How To Use Marking In A Sentence

  • The markings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify.
  • Its markings were unmistakeable, as were the large, soulless, jet black eyes.
  • There is even an evolving language of street markings that uses chalked symbols to alert passers-by to a WiFi network nearby.
  • Morris Goldsworth came out of the central room accompanied by a well-suited, ponderous young man in his twenties, marking his catalogue. WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • The blue plaque marking the spot is incorrect in stating that its dome housed the largest telescope in the world.
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  • For example, one of IBM's patents is on the idea of marking text in a word-processor in different colors for correcting.
  • Communal feasting is central to marking birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, achievements, significant purchases, and major public holidays.
  • This spring-flowering species has elegant slender stems, suspended from which are pendulous bell-shaped flowers, very green in bud, opening to cream, crisscrossed with green and maroon netted markings.
  • The area around the building has long been used as a burial ground for unbaptised children, and the small headstones marking these sad graves can be seen.
  • Once facility executives understand actual energy consumption, they can begin benchmarking their buildings against their competitors and even their own real estate.
  • The Washington State History Museum recalls their seaborne journeys and service to country in the new traveling exhibit "Marking Time: Voyage to Vietnam. The News Tribune Blogs
  • `This ain't the equality I'm fighting for," she assured him, marking her outline with commensurate injuries. BAD MEDICINE
  • And they've created this LEED standard, [for rating how energy efficient and green a building is] which is benchmarking, which is a good thing to do because most people need checklists. William McDonough On Cradle-To-Cradle Design
  • The Nook also doesn't have the Alex's "synchronize" button which provides bookmarking and other document interaction on the color LCD. PCWorld
  • Other measures in the plan include new lane markings, anti-skid surfacing and several hundred yards of bus lane on Brighton Way up to the roundabout.
  • They have distinct black markings on the ends of their fins, particularly the first dorsal and caudal fins.
  • I didn't enjoy marking those papers and I was glad to be rid of them.
  • Trumpf will display the VectorMark compact, a valuable tool for various industrial and commercial marking tasks.
  • On Monday, a ship loaded with Norwegian iron ore is expected to dock in Qingdao, China, marking the first passage of a commercial cargo ship from Europe to Asia through the Arctic waters. Global Warming Gives Boost to Commercial Cargo Business
  • Sometimes seen feeding alongside vultures at carcasses is the longer-necked and larger-headed crested caracara (Polyborus plancus), a hawk with distinctive markings. Did you know? Mexico's vultures have very different eating habits.
  • The markings along the route are quite plain.
  • Players are marking better now than they have been since the seventies.
  • New court markings will allow sporty students to play basketball, netball and football indoors.
  • Calambokidis' team has photographed and recognized around 1,500 blue whales by tail fluke and back markings.
  • The celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the event have been unprecedented in scope.
  • Several times during the speech Perry posed for dramatic effect, once even wrapping his arms around himself and remarking in a theatrical aside: "It's the darnedest thing. CPAC 2011: The Conservative Political Action Conference (Live Coverage, Day Two)
  • Does the President have an opinion on which statute takes precedence here in relation to the postmarking of the ballots? Press Briefing By Jake Siewert
  • And he concludes, after referring to the fortuitous duty-free shopping interlude I shared with Bashar en route back to London from Damascus, by remarking: By this time, Michael, whos a very engaging personality, is a friend of the family! A Question of Honour
  • A cenotaph is a monument erected to the memory of one dead, but not marking the spot in which his remains rest. Classic French Course in English
  • Mandrill Staring Into the Camera Bright red - and - blue facial markings identify this mandrill as a mature male.
  • To tackle that, clear weight restriction signs could be put in place before vehicles reach West Chevin Road, as well as hazard markings and warning signs.
  • We look hopefully at markings on our map like Pablo's Rapid and Dead Man Rapid, but they prove to be little more than riffles and a slight acceleration in the current.
  • The wavelet coefficients are selected by Human Visual System ( HVS ) to ensure the transparence of watermarking.
  • This example of development governance provides individual brands with management flexibility while ensuring consistent investment decision-marking.
