How To Use Marksman In A Sentence
It emerged that a slaughterman, a trained marksman, tried to kill the animals with a .22 rifle from a vehicle, with a vet present.
The beacon was surrounded by an anomalously flat area about 100 meters in diameter; anyone going for the beacon would be completely exposed for the last few seconds, an easy target for a concealed marksman.
Excellent marksmanship is one of the key skills required of the marshals, who work in very compact spaces often tens of thousands of feet in the air.
Military doctrine of the time emphasized massed rifle fire, downplaying marksmanship.
He done it in Italy with Udinese and Parma, and topped the scorers charts so there is definitely a talented marksman within him.

Miller was an armorer for the Army Marksmanship Unit who taught Vickers how to fit a barrel - the old fashioned way - slow, deliberate, no jigs or fixtures, just skillful handwork.
There was a time when having a tang sight on your rifle was the sign of a serious marksman.
an unerring marksman
As a SWAT precision marksman, Robert probably worked with a McMillan.308 caliber, police model.
If "Wall-E" were a romantic comedy, it would be about a humble garbageman who falls for a supermodel who also happens to be a top scientist with a knack for marksmanship.
A very necessary feature of the expiation is the marksmanship of my opponent.
The Return of Tarzan
For the Swede still remains 15 goals shy of the total the supreme Rangers marksman racked up in matches between Scotland's footballing leviathans.
Sasha Vujacic emerges as arguably the best 3 point marksman off any NBA bench.
He scored 34 times last year and is the Welsh Premier's record marksman.
Commodus was proud of these accomplishments and had them recorded on official inscriptions; as a marksman he was remarkably accomplished.
In his heyday he was also an excellent marksman and didn't need much help from the dogs when it came to finding birds.
Doubts remain, however, over the participation of the 28-goal leading marksman.
With the support of his commander, a battalion master marksman would improve marksmanship proficiency in the light infantry battalions.
Although the War Department believed hunting could help increase knowledge of geography and improve woodcraft and marksmanship, its principal benefits to the enlisted men were more prosaic.
During one point in the movie, recognizing the Tennessee woodsman's talent as a marksman, two of his commanding officers try to persuade him to accept a promotion.
Miller was an armorer for the Army Marksmanship Unit who taught Vickers how to fit a barrel - the old fashioned way - slow, deliberate, no jigs or fixtures, just skillful handwork.
The Ukranian marksman seems reluctant to play with a protective mask, and will in all probability miss out to be replaced again by Jon Dahl Tomasson.
Effective marksmanship in the mechanized divisions was attributed to a master gunner program.
The behaviour of this rascally sycophant incensed me so much, that one day, when I was beleaguered by him and his hounds in a farmer's house, where I had found protection, I took aim at him (being an excellent marksman) with a large pebble, which struck out four of his foreteeth, and effectually incapacitated him from doing the office of a clerk.
The Adventures of Roderick Random
After all, one doesn't become a high-class marksman from mechanical shooting ranges.
I think your chice of calibers is fine as long as you are confident of your skils as a marksman.
Buffalo with a .45-70
A constant focus on the use of weapons would make marksmanship training safer.
Current training is based on a conventional, linear battlefield and enables drill sergeants to concentrate on the fundamentals of marksmanship.
Until Robert found his touch the new man became the club's top marksman despite playing in midfield.
But, having slimmed down on a specially designed diet and training regime, the two-time Golden Boot winner has begun to recapture the form that once made him the most prolific marksman in world football.
With her cybernetically enhanced marksmanship, there was no need to worry about accidentally hitting Prime.
Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation
Again, and again, the Thunderf****r Magnum with Nevermiss optics is no substitute for proper marksmanship technique and good shot placement, what ever the arrer any particular Indian chooses to shoot.
Gun News from Remington
Fake guns are now so realistic that even the practiced eye of a police marksman can be fooled.
At this time, the Marine Corps began to stress rifle marksmanship.
The plot: a marksman with no job, moderately bad, meets a markswoman who's completely evil, a psycho killer.
Archive 2009-12-01
In the past, boys played games emphasizing leadership roles that involved bows and arrows, spears, and slings to teach marksmanship skills.
Our captain is a nuggety, crew-cut Russian named Kalashnikov - not the sort of man you'd jokingly call ‘AK - 47 ‘- who, with a marksman's accuracy, manoeuvres our 117-metre long, ice-strengthened vessel through the bergs.
