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How To Use Marijuana In A Sentence

  • As the increase of THC is pumped into the bloodstream, there are no measurable tools to indicate the level of what might be considered an intoxicated level for marijuana, and any classification of such a level [one toke] could be considered illegal and on par with alcohol? 2008 June 28 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Siva's devotees are forbidden to use drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, psychedelics and marijuana, unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
  • An Ohio appellate court last week reversed a lower court ruling that the city's pernicious treatment of marijuana users was unconstitutional under state law.
  • Barack Obama was near perfect on marijuana com mpp. org MPP has responded 7 months and 10000 views of this video later. - Articles related to Green Celebrity Real Estate: Former NYC apartment of U.S. President Barack Obama for rent
  • Was it his son's fault for smoking marijuana and skunk? The Times Literary Supplement
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  • This may have been a simple inconsistency in their responses or an indication that some youthful blunt smokers either do not know or do not define blunts as containing marijuana.
  • Although marijuana is technically illegal, personal consumption is arguably decriminalized due to the ‘ban on excessive punishment’ written into German law.
  • He was addicted to a stronger strain of skunk cannabis but demand for it won't disappear if marijuana is legalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to marijuana, cocaine, and crack cocaine, the illicit drugs reported in the survey included hallucinogens, heroin, inhalants, and psychotropics.
  • No significant differences were found in the use of marijuana or methamphetamine across rural areas.
  • He had an hour-long tirade using everything from Play-doh, livestock, loose leaf paper, a sword swallower, and a Ronald Reagan mannequin smoking a marijuana cigarette in opposition to Gaga. Bil Browning: Michael Steele Trying to Recruit Lady Gaga?
  • The 50 trimmers at this clandestine grow site work 16-hour days for three weeks, hand-trimming top-grade marijuana destined for medical marijuana patients and dispensaries in San Francisco.
  • Half of them had been arrested following the discovery of marijuana and LSD in saleable quantities. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • On doctors' recommendations, he uses marijuana to relieve symptoms of these illnesses.
  • Our intuition tells us that using drugs use such as heroin, cocaine, psychedelics, hashish, and even marijuana and alcohol can have serious effects on our personal life and may have broader detrimental impacts on society at large.
  • The dark tans were replaced with cocaine, the blond hair with alcohol, and the picture-perfect smiles with marijuana.
  • Then you achieve consensus that the illegal traffic in marijuana, cocaine and heroin, principally, creates its own trillion-dollar economy.
  • What if she was like most 17-year-olds and had experimented with marijuana or speed or ecstasy?
  • In one example from Hayward California, a well-known marijuana patient with an unusual immune disease died from repeated exposure to the miticide Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • If people are allowed to smoke themselves senseless on marijuana, why shouldn't they be free to inject heroin or freebase crack?
  • A subsequent search of the vehicle uncovered an unsmoked marijuana cigarette, the spokesman said, adding that Garfunkel, 63, had been ordered to appear in court on Sept. 22.
  • Rubio, now 57, was convicted in 1972 of possession with intent to distribute marijuana.
  • Rastas, numbering only in the hundreds of thousands, recognize Haile Selassie I as God incarnate, and believe that marijuana is a gateway to spiritual enlightenment. Frank Fredericks: Protecting Pastafarians: When Does Religious Freedom Become Ridiculous?
  • Ed Norton stars in this film about twin brothers -- one a professor at Brown University, the other a redneck -- who come back together in Oklahoma when the ne'er-do-well, marijuana-dealing brother is implicated in a criminal matter. Ed Koch: Leaves of Grass (A Mayor Koch Review)
  • Which again begs the question of why we give hate a chance with military solutions rather than cooperation and development (and possibly wider use of marijuana). The Macroeconomics of Love: A Valentine’s Day Analysis - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Drugs for which subjects were tested included cocaine, opiates, marijuana, phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, methaqualone, methadone, propoxyphene, barbiturates, and amphetamines.