  • In addition to two eyes and a mouth, this animal has markings suggesting gills.
  • Perhaps you could try bookmarking the login page in case that stops working again.
  • The design or marking of moreen is different on every piece. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • and remarking , in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind.
  • Another pair of wings momentarily blinded her, and every bird that had occupied the tree suddenly left in a rush, loud chirrups marking their way.
  • The six Yoruba markings (three on each cheek), and the ten Fon markings (two on each cheek, temples, and forehead) are readily discernible.
  • First of all, I apologize that I do not know how to make my computer put the diacritical markings on the Spanish words. Help with my Tarea, por favor...
  • The distinctive markings of pronghorns, especially the bright white rump patch, make them easy to spot.
  • Benchmarking your business against industry peers, however, will help you to understand your own competitive position in the marketplace and will help you to design strategies to outdistance your competitors.
  • A plane with Danish markings was over-flying his vessel.
  • You instantly think about the patterns and designs we sport, what our outer markings are, and how we use them for both defense and allure.
  • He went on marking things down on his clipboard, violently scratching a multitude of checks and notations onto the paper.
  • Anyway, I feel like I've started every single one of my recent entries by remarking on the infrequency of my recent entries, so I'm going to stop now.
  • Also at one point the object seemed to light up the solid white reflective center roadway markings.
  • Upon completion of the survey and of marking the boundaries, a copy of the record along with the headright certificate was presented to the secretary's office where a patent was prepared and a notation made of those imported. Mother Earth Land Grants in Virginia 1607-1699
  • This is consequently developed in the remainder of the exposition section and in the development where, aided by the tempo marking, it has evolved into a tremolando.
  • It's a cameraman's film and mostly about riding dangerously through mulga, about rounding up scrub bulls, about branding and marking with the mass of Mt Leichhardt rising up in blue splendour beyond.
  • The sun, not yet obscured, was picking out its fuscous shape with dazzling light, and marking its front with grey stripes running right down to the horizon. Boyhood
  • The animal's markings provide effective camouflage.
  • These hatch into white and pale yellow caterpillars with black heads, black markings, and a black horn.
  • The fullbacks and wingers simply double up on Arsenal's two wingers, leaving the Central defenders one task, marking the two strikers.
  • The mask, legs and tail should all show clear tabby markings which should be the same colour on all points.
  • Marking the exam papers was quite a slog.
  • She peered through the glass walls of the vivarium at over a dozen intertwined snakes, boasting all sorts of exotic colors and markings. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Shock Treatment
  • There are no inscriptions or markings to identify the tombs.
  • Black; the head and thorax strongly punctured; the mandibles, clypeus, a line above extending to the anterior ocellus, the emargination of the eyes, a spot at their vertex and a line at their outer orbits, yellow; the antennæ reddish-yellow, with the scape pale yellow in front and a narrow fuscous line above; the yellow marking more or less stained orange. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • By definition, non-finite verb phrases do not have tense marking.
  • The company received city approval to expand its cigar-marking plant to handle more production of cigarillos.
  • There are a couple of fish with blue markings, and a few more with gold stripes down the side.
  • Kishi put down the pencil with which she had been marking up the corner of her assignment book and suddenly took to erasing the marks with much vigor.
  • Quantity and location of rust markings is important and should not exceed ten percent of body colour.
  • The vertiginous traumas of meat and marking often generate spectacular results, like the miasmatic language of Beatrice in The Cenci, or the prosopopeia of Swellfoot the Tyrant. _Queen Mab_ as Topological Repertoire
  • The bill is a pinkish horn color and dark markings appear on the upper mandible.
  • Male birds have distinctive blue and yellow markings.
  • The biggest change in blogging is going unremarked so I'm remarking.
