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How To Use Mariner In A Sentence

  • Looking through the casement was the visage of the mariner, no longer stern, but moved with unutterable emotion, and tears, yes, tears trickling down his weather-beaten cheeks. Edward Barnett; a Neglected Child of South Carolina, Who Rose to Be a Peer of Great Britain,—and the Stormy Life of His Grandfather, Captain Williams or, The Earle's Victims: with an Account of the Terrible End of the Proud Earl De Montford, the Lamen
  • Liqueurs commonly made this way include triple sec, cassis, Cointreau, Grand Mariner and so forth.
  • They had divers arsenals, or piratic harbors, as likewise watch towers and beacons, all along the sea-coast; and fleets were here received that were well manned with the finest mariners, and well served with the expertest pilots, and composed of swift sailing and light-built vessels adapted for their special purpose. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • You beautiful enigma, you Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, you little house on the prairie of the existential oversoul.
  • Ideas are like the stars --- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 
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  • Despite going to sea on a boat with no windows, no fantail, no helipad or even a hatch to allow in some tension-breaking fresh salt air, submariners are still sailors at heart.
  • Also, just before the Russian submariner opens the torpedo tube, he is asked "What do you think is in there? Stargate SG-1 Watchathon - 'Small Victories' (S04E01)
  • Blown in on the north-west monsoon without aid of any chart or astronomical observation, a thousand mariners, tide-driven, converge on the coral reefs.
  • Mariner and Dag Daughtry, while the trio of partners raged and bewailed. CHAPTER XIV
  • A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner
  • A mariner emerges from the hatchway and climbs the rigging, while below the boatswain and ship's master are thrown about on deck.
  • A mission involving three gliders would explore the composition and stratigraphy of the walls of Valles Marineris in ways not possible for orbiters and landers.
  • Ideas are like the stars --- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 
  • On the bases it "pressurizes" defenses, as Seattle Mariners manager Don Wakamatsu likes to say. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
  • Being a son of the wilderness, Owen Dugdale had probably never heard of the kindred terrors that used to lie in wait for the bold mariners of ancient Greece -- the rock and the whirlpool known as Scylla and Canoe Mates in Canada Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan
  • The Ancient Mariner was one, and there were some of Rudyard Kipling's and he loved The Idylls of the King – in especial Guinivere. Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • The decision of Government to send reinforcements to Ireland was mentioned as a prelude to the information from Vienna of the birth of a son to the Princess Nikolas: and then; having conjoined the two entirely heterogeneous pieces of intelligence, the composer adroitly interfused them by a careless transposition of the prelude and the burden that enabled him to play ad libitum on regrets and rejoicings; by which device the lord of Earlsfont might be offered condolences while the lady could express her strong contentment, inasmuch as he deplored the state of affairs in the sister island, and she was glad of a crisis concluding a term of suspense thus the foreign-born baby was denounced and welcomed, the circumstances lamented and the mother congratulated, in a breath, all under cover of the happiest misunderstanding, as effective as the cabalism of Prospero's wand among the Neapolitan mariners, by the skilful Irish development on a grand scale of the rhetorical figure anastrophe, or a turning about and about. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Also patron of lost souls and mariners.
  • The 21-year-old righthander was spectacular in his major league debut, throttling the Chicago White Sox over six-plus innings as the Mariners knocked off another division leader, 12-4, in the opener of a twi-night doubleheader. American League Baseball - Mariners vs. White Sox
  • The ancient Mariner earnestly entreateth the Hermit to shrieve him; and the penance of life falls on him. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  • Mariners 'Museum, as amended, in the event any attempt shall be made to merge said corporation with any other institution or institutions, or otherwise, or to alter or change the character of said corporation, the property of said corporation and the title thereto shall immediately pass to and vest in the University of Virginia. Board of Visitors minutes
  • The lighthouse at Portland Bill, a famous landmark on the promontory for mariners, stands 135 feet high and was built around 1903
  • [13] We must proceed from mastery of the discovered principles which the outlook of ancient mariners 'astronavigation reveal, as what we must know and employ as the principles which order the development of our universe in both the respectively very large and very small. LaRouche's Latest
  • Our mutual respect is born of the natural ties between mariners and a long and illustrious shared history.
