How To Use Markup In A Sentence
Despite the best efforts of web architects, the web has always been a wild frontier of messy, confusing, and sometimes just diabolically broken markup (nicknamed tag soup).
I would be buying them now, even at a $100 or higher markup, to support them.
Why do you think markups in the retail business are kept quiet?
Others are rolling out must-have offerings that carry higher markups.
Their dealer networks sell new vehicles at near zero markup.
More modern markup languages, such as the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and XML, popularized more abstract structural markup such as books, chapters, sections, and so on.
People use the term colloquially to mean that something sells for 3x its cost, but that isn’t what ‘markup’ means in business.
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Listing 1 shows the markup fragment used to create this stock ticker form in HTML.
By applying a different CSS file to a markup document, we can drastically change any or all aspects of its design - the layout, typography, or color palette.
Many firms will sell direct to an owner, eliminating several levels of markup.
But in fact, HTML is just one markup language, while XML allows you to create your own languages.
The agenda of Part II is a rethink of everything you ever learned about proper citation of code and markup: commenting, indents, whitespace.
I haven't spoken to my ex-fianc é e since the day she left me," says Mr. Opperman, whose site,, generated $1 million in sales last year by enabling consumers to buy and sell diamond rings and other jewelry on the Web, cutting out the middlemen and their markups.
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Since fish is very perishable, retail and wholesale markups are very high.
Meanwhile, a broker prearranges to buy the tickets from the company and sells them at a markup to fans.
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You can add text, shapes, and stamps to annotate drawing and perform markups and redlining - all of which you can bring into AutoCAD 2005 applications.
Trendy shirts of yesteryear are sold as the hot items of today at an almost 220 per cent markup.
Willy regularly persuaded an Italian carabiniere—in this case, a member of the elite police security forces—to buy fifty-kilo bags of sugar; after paying the guard a hefty markup, Willy sold the sugar inside the camp for a small profit.
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It would be interesting to see a comparison of the catalog and store prices to learn what kind of markup the storekeepers had and to get a better idea of what a craftsman's tool kit cost him.
At their core, all Web browsers do is read plain text files that incorporate hypertext markup language.
SGH Supply relays for groups of 5xb hunts SGL Single SGML Standard generic markup language SGMP Simple gateway management protocol SGN Common language segment number SHI Select horizontal spacing (teletex)
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Despite the best efforts of web architects, the web has always been a wild frontier of messy, confusing, and sometimes just diabolically broken markup (nicknamed tag soup).
Indeed, once storage costs are deducted from overall marketing costs, merchant capital is able to charge a small but positive markup.
Unlike most importers, we are not in this business strictly for the huge markups but rather would like to expose people NOB to some of the finer crafts that Mexico has to offer.
I think the real issue of cost that needs to be addressed is the 500% markup on medical items.
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XML is a markup language and everything has to be marked up correctly.
But consecutive markups sometimes price the product out of the arena where reimbursement is available.
For customers who want new IT products, I would charge no markup.
The markup made it much too expensive for the Bella Sorella's cellar.
He said operating firms would always arrive at their own price markups depending on the type of cost structure they have accrued but that this would be different for various firms unlike in a one entity operation with no competition.
These tools support review and markup through a Web browser, even for users not equipped with the originating CAD system.
And with their higher markups, project changes can further present opportunities for potential profit gain when managed efficiently.
Some of the markups on the drugs were up to 1,000%.
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The markup made it much too expensive for the Bella Sorella's cellar.
I've briefly entertained the possibility of really revising it, getting it sharp, because there is some good stuff there, and I've even done extensive markups of a few pieces.
In addition to markups, some online brokers tack ‘service’ or ‘transaction’ fees on small purchases.
So it's either living with that (which can be an option) or back to writing markup suffering from divitis and spanitis and letting your users download loads of images.
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American exporters generally seem to pay less attention to markup pricing over marginal costs than Australian exporters.
Man, the markup on those diamonds is either really big, or there's a flood of Brownings on the market!
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Article. objects.create (title = 'some article', slug = 'some-article', body = '* fancy*', body_markup_type = 'markdown')
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Other technologies like Tea and Enhydra XMLC that allow the input of a pure markup language page also allow this, although they do not mandate it.
