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How To Use Marriage ceremony In A Sentence

  • She says she is, and we will not be unevenly yoked; before the marriage ceremony, we will baptize Akiko.
  • Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days.
  • The priest pronounced a benediction over the couple at the end of the marriage ceremony.
  • The marriage official returned the license to the clerk after certifying that he had performed a marriage ceremony uniting the couple named in the license.
  • Also, Richard thought to have the marriage ceremony performed in the Holy Land.
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  • This belief may cause them to attach no legal significance to the marriage ceremony. Times, Sunday Times
  • The marriage ceremony took place in the church.
  • The Reverend Mr Smith will officiate at the wedding , ie perform the marriage ceremony.
  • The trousseau of a young bride would contain twenty or thirty of these dresses, seven of which are worn, one on top of the other, on the ‘night of henna’ immediately prior to the marriage ceremony.
  • Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days.
  • In the marriage ceremony, a lock of hair from the Mazonite and her chosen consort were braided together, and to divorce him, she had simply to unbraid the marriage-lock and cast his hair in the hearth-fire. If I Pay Thee Not In Gold
  • Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days.
  • The young lovers have been trying to put some money aside for their marriage ceremony.
  • They had no beds, but slept in nests of straw, each sex in common with the other, they having no belief in or respect for the marriage ceremony. Living in Dryden: December 2003 Archives
  • They want through a bigamous marriage ceremony.
  • The young lovers have been trying to put some money aside for their marriage ceremony.
  • San San Kudo is a Japanese marriage ceremony originating in Shinto wedding services, but is now performed at weddings of all types in countries across Asia and the world. Married - :: gia’s blog ::
  • The most interesting part of the marriage ceremony is the'disturbing the nuptial chamber.
  • The marriage ceremony removed him from the status of squawman and placed him beyond moral reproach, though there were men that challenged his taste where women were concerned. The Faith of Men
  • He cruelly goes through a mock marriage ceremony with the innocent little contadina Tessa.
  • My name is Steve, and I will be performing your marriage ceremony today.
  • Smiling proudly, Mayor Metwinger straightened his purple mayoral robes and gulped in a big breath, prepar - ing to ad-lib the traditionally long but unwritten kender marriage ceremony. Stalling
  • The marriage ceremony took place in the church.
  • They and their guests went straight from the marriage ceremony to AMF Bowling, in Keighley, for a game of ten-pin bowls!
  • The marriage ceremony was performed by the bishop.
  • The marriage ceremony was performed by the bishop.
  • Knowing that he is not authorized by the laws of this state to do so, he performs a marriage ceremony or presumes to solemnize a marriage.
  • This belief may cause them to attach no legal significance to the marriage ceremony. Times, Sunday Times
  • One can only regret that he will not be able actually to preside at the marriage ceremony and be given the opportunity to interject a number of his jokes into the proceedings.
  • It may be a rare privilege to do the honours in a marriage ceremony, but invitations to the USPGA aren't exactly distributed like confetti.
  • The priest pronounced a benediction over the couple at the end of the marriage ceremony.
  • Sources linked to the palace said he and Deviyani had already been united in a Hindu marriage ceremony called a tikka, which is not legally recognized in Nepal. Nepal's Maoist Threat
  • To facilitate his spiritual career, he goes through marriage ceremony.
  • As "syndic" under New Mexico, I opened a book of records, performed the marriage ceremony, baptized children, and granted divorces. Building a State in Apache Land
  • The marriage ceremony is known as Chumulong and is performed by Buddhist priests.
  • This belief may cause them to attach no legal significance to the marriage ceremony. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days.
  • Equality is the soul of friendship: marriage, to give delight, must join two minds, not devote a slave to the will of an imperious lord; whatever conveys the idea of subjection necessarily destroys that of love, of which I am so convinced, that I have always wished the word obey expunged from the marriage ceremony. The History of Emily Montague
  • Nuns celebrated their solemn vows with a marriage ceremony and a ring signifying their wedding to Christ.
  • The marriage ceremony also violated centuries of protocol, as images of Bennani's face and hennaed hands, were televised live to the world.
  • The marriage ceremony was performed by the bishop.
  • There was the Moonie mass marriage ceremony headlined `CLUB WED! RESCUING ROSE

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