  • For example, an interesting notice to mariners indicates the point at which the pole star dips below the horizon and thus is no longer visible.
  • Susana Baca (Grammy 2003) "The marinera is a dance of pair of extraordinary beauty, that represents a universal subject: the courtship of love. - Articles related to Gay travel to Lima, Peru: Easier than ever with LAN Airlines new service from SFO
  • This is the most natural and the most accurate measure of time for the navigator at sea and the unit of time adopted by the mariner is the apparent solar day. Lectures in Navigation
  • Ideas are like the stars --- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 
  • Despite a spirited effort from HMS Tireless the submariners lost the inaugural match but they are already looking forward to a return match and the chance to level the score.
  • With the Mariners and Yankees on satellite television every morning, the ratings for nighttime telecasts plummeted.
  • Ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 
  • But in the 1970s, the double whammy of radio telescopy and a Mariner 10 flyby revealed a wealth of details needing names. Archive 2008-09-01
  • What silly mariner in my ship hath not bought or begged mithridate or a pinch of achimenius wherewith to make good his voyage? Sir Mortimer
  • _Vanguard, Explorer, Discoverer; Pioneer III, _ which discovered the Van Allen layer in 1958, and _Pioneer IV, _ which went zooming past the Moon the following year and took up a solar orbit, and _Mariner II, _which got within twenty-one thousand miles of Venus in 1962, and _Ranger_ and _Surveyor_ and all the rest. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner
  • When introduced, the limits will only apply to recreational mariners when their vessel is under way and then only to those who are navigating the vessel.
  • Furthermore, this mariner is not going to Sydney, thank you. Chapter 9
  • His mariner 's charts, his life jackets, his compass, his flares, his inflatable life raft: all of it went. GALILEE
  • They had the hatches open, tackles aloft, and men at work below whilst the mariners of other countries would have been standing looking on and "jawing" upon the course to be taken. The Frozen Pirate
  • As we reached the middle of the sound opposite Armadale, there fell a dead calm; and the Betsey, more actively idle than the ship manned by the Ancient Mariner, dropped sternwards along the tide, to the dull music of the flapping sail. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • There are songs more tied to city life and more composed music: the waltz, the marinera and the zamacueca. W♥M
  • Two weeks later, having beaten the Yankees in an uproarious division series, they lost the American League Championship Series in six games to Cleveland, and the Mariners went home.
  • Ideal are like the stars --- we never reach them ,but like mariners , we chart our course by them.
  • A world War II wreck which is the final resting place of 690 British soldiers and sailors is to be moved to protect the lives of present day mariners.
  • Pinnas, they soncke the same and al the Mariners, and kept Landolpho, suffering him not to haue about him any kind of armure, not so much as an haberion. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • The seven candlesticks of gold, which he calls the polar light of Heaven itself, because they perform the same office for Christians that the polar star does for mariners, in guiding them to their port. Purgatory. Canto XXX
  • For generations mariners were the globalists of the working class, now they are fighting to protect our borders from its worst excesses.
  • A mariner must have his eye upon rocks and sands as well as upon the North Star.
  • The skill of a mariner is seen in a storm, and, in the distress of the ship, then is the proper time for him to exert himself. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The gallery is borrowing the massive transport from the Mariner's Museum in Newport News, Va. Next Spring, it's La Dolce D.C.
  • Ah, Bel-ustegui is as bad as El -ato, he feels his own weird obligation to carry on in German submariner slang, it is just precisamente a seagoing Tower of Babel here-the torpedo? why is he screaming about the torpedo? Gravity's Rainbow
  • 'Twas I that saved her and snatched her from beneath thy sword at the bidding of her father Zeus; for she his child must put on immortality, and take her place with Castor and Polydeuces in the bosom of the sky, a saviour to mariners. Orestes
  • As Schlesinger explains at pp. 156-59 of the Mariner Books edition: "What had been for a century and a half sporadic executive practice employed in very unusual circumstances was now in a brief decade hypostatized into sacred constitutional principle. Aziz Huq: Subpoenas and the Exercise of "Executive Privilege"
  • His senses responded only to the sonorous music of the woods; a steadfast wind ringing metallic melody from the pine-tops contented him as the sound of the sea does the sailor; and dear as the odors of the ocean to the mariner were the resinous scents of the forest to him. A Mountain Woman
  • Plans are being made to commemorate the famous clockmaker who solved a navigational puzzle that had cost countless mariners' lives.
  • Ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 
  • For all the broad side of our barke lay in the water, and we had much adoe to recouer it, but God of his mercy deliuered vs. Mariners here may doe you good seruice all the winter otherwayes: and merchants here will be gladder to ship their goods in vs giuing good fraight. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Helicopters fly in appalling weather to succour shipwrecked mariners.
  • With all of the starting spots filled, the Mariners may try to land a hitter who can share time in the outfield and come off the bench late in games.
  • Every ship had a few chart lockers, cabinets which contained the detailed maps by mariners since the first ships sailed out of sight of land.
  • He went bye with a waff of wind in his plaiding, and his haunch-man as he passed at a discreet distance got the double share of jibe and glunch from the mariners. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • This ancient method of greeting between mariners is a form of salute, based upon making the ship vulnerable.
  • The effect was electrical: the motion was carried by acclamation and there was a unanimous rush for the now wretched mariner whose false alarm at the masthead was the cause of our embarrassment, but on second thoughts it was decided to substitute Captain Troutbeck, as less generally useful and more undeviatingly in error. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales
  • A trained, fit submariner, possibly with breathing apparatus, might do it.
  • For example, working out the victualling requirements (a mariner's term for food), noting the restricted galley facilities, passage planning, navigation, radio communications and, of course, sailing the yacht.
  • Since medieval times, mariners have employed dead reckoning to navigate their vessels.
  • Ideal are like the stars --- we never reach them ,but like mariners , we chart our course by them.
  • The most famous was, of course, Christopher Columbus, a Genoese mariner sailing for Spain.
  • They send a chart daily to mariners by high-frequency radio facsimile and over the Internet.
  • Daughtry dashed into the cabin, came back with a pillow and three sheets, and, using the first as a pad and knotting the last together in swift weaver's knots, he left the Ancient Mariner safe and soft and took Michael back into his own arms. CHAPTER XV
  • The main saloon of the Mariner has a settee to starboard just inside the companionway and a convertible dinette to port.
  • Yes, there was muddle and delay, and many in Russia, not least families of those lost, will be asking questions about how the news came out, and whether international help at an earlier stage could have saved any of the submariners.
  • Their isles might be called sirens 'isles, not merely from the attraction they exerted on the passing mariner, but from the perils that awaited him on shore. In the South Seas
  • I remember my first few assignments analyzing journals written by conquistadors and sixteenth-century mariners involved in the African slave trade.
  • Joanne Mariner is a FindLaw columnist who learned a lot about animal rights from a basenji named Punk.
  • Ideal are like the stars --- we never reach them ,but like mariners , we chart our course by them.
  • This, the Mariner's heartsick and acknowledged disgust for non-human life, showed that he had not yet learned his lesson nor completed the penance that Life-in-Death had prepared for him.
  • As in a fiorm, when the Ship is in danger, if every Mariner (bould be bafie abode his own Cabbin, drefting and palming that, what infinite fottifh folly were it and is it notour caft? it werejuft with God to leave thee to thy felf hereafter) if chou wilt look fo ipuclyo thy felfe now. Irenicvm: To the Lovers of Truth & Peace ...
  • Seattle Mariners starting putcher Felix Hernandez reacts to the final out in his complete game against the Baltimore Orioles Wednesday, April 21, 2010, in Seattle. The News Tribune Blogs
  • The lock-out system is a reversible air-lock that enables submariners to leave the vessel, harvest pearls from the sea-bed, then return to the submarine.
  • [The ancient Mariner earnestly entreateth the Hermit to shrieve him; and the penance of life falls on him.] "O shrieve me, shrieve me, holy man! English Songs and Ballads
  • Foure Mariners were few enough to saile your barke, whereof at this present we haue but one, whose name is The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • One Response to "Game 134, Angels at Mariners" msb on September 2nd, 2009 3: 27 pm U.S.S. Mariner
  • Daughtry have sworn that he had seen a flash of anxiety break through the dream-films that bleared the Ancient Mariner's eyes. CHAPTER IX
  • So he stood waist-deep in the grass and looked regretfully across the rolling savannah and the soft-swelling foothills to the Lion's Head, a massive peak of rock that upreared into the azure from the midmost centre of Guadalcanar, a landmark used for bearings by every coasting mariner, a mountain as yet untrod by the foot of a white man. Chapter 23
  • In March, Serena delivered Serena® Mariner® (Project and Portfolio Management) on demand and later this year Serena will provide Agile Lifecycle Management tools as a service. India Press Release
  • Mariner Kemper now runs the multibank holding company that owns and operates 141 banks from Illinois to Arizona. Courtesy of Resource America Inc. ...
