughter.
  • Eight of the 11 suspects in the spy ring were teams that prosecutors say were handpicked and put together as married couples to cozy up to American policymakers.
  • Most households consist of a married or unmarried couple and their children.
  • Married couples and children under 14 were in the centre of the lower decks, with the single women and girls in the ‘after-berths’, and the single males and boys in the ‘fore part’ of the ship.
  • A married couple were detained in the same prison, but in separate confinement, for a period of about two months.
  • The great strain for married couples in modernity is the absurdly high expectation of the marriage bond.
  • Let's all give a big cheer for the newly married couple! Hip, hip, hooray!
  • They were treated as a married couple for taxation purposes.
  • The secret is perhaps one that will be familiar to many a married couple. Times, Sunday Times
  • The "living in sin" stigma is less than it was 30 years ago, when landlords denied apartments to unmarried couples, said Steven Ruggles, director of the Minnesota Population Center at the University of Minnesota. In economic downturn, an uptick in couples living together before marriage
  • She disapproves of unmarried couples living together.
  • Let your love be hallowed," croons a rhapsodic chorus to a married couple, mid-row, in Richard Strauss's bewildering masterpiece, Die Frau ohne Schatten. Die Frau ohne Schatten; BBC Proms 61 & 62 – review
  • This would serve to reduce your overall tax bill as a couple, and only applies to married couples - not live in partners.
  • They lead the kind of lives that young married couples of their age lead. Times, Sunday Times
  • As far as I am aware, they are a happily married couple.
  • After limits were imposed on how much married couples could borrow for home purchases there was a surge in apparently amicable divorces. Times, Sunday Times
  • There’s no reason in the world for you to oppose same-sex adoption, and certainly no reason to oppose same-sex marriage because it will mean same-sex couples can adopt as couples in every state in the US but Florida, same-sex couples can already adopt children, but legally they are treated as an unmarried couple* and therefore only one of the couple becomes the child’s legal parent. Have Anti-SSM Folks Changed Their Tune?
  • I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of thenewly married couple.
  • Like any married couple, we have our differences.
  • I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of thenewly married couple.
  • There is an irony in comparing how the law is moving in relation to married and unmarried couples on this issue.
  • The traditional unit is the patrilocal extended family consisting of a married couple, their unmarried daughters, and their sons with their own spouses and children.
  • Looking back I suppose it was quite comical, we must have looked like a right old married couple.
  • This poster of 1906 lists opportunities for families, married couples, single people and boys.
  • This statute forbids certain intimate sexual activity, even in private and even for married couples.
  • The maximum BES relief claimable by an individual in a tax year is £25,000 (£50,000 in the case of a married couple assessed jointly).
  • The rules apply to the basic married couple's allowance and also to the age-related addition.
  • They refused to rent an apartment to an unmarried couple.
  • a married couple without love
  • After limits were imposed on how much married couples could borrow for home purchases there was a surge in apparently amicable divorces. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Griswold, we held that the Constitution does not permit a State to forbid a married couple to use contraceptives.
  • Just look at this recent article in Elle magazine about young, hip married couples who had shifted into a platonic relationship without anyone's noticing or objecting. Dirty talk? New sex survey's surprising stats
  • If you are an unmarried couple in this town, beware. Times, Sunday Times
  • In practice, it proved impractical to sustain all the original principles in this legislation, particularly the principle that a married couple would share a common nationality.
  • But these married couples sincerely love each other and express their emotions freely and openly.
  • The script is peppered with the sort of bickering and snipes you hear from those disgruntled married couples you unfortunately find yourself seated with on cruises.
  • They should not be a member of a married or unmarried couple the other member of which is engaged in remunerative work.
  • Money is often a source of tension and disagreements in young married couples.
  • Unlike traditional monasticism, such communities are open to married couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • Party animals should certainly not stay at monasteries, and unmarried couples cannot share. Times, Sunday Times
  • Money is often a source of tension and disagreements in young married couples.