  • “This man will carry you beyond Chradim for a _zwanziger_ a head,” said the landlord, pointing to the half-liveried fellow, who began gesticulating violently, and marking us off with his fingers as if we were so many sheep. A Tramp's Wallet stored by an English goldsmith during his wanderings in Germany and France
  • Its surface was mottled with great ugly spots, leprous with the scaly markings called faculae and granulations. Starchild Omnibus
  • Interbank trading system EBS, which is often used as a source of market rates, puts the all-time low slightly higher, marking it at 79.92 yen. Specter of Stimulus Spurs a Run From Dollar
  • Two grand staircases frame the 50m long ramp, sumptuously sculpted with coiled dragons, marking the imperial emblem.
  • A great stride forward was made in recognising Aboriginal dreaming tracks, marking the journey of spiritual ancestors in central Australia.
  • Two days before the race, the signs were already out on this point-to-point course, marking each turn, each hill and counting down the kilometers.
  • Teardrop was known as a friend of the homeless and was easily recognised because of the tattoos all over his body, including tribal markings on his face.
  • She noticed that he had strange red markings on his skin, scorches possibly.
  • One of the best loved is the old-fashioned Johnny-jump-up (V. tricolor), a viola with dark purple upper petals and lower petals in shades of lavender-blue, yellow or white, often with dark purple markings, Plants are short-lived but readily self-seed, providing pleasurable discoveries of new plants in unexpected places each year. > News
  • In the Middle Ages these were known as ‘clog almanacs’, made of metal, wood or horn, with notches and symbols marking the lunar months and the church feast days.
  • The project also served as a test site for a new 3M wet reflective tape for highway markings on concrete.
  • In any case, rules, whether variable or categorial, and the idiosyncratic marking of forms in the lexicon, are not available options in a Cognitive Grammar.
  • The cars thinned out, leaving only white lines marking vacant spaces.
  • Some have distinctive markings on their heads and on their carapace, or upper shell.
  • The downy chicks are similar in markings to those of the shelduck.
  • But this site is definitely worth bookmarking.
  • Professor Lowell controverts M. Antoniadi's claim to have proved that the lines are non-existent, and that the only markings are small separate shadings which are illusively seen as lines. To Mars via The Moon An Astronomical Story
  • Teachers who earn extra money for marking scripts in the summer have been asked by the Joint Council for General Qualifications to take on double their usual load.
  • The currency markets are busily marking sterling down against both the dollar and the euro in anticipation of early action.
  • The only other markings besides gang tags and general vandalism were some more recent satanic markings, pentagrams, and inverted crosses.
  • States for 2010, marking the second year in a row the Beehive State has achieved that ranking. - Top Stories
  • They are neatly arranged in tufts on a short footstalk, which becomes surrounded with young growths, all as clear in their markings as the parent plant, so that a well grown specimen of three years or even less becomes a beautiful object, whether it is on rockwork or in a cold frame. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • They also want crossings illuminated when being used and railway vehicles to have reflective markings.
  • Coaches are always yelling at referees, remarking on their visual impairments and attention deficit disorders.
  • A buret is a long tube with volume markings for precise measurement and a stopcock at the bottom to control the flow of liquid.
  • The checks issued by Bank A are cleared at the clearing house through earmarking the checks issued by Bank B, and vice versa.
  • The enormously popular Outing Club runs local climbing, telemarking, and backpacking trips, as well as summer expeditions to South America and Alaska.
  • The body found that the standard of question papers had been fair, the conduct of examinations was regular, and the standard of marking and internal moderation was good.
  • An auto-restorable fragile watermarking algorithm for image content authentication is presented.
  • Anyhoo, the sequence finds a new pattern in the regularity of two "couplets" of sonnets (1122), the opening sonnet marking the shift with assonant rhymes (I did reckon those rhymes gave a sense of instability and tension, pushing against the constraints, which ... fitted here; it kinda makes sense now why I felt that way). Still Lives
  • Devotees of Sikhism, the world's fifth largest organized religion, were marking the 342nd birthday of Guru Gobind Singh, a founder of the faith.
  • This marking method is less invasive than a tattoo, and marked individuals return within minutes to their nests.
  • The guy paused in his speech, mentally marking the place he was up to and pondered the question for a moment.
  • This particular dolphin is noted for its distinctive black and white markings.