  • The knight's sword clattered from his hand, and the mariner scrambled to pick it up. The Day of the Tempest
  • A mariner must have his eye upon rocks and sands as well as upon the North Star.
  • The A's whomped the Mariners 12-3, won the American League West pennant and secured their place in the playoffs.
  • Ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 
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  • King also journeyed by camel and Land Rover through the Sahara, retracing the stumbling meanderings of the mariners, and verifying historical and geographical details.
  • Ah, sealed orders," the Ancient Mariner went on beamingly. CHAPTER XIV
  • Neither the Legs nor the Sailor cared for the gayety and the crowd of cities; the stout mariner’s home was in the puttock-shrouds of the old “Repudiator.” Burlesques
  • My husband is a surface sailor, but I have friends who are submariner wives and so know a little about the community. Women on Submarines? - SpouseBUZZ
  • Maddon brought in submariner Chad Bradford after Burrell's hit because Bradford is an extreme ground-ball pitcher. Phillies win chess match in resumption of Game 5
  • Monday, the fourth day of August, the aforesaid tempest en - dured still; and at afternoon, that day, the wind began to come large; but it blew so much, and the coasts were so jeopardous ot sands and rocks, that the same night the mariners durst not jeo - pard to take the sea, but lay still at anchor about the said isle. Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • And now, as to that blossomy peach-scent -- even while some floes were yet around me -- I was just like some fantastic mariner, who, having set out to search for Eden and the Blessed Islands, finds them, and balmy gales from their gardens come out, while he is yet afar, to meet him with their perfumes of almond and champac, cornel and jasmin and lotus. The Purple Cloud
  • If the ship never passed that way before, the captain is to give a small rundlet of wine, which, if he denies, the mariners may cut off the stem of the vessel. The Pirates of Panama or, The Buccaneers of America; a True Account of the Famous Adventures and Daring Deeds of Sir Henry Morgan and Other Notorious Freebooters of the Spanish Main
  • Intelligent mariners know how to calculate the force neceflary to break off (hort the main-matt of a man of war; and can judge whether 1 have exaggerated in ratine the velocity of the wind* is the raoft violent tempefts, at 150 feet in a fecond. The Monthly Review
  • Mariners and merchants made money managing the trade, carters and stevedores stowed staples on ships, and coopers created barrels to contain flour bound for the sea.
  • The Mariner's conceptuality is resonant in the sliminess of "a million million slimy things" (The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798), 4.230); a register picked up again in Sartre's disturbingly phobic Being and Nothingness (601-15) .13 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' as an Ambient Poem; a Study of a Dialectical Image; with Some Remarks on Coleridge and Wordsworth
  • To which the improbably-forearmed mariner can only reply: ‘Yer musches up some cabbidge and some carrikts, mate, and yer serves it with yer spinachk.’
  • ‘So many of the mariners of his day were extremely bigoted and prejudiced,’ he says.
  • Royal Fleet Auxiliary tanker Bayleaf has rescued five stricken mariners - and set them on their way with an unexpected bonus.
  • A mariner must have his eye upon rocks and sands as well as upon the North Star.
  • Since it was foul, we looked to you, who are called a mariner, to do so. Sir Nigel
  • Nonetheless, mariners landing in 1803 and 1822 found no inhabitants save ‘cormorants, petrels, gannets, man-of-war birds, and turtles weighing from five hundred to seven hundred pounds.’
  • Venice, Zante, Candie, and Zephalonia, and other the dominions of the Segniorie and State of Venice, and thereby haue made and mainteyned, and doe make and continually maintains diuers good shippes with mariners skilfull and fitte and necessarie for our seruice: and doe vent out of our Realme into those partes diuerse commodities of our Realme, and returne hither into our sayde Realme many good and necessarie commodities for the common wealth thereof: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The quaintly named Mariner's Haven is a new development from the house builders Local Homes.
