How To Use Mark twain In A Sentence
In 1867 another visitor, Mark Twain, called Jerusalem “the knobbiest town in the world, except Constantinople.”
Crossing Mandelbaum Gate
I must have a prodigious amount of mind; it takes me as much as a week, sometimes, to make it up! Mark Twain
Mark Twain impersonator Richard Garey with two sets of Tom Sawyers and Becky Thatchers in Hannibal, Mo., to mark the 100th anniversary of the author's death on April 21.
Mark Twain's celebrated Missouri hometown is jumping again
If I cannot smoke cigars in Heaven, I shall not go. Mark Twain
I've convinced myself that my motives are pure — that I have a kindlier version of the Mark Twain-James Fenimore Cooper relationship with my writers, constantly saving them from using words inaccurately.
Our 'Pragmatic,' 'Ebullient' Year of 'Austerity'
No man that has ever lived has done a thing to please God primarily. It was done to please himself, then God next. Mark Twain
Truth is more of a stranger than fiction. Mark Twain
As Mark Twain once said, " Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction?
I'm attracted to all kinds of writing, from Mark Twain to Jean Genet.
I believe that our Heavenly Father invented man because he was disappointed in the monkey. Mark Twain
The holy passion of friendship is so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring in nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. Mark Twain
I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain
It's been bruited about by well-known theologians, sharp-tongued satirists and social critics (Mark Twain among others), but it's not really a very subtle point: The life of eternal blessedness sounds boring.
Though, as Mark Twain noted, many Britons "dearly love a lord," most of them have no idea how to address one in the vocative case or on an envelope.
Peerless Titles
The holy passion of friendship is so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring in nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. Mark Twain
Mark Twain had been a "mugwump" during the Blame-Cleveland campaign in
The Boys' Life of Mark Twain
To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did. I ought to know because I've done it a thousand times. Mark Twain
The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot. Mark Twain
And this time, he likely has a better understanding than ever of the oft-quoted Mark Twain maxim: "Be good and you will be lonesome.
Solo act Shani Davis alone in front with unusual approach
I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain , American writer .
Loyalty to a petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul. Mark Twain
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. Mark Twain
This mythic territory, once navigated by Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn, hosts a journey to declining river towns, tiny evangelical churches, and seedy whorehouses populated by disturbed and disturbing characters.
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain
I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can't find anybody who can tell me what they want. Mark Twain
He once wrote of me as "lunkheaded" in an erudite Mark Twain-referencing critique
The Washington Note
People speak of Mark Twain as a signal humourous writer.
The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation. Mark Twain
A banker is a fellow who lends his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain. Mark Twain
The indignation aroused by his enormities has been too crushing to be borne by living man, though sheathed with the brass and triple cheek of Mark Twain…He has vamosed, cut stick, absquatulated; and among the pine forests of the Sierras, or amid the purlieus of the city of earthquakes, he will tarry awhile, and the office of the Enterprise will become purified…33
Mark Twain
Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep 'til noon. Mark Twain
“The enthusiasm with which his lecture was everywhere greeted is still ringing throughout California, and now, that his foot is on his native heath, we may expect to see the very mountains shake with a tempest of applause,” cried the Territorial Enterprise,5 making sure to add that the Enterprise was where Sam Clemens had christened the name Mark Twain “and developed that rich and inexhaustible vein of humor which has made the title famous.”
Mark Twain
To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did. I ought to know because I've done it a thousand times. Mark Twain
The kind of small-town hostility to European monarchies comically depicted by Mark Twain then bestrode the world stage.
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. Mark Twain
Have a charming vacation, spend your holiday bucks on the river that gave Mark Twain his name Samuel Clemens was a Mississippi riverboat pilot for a time. Top headlines
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. Mark Twain
To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with. Mark Twain
Mark Twain is my favorite author.
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. Mark Twain
Ashdown told the Guardian: "There is an old saying by Mark Twain: 'It is a swift little thing a lie, it's halfway round the world before it gets its boots on.'
AV battle dragged the coalition to the edge of a precipice
Be careless in your dress if you will, but keep a tidy soul. Mark Twain
If man could be crossed with a cat, it would improve man but deteriorate the cat. Mark Twain
Truth is more of a stranger than fiction. Mark Twain
Necessity is the mother of taking chances. Mark Twain
Loyalty to a petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul. Mark Twain
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot of acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. Mark Twain
An occasional compliment is necessary to keep up one's self- respect. Mark Twain
Nathaniel Hawthorne and Mark Twain also wrote of nature, particularly the changeableness of New England weather.
I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain
I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain
Mark Twain quipped that every relevant fact known about the Stratford author would fit on a postcard, and another century of literary biography hasn't changed that.