  • This suggested that marijuana use was not a necessary precursor to use of crack, powder cocaine, or heroin.
  • The international cocaine trade re-emerged in Colombia in the 1970s, courtesy of a mafia which cut its teeth on contraband whiskey, marijuana and luxury goods.
  • Marijuana is a pistillate hemp plant that yields cannabin and DOES NOT DRY UP AFTER ITS GROWING SEASON.
  • The marijuana is allegedly grown in Jamaica. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sources tell TMZ that she was smoking the psychedelic herb salvia, which is legal in California, not marijuana. Miley Cyrus Parties With A Bong (VIDEO)
  • And is there a clear difference between the effects of legacy marijuana and skunk? Times, Sunday Times
  • It has decriminalized medical marijuana, legalized assisted suicide and earlier this year, began granting marriage licenses to same-sex couples in the Portland area.
  • It called for a free vote on marijuana, and also for possible referendums on abortion and the restoration of capital punishment.
  • Iverson was charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana and possession of firearms with a controlled substance.
  • That arrest occurred Tuesday in Spring Valley, New York, according to a DEA official, two of the agency's undercover agents make what they call a controlled delivery of marijuana to Sean James Timoney at a hotel there. CNN Transcript Nov 3, 2005
  • Another passenger, Damon D.. Stewart, 24, also of Hampton, was charged with possession of marijuana.
  • The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, actually makes people hyper and inattentive, which is exactly what parents of children with ADHD are trying to avoid. Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories
  • Add to that a covert operation to score some marijuana for his dad's glaucoma, and, well, it's needless to say this day doesn't end well.
  • decontrol marijuana
  • Federal and local governments are liberalizing drug laws, decriminalizing marijuana and allowing safe-injection centers to open in Vancouver.
  • While marijuana isn't included among the 2,000-odd plants and minerals that Kuo keeps in stock, he says that it is nonetheless part of the traditional Chinese pharmacopoeia.
  • Investigators said he was smoking marijuana and inhaling paint thinners when a burning candle ignited the fumes.
  • But support for decriminalizing marijuana was low among evangelicals. Christianity Today
  • She lit up and Geoffrey could smell the pungent aroma of what he guessed must be Marijuana.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'How many marijuana plants make a grow-op? OpEdNews - Quicklink: How many marijuana plants make a grow-op? Vancouver police speak out by Josh Wingrove
  • And there's Bill Lee, a.k.a. "Spaceman," an iconoclastic cult hero to college-age Boston fans in the late '70s, a quintessentially flaky southpaw who once boasted of sprinkling marijuana on his breakfast cereal -- before the buttoned-down Red Sox brass exiled him to the Montreal Expos, in whose uniform he is (sadly) pictured in the card collection. FOUND: Lots and lots of baseball cards
  • They have loved ones who have had suffered from substance abuse; many of them from marijuana dependency, many poly-drug dependency that started with marijuana. CNN Transcript May 6, 2009
  • From what foul depths could have crawled a man who'd drive well above the speed limit, intoxicated by both alcohol and demon marijuana?
  • The use of synthetic marijuana, which often is called "spice" after a popular brand name, is rising at an alarming rate across the military, commanders say. Synthetic marijuana widely used at Naval Academy, some midshipmen say
  • JASON IRWIN, MEDICAL MARIJUANA ENTREPRENEUR: The growers deal with a lot of the poundage, which is where the dollars are. CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2009
  • The most common drug abuse disorders involved marijuana, followed by cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens, opioids, sedatives, tranquilizers, and inhalants.
  • Alec Baldwin appears to be channeling the hammier aspects of his current role on "30 Rock", and Steve Martin gives an oddly muted performance that only comes to life during a brief party sequence involving marijuana. Home Theater Forum
  • Is the baby boomer electorate so puritanical that they would punish progressive politicians who voiced support for liberalizing or legalizing intoxicants, or simply marijuana?
