How To Use Marocain In A Sentence
L’article 222 du Code pénal marocain stipule que tout individu connu pour son appartenance à l’Islam qui rompt ostensiblement le jeûne dans un lieu public pendant le Ramadan est passible de un à six mois d’emprisonnement et d’une amende.
Global Voices in English » Morocco: Activists Break Fast in Public, Receive Punishment
She was wearing a long silk marocain dress of dark blue with a spotted bow.
Les bloggeurs marocains se réunissent réguliérement sous forme de blog meeting et blog days.
Global Voices in English » Morocco: The Blogoma’s Journey Continues
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked very charming in a gown of dahlia shade marocain crepe made on the long moulded lines, with hat to match.
One of the few gowns that wasn't embellished with this stunning beadwork was a slip dress of marocain silk crepe with a matching bolero.
Texture is all, with fabrics ranging from serviceable flannel and tweeds to luxurious guipure and marocain crepe.
Le gouvernement marocain annonce des mesures pour l’approvisionnement normal et régulier des marchés, mais aussi pour lutter contre la spéculation.
Global Voices in English » Maghreb: Ramadan Good Wishes and More