  • The dispute if the site is Leifur Eiriksson's house in Vinland continues perpetually, but L'Anse aux Meadows would have been easy for Greenland mariners to find. Archive 2005-08-28
  • During the 17th and 18th centuries, there were other mariners shipwrecked or abandoned and subsequently rescued.
  • an ancient mariner
  • Of the 97 credentialed writers at the Mariners camp during spring training, 80 were Japanese.
  • Look at the sailor, called the mincer, who now comes along, and assisted by two allies, heavily backs the grandissimus, as the mariners call it, and with bowed shoulders, staggers off with it as if he were a grenadier carrying a dead comrade from the field. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • The Ancient Mariner was by now in agony, as he looked upon all those whom Death had taken.
  • [Sidenote: The ancient Mariner earnestly entreateth the Hermit to shrieve him; and the penance of life falls on him.] 'O shrieve me, shrieve me, holy man!' Rime of the ancient mariner
  • A mariner emerges from the hatchway and climbs the rigging, while below the boatswain and ship's master are thrown about on deck.
  • Also patron of infants and mariners.
  • The plant mariner-like elements were used as a monophyletic out-group, a position suggested by previous analyses.
  • Or, better yet – - break out Sub-Mariner, Captain America, Shanna, Dr. Strange and the Spider-Friends to re-enact scenes from 7 LITTLE SUPERHEROES! Six by 6 | Six comic book action figures that need to be made right now | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • At the part that translates "I am not a sailor, I am the captain" Yo no soy marinera, soy capitan, soy capitan, she sang, "I am not a secretary, I am the boss". La mandarina
  • The vse of the India ships is, that the patrones thereof are not at any charge neither with any passenger, not yet with any mariner in the ship, but that euery one at the beginning of the voyage doe furnish to maintaine his owne table (if he will eate) and for drinke they haue a great iarre of water, which is garded with great custodie. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Jean-Claude, our Breton steward, is a former submariner, merchant seaman and hotelier, and his charming character - occasionally lapsing into French as he discusses the menu - certainly helps on that score.
  • I always thought "submariner" and "sidearm" meant the same thing, interchangeable terms. Meet eri yoshida
  • Ancient Mariner assured him in beneficent cackles. CHAPTER IX
  • Human contact with the island is minor and infrequent, and the difficulty of access has spared the islands being "seeded" with livestock by passing mariners, as has been the fate of so may other islands in the Pacific and around the world. Malpelo Island xeric scrub
  • The Mariners and the Tigers scratch out their runs with bunts, strings of hits and a willingness to move the runners.
  • For hours he played on indefatigably, repeating his whole repertory of Frankish discords at least a score of times, and telling all who asked that he had acquired his skill in foreign music by instruction from the greatest living master of the art -- a certain English mariner named William. The Valley of the Kings
  • The rescued mariners were landed at Culdrose, where they were checked by the medical team and given a good breakfast and a chance to rest.
  • Ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 
  • Earlsfont might be offered condolences while the lady could express her strong contentment, inasmuch as he deplored the state of affairs in the sister island, and she was glad of a crisis concluding a term of suspense thus the foreign-born baby was denounced and welcomed, the circumstances lamented and the mother congratulated, in a breath, all under cover of the happiest misunderstanding, as effective as the cabalism of Prospero's wand among the Neapolitan mariners, by the skilful Irish development on a grand scale of the rhetorical figure anastrophe, or a turning about and about. Celt and Saxon — Complete
  • I remembered that I had often heard mariners speak of a miraculous bird called the roc, [52] and conceived that the great dome which I so much admired must be its egg. The Arabian Nights Entertainments
  • Ryder is akin to Coleridge, too, for there is a direct visional analogy between "The Flying Dutchman" and the excessively pictorial stanzas of "The Ancient Mariner. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • early mariners relied on the constancy of the trade winds
  • Kalumah when questioned confirmed all that the Lieutenant had said, so that it appeared probable that the island would be drifted to the south like a huge ice-floe, that is to say, to the narrowest part of Behring Strait, which is much frequented in the summer by the fishermen of New Archangel, who are the most experienced mariners of those waters. The Fur Country
  • The mariners spent the night in such shelter as they could find from the 30-knot winds, drenching squalls and menacing waves.