  • WATERFORD (AP) - Federal and local authorities say they have found hundreds of marijuana plants in a raid on a Waterford home. News from
  • The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld marijuana as a dangerous drug with a high potential for abuse.
  • Behind them is a huge marijuana plant. Times, Sunday Times
  • I believe that it should be another misdemeanor to smoke marijuana under the age of 21.
  • The indicator for each time interval is whether or not respondents reported having used marijuana, cocaine, or hallucinogens.
  • You may have heard it called marijuana, weed or hash but it is still cannabis, a natural drug that comes from a plant.
  • It tells the true story of a retiring couple who rent out their farmhouse, only to discover their tenant has turned it into a marijuana grow-op.
  • Many believe the decentralizing economic power of hemp is the real reason its corporate industrial competitors want marijuana to stay illegal. Harvey Wasserman: Legal Pot or Bust!
  • Marijuana and inebriant use in general was considered to be Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • This concerns me, because if my roommate is caught with marijuana in the room I can get in trouble as well. Ask Amy
  • I am pumped full of drugs: methadone, morphine, opium, marijuana, the whole lot.
  • The use and sale of marijuana remains illegal.
  • She’d only have to hear the word marijuana and be on the phone to We Tip. The Owl and Moon Cafe
  • For example, besides the physiological detriments, cigarette use often precedes marijuana and alcohol use and is concurrent with other risk behaviors such as fighting.
  • A few moments later I heard the scratch of a match against a striker, then smelled the sweet acrid aroma of marijuana.
  • They also found a stash of cocaine, marijuana and a weighing scale. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, with the facts in place, how can the government ignore them any longer and keep marijuana illegal?
  • For millions of Americans, the word "marijuana" is hard-wired to the part of their brain that divides the human population into those who went to Woodstock and those who went to Viet Nam. News
  • Chocolate is also a source of several mood-elevating constituents, including tryptophan (precursor to serotonin), anandamide (a natural brain chemical very similar to the cannabinoids in marijuana), theobromine (far milder cousin to caffeine), phenylethylamine and magnesium. Dr. Nicholas Perricone: How Sweet It Is: Good News About Chocolate and Cocoa
  • Siva's devotees are forbidden to use drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, psychedelics and marijuana, unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
  • In college I abused alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and other drugs socially, at parties.
  • Im 100% for the use of marijuana (or heroin for that matter) for strictly medical purposes, the benefits of both are well documented but until people can learn to act responsibly and use the drugs we already have responsibly and not turn up for work boozed or stoned (a stoned man driving a forklift is a truely terrifying thing), then I think shings should stay as they are. TPN :: GDay World
  • Two people were charged with possessing or using marijuana in places of worship. via Arbroath Statistics Prove Australians Are Safer In Strip Clubs Than Church | Impact Lab
  • : The term medical marijuana took on dramatic new meaning in February, 2000 when researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. RVABlogs
  • This witness also admitted to being high on crack cocaine, marijuana and beer the night of the killing.
  • Jeff Wells analogizes it all to a marijuana haze.
  • In Spain, there is now a robust supply of both Moroccan hashish and homegrown marijuana of increasing variety and quality.
  • Marijuana also accounts for many mental disorders, including panic attacks, flashbacks, delusions, depersonalisation, depression and uncontrollable hostility.
  • Drug warriors frequently remind us that there are few cocaine or heroin addicts who did not smoke marijuana first.
  • If sellers remain outlawed, the government presumably has a responsibility to uphold laws prohibiting marijuana sales. Matthew Yglesias » The Virtue of Quasi-Legal Status for Marijuana
  • And I grant you, smoking is a very efficient way to get mind-altering drugs such as nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, or heroin into the bloodstream and hence to the brain.
  • Typically, we call the National Guard and use one of their helicopters in the summer during the (marijuana) growing season to search areas. News | LD |
  • I had acquainted myself with marijuana and hash a long time before I moved to Amsterdam.
