How To Use Marlowe In A Sentence
Marlowe and Shakespeare dominated late Elizabethan drama, although they did not monopolize it.
At Dulwich is a painting, Hero and Leandro for Christopher Marlowe, that is a white misty spume of oceanic spray assailed by a bloody smear of red.
Cy Twombly - an appreciation: Paintings about sex and death
The play opens at the Hardcastle home - and the lazy, rural state of affairs it harbours - where Kate is soon to meet her unknown intended, Marlowe.
Shakespeare was the son of a Stratford glover, while the ‘aristocratic’ Marlowe father was was a very humble cobbler in Cambridge, whose university his child attended on a scholarship.
Marlowe: Uh - huh. I usually get away with it too.
Kyd has left nothing, and Peele little, but drama; while beautiful as Marlowe's _Hero and Leander_ is, I do not quite understand how any one can prefer it to the faultier but far more original dramas of its author.
A History of Elizabethan Literature
Marlowe s Edward II is a history play which is concatenated sexuality and politics to portray Edward II s tragedy.
The impiousness of the fishwife's final ambition links her with Marlowe's Faustus as well as with Lady Macbeth.
All players had to be competent dancers and singers, but dramatists like Marlowe, Shakespeare, and Jonson replaced earlier short, rhymed verse with poetic drama.
When that fails, Marlowe is held hostage at Amthor's "sanitarium," a front for his blackmailing ring, and drugged with a truth serum to get him to talk.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
To consummate the baptism of his great protagonist in the trilby hat, Raymond Chandler decided on the fancy of combining the Christian name of the highest-scoring schoolboy batsman of the winning house in the previous summer's Dulwich cricket – and so it came to pass that the batsman was "Philip" and the house was "Marlowe", and thus was leafy south London in a blink translated into the mean streets of America.
From Jeeves to Herriot: all creatures great and sporty | Frank Keating
Chandler's detective Philip Marlowe would have understood the terseness of tweeting, though he would have had trouble making a story out of "erratic driving in Tameside", "drunken man urinating in public car park in Oldham: arrested"; or "car left garage without paying for petrol in Bury".
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My current work in progress is a novelette about the death of the playwright Christopher Marlowe, so it's exciting for me to be behind the scenes of a real theatre.
Marlowe: No, just having fun trying to guess what they are.
The story line is fast-paced from the onset yet also contains intriguing references to the real Marlowe and Shakespeare, which in turn makes the magic of their words seem even more genuine as well as their relationship.
Hell and Earth-Elizabeth Bear « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
The film version is slightly expurgated (eliminating the play's chorus), but otherwise faithfully maintains Marlowe's poetry.
The 19-year-old vaulted the counter at Coral's in Marlowe Avenue on February 12 and hit a female member of staff before snatching handfuls of cash from the till.
Yes, Shylock is more human and less fiend than Marlowe's Jew of Malta.
When Marlowe needed to crack the code of an encrypted address book in The Big Sleep, he cracks open a bottle of whiskey and fixes up some hot toddies.
* The claim that ‘independent researcher’ Dr. John Casson has discovered six new plays by William Shakespeare (alias Sir Henry Neville alias Christopher Marlowe alias “Tony Nuts” alias Queen Elizabeth alias Harvey the Rabbit) is all over the place today — but my proof that Shakespeare/Newfield is a time-traveling Lizard Person born 3000 A.D. remains completely ignored by the fools in the MSM.
Misc. « Gerry Canavan
It is a short text, probably representing a mangled version of what Marlowe wrote.
Marlowe is "black" in this scenario because he is a poorly paid hireling of a wealthy white woman.
But the didactic ballad and the canzonet were then extensively practised, and, with the fugitive poetry of Peele, Marlowe,
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 379, May, 1847
For all the animation of her ways, which might almost be described as flirtatious, Lord Quinn did not believe his nephew would have mistaken Lady Anna Marlowe for an easy or even a possible conquest.
There's no single-handed solving of unsolvable murders these days - and no beautiful, blonde dames in distress to be rescued, as in Philip Marlowe's day.
Writers such as William Shakespeare, John Milton and Christopher Marlowe almost exclusively used blank verse in their famous works.
Marlowe the tragic decasyllable, put into the hands of the still greater group who succeeded them an instrument, the power of which it is impossible to exaggerate.
A History of Elizabethan Literature
Marlowe may have been of this world, but he was also in it: emotionally, viscerally and - more so for him than for other men - bloodily.
But there's much more to the play than the gay plotline; Marlowe shows us the barbaric and childish behavior of a king with few limits on his power, and the rebellion of his barons is not a revulsion to the gender of the king's lover, it is against his lowly station in life; he's not one of them.
August 2005
If your spelling and grammar are any indiction of your intelligence level, you are saying more about yourself than abut the subject. phillip Marlowe
White House: Obama monitoring terror situation closely
Clearly, Marlowe had a temper to match his scholarly and artistic accomplishments.
We turn the cunt loose and shove Marlowe into bed.
George III," the mad king misled by his advisers, but perhaps an even more apt comparison might be Christopher Marlowe's morally pathetic "Edward The Second," with Dick Cheney as the court favorite Piers Gaveston.
The play opens at the Hardcastle home - and the lazy, rural state of affairs it harbours - where Kate is soon to meet her unknown intended, Marlowe.
The creator of Philip Marlowe, LA's greatest gumshoe, wanted to be a comparative philologist!