  • Body fur may be black, brown, grey, buff, red, white or multi-coloured, with many varieties of face markings.
  • A black widow spider has a distinctive red hourglass marking on its stomach.
  • The adult insect is a moth with silvery-white forewings and brown stripes and black markings on each wing tip.
  • The border markings consisted of small stones imbedded in the ground that went north and south in a very irregular pattern.
  • The technical term is "scintillation," connoting minimal signification, the minutest re-marking that makes a wink of a photon. 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' as an Ambient Poem; a Study of a Dialectical Image; with Some Remarks on Coleridge and Wordsworth
  • ‘George’ has plum-purple petals and darker purple falls, with tiny markings of yellow and white.
  • A smaller winding barrel profile . Spool han no markings.
  • They are the size of a starling with light brown plumage, red markings round the eyes, a crest and an orange-tipped black tail.
  • He was marking essays in his small study.
  • Nonetheless, there are clear differences between models of the mind with empiricist leanings and models of the mind with nativist leanings, and the notion of innateness may be thought to earn its usefulness by marking these differences. Concepts
  • The adult insect is a moth with silvery-white forewings and brown stripes and black markings on each wing tip.
  • Some fine forward play and lax marking contributed to this lopsided score line.
  • Contact game managers to see if this is a concern and invest in a computer mapping program, so that you can preprogram your GPS with waypoints marking property boundaries. 10 Best Public Lands for Elk (And How to Hunt Them)
  • [195] "The Hindus call the nought explicitly _ ['s] [= u] nyabindu_ 'the dot marking a blank,' and about 500 A.D. they marked it by a simple dot, which latter is commonly used in inscriptions and MSS. in order to mark a blank, and which was later converted into a small circle. The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
  • I, Madame Zoe, chiromancer, lifelong student of the moldings and markings of the human hand; I, Madame Zoe, to whom no facet of your character or destiny is not readily revealed, I am prepared to ... Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • Back in the USA, besides the Super Bowl, one weekend highlight is the multifarious celebration marking what would have been Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday. Looking ahead: Mubarak and Reagan
  • Now, almost five decades on, Down District's longest serving Councillor has lived up to his early promise, and is marking 30 years of dedicated service to his community.
  • There are a couple of fish with blue markings, and a few more with gold stripes down the side.
  • The following group of pictures is of diatom frustules which have been prepared by treatment with strong acid to remove all organic traces in order to best display the intricate frustule markings.
  • Authorities had braced for large - scale protests marking the culmination Sunday of an important Shiite Muslim commemoration.
  • The markings along the route are quite plain.
  • Both leopards and jaguars have a similar brownish yellow base fur colour, which is distinctively marked with dark rosette markings.
  • The second hand swept on its downward curve, marking out the first instants of the new day. TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH
  • Separate teams of elections workers inspect each ballot and fish out the "snags" -- ballots that are damaged or have smudges, stray markings or improperly filled-in bubbles.
  • Draw up a scale floor plan on squared paper, marking in the door opening and windows.
  • The basic color is green with black vertical markings that form rectangles.
  • But the costs of benchmarking will make it almost impossible to balance the national accounts if the economy fails to return to the boom times.
  • Each stem carries up to 10 nodding sulphur coloured flared bell shaped flowers, growing from a base of deep green foliage that has attractive mottled markings.
  • She offered a more varied needlework curriculum of plain work, marking, openwork, and embroidery along with reading and writing.
  • Players chip the ball around rather than kicking long to packs so there are fewer marking contests involving more than two players.
  • Its back is speckled with light markings, and its tail is barred with black.
  • The watermarking binary is embedded by using the principle of register allocation, constructing the graph coloring model and function and changing the nodes colors in the interfere graph.
  • This shows that tular is indeed a transitive verb meaning "to mark (a boundary); marking" and is only ever a noun in the sense of a deverbal noun "a marking; a boundary" (as in Selvansl Tularias). The Etruscan word 'tezan'
  • The musicians from the Laureate trio staged a virtuoso performance at a concert marking the launching of their new album on Monday.
  • The Indians ride bareback on paints (white horses with dark colored markings) and duns (grayish brown horses) with snaffle bridles.