  • In Ibiza you are allowed two marijuana plants per house for home consumption. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ed Norton stars in this film about twin brothers -- one a professor at Brown University, the other a redneck -- who come back together in Oklahoma when the ne'er-do-well, marijuana-dealing brother is implicated in a criminal matter. Ed Koch: Leaves of Grass (A Mayor Koch Review)
  • When the staff searched his luggage (standard procedure for new patients), they found a stash of marijuana, pain killers, hallucinatory mushrooms, you name it.
  • Somebody that looks towards government solutions over free markets should not be using the term libertarian in describing themselves, simply because they feel it's cool to be for gay marriage and legalized marijuana as well .. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • All this fun resulted in Donovan becoming the first pop star to be done for marijuana possession.
  • They must pay for these classes and take whiz quizzes to make sure they remain on the path of righteousness and not recidivate back into the dangerous world of marijuana abuse. The War on Sense
  • Supporters of this social movement share a diffuse ideology that sees marijuana and hashish as natural and benign drugs and their use as legitimate.
  • What medical marijuana does, also called tetrahydrocannabinol, is it mimics those effects. CNN Transcript Nov 29, 2004
  • Would your son feel comfortable about declaring that alcohol and marijuana were not allowed at his party? You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • Marijuana, hashish, and hashish oil are obtained from the plant Cannabis sativa, which grows in tropical and temperate climates.
  • Over the last few years marijuana has gradually lost its 70s image as a harmless drug.
  • New Jersey passed a law last year to legalize medical marijuana, but possession of up to 50 grams for nonmedical purposes still is punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. Connecticut Moves to Cut Pot Penalties
  • In doing so, they expose themselves to marijuana which may be contaminated with adulterants and mould.
  • OpEdNews - Quicklink: How many marijuana plants make a grow-op? OpEdNews - Quicklink: How many marijuana plants make a grow-op? Vancouver police speak out by Josh Wingrove
  • That report showed there were more suspects arrested in 1999 on charges involving marijuana than for powder or crack cocaine.
  • Controlled dosing is one of the challenges facing the world of medical marijuana as it explores cannabidiol (CBD) strains.
  • Dave N.: On the other hand, the time the police brought me 6 bales of marijuana — that had literally been put through a hay baling machine — I felt the person transporting it deserved not only a felony but also a prison sentence. The Volokh Conspiracy » As Predicted, New Justice Department Policy Didn’t Stop Federal Medical Marijuana Arrests in States Where Medical Marijuana is Legal Under State Law
  • Half of them had been arrested following the discovery of marijuana and LSD in saleable quantities. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • Edwin was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and marijuana induced psychotic disorder.
  • Study participants were asked separate questions about their use of crack cocaine, powder cocaine, heroin, speedball, methadone, other opiates, amphetamine, marijuana, and a catch-all ‘other drugs’ category.
  • Three percent of the sample indicated ever having used illicit drugs at this time; again, the most frequently cited category by far was marijuana, hash, or weed.
  • A pound of "primo" marijuana from the business ran $4,409, while a quarter-ounce of regular marijuana was $40, the sheriff's office said. - News
  • There were times when he would spend all of his money on speed or marijuana and get so high his mind would blur and all he could think about was having a another dosage.
  • The active drug in marijuana, the part that makes you high, is called tetrahydrocannabinol, THC. CNN Transcript Mar 26, 2009
  • HAMMER: OK, so will there be any backlash with Michael Phelps ` marijuana mishaps, with his doobie disaster, his bong blowup, his dope, dopiness? CNN Transcript Feb 2, 2009
  • A soldier stands over an altar in a camp used by marijuana growers during a marijuana destruction operation in the Sierra de Juarez in Ensenada, Mexico on Thursday Sept. 30, 2010.