Rewind radio: One block in Harlem; A coat, a Hat and a Gun; | review
Marlowe: Uh - huh. I usually get away with it too.
Though she is speaking, Marlowe is in the spotlight.
Four books later, Lethem has settled down a lot -- this book is only a detective story, a shrewd portrait of Brooklyn, a retold "Oliver Twist" and a story so baroquely voiced (the hero has Tourette's syndrome) that Philip Marlowe would blush.
Books, 'Tis / Frank Mccourt
He was too qualmish with the memory of Peter Marlowe's arm and the smell of it and the blood and the clotted mucused bandage that lay on the floor.
King Rat
It was strong and exciting stuff - especially in the hands of such brilliant dramatists as Christopher Marlowe and Thomas Kyd, who depicted the above-mentioned horrors live on stage.
Chandler, to whom pulp fiction had come late in life, had written his first Marlowe novel, ‘The Big Sleep, ‘in 1939, followed by six more novels about the L.A. shamus.
Thus, Murder, My Sweet opens in a police station, as Marlowe, eyes bandaged, is being grilled by the cops.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
It is sobering to reflect that by crowning a brief but undeniably spectacular life by getting murdered in 1593, Christopher Marlowe has ensured persistent support as the one nonaristocratic candidate for authorship of "Shakespeare's" plays.
The One and Only
Conner will serve as the programs' analyst, and Chris Marlowe will be the play-by-play announcer.
Marlowe s Edward II is a history play which is concatenated sexuality and politics to portray Edward II s tragedy.
The proprietress is a little tight, quite relaxed, and slightly philosophical, leaning against Marlowe, who sits on a stack of Britannicas beside her, watching the window.
Archive 2008-05-01
She remains anonymous throughout, unable to answer, allowing Marlowe to continue to revel in his fantasy.
An intimate, art deco space, with a polished mahogany counter and wood-panelled walls, offers visitors with sophisticated tastes an elegant, cool ambience in which to savour whisky sours, white Russians, black Russians, daiquiris and gimlets PI Philip Marlowe's favoured tipple.
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When her husband is murdered outside a house of male prostitution, she joins forces with Christopher Marlowe, famed play maker, her husband's former lover, and frequent spy in his own right, to uncover the plotting and counterplotting that endangers not only her family's solvency, but the security of England.
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His Marlowe is always pushing buttons, probing people for weakness, wresting control of the situation.
It was a modern version of the Faust theme, but comic, not philosophical, with apologies to Goethe and Marlowe.
After years of research, scholars have finally ascribed this anonymous play to Christopher Marlowe.
She remains anonymous throughout, unable to answer, allowing Marlowe to continue to revel in his fantasy.
Marlowe detected a faint smell of perfume as he entered the room.
For a discussion of the word massacre and Marlowe, see Graham Hammill, “Time for Marlowe,” ELH, vol. 75, no.
Here is not the swift impatient journeywork of a rough and ready hand; here is no sign of such compulsory hurry in the discharge of a task something less than welcome, if not of an imposition something less than tolerable, as we may rationally believe ourselves able to trace in great part of Marlowe's work: in the latter half of _The Jew of Malta_, in the burlesque interludes of _Doctor Faustus_, and wellnigh throughout the whole scheme and course of _The Massacre at Paris_.
A Study of Shakespeare
His mixed allegiance to Marlowe and Sidney gave him command of a splendid form of decasyllable, which appears often in _Phillis_, as for instance --
A History of Elizabethan Literature
The "action" in which Marlowe always becomes embroiled is fun to read, perhaps even keeps us reading, but for me such action adds little to my perception of him as a character, which is also always being reinforced by the way in which he describes this action to us.
Style in Fiction
And Linda Marlowe brings an incredible range of emotion, pathos and wit to a character bursting with energy and passion that is unrequited by her husband.
In Marlowe's rendition, he is portrayed as a tragic hero in that his unbridled ambitions lead him to an unfortunate end.
The men, Marlowe excepted of course, are rather one-dimensional.
Beside Shakespeare, Marlowe strikes us as an immature dramatist, especially in his comic scenes.
From the dark streets of the city, whether lit by a single streetlamp or brazenly flashing neon signs, to the desolate coastline, where Marlowe is first blackjacked by an unknown assailant, there is no safe haven from disorder and danger.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
Marlowe's poem is like the fantastical and varied grotesques that decorate the borders of a painting composed according to more classical rules of art.
The exchange goes bad, Marriott is killed, and Marlowe is blackjacked, but he comes back to consciousness in time to catch a brief but fuzzy glimpse of a woman.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
Christopher Marlowe s use of aside in The Jew of Malta differs from those of his contemporary dramatists.
Christopher Marlowe's epic poem Hero and Leander, which is based on an ancient Greek myth, says more about the customs of contemporary England than of the ancient Greeks.
Dybwad, being nearer to the Elizabethan time in her daily life, gives us an Elizabethan maiden with a touch of "homeliness"; but Julia Marlowe's, like Ada Rehan's "Rosalind," has something of the artificial character of Watteau.
Confessions of a Book-Lover
Philip Marlowe(Humphrey Bogart): Well, I, uh, I try to be.
Christopher Marlowe demanded in "Tamburlaine," his blood-sodden drama about a megalomaniacal one-time shepherd who had swaggered and slaughtered his way to a vast Asiatic empire in the 14th century.
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