  • British submariners have been praised at home and in Russia for their successful rescue of seven men trapped in a midget submarine.
  • It was a heavy, leather-bound folio, the spine facing the audience, with the title The Rime of the Ancient Mariner etched in gilt onto it. EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT 2/5: The Bookman by Lavie Tidhar
  • Community-based documents identified him as a merchant dealing in building supplies, a mariner, and a saddler. Willett of the Day: Edward S. Willett, merchant
  • Accounts written by other mariners shipwrecked along the same coast chronicled brutal enslavement at the hands of ruthless desert nomads.
  • Perhaps these mariners were particularly skilled, sensitive to the marine environment, or just plain lucky.
  • The figure of the Ancient Mariner has been variously interpreted.
  • In considering William Wordsworth's sonnet "Composed upon Westminster Bridge" and Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the essay investigates the virtues and vices of ambience, as opposed to a more Burkean, "maximalist" view of the natural world. Abstracts
  • In fact, at a certain point Valens sang: "Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan. Patrizia Chen: La Bamba
  • The five staterooms of the cabin accommodated the three treasure-hunters, the Ancient Mariner, and the mate -- the latter a large-bodied, gentle-souled Russian-Finn, known as Mr. Jackson through inability of his shipmates to pronounce the name he had signed on the ship's articles. CHAPTER X
  • Ideal are like the stars --- we never reach them ,but like mariners , we chart our course by them.
  • The senior man, grey-bearded and once a master mariner himself, pulled down a register of ships" names and scanned through the C section. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Ideal are like the stars --- we never reach them ,but like mariners , we chart our course by them.
  • The dream that refuses to die is that one day humans will climb Olympus Mons, and descend into Marineris.
  • A mariner must have his eye upon rocks and sands as well as upon the North Star.
  • Two of the Navy's trio of offshore patrol ships were on hand to rescue stricken mariners in two incidents on the same day.
  • They are a race of nomads, mariners, wanderers and itinerants.
  • Next we visit a colony of sabre-toothed monsters that used to attack ships. At least those were the tales spun by early mariners who first sighted walrus.
  • Additionally well before any range activation, a notification will go in the papers as well as warnings to mariners and aircraft.
  • Visitors can try out a submariner's bunk, learn how to control the boat as it dives, look through the periscope, detect underwater sounds on a hydrophone, climb into a mock conning tower and operate an escape chamber.
  • Queen Noor of Jordan is backing an albatross aptly named The Ancient Mariner.
  • Comfort has 63 civilian mariners, 956 US Navy medical staff and 258 US Navy support staff.
  • He'd been a friend of my father, an old submariner, with breath that smelled of gin and false teeth. SNOWLINE
  • Thus the book, in the oldest of journalistic traditions, is "A True Confession" given majesty by the gigantic sums of money expended upon it by Doubleday and Hollywood; pathos by Talese's indication in interviews that he is uncertain how Mr.. Talese will react to public discussion of what Talese and "Talese" got up to; and absurdity by the last lines of the book in which Talese says that "Talese" returned to his childhood haunts in New Jersey, stripped his clothes off in a nudist colony on the shores of the Great Egg Harbor River and, regarded by bourgeois mariners, "looked back," with Mr. P presumably pendent and unashamed. Mr. P, Mrs. V, and Mr. T
  • But then I do not expect poetry to be accurate and never really believed the ancient mariner or the traveler from the antique land either.
  • On the equator there is little wind, mariners called this region the doldrums (after an old English word meaning dull) because they feared being stranded there.
  • The mariner sighted the objects along a rule called an alidade. Book review: Thunderer by Felix Gilman
  • Also patron of battle, the dead, mariners, paratroopers, police officers, and radiologists.
  • He is 6-11 of power pitcher and he’s gaining command of his stuff and clearly has matured from the brash and reckless high schooler the Mariners drafted in the first round a couple of years ago. Spring is time for rookies to shine
  • They established a chain of city-states and safe anchorages along the coast and became the first great commercial mariners, trading in spices, grains, dried and preserved foodstuffs, and wines.
  • Charles has actually planned a route across the Martian south pole using photographs taken by the Viking and Mariner probes.
