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[ US /ˈmɑɹkɝ/ ]
[ UK /mˈɑːkɐ/ ]
  1. a distinguishing symbol
    the owner's mark was on all the sheep
  2. a writing implement for making a mark
  3. some conspicuous object used to distinguish or mark something
    the buoys were markers for the channel

How To Use marker In A Sentence

  • RF, cryoglobulins and anti LKMI antibodies were the most frequently detected markers.
  • The lines are for when the cost of genotyping a single marker is expressed in the units of the cost of rearing.
  • Eggs were labeled with a permanent marker, candled to estimate the stage of development, weighed to the nearest 0.5 g using a spring scale, and measured (length and width) to the nearest 0.1 mm with calipers.
  • The "smart" in "smart underwear" refers to the fact that the printed sensors will be incorporated into logic-based biocomputing systems that will monitor biomarkers found in human sweat and tears, make autonomous diagnoses, and administer drugs. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Microsatellite markers are in lightface type.
  • The next step was to get a big red magic marker.
  • The solid marker was impregnated on blotting paper and then coated with cellulose.
  • Some form of marker on the ground is a great help here.
  • In such cases, the demonstrative (or argumental name) is interpreted as “a pronominal place marker” (op. cit., Names
  • A boy's first haircut is an event, a non-biological marker of movement from babyhood into childhood.
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