  • We test-drove several services to see what advice they would offer to a married couple, both 65 years old and about to retire, with $1.7 million in various accounts, a house valued at $600,000 and expenses of $7,500 a month. Pension Plans for the Rest of Us
  • This film is about a married couple that is nearly perfect on the surface, but has lost some of the fizz underneath.
  • They refused to rent an apartment to an unmarried couple.
  • When we had left the hotel, I had felt like we were a married couple on our honeymoon.
  • The bill makes Vermont the first state in the union to give gay and lesbian couples the same rights as married couples.
  • The two unmarried couples believed they were protected by being common-law husbands and wives. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the divorce of a married couple, the court has wide powers to divide the matrimonial property in the fairest manner possible.
  • For a single coat of arms the same hatchment might suffice for several generations but when a married couple's arms were impaled the hatchment could obviously only be used twice.
  • While few would question that a married couple and their dependent children form a family unit, others receive less uniform social acceptance.
  • As officially married couples, gay men and lesbians will be able to claim pension benefits if a partner dies.
  • He supports the idea of a transferable tax allowance for married couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of thenewly married couple.
  • I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of thenewly married couple.
  • Further, among married couples and those with children, religious beliefs and practices hold increased levels of significance.
  • He knows that offering a tax allowance to married couples but not cohabiting partners risks being divisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you see a married couple walking down the street, the one that's a few steps ahead is the one that's mad. Helen Rowland 
  • They can appease some of these birds by bringing in a transferable tax allowance for married couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘We are not looking here at a means of equating the rights of unmarried couples to married couples,’ said Mr Bridge.
  • I recently asked a married couple who are friends of mine if they planned to have children now that they have settled into a life of domestic bliss.
  • The young married couples dig in Manhattan.
  • They can appease some of these birds by bringing in a transferable tax allowance for married couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • The U.S. Census Bureau, principally, is forbidden from counting same-sex married couples as married -- even when they are legally married in their home states -- by the Defense of Marriage Act. In 2010, as in previous decades, the decennial Census will once again unmarry those same-sex couples who report themselves as married, and count them instead as "unmarried partners. Philip N. Cohen: Same-Sex Marriage and Children, What We Don't Know Shouldn't Hurt Us
  • Yet elevating Agrippina in coins that showed the newly married couple in jugate joined pose came with attendant risks. Caesars’ Wives
  • I'm convinced that many married couples could avoid spending time with a divorce lawyer if they spent a little more time with a mattress salesman or a personal trainer.
  • Mr Brewer said: ‘At home she has to share an apartment with a married couple, so to have a room of her own to sleep in is an unaccustomed luxury.’
  • Currently, the courts have limited power to use discretion in awarding settlements for unmarried couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • With unmarried couples, a partner may not get anything if there is no will.
  • As far as I am aware, they are a happily married couple.
  • Over 70 percent of firstborn children are born to unmarried couples.
  • The great strain for married couples in modernity is the absurdly high expectation of the marriage bond.
  • Congratulations are extended to the newly married couple and their families.
  • What can a man and woman who planned to live celibately say to married couples today? His Wife's a Saint, So Is Her Husband
  • Their friends think Phillip and Joan are a shining example of a happily married couple.
  • a married couple from Chicago
  • The rules apply to the basic married couple's allowance and also to the age-related addition.
  • They refused to rent an apartment to an unmarried couple.
  • We gaze across the breakfast things like an old married couple, and I remove a smear of marmalade from the tablecloth.
  • The married couple argued incessantly and finally decided to separate because they are incompatible.
  • The regulation operates in favour of married couples.
  • Designed by Isolation Unit & Yosuke Ichii Architect, J House is a private residence for a married couple with three children in a suburb of Kagawa, Osaka, Japan. Adventurer’s Bridge House by Max Pritchard Architect
  • However, this does not mean that there is a principle of complete equality between married and unmarried couples.
  • He also gives the subsidiary characters - a dim married couple and a meddlesome mother-in-law - meaty roles whose farce is grounded in wry truth.