  • According to the head of the Greek Orthodox parish for Bethlehem, Father Speridon, the mass was a reconsecration since the church marking the spot where Jesus was born had been desecrated during the siege.
  • The uppers feature breathable, quick drying leather and mess stitched directly to the midsole, and the outsole is a non-marking "Omni-Grip" rubber compound with traction control to prevent slipping on slick surfaces.
  • Spook had graduated in Forestry and after a few years timber cruising for a paper company north of Bangor, decided marking stands for pulpwood had him in the right place for the wrong purpose. The Warden
  • Visibly tired, the Pontiff retired early to rest and did not take part in the candlelit procession marking the first day of the visitations.
  • He taught me how to edit tape without marking it with a grease pencil.
  • Four Recollet friars arrived at Quebec, marking the beginning of French missionary activity. 1612-15
  • I ended up sitting reading it on the long journey southwards to London, with my highlighter and red pencil, marking the errors in the book as I read.
  • Flagfin mojarra has a dark marking on the dorsal fin with a white stripe just below the dark marking.
  • Evidence for these glaciers in the park is in the form of roches moutonées, rock erratics, striae and groove markings.
  • Marking did not affect their behavior; marked workers continued with their task without interruption.
  • Some tribes use special facial markings to signify status.
  • I, myself, was in a serious accident at Newby Bridge in 1994 and as a result, new and improved road markings were put in place at the accident spot.
  • In size and marking it looks very much like a leopard, although the jaguar is the much heavier animal, weighing up to 34 kg.
  • Examples include the red markings of salmon, stickleback, and guppies, in addition to many birds.
  • Donovan made a grab for his brother and lifted hist shirt to reveal the tell-tale marking.
  • skeletonized", making everything but the edges and the markings completely transparent. 20 Newest Free Software Downloads - Freeware
  • Marking graves with stones was one of the characteristics that continued through centuries and religions.
  • The female fish is bright yellow with black markings.
  • Modern genetic analysis leaves no doubt that the “aurora trout” is, in reality, a brook trout, albeit a highly peculiar brook trout that lacks the characteristic markings of S. fontinalis. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • For some the confidence of adolescence is replaced with questions and doubt, marking the transition to adulthood.
  • The crisis for Mesmer also has this function of katharsis and exclusion, involving "an effort of the living body to throw off an illness" and marking 'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
  • The genesis for the soiree was the marking of actions undertaken by the new Green Team in our company, under Cynthia Yang's able leadership. Liz Neumark: Small Celebrations
  • Twilight at Mrs. Wickett's, when the School bell clanged for call-over, brought them back to him in a cloud — Katherine scampering along the stone corridors, laughing beside him at some "howler" in an essay he was marking, taking the cello part in a Mozart trio for the School concert, her creamy arm sweeping over the brown sheen of the instrument. Goodbye, Mr Chips
  • The Republicans say there were lots of military ballots that got thrown out because of postmarking and the rest, and they say, you know, if you're really going to look at the intent of the voter, which is something we continually hear about, then why aren't we going to count those military ballots? CNN Transcript - Special Event: Election 2000: The Florida Recount - November 24, 2000
  • That seems to explain most of the marking, but the 'piano board' looking ribbon of material traversing the landscape is quite mysterioso! Amazing and Marvelous Mars Dunes | Universe Today
  • I stared at them - agog - in the company of two close female friends, but none of us went any further than remarking how gymnastically impressive they were.
  • There is no precedent for this at all - if in fact they are incised markings rather than butchery marks.
  • The black widow spider has red-orange markings on its body.
  • The philtrum, on the upper lip, is bounded by ridges that run from under each nostril marking the fusion of the premaxilla and the lateral maxillary processes.
  • It appears that an extra element *-e has been added to this absolutive set at an early stage of PIE, perhaps to use it for transitive verbs by marking it with a dummy object nb. Archive 2007-12-01
  • This would include the processes of invigilation, monitoring, marking, reporting on irregularities and ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Then there is the dazzling range of colours and markings from hellebores. Times, Sunday Times
  • This includes the installation of meters, marking out spaces and signage.
  • The Government is planning to launch a benchmarking scheme to guide consumers.
  • A few warm days and they will be growing rapidly, the flowers opening to reveal the familiar white bells with their crisp green markings.
  • Not to mention the fact that bookmarking isn’t as good in a lot of the common e-book tools (note: I have NOT tried a kindle yet, but other tools have really not met my needs), pagination is cumbersome, different tools use different keystrokes or commands to scrool or page and some of them limit the amount you can see at any one time to just a portion of a page. Books are Outdated « Write Anything
  • Little problems, to do with timetabling or prescribed reading or marking, can boil up into major issues.
  • I hadn't exactly been marking the days off between meetings but occasionally his handsome face had flitted through my thoughts.
  • The very conception of truth was a new one, as a goddess not to be shielded behind the shades of hierophantic mystery, but rather to be sought in the free tumult and joyous strife of many voices, there vindicating her own majesty and marking her own children. Voltaire
  • Over the next two weeks I went back to my usual routine of going to work and marking homework when I got home.
  • I've long been an avowed enemy of benchmarking, because at its heart it amounts to exaltation of imitation.
  • Too many managers seek solutions elsewhere characterized by the rise in benchmarking, re-engineering, and continuous improvement programmes.
  • Marking a break from tradition, they were not policy documents, but broadsides against individuals.
  • It will form here-after a pleasing incident in the annals of our Union, giving to real history the intense interest of romance and signally marking the unpurchasable tribute of a great nation's social affections to the disinterested champion of the liberties of human-kind. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • The results of this study not only categorized different positions . of guards, forwards, and centers but find out the players' overall efficiency, return to scale, and benchmarking.
  • But it arrived eventually, in quite good condition – no markings or highlighting, cover straight and unbent, only one random sticker on the cover. A Practical English Grammar « Books « Literacy News
  • However, some have been laid out in the traditional fashion with a border marking the area in front of the headstone.
  • Similar to the patterns on humpback whale flukes, unique markings on the dolphins' dorsal fins allow for individual identification.
  • I point this out to establish my credibility in remarking on what I consider to be one of his most seminal intangible traits - his ambition.
  • This ratio provides a method of standardizing data for benchmarking clinical indicators across health care agencies.
  • It can be recognised by its distinctive yellow markings around the beak and bells on its leg.
  • On the field, Michael was a very level-headed player who controlled our backline, one of our top marking defenders, and was a tremendous contributor to the team at all levels.
  • Steep escarpments of white calcrete, marking the perimeter of the ancient lake, run along the shores of the pans, rising between 70 and 100 meters (m) above their surface. Zambezian halophytics
  • At the extreme south end, between Kilchattan and Garroch Head, these conglomerates and sandstones are overlaid by a thick cornstone or dolomitic limestone marking the upper limit of the formation, which is surmounted by the cement-stones and contemporaneous lavas of Lower Carboniferous age. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • When fully grown, the bagworms are a dull, dirty, gray with darker markings toward the head.
  • Part of a lecturer's job will be the assessment of students and, as such, the marking of examination scripts would, without doubt, be seen as reasonably incidental to the job.
  • Nearly half the residents of the German city of Koblenz are being forced to leave their homes this weekend after the discovery of a 2-ton, unexploded World War II bomb, marking the biggest bomb-related evacuation in Germany's post-war history. German City to Evacuate as 2-Ton Bomb Is Defused
  • Green markings which have been put down to delineate a cycle way on the road at Waterhead, Ambleside, have caused a flurry of letters to the Gazette in recent weeks.
  • Finally, about definiteness marking on direct objects Payne tends to call definiteness 'identifiability': Describing morphosyntax, p. Nipping the PIE ergative *-s theory right in the bud
  • The question of demarking legitimate from illegitimate bodies is not a recent phenomenon.
  • She brought her hand back to the book and closed it with a finger marking the place.
  • The first signs appear through existing markings on the skin, such as moles or freckles, which may become larger, redder or rougher.

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