  • Was it his son's fault for smoking marijuana and skunk? The Times Literary Supplement
  • On Bob Marley: "Marley, as Toynbee writes, was initially skeptical about Perkins's contribution, but came around on hearing the subtle color his work added; he signaled his approval by offering Perkins a draw on his personal marijuana cigar (or 'spliff'). Light reading
  • The man was later identified as Bryon Womack, 43 of Cicero, and is being held at Lake County Jail for charges of attempted carjacking, resisting law enforcement and possession of marijuana. News -
  • GREELEY - Greeley police arrested a woman after she admitted allowing her 8-year-old son to smoke marijuana several times, in addition to giving him Percocet, a prescription painkiller, for his headaches. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • While my fellow students went around wearing dreadlocks in their white kid hair, playing Frisbee golf and hackeysack, and composting their trash for their marijuana plants, I ordered cheeseburgers in the dining hall. Meredith Lopez: A Made Mom
  • Alaska's ballot measure attempts to legalize marijuana for adults 21 and older.
  • Perhaps I’m missing some, but I think the one area where Matt has not been sufficiently excoriated is the relative danger marijuana. Matthew Yglesias » Marijuana Legalization as a Revenue Enhancer
  • The country is likely to legalise marijuana after a bill was approved by the coalition government. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they also voted to legalise marijuana. The Sun
  • It is grown to produce the narcotic drugs hashish and marijuana, made primarily from its female flowers.
  • Cocaine and marijuana were found in her body. The Sun
  • Here in the Denver-Boulder area, medical marijuana dispensaries are as ubiquitous as Starbucks with provocative names like Dr. Reefer and Ganja Gourmet. Has the US Reached A Tipping Point On Pot?
  • He was consuming drugs on a daily basis, including LSD, peyote, marijuana, and speed.
  • Marijuana has few withdrawal effects, and this has given rise to the mistaken belief that it is not addictive.
  • Marijuana should be legalized
  • Cannabinoids have been known for many, many thousands of years, things like marijuana and hashish, both for medicinal purposes as well as just for pleasure.
  • Drugs for which subjects were tested included cocaine, opiates, marijuana, phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, methaqualone, methadone, propoxyphene, barbiturates, and amphetamines.
  • The most important consequence of marijuana's slow excretion is that it can be detected in blood, urine, and tissue long after it is used, and long after its psychoactivity has ended. Reuters: Top News
  • They then took marijuana, cocaine and ecstasy and did it again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prodigiously gifted character actress Margo Martindale Million Dollar Baby heads up the clan as Mags Bennett, a marijuana queenpin who seamlessly slides between warm-hearted affection and cold-blooded murder. Cheers & Jeers: Justified's Great Big Bads
  • Half of them had been arrested following the discovery of marijuana and LSD in saleable quantities. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • Gettman, who teaches at Shenandoah University and lives in Lovettsville, Va., calls it the "atomization" of marijuana cultivation that fuels a singularly American fixation for growing crops to maximize yield. Boutique buds: What underground mom-and-pop growers did while we debated legalization
  • Supporters called it an effort to help the ill obtain marijuana to relieve nausea, chronic pain and other maladies.
  • Some cases are due to congenital syndromes and others may be related to drug use such as steroids or marijuana.
  • Maharaj believes that educating the public on the harmful effects of smoking marijuana is the key to deterring people from experimenting with this drug.
  • LSD use also produces tolerance for other hallucinogenic drugs such as psilocybin and mescaline, but not to drugs such as marijuana, amphetamines, and PCP, which do not act directly on the serotonin receptors affected by LSD.
  • R.cky R. Hernandez, 36, 202 Cherry St.Apt. A2, Mendota, Tuesday, possession of drug equipment and marijuana 30 grams and less, violation of an order of protection. The Times Today's News
  • In a March 2003 interview, he did not say exactly when a bill will reach Parliament, but stressed that decriminalizing marijuana - called ganja in Jamaica - will be within a limited scope.
  • Univariate analysis shows dissensus rather than consensus in attitudes and perceptions and that, with the exception of marijuana, control attitudes toward drug use reflect the existing legal code.
