How To Use Marmota In A Sentence
However, the snow leopard is not the lone predator here, for the ecoregion harbors the Tibetan wolf (Canis lupus) and large avian predators such as the lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus) and golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), which soar high above the mountain peaks searching for colonial marmots (Marmota himalayana).
Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
On December 24, the parade known as Las Calendas fills the streets with floats from the different neighborhoods of the city, along with giant papier maché figures with people dancing inside them, and other marchers holding marmotas, translucent paper spheres lit from within and carried on poles.
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Smaller mammals include short-tailed mole Talpa micrura, Tibetan water shrew Nectogale elegans, Himalayan water shrew Chimarrogale himalayica, bobak marmot Marmota bobak, Royle's pika Ochotona roylei, woolly hare Lepus oiostolus, rat Rattus sp. and house mouse Mus musculus.
Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal
Para Jarvis “los artículos perpetúan una especie de periodismo-día-de-la marmota”.
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The typical fauna of mammals in the vast Kazakhstan steppes includes the numerous rodents such as ground squirrels (Citellus), hamsters (Cricetus, Cricetulus, Podopus), voles (Microtus), birch mice (Sicista), lemmings (Lagurus), marmots (Marmota bobac); and lagomorphs such as pikas (Ochotona) and hares (Lepus).
Kazakh steppe
The mountainous Mongun Taiga, Tsagan Shuvuut and Turgen Uul are strictly protected areas, being the habitat of the snow leopard Uncia uncia (EN) at the northern margin of its Mongolian range; also of Tartarian roedeer Capreolus pygargus, Altai argali Ovis ammon (VU), the world's largest sheep, and Altai marmot Marmota baibacina (EN).
Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
There are also Siberian ibex Capra ibex sibirica, and musk deer Moschus moschiferus (VU), Pallas's cat (manul) Otocolobus manul, Mongolian (bobak) marmot Marmota sibirica, Altai snow-cock Tetraogallus altaiacus, bearded and black vultures Gypaetus barbatus and Aegypius monarchus.
Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
Conclusions Since 1996, Tibetan sheep plague has begun to prevail consistently along with Marmota baibaeina plague, with outburst seen in ranches in some regions.
Squirrels range in size from the mouse-sized African pygmy squirrel to the robust marmots and woodchucks (genus Marmota).
The name marmot comes from French marmotte, from Old French marmotan, marmontaine, from Old Franco-Provençal, from Low Latin mures montani "mountain mouse", from Latin mures monti, from Classical Latin mures alpini "Alps mouse".
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Conclusions Since 1996, Tibetan sheep plague has begun to prevail consistently along with Marmota baibaeina plague, with outburst seen in ranches in some regions.
There are also Siberian ibex Capra ibex sibirica, and musk deer Moschus moschiferus (VU), Pallas's cat (manul) Otocolobus manul, Mongolian (bobak) marmot Marmota sibirica, Altai snow-cock Tetraogallus altaiacus, bearded and black vultures Gypaetus barbatus and Aegypius monarchus.
Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia