How To Use Marketable In A Sentence

  • But he said the county, with its lakes and mountains, had an eminently marketable image that could play well with the wider public.
  • Stenography is no longer a marketable skill.
  • With few marketable skills or capital upon their arrival, Irish men secured only a tenuous foothold in the province's secondary labour market, working as labourers, harvesters, ploughmen and general farm hands.
  • This same publishing industry has turned a cold shoulder to other, less marketable writers.
  • Self-reflection and humility are not marketable commodities among hucksters.
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  • To keep the series realistic and marketable is the key … so introducing a minor character that mainstream audiences do not know would be a long stretch. Contest: Where Could The Dark Knight Go Next? «
  • Whew there is a Social Security surplus, the extra money is put in the general fund, and in exchange SS is given a non-marketable security for that amount (basically an IOU from the government to itself). Matthew Yglesias » Saving Money vs Spending Less Money
  • With few marketable skills or capital upon their arrival, Irish men secured only a tenuous foothold in the province's secondary labour market, working as labourers, harvesters, ploughmen and general farm hands.
  • My question is… not having a place to go to college next year, and with my main and totally unmarketable selling point being the ability to write, I find myself totally without a place to land.
  • the marketable surplus
  • The reason I ask these questions is that Fannie Mae's bank addendum states that Fannie Mae not obligated to bear any expenses to make the title marketable so I'm trying to find out if this property can be purchased with an unclear title and what legal responsibilities might be transferred to me as the new property owner. Mortgage News Daily - Mortgage And Real Estate News
  • From comics to card games, movies to merchandise, X-Men is undoubtedly one of the worlds most marketable brands.
  • As textbook publishers improve textbook brand and the basic means of marketable.
  • Faces, which are marketable pieces of personal property, are vulnerable.
  • I'm always looking for a new skill to master so I can be more marketable as a stuntwoman.
  • Because the missing ingredient, the unmarketable bit, is the person's mind.
  • The mid-term aim was to come up with a marketable solution that would be acceptable to a greater number of customers, resulting in higher production volumes.
  • For example, codling moth larvae do not consume much of the apple that they infest, but they cause great esthetic damage by their presence and can render produce unmarketable.
  • There are plenty of people who treat spirituality as a marketable commodity.
  • The course will benefit unemployed people as it will gain them another skill which could make them more marketable in the search for jobs.
  • He suggests that the solution lies in treating knowledge as any other marketable commodity.
  • Linen fabrics (Byssus) were as marketable in China as were silk fabrics in the west.
  • Today, every show that is on is pre-taped and then edited to be as catchy and marketable as possible.
  • Frustrated savers sell their bonds and put the proceeds in marketable commodities.
  • That passion, his knowledge and that endearing easy-going manner have made him a very marketable product.
  • In structuring a marketable securities portfolio, yield is generally considered far less important than safety or liquidity.
  • The important thing to remember is that a college degree is what's going to make you more marketable than anything else.
  • In other words, imported goods and services help maintain consumption levels in the marketable sector.
  • Publishers will not publish chancy, fat collections when they can publish a small number of readily marketable volumes.
  • The Group's marketable securities portfolio mainly comprises short term monetary investments. Reuters: Press Release
  • Thousands of Russians are now studying in America and Europe, and have acquired marketable skills, enabling them to land lucrative jobs.
  • Many times it's easy for the housewife to think that she has no marketable skills, but this is typically a combination of low self-esteem and a lack of self-examination," says Dr. Potter.
  • The program is designed to provide students with real, marketable skills.
  • The other could be a more child-friendly and marketable animal mascot, which are very popular in sports.
  • Many services provided within private households are considered by many cultures to be unmarketable.
  • Many of you have heard or experienced the pantheon of paid advertisements - so called ‘infomercials’ - that appear regularly on stations trying to rid themselves of essentially worthless and unmarketable air time.
  • Education helps parents improve or refresh their marketable skills.
  • marketable skills
  • That's because until seedlings reach green-up, regulations keep adjacent cut blocks of marketable timber off limits to loggers.
  • Maintaining and improving the outside of your home is well worth the investment and will make it more marketable.
  • The leasehold one-bedroom apartment she bought five years ago for 86,000 is in serious negative equity, and therefore unmarketable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Increasingly, however, Canadians are writing novels set outside Canada, in order to be global and marketable.
  • I always knew it as the Southernwood Quarry when I was a boy and rode around the area on my bicycle, but Selborne is much more larney and marketable!
  • The murders took place to collect insurance on slaves who were sick and dying and therefore would not, on reaching land, become marketable commodities.