  • It appears that the rules for alimony and maintenance support are the same as between heterosexual married couples, according to Byrne.
  • Plans to give two million cohabiting partners similar rights to married couples have been shelved by ministers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The newly - married couple had a three - tiered wedding cake at the banquet.
  • After limits were imposed on how much married couples could borrow for home purchases there was a surge in apparently amicable divorces. Times, Sunday Times
  • An unmarried couple were stoned to death in front of an audience of hundreds. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wanted a prescription for the pill. Birth control was still illegal then in some states, even for married couples.
  • The two unmarried couples believed they were protected by being common-law husbands and wives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Say you want to reach newly married couples. Christianity Today
  • Because procreation is the primary purpose for sexual activity more properly called the conjugal act, a married couple is not to engage in any sexual activity that intentionally thwarts or subverts the procreation of children. Scandal in Brazil Bishops' Conference Chairman defends appointment of abortion supporter to Supreme Court
  • Each is a sealed-off snow-globe environment with its own never - ending story played out by grandmothers, married couples, young folk, rogues, gossips, cads, bounders and tarts.
  • I mean when you think about it, we really are like this old married couple.
  • Take a married couple, with each spouse earning an average salary of $ 45, 000.
  • He knows that offering a tax allowance to married couples but not cohabiting partners risks being divisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three of the groups were patrilocal societies, societies where married couples move to the husband's village.
  • There will be a mechanism for dissolving partnerships, similar to divorce for married couples and it will oblige provision to be made for the maintenance of a partner's children should the partnership be dissolved.
  • And they are busy planning as soon-to-be-married couples would be, having little tiffs over the usual stuff, bonding over the usual stuff, picking out trousseaux, like, again, any couple that is soon to be married -- lots of white, sexy, frilly lingerie pieces. CNN Transcript Jul 25, 2003
  • Studies of couple interventions have emphasized married couples as the research participants and intended consumers.
  • Young married couples usually live with one set of parents or a grandparent because of a shortage of housing.
  • a compatible married couple
  • Currently the rights enjoyed by married couples, such as the automatic right of inheritance in the event of a spouse dying in testate or the right of succession to certain tenancies and to pension funds, are denied to non-married couples.
  • I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of thenewly married couple.
  • Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life's like that.
  • As far as I am aware, they are a happily married couple.
  • MARRIED couples have long been the backbone of the wildlife documentary. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is a remake of a 1977 film which saw George Segal and Jane Fonda playing a married couple who turn to crime to pay the bills.
  • Through close observation of 50 happily married couples, the authors identified four templates for lasting nuptial success. Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off
  • The bride was lighted to bed by a number of torches, according to her quality; and the company returned in the morning to salute the new married couple, and to sing _epithalamia_ at the door of their bed-chamber. Sketches of the Fair Sex, in All Parts of the World
  • The California Supreme Court today upheld a voter-approved ban -- the recent so-called Prop 8 -- on same-sex marriage, butin the same rulingdecided that the estimated 18,000 gay couples who got married before theban took effect last November will continue as legally married couples. 14 Amendment: R.I.P.
  • My wife who takes not a lot of notice of these things understood that he would love to give married couples a perk in the tax system but is worried about the "dosh". Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • As far as I am aware, they are a happily married couple.
  • Like a long-married couple they josh, tease, squabble, niggle and compete to put each other down, and, in doing so, carry the show far beyond the austere world of words into the foothills of sitcom.
  • In addition to this, there is a married couples's allowance which is usually paid to the man in the first instance.
  • We quite often have people in their late 60s and early 70s who sell their home - and married couples; not just widows or widowers - who decide that the time has come for them to move on.
  • Other married couples are in a similar predicament.
  • Once on the statute book, gay men and lesbians will enjoy the same tax, inheritance and tenancy rights as married couples.
  • Many old married couples have a tale of how a petty disagreement led to a lifetime of happiness and agreement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Years later, Aron wrote articles urging long-married couples to try new and somewhat scary things together. Red Flags or Red Herrings?