  • He and his colleagues worked among row upon row of Afghan kush and about three dozen other varieties available at one of Washington's first legal marijuana farms.
  • In addition to marijuana, cocaine, and crack cocaine, the illicit drugs reported in the survey included hallucinogens, heroin, inhalants, and psychotropics.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Sen. Webb puts marijuana legalization \'on the table\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Speaking to CNN on Thursday morning in an effort to whip up political support for his prison reform proposals, Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) insisted that marijuana legalization should be "on the table."' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Sen. Webb puts marijuana legalization 'on the table'
  • It is grown to produce the narcotic drugs hashish and marijuana, made primarily from its female flowers.
  • In Colorado, a growing number of marijuana dispensaries are going upscale, launching sophisticated "wellness centers" that look like spas and putting them at odds with the traditional hippie-yippie, buck-the-system stoner culture. Stoner Culture Goes Up in Smoke
  • Dewey said that legalizing marijuana would encourage people to experiment with hard drugs such as cocaine or heroin.
  • Putting people in jail for marijuana possession is a waste of time. Sound Politics: Seattle NAACP: "We Didn't Do A Lot, But We Held On"
  • The THC in marijuana is believed to change a psychoactive compound in the liver, which may be the cause of the psychological and subjective effects. Page 5
  • Three-quarters of Americans supported the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Christianity Today
  • Mr. Loughner, 22, was at one point a frequent user of the plant, also known as diviner's sage, which he began smoking while in high school during a time in which he was also experimenting with marijuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms and other drugs, according to friends. NYT > Home Page
  • PLANO, Texas - Texas authorities say "Gossip Girl" heartthrob Chace Crawford faces a marijuana possession charge after being arrested in the Dallas suburb of Plano. rss feed
  • They were about one and a half times more likely to be abstinent from marijuana, alcohol, and other drug use in the year after treatment.
  • Contrary to what the media hype over "BC Bud" would have the public believe, the vast majority of marijuana imported into the U.S. comes from Mexico.
  • Drug use was measured by asking how often respondents smoked marijuana, crank, other amphetamines, cocaine, opiates, hallucinogens, tranquilizers, barbiturates, and inhalants in the last 12 months.
  • In all copious amounts of alcohol are consumed and the pungent smell of marijuana wafts through the air.
  • Marijuana, which is now way more expensive than it was in my own mildly misspent youth, was always around.
  • She was also thought to have been taking ecstasy, cocaine and marijuana. The Sun
  • I've tried to relieve some fear about legalization so that you might understand more clearly how futile and destructive marijuana prohibition is and why it should be ended. Jesse Levine: A Letter to the Undecided: Prop 19
  • It also had a small amount of marijuana, a grinder, and a resinated pipe. Stories / Popular
  • After more than a year of internal debate, the Canadian government introduced legislation this week to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana but set stricter penalties for trafficking of the drug.
  • The Indianapolis resident also admitted using marijuana during an afternoon car ride last spring with two other midshipmen.
  • Elderly people are going so broke with America's health care system that many of them are ordering drugs from Canada just so they'll have a sufficient supply of roofies and marijuana to live comfortably in their remaining days.
  • No one was smoking joints of marijuana. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those who used marijuana, cocaine, and hallucinogens were more likely to report their use than heroin users.
  • Two statewide polls say Californians favor the medical use of marijuana.
  • But a hobby grower such as Cervantes knows that the highest quality and most potent marijuana is made primarily from the unpollinated female flower buds, of choice strains. Boutique buds: What underground mom-and-pop growers did while we debated legalization
  • While keeping a high hand over the Moroccan marijuana trade, he took advantage of his situation to legalize his other activities, taking control of casinos, gambling and horse races in francophone Africa. Sarkozy – cia – rothschilds – mafia
  • Marijuana is addictive because it causes compulsive, uncontrollable drug craving, seeking and use, even in the face of negative health and social consequences.
  • Meanwhile, the administration wants to arrest doctors who approve marijuana for their patients.