  • One of the most interesting - and potentially marketable - are natural aromas.
  • What is needed are global changes to make the platform more marketable.
  • The hijackers drove without proper licences, violated immigration rules, left a plane sitting on an active runway and developed the unmarketable skill of knowing only how to make turns with a jumbo jet, not how to land it.
  • We are also investigating the possibility of creating marketable stoneless stone fruit varieties.
  • The first name refers to Adelbert Theodor Edward Wangemann, who joined the laboratory in 1888, assigned to transform Edison's newly perfected wax cylinder phonograph into a marketable device for listening to music. NYT > Home Page
  • You have to be pretty marketable to sell a series simply by tacking your name to the front of it.
  • This band could not be more marketable and polished, yet remains unsigned.
  • The industry then "fortifies" these processed foods with marketable nutrients, but never recreates the health promoting properties of the whole food they replaced. FoodAndDrinkEurope RSS
  • To make the script more marketable, the American fascists were re-cast as anthropophagic extraterrestrials, taking the story into the realm of science fiction. Latest Articles
  • No real method has been established for unmarketable securities.
  • But as he had hoped from the outset, appearing on television did what politics had failed to do: it made him marketable to the print media.
  • Let Michael relay Sutton and tell you people here who have the phoney habit (it was remarketable) in his clairaudience, as this is, as only our own Michael can, when reicherout at superstation, to bring ruptures to our roars how I am amp amp amplify. Finnegans Wake
  • It attacks the large quantities of unmarketable fish that are discarded at sea, and describes how mammals and birds get accidentally tangled up in nets and drown.
  • Thus the unmarketable products cause surplus phenomenon also happen all the time.
  • Trying to aestheticise climate change only serves to turn it into a marketable commodity; and -- as a consequence -- you will devalue a genuinely important and pressing issue, as well as turning people against the need for action ( "it's a big money making con", etc.). The Guardian World News
  • The program is designed to provide students with real, marketable skills.
  • Undeniably an artistic triumph, it was also their bleakest album since Pornography, and the record label considered it almost unmarketable.
  • Not exactly ‘guilty,’ but definitely not off the hook, either - despite good production values and a good heart, Spirit of Wonder is dull, boring, and in the court's opinion, completely unmarketable.
  • The position differs where the security given by the debtor comprises marketable (viz. negotiable) securities, such as bearer bonds, share warrants, scrip, or exchequer bills.
  • In 1971, approximately one-third of the total marketable wealth in Britain was owned by 1% of the population.
  • As yet, they haven't come up with a marketable name for the product.
  • Switching the bonds to marketable is basically nothing more than changing some digits in a computer database. Social Security Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • - For all of the marketable hand-sorted pre-concentrates, further beneficiation efforts (comminution, classifying, sorting) are not necessary. Chapter 20
  • It may not be as exotic as acai berry or as marketable as dark chocolate and red wine, but we have another entrant into the "superfood" sweepstakes: alpha-carotene. The Seattle Times
  • Failer is so unusual that it was effectively unmarketable at a major label. Globe and Mail
  • But times have changed, and rugby league has once again become a very marketable commodity.
  • Early tape recordings were not easily marketable because they were also very expensive.
  • These are species other than the ones the farmers are raising, or they may be small, unmarketable fish of the same species.
  • His work embodied an unpleasant brand of marketable and light-minded cynicism in the 1990s.
  • On a global scale, and in many developing nations, water is a scarce and valuable, and clearly marketable, commodity.
  • On Tuesday, the Cupertino, Calif., company disclosed cash, including short-term and long-term marketable securities, for the quarter ended June 25 increased 15.8% since March to $76.2 billion. For Apple, a $76 Billion Dilemma
  • Independent custom molders, who made marketable parts and products, experimented in the 1930s with injection molding of thermoplastics, which eventually almost replaced compression molding of thermoset resins.
  • They and others were obviously quite unmarketable, so for every parrot sold many are discarded as unwanted and left to die.
  • We treat food as a marketable commodity, instead of as a basic human necessity.
  • Developing marketable horses in a soft market can be a challenge.
  • But, today, to become politically marketable a party needs to be open to new ideas and new members.
  • But the idea was kept under wraps for years until it was marketable.
  • The property is referred to as Heir's property, and it can be very difficult to obtain marketable title for it. A convoluted land deal
  • Hope instinctively knew that he needed to build a marketable image for himself if he was going to stand out from all the other vaudeville and radio comics trying to break into movies in the 1930s.
  • English Heritage however, demanded proof that the building had no marketable use.
  • We have an idea to develop a talking book, but a marketable product is a long way down the road.
  • You'd think this ability would translate for me into a useful and marketable skill, but nope.
  • With those of us who revere books as artistic products, the thought of these windows into other worlds being business commodities, as marketable as a new brand of toothpaste, makes us a little queasy.
  • If rabbits are sold on regular schedule to a dealer, have marketable stock segregated and confined outside of the rabbitry or at its entrance. Chapter 12
  • The project - a low-cost prosthetic hand - was radical, but at that stage completely unmarketable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used to record for Decca until they declared him unmarketable.
  • He preferred that banks provide for their own liquidity by holding a buffer of short-term marketable assets. Why Do We Have a Central Bank?
  • Too often, film or television projects from well-intentioned people are unmarketable, poorly executed and scarred with red flags that signify the work of an amateur.
  • It languished in post-production for nearly a year; British Lion and its new Managing Director, Michael Deeley, considered the finished film overlong and unmarketable.
  • Even if most people don't care to eat black radish, cabbage maggots sure love it and without a row cover a marketable crop can be almost impossible to achieve.
  • Demand for the loans necessary to create the marketable securities simply could not be satisfied.
  • Beyond P. spathula being a source of caviar, their skin is thick, scaleless, strong, and tans well, making it a marketable product.
  • She will find it increasingly hard to find any place to call her own from now on after advertisers identified her as the most marketable woman in sport.
  • The event, organised by the Guild of Scriveners, is a tradition which was originally intended to test that ale on sale in the city was of marketable quality.
  • He is seen, with some justification, as a cold, austere writer, one who belongs to a line that includes Thomas Mann and Samuel Beckett rather than more marketable writers.
  • I was confronted with the official ultimatum and _sine quâ non_, and have subsequently learnt that the cause of this self-denying ordinance is due to the uncontrollable enthusiasm of British Public for works of art, which leads them to signify approbation by puncturing innumerable orifices by dint of sticks or umbrellas in the process of pointing out tit-bits of painting, and on account of the detrimental influence on the marketable value of pictures thus distinguished by the plerophory of the _Vox Populi_. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • Snoopy dancing and saying ‘Have a good morning’ is a very marketable image.
  • Her own fascination is with his intense sense of self-conscious projection, his fashioning of marketable image. Gauguin at Tate Modern: the making of a blockbuster show
  • marketable produce
  • By 1800, everybody was a janissary, as the corps was swollen to as many as 400,000 names, based on corrupt and marketable muster rolls, which supported a process of gentrification of the janissary families.
  • The quality of education was also key in making student's globally marketable.
  • Nobody could have foreseen that Jay's termination would garner so much publicity in the industry, rendering him unmarketable and unemployed until the day of his death.
  • So basically what I think would be a great series is undoable, unmarketable and lacks wide appeal.
  • Kidding aside, the resolution said water was a basic human right and should not be treated as a marketable commodity.
  • They have great scripts, great acting, an independent voice and are marketable.
  • The four major categories of cur-rent assets held by most firms are cash, marketable securities, accounts receivable, and inventory.
  • He said sugar, cement, timber and building material were some of the marketable goods in the neighboring countries.
  • It's suddenly marketable, sexy, vibrant and most importantly, relevant.
  • In this regard, they were quite unlike the prevailing 'mass market' boardgames published by companies like Parker, Milton Bradley, and Kenner, which mostly slapped marketable themes on top of proven mechanics the track game, pachisi variants, peg solitaire, etc. When do Themes Collide?
  • This is a highly marketable product.
  • He was trying to relate his marketable skills to job opportunities in the States when his bladder demanded relief. OUTCAST
  • But in this keenly competitive world your crop may become more marketable the more information about it you supply.
  • Fragmentation of remaining habitat via subdividing large tracts into more marketable "ranchettes" leads to other degrading factors such as overgrazing, exotic plant expansion, lack of fire as a natural or prescribed process, and modification of local hydrological features by means of land leveling. Western Gulf coastal grasslands
  • If a pound was collected every time a promoter emerged without a proper mantle (or at the very least, a forgettable, unmarketable, rubbish one) then world poverty could be eradicated immediately.
  • We have merchantable skills and marketable careers that are highly transportable.
  • He is British football's most marketable commodity.
  • Sexiness is a marketable product , the next thing on your shopping list.
  • The duties of employment interviewers in job service centers differ somewhat because applicants may lack marketable skills.