  • As Marian and Lewes continued to live together as man and wife, people generally began to accept them as a married couple.
  • Young married couples, often owner-builders, were living in garages or half-completed houses along unmade streets.
  • Today, we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together.
  • I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of thenewly married couple.
  • If the Census uses current methods, it would "unmarry people who checked off 'married couples,'" — even in states where same-sex marriage is legal, Carey says. Same-sex unions a challenge for Census
  • a married couple
  • When you see a married couple walking down the street, the one that's a few steps ahead is the one that's mad. Helen Rowland 
  • Marital researchers and therapists began developing typologies in the early 1960s to uncover ‘natural’ groupings of married couples.
  • For married couples the annual income tax-free threshold is €31,000.
  • Life Loan is available to married couples, partners and single or widowed people.
  • The proportion of out-of-wedlock births has increased so much mainly because the number of births to married couples has sharply declined.
  • I know a married couple that has been taking 2-3 dessertspoonfuls of cod-liver oil a day (the orange flavour) for several years.
  • But he claimed Tory plans for rapid spending cuts, inheritance tax cuts and tax breaks for married couples showed David Cameron had 'junked' change in favour of the same agenda followed by his predecessors Michael Howard and William Hague. Home | Mail Online
  • The series had been the first on US television to show a married couple canoodling in bed - obviously it was a particularly nice feeling.
  • MILD SPOILER ALERT In the episode, change is afoot as TV's most endearing and unaffectedly sexy married couple, Coach Eric and Tami Taylor the sublime Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton face a personal crossroads while Coach's underdog Lions head to the state championship in their last hurrah. Roush Review: Dim Sunshine, Glorious Justified, FNL Farewell
  • Well, honestly! They're like an old married couple at times.
  • But the aforementioned compositions do not capture the roughhewn joy of newlyweds, the married couple of fifty years, and those who have transitioned from tempestuous waters to calmer seas in matrimony. Andrew Wilkes: Appreciation For The 'Sacred Dance' Of Marriage
  • Mr Osborne is also said to be 'unenthusiastic' about Mr Cameron's promise - reaffirmed in recent weeks - to introduce tax breaks for married couples. Home | Mail Online
  • There is an irony in comparing how the law is moving in relation to married and unmarried couples on this issue.
  • As far as I am aware, they are a happily married couple.
  • 'Colin, you take me back to Bungroopim – when it happened to be a slack day for you on the run, and when the married couple had levanted and I'd got an incompetent black-gin in the kitchen – or when the store wanted tidying and you and I had a good old spree amongst the rubbish.' Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • Despite all the progress that has been made in how the Jewish community deals with intermarried couples, we still view a conversion decision as a make or break moment. Why “Will Chelsea Convert?” Is the Wrong Question « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • In addition, the Chancellor plans to restrict the married couple's allowance to the new low rate.
  • It is a dark play about a married couple who try to deal with the death of their son.
  • He was fostered by a newly married couple who still treat him as their son, with great love. Times, Sunday Times
  • As with the personal allowance, older people enjoy a more generous married couple's allowance.
  • I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of thenewly married couple.
  • The Republican's tax cut - aimed at spurring the economy - tilts more to helping higher-income taxpayers, married couples and job producers.
  • I wanted a prescription for the pill. Birth control was still illegal then in some states, even for married couples.
  • Marriage was a public ceremony, the only socially approved expression of sexual desire was within marriage, and married couples held a privileged position in law, some vestiges of which still remain.
  • Equally worrying, he said, is the increase in the number of married couples who are officially recognised as "sexless," meaning they have not had sex for more than one month. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Today, we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together.
  • Valentine's Day used to be known as a kitsch, childish and generally innocent celebration where teenagers sent themselves cards and married couples enjoyed biannual conjugal relations.
  • Their friends think Phillip and Joan are a shining example of a happily married couple.
  • Far from giving unmarried couples equal rights they are thus being given superior rights to those of married couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • Detectives investigating the fatal stabbings of a married couple say it is vital they trace a new witness.