Sunday Reading
I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain , American writer .
It is just like man's vanity and impertinence to call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull perceptions. Mark Twain
What would men be without women? Scarce, sir...mighty scarce. Mark Twain
The Spring River forms in Howell County of southcentral Missouri just a few miles south of the Eleven Point River and near the Mark Twain National Forest, then flows southward into Arkansas at Mammoth Springs in Fulton County.
Sholom Aleichem is known as the Jewish Mark Twain, but Bikel enlarges and ennobles the man in ways that turn the world's greatest Yiddish writer into the living embodiment of Huckleberry Finn -- keenly observing the end of the 19th Century in Europe and Russia, the dawn of Jewish life in America, and the incremental death of Yiddish culture that was foreshadowed in that migration.
Thane Rosenbaum: Tevye From Fiddler Back With Bikel
People speak of Mark Twain as a signal humourous writer.
He explains, for instance, polysyndeton : It is the repeated use of a conjunction, as in Mark Twain ' s a German daily is the slowest and saddest and dreariest of the inventions of man.
The Syntax of Style
Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. Mark Twain
Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. Mark Twain
I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain
The holy passion of friendship is so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring in nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. Mark Twain
Behind the broadcaster's hail-fellow-well-met demeanour and bluster lies an extremely astute and clued-in individual, who meets criticism of his television style with quotes from Mark Twain.
After leveling pistols, they absconded with more than a hundred dollars in cash, some jackknives and pencils, and a gold watch worth $300—Mark Twain said he valued it for sentimental reasons “above everything else I own.”
Mark Twain
I must have a prodigious amount of mind; it takes me as much as a week, sometimes, to make it up! Mark Twain
Finally, several years later, to complete the circle of poisoned feelings, Mark Twain broke with Edward House: “Reid had labeled him correctly; he was a blatherskite.”
Mark Twain
Loyalty to a petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul. Mark Twain
A few fly bites cannot stop a spirited horse. Mark Twain
Mark Twain had been a "mugwump" during the Blame-Cleveland campaign in 1880, which means that he had supported the independent Democratic candidate, Grover Cleveland.
The Boys' Life of Mark Twain
Soon after being seated, down the main aisle to his pew walked Mark Twain, 24 with his big head of bushy hair.
Above all, I love Mark Twain.
Anti-imperialists like Mark Twain advocated a return to isolationism.
What Would Wilson Do?
The idea of facing a discerning Eastern audience gave Sam the fantods, but he said yes, and Frank Fuller joined Charles Henry Webb on the Mark Twain multimedia express, as his lecture manager.
Mark Twain
I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can't find anybody who can tell me what they want. Mark Twain
How did Mark Twain end up fighting against forced labor in the Belgian Congo?
Originally named the Mark Twain Steamboat when the park opened in 1955, the stately, 5/8-scale stern-wheeler was the first functional riverboat to be built in the United States for fifty years.
Mark Twain Riverboat | Papercraft Paradise | PaperCrafts | Paper Models | Card Models
Mark Twain scores lower than Reader's Digest in one calculation, because, I'm guessing, he likes to insert periods, spices things up with some very short sentences, and edits out stuffy polysyllabic words.
The secret to getting ahead is getting started. Mark Twain
Noise proves nothing, Often a hen who has laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid. Mark Twain
With his experimental "metafiction" - spoofing literary conventions, leaving sentences dangling, writing an entire novel ( "Gold Fools") in the form of questions - he seemed to place himself squarely in the postmodernist camp; but his ear for American, especially New York, speech, and his attention to the spirit of place and compassion for the average loser, all defined him as a kindred spirit of such great American humorists as Mark Twain and Peter De Vries.
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Elena Wright portrayed Emily Hutchings the woman who introduced Pearl Curran to the ouija board and subsequently tried to imitate Curran's success with Patience Worth by claiming to have channeled the creation of a novel written by Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain after his death.
George Heymont: Living in Parallel Universes
The Bible has noble poetry in it... And some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies. Mark Twain
Mark Twain deadpanned that Americans held their presidents to a standard few mortals could meet.
Untruth and Consequences
Thus, Brooks lumps 1601 with Mark Twain's "bawdry," and interprets it simply as another indication of frustration.
A banker is a fellow who lends his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain. Mark Twain
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. Mark Twain
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain
Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with. Mark Twain
When people do no respect us we are sharply offended; yet in his private heart no man much respects himself. Mark Twain
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Mark Twain
The Bible is a mass of fables and traditions, mere mythology. Mark Twain
When Harper's Magazine was looking for somebody to put on the cover of their sesquicentennial issue alongside Mark Twain, there was you.