More hazy is the percentage of tickets that land on the secondary market, sold by lottery winners, coaches and other insiders to brokers, who resell them at four-figure markups. - Boxed out: Final Four seats hard to come by
# or just call colorize method this way: print Term:: ANSIColor:: Markup - > colorize ($text);
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Profit margins and markups vary, depending on whether you are talking about a hand-crafted latte at a coffee house or a 12-ounce bag of whole beans at the grocery store.
Most importantly, many browsers use different code to display XHTML than they do to display Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
Structured data (such as XProc markup) is typically easier to reuse than structured code.
Sure, we're talking about the high teens, but these aren't the kind of markups that even ardent bears would deem unreasonable given growth rates and pedigree papers.
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The Internet is based on using hypertext markup language, which allows users to view content irrespective of hardware.
The markup made it much too expensive for the Bella Sorella's cellar.
After you've specified any of the charset, X-UA-Compatible, and BASE declarations you need, finish out your HEAD tag with a TITLE element and any other markup.
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It's become clear that Web page authors must move beyond the current grab bag of hacks and workarounds and learn to write compliant and efficient markup.
You will still be paying a retail price, through the nose, a markup that will take decades to recover in resale value, but chances are great that it will eventually have some reseale value.
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The power of hypertext linking and text markup is everywhere apparent.
At least two members of the minority must attend the sessions, known as markups, for them to be convened, according to committee rules.
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This mean that international delivery will line markup from today.
This program allows me the flexibility to enter different discounts or markups for different items.
Hypertext markup language includes a color specification system used by Web sites.
Semi-automated XML markup of biosystematic legacy literature with the GoldenGATE editor.
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Lord Grade could estimate the cost of your clothes at a glance (adding 50\% for overheads and a 50\% markup), having been in the schmutter business before deciding that there was a brighter future dancing the Charleston.
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The markup construction was tricky and required compromises in several places.
These cooperatives generally sell unique handmade gifts and clothing at a considerably lower markup than their boutique counterparts.
The Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) became a W 3 C Recommendation 10. February 1998.
And, as the Wall Street Journal noted recently, some retailers put big markups on their fair-trade products, which benefits them, not the producers.
Occasionally painters turned some of their work over to dealers, whose markups could be substantial.
Charging excessive, hidden dealer "markups" of interest rates.
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CWIKLIK: Well, there were, I think, two or three -- Congressman Fauntroy opened up the session of the S&L markups, which is when they decide what the final language of the legislation's going to be, and that's pretty much where you can -- usually, if you're a special interest, you can lose $10 million if a sentence is changed here or there.
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These developments are in part rivalled by increasingly sophisticated Internet markup languages like XML, which can also be used by agents.
But that stemware doesn't demand such exorbitant markups.
The progression price markup system has been a controversial issue.
As generalized markup developments moved from the labs to the standards arena and started to become metalanguages, three basic parts to generalized markup language emerged.
In fact, the growth in unit labor costs still trails the price markups companies are able to get for their products.
By the time they get into the countries and you have markups from the private sector or then you have all the distribution costs, etc, Mwenesi said.
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To take advantage of the phenomenon, the company created a descriptive language called keyhole markup language, or KML, which lets anyone annotate maps, not only with their own place markers but also with lines, icons, and three-dimensional shapes.
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This vision is of a rich web of linked information, with markup allowing machines to route relevant information to the audiences that value it most.
This compartment supports basic viewing and text-based markup.
Writers and technicians routinely produce voluminous product specifications, regulatory requirements, and computer system documentation in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) format.
And they can meet online with a Quinn Draftsperson to discuss and review drawings, markups , photographs, or anything else you may need at virtual meeting room.
Here's a PDF file showing all the markups.
But that's ignoring all the related transaction costs, from broker's fees and commissions and retailer markups on buying and selling to insurance costs.
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If some of the HTML markup is invalid, some authors may become discouraged from providing valid HTML code.
Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML ) is used to mark the logic structure of text.
Writers and technicians routinely produce voluminous product specifications, regulatory requirements, and computer system documentation in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) format.
Markup created in Fireworks can also be pasted or imported into Dreamweaver.
The entire system runs in Oracle; the query front ends are rendered in extensible markup language from Java servlets.
HTML is an initialism for HyperText Markup Language
But profit margins are so wide that many businesses will be able to absorb those costs instead of making huge markups on prices, a move that could cost them sales in a highly competitive marketplace.