  • A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner
  • It was just two months ago that Russian submariners joined half a dozen other nations in the largest submarine escape and rescue exercise ever.
  • The Mariners say they'll treat Hernandez's flexor-pronator strain with rest and rehab. Fickle pitching injuries leave fantasy owners in limbo
  • A major government project intended to rescue mariners in the 21st century may be in some need of rescue itself.
  • A mariner's diary of 1675 refers to the ducking from the yardarm of men entering the Straits for the first time, or being required to pay one dollar in lieu - and ducking remains an integral part of the modern ceremony in the Royal Navy.
  • Unlike the delicate quadrant, the mariner's astrolabe was a thick, weighty instrument typically made of cast bronze or brass.
  • The Mariners' outfield was a revolving door last season thanks to injuries and ineffectiveness.
  • They were in the Ancient Mariner's situation: thirsty and surrounded by water, none of it drinkable. THE QUEST FOR K
  • She and one guy (Eddie) escape in a "peddle"-powered (seriously, that's how it's spelled) submarine, and out in the ocean, they meet a strange zombie thing who calls himself Coleridge and is apparently curse-bound to recite "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (and, if you don't know it, holy crap is it a long poem!) to them. What I bought – 30 January 2008 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • He sat in the Mariners clubhouse not long ago, signing a few baseballs brought to him by coach John Moses.
  • Over the last two nights, we've seen Fox contributor Eric Byrnes and ESPN's Kenny Mayne paddle around McCovey Cove in kayaks in search of ... mariners | Comment | Recommend Baseball News: MLB & Fantasy Stories, Teams, Stats, Scores & Schedules
  • In The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, the mariner shoots an albatross and all the wind goes out of his sails.
  • Although it was not certain whether any submariners had survived, it took five days before other countries - in this case, Britain and Norway - were asked to provide help.
  • USS Gettysburg recently rescued four civilian mariners in distress at sea.
  • Mariners skipper Lou Piniella stormed out of the dugout and angrily argued, but got nowhere as he stalked from ump to ump, his cap in hand.
  • Fortunately, a mariner qualified to command the finished vessel had been with the project from the start.
  • Ech Mariner, so in that stound that they nothing did feare. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Separated, bought and sold numerous times, forced to travel hundreds of agonising miles, barefoot or bareback on camels, the mariners became human wrecks, starved, crippled, sick and sunburnt.
  • E per mancargli le vettovaglie, dopo molti mesi giunto navigando, assegna essergli stato forza tornare da quello in questo emisperio; e in sette mesi suto in viaggio mostrare grandissimo ed accelerato cammino, aver fatto cosa miranda e massima a chi intende la marinera del mondo. The Voyage of Verrazzano A Chapter in the Early History of Maritime Discovery in America
  • The submariners of World War One were true pioneers of submarine warfare, especially on this scale.
  • Note: Quisenberry converted from sidearmer to submariner in 1980. The Neyer/James Guide To Pitchers
  • Ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 
  • But now mariners could see, dwarfing the tower, the huge rectangular bulk of Larksoken Power Station.
  • Ideas are like the stars --- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 
  • The guests are met, the feast is set: may'st hear the merry din - and the celebrated performance of the stage adaptation of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner began. EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT 2/5: The Bookman by Lavie Tidhar
  • The permanent pictures - his mother, the planetologist who had been his mentor, the camp at Valles Marineris on Mars, where he did his first real work - and the screenings - currently a female nude and an abstract pattern - were as foreign to en as the chairs or the bottle of cognac or the laundry tossed into a corner. Starfarers
  • Today the morality tale of this York shipwrecked mariner is republished as ‘classic summer reading’.
  • Only one space probe has visited Mercury, Mariner 10, which made three fly-bys of the planet in 1974 and 1975.
  • Although he was obviously a submariner, he was also a qualified aviator who frequently piloted the Flying Sub.
  • But we have to seek the great westerly winds well south of the Cape, and that for a mariner is a far harder task. Morgan’s Run
  • They cruised around the inshore reefs, protected from the northern desert wind and the waves that made the Red Sea infamous with international mariners plying the open water between the Indian Ocean and the Suez Canal.
  • His father, having grown up as the latest in a long line of sailors, earned the title master mariner when Addison was less than a year old. Building Beachwood, Part One « Beachwood Historical Alliance

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