  • Investments in marketable securities with readily determinable fair values and all investments in debt securities are valued at their fair values in the statement of financial position.
  • Jacobs said the pesticides - chlorpyrifos, diazinon and dimethoate - had been sprayed on nearby farms' Brussels sprouts and had vaporized and been blown to his organic farm, making his herbs unmarketable. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The world we live in is becoming more and more populated with bilingual and trilingual people, not to mention knowing more languages is a very marketable skill. Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Not Geared At Home Users | Lifehacker Australia
  • He scouted round for marketable, trainable, governable talent. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • Recall the earlier example of the pharmaceutical companies that find only 1 of 1,000 compounds turn into a marketable drug; if they had no canceled projects they would either have 999 unmarketable drugs or no drugs at all.
  • Being able to translate those ideas into marketable material is another.
  • To supplement this income, Strakan is looking to buy three or four marketable products this year.
  • Stone casually wondered whether the idea was commercially marketable. CORMORANT
  • National currency, being subject to strictly enforced government ‘copyright,’ can be viewed as part of a country's marketable and exportable intellectual property.
  • It's always being thought that staff from failed e-commerce ventures had gained marketable experience, however ropy the business plan of the firms they worked for was.
  • This is a highly marketable product.
  • I'm sure that Universal wanted to protect some of their investment in the film; lighthearted comedies are more marketable than trashy, weepy biopics.
  • This same publishing industry has turned a cold shoulder to other, less marketable writers.
  • Not only does this make the book marketable and useful to a non-German-reading public, but it ensures that the author's or interviewee's original words come through unfiltered.
  • Maintaining quantity, supply security and punctuality in delivery are also important to make the products marketable.
  • Because of their location these trees could make it to a wider market only with considerable transportation costs which made them unmarketable outside of the general area.
  • There are oodles of vocational and technological education providers, not to mention for-profit and online providers (think of University of Phoenix) and one of the vastly underrappreciated resources, your local community college, which often excels at providing courses in marketable skills. John Edwards Promises a Universal Entitlement
  • The main method of separation used in refineries is fractional distillation, although further processing is normally required to produce marketable petroleum products.
  • In the past, gum, having no marketable value, has been left standing after logging operations, or, where the land has been cleared for farming, the trees have been "girdled" and allowed to rot, and then felled and burned as trash. Seasoning of Wood
  • The distribution of marketable wealth among the population is skewed in favor of a minority.
  • Then I think our disagreement comes down to how hard we think it is for someone to maintain marketable skills and keep their careers on track. Matthew Yglesias » Somewhat Popular Deficit Reduction
  • The term beneficiation includes all procedures related to the enrichment of raw ores to produce marketable concentrates. Chapter 20
  • Basically, what I think would be a great series is undoable, unmarketable and lacks wide appeal.
  • We have long been derided and scoffed at for making connubialism marketable, and putting a price on a wife's infidelity, but it strikes me this is something worse; for what, after all, is a rib -- a false rib, too -- compared with the whole bony skeleton? Cornelius O'Dowd Upon Men And Women And Other Things In General
  • To be marketable the new cultural works will have to provoke and reward collective meaning production through elaborate back stories, unresolved enigmas, excess information, and extratextual expansions of the program universe. Fans: mobilize a conversation / what consumes me, bud caddell
  • If our auto industry operated this way, a car division or brand unit within any manufacturer could design, test, produce, and market a new vehicle without any concern for recovering R&D, plant, tooling, and preproduction build prototypes and Fed crash testing vehicles, and prebuild labor costs prior to producing the first marketable unit. The Three Percent Solution?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Likewise, Professor Hospital's boast that Columbia students -- who pay over $100,000 for a twenty-one-month, unmarketable art-school degree -- are disallowed from choosing their own thesis committees and regularly see their theses failed by these committees is bizarre. Seth Abramson: Columbia Professor's E-mail to Students Was Pure Fiction
  • But they sure are pretty and marketable -- I believe "toyetic" is the word. DVD Talk
  • Adding long-term marketable securities raises the figure to $18.4 billion, with $12.1 billion of that located offshore, the company said. Qualcomm to Buy Atheros for $3.1 Billion
  • Therefore, accounts receivable from customers are classified as current assets, appearing in the balance sheet immediately after cash and short-term investments in marketable securities.
  • The mussels then take between 15 months and two years to mature to marketable quality when they are harvested.
  • This new volume should contribute to building his reputation abroad, not least because of its quaint, nearly unmarketable format. The Times Literary Supplement
  • You may have back - pedal to find ways to make a present endeavor more compelling and marketable.

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