A good marksman may miss.
He would be interested to learn also which of Vescovo's family and associates was a reasonably proficient marksman.
We spend a lot of time on tank gunnery, Bradley gunnery, rifle marksmanship and antitank missile systems.
Every marksman has fired at sometime or other in the dark, of course: but always at a lighted target.
Smith, on the other hand, is a deadeye marksman a step past his prime, requiring help from his teammates to get the space he needs to fire away.
Infantrymen today continue to struggle with marksmanship, especially under combat conditions.
At midnight she heard one of four shots fired as a police marksman killed the rampaging stag.
I accept they have to be controlled and I have been out in the field looking at various methods and have come to the conclusion that a marksman is the best and most humane method.
Marksman: Arrow knights go through rigorous training.
The bank has its own armed security guards-each a professional marksman-and electronic surveillance systems.
It took Limerick 17 minutes to score when their chief marksman pointed.
What makes this person dangerous is not his marksmanship skills.
Commanders and shooters alike will appreciate the new manual for its usefulness in improving a unit's marksmanship and fieldcraft skills.
She was 300ft away from her pursuers when she was last seen but a marksman was unable to tranquillise her.
Times, Sunday Times
The young marksman fired in his first senior goal on Saturday and reckons there is much more to come.
Then there are slight variants from our modern orthography or meanings, as _mained_ for maimed, _markman_ for marksman, _make_ for mate,
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XVI., December, 1880.
I mean, while I was publishing this post you're reading now, the following arrives in my in-box: cannabis camille. chard the itsappian tribesman blimp marksman torr checkup. drawn we cottrell, expurgate we harelip Yexpand crayon?
Boing Boing: October 17, 2004 - October 23, 2004 Archives
The six-goal marksman, who had scored three times in his previous two outings, was replaced by Darren, who was starting his first home game of the season.
As Boy Scout marksmanship programs disappear, and marksmanship training withers in our schools due to withering budgets and increasing pressure of potential liability, that spiral will continue among the young who would otherwise be exposed to proper training and familiarization with basic marksmanship.
Obama Administration Looks To Reinstate Assault-Weapons Ban
The division two top marksman scored twice and missed a penalty in the 3-2 win at York.
Every marksman has fired at sometime or other in the dark, of course: but always at a lighted target.
The biathlon is a combination of cross-country skiing and .22 rifle marksmanship.
And Now For Something Different In The, Uh, Shooting Sports
It is used as a sniper rifle, designated marksman rifle and several smaller niche areas.
Senator Bennet is also a cosponsor of the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Act - a bill highlighted by the NRA.
No 'Buck Fever' this Season--Sportsmen Line Up for Bennet
Tran, via e-mail from South Korea where he is doing Cadet Leadership Training, said SCU's ROTC program has "allowed me to do a lot of cool things, '' such as rappelling, rifle marksmanship,
Media Newswire
How laughable those comments were as England's finest marksman now begins to show his true self.
The losers led by three points to nil at the change of ends, all of their scores coming from the boot of ace marksman John Sheehan.
Instead, I wish good luck to the club that once harboured my second favourite player outside George Best, England's greatest marksman, Jimmy Greaves.
Well Sir, I have taught hundreds, if not thousands, of young men who may have never picked up a rifle before the finer points of marksmanship with M-16's, M-2 Brownings, M-60 machineguns, M1911 .45 ACP, TOW Anti Tank Weapons, Dragon AT missiles, and many Communist bloc weapons to boot.
Why I Hate the Booth Babe Story, a Guest Editorial by Holly A.
British Deploy Marksman ability range reduced from 35 to 30.
In the blur of combat, he goes from heroic marksman to summary executioner, at one point preparing to finish off a disarmed youth with a point-blank shot.
I will have to say that everyone was taken completely by surprise by her marksmanship.
a practiced marksman
One journalist described Madison as a ‘Montana ranch girl, expert in the art of whirling a lariat arid revolver marksmanship.’
Police said the marksman grew concerned the situation would escalate and others could be hurt.
McGiver was also a deadly marksman during the preliminary round of play scoring 10 goals to lead all scorers.
Squeeze or squeezing of the trigger is the third element of rifle marksmanship.
Wingman Paul Gardner crossed for the vital decider and two further goals from deadly marksman Innes made absolutely sure of a happy return journey.
