How To Use Marigold In A Sentence
Try poppies, cornflowers, stocks, love-in-a-mist, cosmos, mignonette, larkspur, honesty, ox-eye daisies, marigolds, phlox, sunflowers, zinnias - whatever takes your fancy.
Close against them and overpeering their tops were hollyhocks and dahlias; against these stood at lesser height sweet peas, asters, zinnias, coreopsis and others of like stature; in front of these were poppies for summer, marigolds for autumn; beneath these again were verbenas, candytuft -- all this is sketched from memory, and I recall the winsome effect rather than species and names; and still below nestled portulaca and periwinkle.
The Amateur Garden
Rare arable flowers such as shepherd's needle, the cornflower and marigolds thrive in the fallow land, encouraging insects as food for birds.
If you are tempted to plant annual flower seedlings, consider the most heat-tolerant ones such as petunias, calendulas, cosmos & African marigolds.
Their garden includes an impressive display of petunias, orange marigolds and lilies, and hundreds of eye-catching colours are on display.
But this year, why not chuck out the chintzy trailing lobelias, begonias, marigolds and petunias, and go for something a little more unusual?
When the weather warms up, sow seeds of cosmos, marigold, morning glory, portulaca, nasturtium, sunflower, and zinnia for splashes of color.
It's not just marigolds and magnolias that grow abundantly in the fecund heat of the South.
His portrait and chair have been garlanded with marigolds and strewn with crimson rose petals.
Lavender, rosemary and thyme gathered in thick clumps under the windows, with poinsettias, passionflower, marigolds, marguerites and hollyhocks growing wild in the borders.
The vegetable gardens spread out from the house, laced with marigolds and a purple ground cover that looks like shamrocks: trebol, in Spanish.
Reserve some space for colorful annuals like zinnia, marigold, calendula, alyssum, and cosmos.
Spring flowers which can be spotted in the wood at this time of year include the yellow celandine, marsh marigold and wood anemone (also known as wind flower).
Plants are greater stitchwort, bluebell, devils bit scabious, Himalayan balsam, ragged robin, marsh marigold, quaking grass and lady's smock.
Ointments containing marigold, chamomile and comfrey are safe, as is aloe vera.
One vacation she was given a holiday job in the palace gardens, pricking out marigolds.
The violets, the marigold, the cannas; they were all gone in favor of the thorned monstrosities.
High on my popularity list are calendula (pot marigolds), clarkia, cornflowers, larkspur, love-in-a-mist, godetia, sweet peas and sunflowers.
The Sun
Lavender, rosemary and thyme gathered in thick clumps under the windows, with poinsettias, passionflower, marigolds, marguerites and hollyhocks growing wild in the borders.
Other quick-growing plants worth looking out for include love-in-a-mist (Nigella); pot marigold (Calendula); Iceland poppies and nasturtium (Tropaeolum).
Set out tender bedding plants such as petunias and marigolds after the last frost of spring.
Set out tender bedding plants such as petunias and marigolds after the last frost of spring.
Sow annual flowers such as asters, cosmos, zinnias and marigolds as soon as the frost has passed and the air begins to warm up.
It is home to hundreds of species of wildflowers and grasses - including the tansy, meadowsweet, poppy, vetch and marigold - a host of butterflies, insects and beetles, and birds of prey such as the owl and kestrel.
Fast-growing annuals such as nasturtium, candytuft and pot marigold can still be sown.
The garden is full of marigolds, pansies, dahlias, primulas and nasturtiums, as well as shrub roses and climbers.
Fuchsias are also good as space fillers as are petunias, mimulus and marigolds.
I went upstairs on the roof and sat among the potted plants, among the violets and chrysanthemums and marigolds and daisies.
Sow annual flowers such as asters, cosmos, zinnias and marigolds as soon as the frost has passed and the air begins to warm up.
If you have a history of allergy to daisies, ragweed, marigolds, chrysanthemums, or related plants, you may be more at risk of having an allergic reaction to echinacea.
One study of 256 patients revealed that using an ointment made from calendula (also known as marigold) alleviated skin irritation resulting from radiation. Alternative Medicine
Sweet peas, busy Lizzies, pansies and marigolds are bringing vivid colours to a location which is on the brink of massive investment.
Our free plants have included annuals such as purple and pink clary, Californian poppies, English marigolds, and red nasturtiums.
Particularly good trap crops include: green lettuce, cabbage, calendula, marigolds, comfrey leaves, zinnias and beans.
As edging plants I'd use chives, compact Alpine strawberries and edible flowers such as old-fashioned pinks, violas and marigolds.
(Pictured: Marigold flowers and Mango leaves, depicted in yarn, woven into a garland or "toran", a must-have for every festive occasion in Maharashtra) ...
Archive 2007-05-01
The preparations for the engagement event consisted mostly of Marigold and her mother being fitted for gowns at the Earl's expense.
The wild grass was tall and green and already there were flowers: oxeye daisies and marsh marigolds and violets.
Red Knife
Zinnias, godetia, calendulas, marigolds, lavender and geraniums brighten the edges of the beds.
Valerie Easton: Vegetable Garden Phenomena
Superb instant effects can be achieved by using semi-advanced seedlings of annual flowers such as lobelia, marigolds, pansies and primulas, which are all low-growing and suitable for containers.
