How To Use Marly In A Sentence

  • I didn't actually intend to write about Marly again but I have had many emails and countless enquiries from people at my workshops and at the gym about my hairy house-guest.
  • At Bayeux, the type district, they are ferruginous oolites; in the Jura and Lorraine a coral limestone overlies a crinoidal variety; calcareous sandy and marly beds occur in Maine and Anjou; in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • In the islands in the Seine between Chatou and Port-Marly, on the banks of Sartrouville and Triel he was long noted among the population of boatmen, who have now vanished, for his unwearying biceps, his cynical gaiety of goodfellowship, his unfailing practical jokes, his broad witticisms. Une Vie
  • The entire formation is between 12 and 20 m thick, and consists of light grey, marly chalk of varying percentages.
  • I like Hamilton's little Marly; we walked in the great allee, and drank tea in the arbour of treillage; they talked of Shakspeare and Booth, of Swift and my Lord Bath, and I was thinking of Madame Sevigne. Letters of Horace Walpole 01
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  • The genus obviously preferred environments with slightly deeper water, under quiet, marly sedimentation and a deposition of soft, muddy substrates.
  • Marly inherited a motel on rundown Delrona Beach from her father, but after the breakdown of her marriage and a failed relationship with a budding golf pro, her belief in fulfilment waned.
  • The second approach relied primarly on radioautography, and involved experiments on intact animals or pancreatic slices which were carried out in collaboration with George E. Palade - Autobiography
  • The unit is composed of rhythmically bedded marls, horizons of laminated organic-rich black shales, rare marly limestones, clastic turbidites, and penecontemporaneous slumps.
  • The Liassic in Mochras consists predominantly of alternating shaly limestones, marly siltstones, and micaceous mudstones.
  • Animal is like an English village green retooling of Vampire Weekend, simarly inspired by African pop but more breezy and lacking in the Americans' bookishness. This week's new singles
  • The dog trapped poorly, ran disappointingly, and when I met Marlyn with the dog at the trackside, I immediately noticed he was over duly distressed.
  • The particular strata forming the system are somewhat different in different countries; but there is a general character to the extent of these being a mixture of flagstones, marly rocks, and sandstones, usually of a laminous structure, with conglomerates. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
  • All such records are of fully or partly articulated chitons embedded within fine-grained shale and marly limestones.
  • The Grey Chalk contains common intercalations of thin, marly layers, with omnipresent bioturbation.
  • Edie Falco plays Marly, a hard-drinking late-thirtysomething woman, working at her dad's motel and diner, hassled by her good-for-nothing ex-husband and pining for a way out of there.
  • Mark of the Demon marketing marly youman marry me mars The Hunt For Gollum... - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games
  • Edie Falco plays Marly, a hard-drinking late-thirtysomething woman, working at her dad's motel and diner, hassled by her good-for-nothing ex-husband and pining for a way out of there.
  • I will mock the marly heavens, lamp the purple prairies, I will flaunt my deathless banners down the far, unhouseled lands.
  • The fix F suggests that A. is nearly outcrossing while the other two are marly inbreeding.
  • The oldest is the Gehannam Formation (ca 40-41 million years old) consisting of white marly limestone and gypseous shale and yielding many skeletons of archaic whales (archaeocetes), sirenians (sea cows), shark teeth, turtles, and crocodilians. Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley), Egypt

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