He once wrote of me as "lunkheaded" in an erudite Mark Twain-referencing critique [thankfully no longer on the internet] of something I had written about him involving the words "incipient" and "imminent.
My Fault: Apologies to David Frum!
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain
You can see the influence the Marx Brothers and Krazy Kat and Mark Twain had on Pogo and its love of silly grammatical puns and Southern dialect.
Michael Giltz: Books: Well, Dog My Cats! Comic Strip Masterpiece "Pogo" Gets Dee-luxe Treatment!
The secret to getting ahead is getting started. Mark Twain
When people do no respect us we are sharply offended; yet in his private heart no man much respects himself. Mark Twain
A clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory. Mark Twain
Learn to ride a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live. Mark Twain
The principle of give and take is the principle of diplomacy - give one and take ten. Mark Twain
The Mormons when they send missionaries to try to convert people will tell people to do "the Moroni Test" wherein you read the Book of Mormon (or attempt to do so, Mark Twain called it "cloroform in print") and then pray about it, whence apon, so they say a still small voice will assure you as to the B of M's veracity.
Friendly religious questions for Christians and other monotheists
Go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company. Mark Twain
Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. Mark Twain
People speak of Mark Twain as a signal humourous writer.
Above all, I love Mark Twain.
Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep 'til noon. Mark Twain
Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it. Mark Twain
I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain
This year, a century after Mark Twain's death in 1910, the University of California Press is posthumously publishing "The Autobiography of Mark Twain," a three-volume 'unexpurgated' collection that promises never-before-seen glimpses into a man who continues to defy hard-lined definitions.
Apartment Therapy Main
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain
Mark Twain has certainly made a stronger impression than many authors whose "sixthly" follows more inevitably.
History of American Literature
Learn to ride a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live. Mark Twain
“This nonsense was created,” Hershel Parker points out, “when Mark Twain agreed to drop, from between the two paragraphs, the raftsman episode, which contained the reason for the decision not to ask anyone else but just to watch out for the town.”
Archive 2009-10-01
She warn't ever the same, after that; she never complained, but she kind of pined away and did not live long. hat was bugging Mark Twain in 1876, to make him think up the benighted village of Deer Lick?
The Atlantic | July/August 2001 | Mark Twain's Reconstruction | Blount Jr.
Truth is the most valuable thing we have, so I try to conserve it. Mark Twain
Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. Mark Twain
God: The most popular scapegoat for our sins. Mark Twain
Better a broken promise than none at all. Mark Twain
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot of acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. Mark Twain
A nation is only an individual multiplied. Mark Twain
Classic' - a book which people praise and don't read. Mark Twain
Drag your thoughts away from your troubles... by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it. Mark Twain
Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. Mark Twain
For many of us gallery-goers, this is as close as we will ever get to the insides of ordinary African-American homes — their touches of sometimes garish comfort gone, as Mark Twain wrote of the wreck of a raft, "all to smash and scatteration.
After Katrina
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot of acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. Mark Twain
If they can find a way to knock out that gene in the cherimoya, it could bring Mark Twain's favorite fruit, and many others, to a grocery store near you.
But I am even more offended by the prospect that Mark Twain's classic work will be expurgated, rewritten by someone who wants to shield readers from the book's original language.
Ravitch: The chutzpah of rewriting Mark Twain (and how it relates to "The Wire")
Mark Twain is my favorite author.
Learn to ride a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live. Mark Twain
I have never let schooling interfere with my education. Mark Twain
the writings of Mark Twain are pseudonymous
The holy passion of friendship is so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring in nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. Mark Twain
Nothing could be whiter; nothing could be purer; nothing could be saintlier of aspect, wrote Mark Twain on his 1891 visit.
Richard Bangs: Here Be Dragons: Mt. Pilatus in Switzerland
In the North, they would be swimming, roaming the wilderness, playing video games, or otherwise skylarking - or so Mark Twain implies.
For the hero of Mark Twain's story things came a relatively easily, but the rest of us must rely on the ‘miracle’ of compound interest.
The human race has one really effective weapon,[Sentence dictionary] and that is laughter. Mark Twain
Jake Montagnino, 12, a slight seventh-grader at Mark Twain Junior High on Coney Island, cited Mahler's Eighth among his favorite pieces, as well as Bernstein's Mass and "Lord of the Rings," in which, he said matter-of-factly, he'll be singing a solo at the end.
Raising Their Voices as One
It is perfectly clear that Mark Twain admires this disgusting scoundrel.
Mark Twain: The Licensed Jester
People speak of Mark Twain as a signal humourous writer.