  • The amount of cannabidiol contained in the marijuana varied widely - from 0.14 % or less to 0.75 %.
  • Again, the proximity of Morocco, where cannabis is a traditional product, facilitated the supply of hashish and marijuana for the Spanish market.
  • If people choose to ingest opium, heroin, cocaine, crack, marijuana, or any of the dozens of uppers, downers, and hallucinogens in common use, let them.
  • The term pot-head takes on new meaning with a study that suggests adolescents and young adults who smoked a lot of marijuana are more likely than non-users to have disrupted brain development.
  • When young people hear the term "synthetic marijuana" or "fake weed" to describe synthetic cannabinoid products, it gives them the false impression that spice will have effects similar to those of marijuana.
  • Information gleaned from this survey included age of onset of use of marijuana, cocaine, uppers, and LSD.
  • The Dutch decision to cease enforcing marijuana laws was a deliberate attempt to separate the hard and soft drug markets.
  • Prices ranged from $40 for a quarter ounce of regular marijuana to $4,409 for a pound of "primo" marijuana, officials said. - News
  • Legalizing marijuana is a concept that has gained currency in recent years.
  • In Ibiza you are allowed two marijuana plants per house for home consumption. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also in Spain, the Catalan Parliament unanimously approved a resolution to decriminalize the use of medical marijuana.
  • Among drug users, abused youth were significantly younger than their nonabused peers in mean age of onset of marijuana, cocaine, and uppers use.
  • But a source close to the Hannah Montana star tells TMZ that Cyrus is not smoking marijuana, but a natural herb called salvia, which has hallucinogenic properties and is legal in California. Billy Ray Cyrus "So Sad" Over Video of Miley Hitting a Bong
  • They are also quite keen on marijuana, feel most masculine during sport and are least inclined to admire Nigel Mansell.
  • According to NSDUH, full-time college students who used Adderall without having a prescription were three times more likely to use marijuana, eight times more likely to use cocaine and tranquilizers nonmedically and five times more likely to use pain relievers nonmedically. stories
  • It is inconsistent with the principles of fundamental justice to deny a legal source of marijuana to people who have been granted ATPs and licences to produce.
  • We know he smoked marijuana, but he's hardly an exemplar of the Ken Kesey LSD generation.
  • Suppose you convinced anti-medical-marijuana people that cannabis is indeed the only effective treatment for many patients, that they would suffer horribly without it, and that legalizing it for those patients would not lead to more illegal use by teenagers. How Would the World Change If Everyone Shared Your Factual Beliefs?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This was only significant for those continuing to use alcohol but was in the same direction for tobacco, marijuana and inhalants.
  • Studies - from the American Medical Journal to the University of New South Wales - have told us that there are significant physical health detriments to the individual from prolonged use of marijuana.
  • While intensive marijuana cultivation and hybridization is a rather recent phenomenon in the world (wine has a much longer and storied past) its goals are not purely for strength and strength alone. Why do some food writers equate wine and pot? | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • I'd hope for some real action on marijuana laws, and a determined effort to regain our energy sovereignty.
  • The Feds replied they most certainly had the right house, as well as a warrant to search it for glass pipes, of which they found a bunch, along with a pound of high-grade marijuana.
  • No doctor will ever truthfully tell you he's treated anyone for any long-term injurious effects of marijuana. Black Entertainment, Money, Style and Beauty Blogs - Black Voices
  • The most common drug abuse disorders involved marijuana, followed by cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens, opioids, sedatives, tranquilizers, and inhalants.
  • The trial judge granted an absolute discharge on the marijuana count.
  • They then took marijuana, cocaine and ecstasy and did it again. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don’t see how one can infer from the possession of a marijuana card that the possessor is using marijuana “with regularity and over an extended period of time.” The Volokh Conspiracy » 2010 » March
  • So drink your gin and - tonic - ah, and smoke your marijuana - aka h.

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