  • In the subsequent analysis, however, the article shows conclusively that the homogamous-couple effect isaccounted for by the lower education and income of those couples compared with heterogamous married couples. Philip N. Cohen: Gay and Lesbian Parents Making the Grade
  • After limits were imposed on how much married couples could borrow for home purchases there was a surge in apparently amicable divorces. Times, Sunday Times
  • The married couple got him a place in another rehab house a mile away. The Sun
  • Another incident occurred in September, when a married couple were killed after they were attacked by an elephant in Pandan Wangi, Indragiri regency, Riau.
  • Meanwhile, there is a nasty case to solve involving the double suicide of a married couple who both worked at a lookalike agency. The Sun
  • I have asked many married couples I know whether they would, if given the option, trade in their marriages for a civil union.
  • Acts which may in themselves be regarded as either perverse or bordering upon perversity may be considered permissible if they produce better reproductive sex between married couples.
  • Money is often a source of tension and disagreements in young married couples.
  • She disapproves of unmarried couples living together.
  • They can appease some of these birds by bringing in a transferable tax allowance for married couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • Curiously, you might encounter overreporting among some populations (anyone with a popped collar) and underreporting among others (particularly married couples filing jointly). The Volokh Conspiracy » Here Comes the Soda Tax?
  • There is no charge for transferring funds between married couples or civil partners. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Everyone knows we will some day be a happily married couple, destined for great things.
  • Seriously. Unless there's prenuptial option or you feel really confident in your pro bono abilities, courts are usually only good for splitting hairs between legally married couples with lawyers.
  • All booked individually apart from one married couple, two pairs of friends, and two mothers with daughters.
  • He's my real-life boyfriend, so we have the emotional connectedness required to convince a cabstand full of strangers that we were a married couple on the brink.
  • The transferable tax allowance for married couples will rise to 1,100. Times, Sunday Times
  • An American psychologist once conducted a survey on more than 500 married couples to find out the correlations between the duration of courtship and marriage satisfaction.
  • The married couple can open the bottles to toast on their honeymoon, or save them for a milestone anniversary.
  • The newly married couple left for their honeymoon in Spain.
  • I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of thenewly married couple.
  • The biggest fall in babies born to married couples has been in homes of about average income.
  • As officially married couples, gay men and lesbians will be able to claim pension benefits if a partner dies.
  • Even a household headed by a married couple may include children from previous or ‘outside’ relationships, godchildren, or children of other family members.
  • Some religious tenets and social conventions ban copulation between unmarried couples or limit coitus to certain postures or positions.
  • Then, at the wedding dinner the waitress spilt a jug of water all over the table which set the married couple's 2 year old off crying, so they ended up leaving.
  • I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of thenewly married couple.
  • Like any married couple, we have our differences.
  • The newly married couple left for their honeymoon in Spain.
  • Married couples will have the option of splitting the married couple's allowance between them as they choose.
  • All the married couples received seasonable gifts at Christmas and the smokers one ounce of tobacco.
  • They're kind of like an unhappily married couple, actually.
  • A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between a married couple.
  • It prefers rather to say that it offers discounts to married couples.
  • Jacobi is a deadpan therapist for an angry couple, played by Whitaker and Williams, who fail to understand the conventions of the counsellor-counsellee relationship; there is a masked killer pursuing a screaming girl; a married couple of children's entertainers in clown makeup suffer a full-scale nervous breakdown leaving a party; a bizarre quartet of sado-masochism enthusiasts advertise themselves on the kind of German TV ad you might see in a hotel room. The Guardian World News
  • A swinging married couple strikes Prudie as a pair of sluts with matching wedding rings.
  • Measuring physical characteristics such as interocular distance, middle finger length, wrist circumference and even length of earlobes, reveals an average correlation coefficient of +0.2 for married couples. Daily Tar Heel RSS
  • Columns 1 and 2 of Table 8-2 portray the mechanics of the income tax for a married couple filing a joint return.

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