For the majority of us, the past is a regret, the future an experiment. Mark Twain
The holy passion of friendship is so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring in nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. Mark Twain
This line aroused such fury in the local church matrons that Mark Twain thought it was time ‘to get lost - so I absquatulated.’
Mark Twain is my favorite author.
It is better to be a young June-bug than an old bird of paradise. Mark Twain
The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. Mark Twain
Mark Twain is accredited with the comment, ‘golf is a good walk spoiled’.
Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. Mark Twain
In fact, Mark Twain once said, ‘There are few things that are so unpardonably neglected in our country as poker… Why, I have known clergymen, good men, kindhearted, liberal, sincere, and all that, who did not know the meaning of a ‘flush’.
The holy passion of friendship is so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring in nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. Mark Twain
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot of acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. Mark Twain
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. Mark Twain
Go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company. Mark Twain
I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain , American writer .
I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain , American writer .
The Bible is a mass of fables and traditions, mere mythology. Mark Twain
The holy passion of friendship is so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring in nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. Mark Twain
He once wrote of me as "lunkheaded" in an erudite Mark Twain-referencing critique thankfully no longer on the internet of something I had written about him involving the words "incipient" and "imminent.
Steve Clemons: My Fault: Apologies to David Frum!
An occasional compliment is necessary to keep up one's self- respect. Mark Twain
The three dominant figures of the period are William Howells, Mark Twain, and Henry James.
Mark Twain used it twice: “lamming the lady” in 1855 and “lam like all creation” in 1865, both clearly meaning “to beat.”
No Uncertain Terms
The Bible has noble poetry in it... And some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies. Mark Twain
I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain
The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself. Mark Twain
Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand. Mark Twain
Somebody said that my short novels could stand up to Mark Twain's.
As the title sketch of a Mark Twain collection, its popularity was practically guaranteed in advance.
Mark Twain
In America nearly every man has his dream, his pet scheme, whereby he is to advance himself socially or pecuniarily," Mark Twain wrote in the preface to the London edition of "The Gilded Age" 1873, hoping to explain the idiosyncrasies of the American boom to wondering Brits.
New India, Old Schemes
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. Mark Twain
History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Mark Twain
The satirical structure and style of the novel are suggested by an epigraph from Mark Twain's travel book.
Mark Twain considered his mother the deepest of pietists.
The Mississippi River has been fortunate in its chroniclers: Mark Twain's "Life on the Mississippi," Ron Powers's "White Town Drowsing" (about Hannibal, Mo., the town where Twain grew up) and John Barry's "Rising Tide" (about flooding on the Lower Mississippi in the early 20th century) are just three among many fine books on what T.S. Eliot called the "strong brown god.
Lee Sandlin's "Wicked River: The Mississippi," reviewed by Dennis Drabelle
We are all alike on the inside. Mark Twain
Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. Mark Twain
The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot. Mark Twain
Once in those days Mark Twain banteringly offered to trade businesses with Mackay.
Mark Twain: A Biography
The Bible has noble poetry in it... And some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies. Mark Twain
In his time, Mark Twain bridled over French claims of superiority.
Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination. Mark Twain
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. Mark Twain
Several of Mark Twains books are bound to survive, because they contain invaluable social history.
Mark Twain: The Licensed Jester
Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with. Mark Twain
Mark Twain claimed never to have coined a word as far as he knew, though historical dictionaries list him as the first user of many.
Go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company. Mark Twain
The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. Mark Twain
Howells would eventually worry about “so many dinners…so few books”20 in regard to his friend; but literature was not the point for Mark Twain now, and neither were escalloped oysters; the point was polemics, written fast and broadcast faster; and in this pursuit he excelled brilliantly.
Mark Twain
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience : this is the ideal life. Mark Twain
The headline above the title proclaimed, “Mark Twain—More of Him.”
Mark Twain
To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did. I ought to know because I've done it a thousand times. Mark Twain
The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation. Mark Twain
For the majority of us, the past is a regret, the future an experiment. Mark Twain
The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. Mark Twain
I believe that our Heavenly Father invented man because he was disappointed in the monkey. Mark Twain
In the closing years of the 19th century, Mark Twain, shocked by chauvinist reactions to the rebellion, sounded the alarm.
Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand. Mark Twain
It is just like man's vanity and impertinence to call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull perceptions. Mark Twain
A clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory. Mark Twain
Mark Twain was a frequent visitor in the early 1900s (‘the right country for a jaded man to loaf in,’ he said).
There was always something divided about Samuel Langhorne Clemens, a psychological fault line implicit in his desire to be known professionally as " Mark Twain " and in the word twain itself.
The Adventures of Samuel Clemens