Instead, I wish good luck to the club that once harboured my second favourite player outside George Best, England's greatest marksman, Jimmy Greaves.
In the photograph below you can see Valerie and me on our vehicle, with some of the perpetrators in the background, most notably Wojciech Zurek (with beard), who turned out to be quite an iceball marksman.
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In a post-match press conference, the Norwich manager used a phrase so wildly outside the lexicon of professional football that when I heard it I could only conclude the Premier League pressure was beginning to tell, and that – if measures were not taken – the Scot would soon be rampaging butt-naked across East Anglia until tree'd by pursuing bloodhounds and brought down by a police marksman with a tranquilliser dart.
Paul Lambert needs lessons in the lexicon of the football club | Harry Pearson
Their training emphasized marksmanship, fieldcraft, and individual resource, and they attracted some of the best officers in the army: two of the first ten commanding officers became marshals.
This carries over to every level, right down to the new soldier who is now both a rifleman and squad designated marksman on alpha team, or a rifleman and Javelin gunner on bravo team.
Ha admits to spending about 20 hours a week playing the game, improving her gamesmanship and marksmanship with each successive hour.
Unsurprisingly Toby has been singing the praises of their ace marksman.
Again, and again, the Thunderf****r Magnum with Nevermiss optics is no substitute for proper marksmanship technique and good shot placement, what ever the arrer any particular Indian chooses to shoot.
Gun News from Remington
You can be demurely sipping a cup of tea on the veranda of the old Moana Hotel, or boldly practicing your marksmanship at the Royal Hawaiian Shooting Club.
When they were on the pavement, a police marksman immediately jumped out from behind the bus.
Marksmanship is something the army could do a little better.
Indeed, Iain claims that his main marksman still suffers from a lack of confidence.
Dont blam the round for faulty marksmanship and basic shooting.
"Power Belt" CRAP !
The mass start, featuring the top 30 competitors in biathlon, is the ultimate race in the sport combining the rigor of cross-country skiing with the calm precision of rifle marksmanship. - Greis wins third biathlon gold; bronze for Bjoerndalen
If you are truly serious about becoming a capable offhand marksman, set up a suitable backstop in your garage or basement and discipline yourself to fire just 10 careful rounds each evening.
To replicate realistic conditions in a combat scenario, an artillery battery should set up howitzers and conduct simulated fire missions before conducting marksmanship training.
The new trendy short magnums and spiffy projectiles do not in fact compensate for poor marksmanship any more than long barrels necessarily equate to better accuracy.
The rifle used by this actor-marksman is one of a pair of .54-caliber Lancaster County flintlocks, crafted in the early 1800's style by historian and master gun maker Mike Branson.
He insists that the World Cup is far from his mind but this is undoubtedly the biggest year yet of the 30-year old marksman's football career.
When space is available and a certain landowner is in a friendly mood, several times a year I practice my marksmanship on water-filled jugs out to 500 and 600 yards, and, on rare occasions, out to 700.
Best caliber for 600+ yard shots
Locally born and bred Mike, a prolific marksman in the Reserves, was handed his golden opportunity when his team mate limped off after 41 minutes with a groin injury.
It was finally surrounded by police marksman who were forced to shoot it after repeated attempts to calm it failed.
It was close quarter work at which his men's marksmanship should be deadly.
As a SWAT precision marksman, Robert probably worked with a McMillan.308 caliber, police model.
Or Deadwood Dick, a South Dakota bronco buster and Indian fighter who was such a great marksman, he could choose a feather in an Indian headdress and knock it out with one shot at full gallop.
An army preparing for a guerrilla war needs to devote more time to rifle marksmanship.
Emily Nash and her horse, Chico, placed ninth in the tetrathlon, a riding, running, swimming and marksmanship competition.
My father was an expert marksman.
I am engaged educating Amy so many hours, that I could not practise enough to be able to hit a bonassus, like a celebrated marksman of my acquaintance; far less a partridge.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 343, May 1844
At midnight she heard one of four shots fired as a police marksman killed the rampaging stag.
His club colleague lined out at corner forward and emerged as the top marksman with a goal and four points.
Indeed, the wartime German school for gunners and crewmen lasted a full month, with a relatively small portion of the instruction devoted to actual live fire marksmanship.
He would be interested to learn also which of Vescovo's family and associates was a reasonably proficient marksman.