Abundant marsh-marigold, northern marsh-orchid and meadowsweet occur in wetter ground; carpets of spring squill, bird's foot-trefoil and heath spotted-orchid cover cliff tops; the wetter heaths turn golden with bog asphodel; and grazing-sensitive kidney vetch and wild angelica have re-colonised some seasonally grazed pastures.
These included lilacs, lindens, Virginia creeper, marigolds, sunflowers, honeysuckle, pinks, and daisies.
Imagine my delight then when I popped into the organic shop and saw not only bountiful bags of salad but salad with flowers, the edible kind like nasturtiums, borage, wild pansies and pot marigolds.
I simply translated the French common name, "soucis" by the English word 'worries' ... because the word 'worries' is more connected with nightmares than the word 'marigolds'.
Vivace - French Word-A-Day
WE will begin peaceably by contemplating the world of nature, trees and plants and flowers, common green things against which there is no law – for surely there is no corruption in carrots, no tricks in turnips, no mixed motive in marigolds.
In Times Like These
There was a marsh marigold in it, with stems a quarter of an inch thick; and in the grass on the verge, but just beyond where the flood reached, grew the lilac-tinted cuckoo flowers, or cardamine.
Nature Near London
These included lilacs, lindens, Virginia creeper, marigolds, sunflowers, honeysuckle, pinks, and daisies.
The air is pungent with the smell of the rain-soaked marigolds and yellow poppies.
Some of the preferred, easy-to-grow nectar plants are: aster, black-eyed Susan, butterfly bush, butterfly weed, cosmos, goldenrod, lantana, lavender, liatris, marigold, purple coneflower, and zinnia.
Replace fading cool-season annuals with heat lovers like celosias, dahlias, marigolds, petunias, salvias, and verbenas.
Marigold Tagetes – this flower loves the sun and the summer and we used to plant it in the vegetable garden to keep away aphides and other bugs.
Archive 2006-06-01
Almost hypnotic he thought, and upon closing his eyes he saw a vast field of marigolds and daisies that had covered the backyard to his home.
The first thing I found out was that not only are powdered fenugreek leaves/petals pretty sparsely "available", but powdered marigold is not exactly all over the supermarket shelves either.
Fast-growing annuals such as nasturtium, candytuft and pot marigold can still be sown.
Meanwhile on land, the spring flowers were also showing in some splendour - these spring squill had formed dense mats on some rocky parts of the machair, while the burns were a mass of marsh marigolds in parts.
This management will result in colourful displays of plants in field margins, such as corn marigolds and fumitories.
Warm-season annuals such as marigolds, impatiens and zinnias are adapted to bloom even during the hottest weather.
For the life of me I cannot remember the smell of marigolds, I can only say that in this particular fragrance the floral accord seems to be bright, not particularly sweet, with just enough powderiness to evoke lipsticks and foundations and all things classically feminine, retro and refined.
Perfume Review: Montale Aoud Red Flowers
Nature is very liberal in all things; and we have coarse and disagreeable flower odors, supplied by peonies, marigolds, the gay bouvardia, and a still more odious greenhouse flower -- a yellowish, toadlike thing, which those who have once known will never forget, and for which perhaps they can supply a name.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 4, August, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
The garden is full of marigolds, pansies, dahlias, primulas and nasturtiums, as well as shrub roses and climbers.
Hardy annuals such as clarkia, cornflower, godetia, larkspur, poppies, marigolds and strawflower can be sown outside.
The Sun
Sari Sloane, vice president for fashion merchandising at U.S. boutique chain Intermix, says ensembles in distinctive colors such as marigold, ruby and emerald sold well in 2007.
Closet clutter
As we were heading out of the section I saw some rather nice wicker wall baskets that have Marigold and Snowflake plants in them.
Nasturtiums, violets, clove gilliflowers, and marigolds are all cited in this context in English recipe books; the blossoms of many herbs, such as rosemary, basil, dill, and chives, can be added.
It's not too late to plant more bush beans, summer squash, melons, peppers, eggplants, marigolds, zinnias, gomphrena, rudbeckia, coleus and caladiums.
And of all the flowers I sowed this spring only a handfuls of poppies and marigolds have come up.
Of these would have to be included, borage Borago officinalis, violets and violas viola sp., pot marigolds Calendula officinalis, sweet bergamot or bee balm Monarda didyma, to name just a few, all of which are suitable for adding to salads.
Particularly good trap crops include: green lettuce, cabbage, calendula, marigolds, comfrey leaves, zinnias and beans.
I simply translated the French common name, "soucis" by the English word 'worries'... because the word 'worries' is more connected with nightmares than the word 'marigolds'.
Vivace - French Word-A-Day
The flowers I remember from growing up were old-fashioned summer flowers: marigolds, zinnias, calendula, gladiolus, nasturtium, hollyhocks.
2009 May
Replace fading cool-season annuals with heat lovers like celosias, dahlias, marigolds, petunias, salvias, and verbenas.
Reserve some space for colorful annuals like zinnia, marigold, calendula, alyssum, and cosmos.
There were daisies, petunias, tulips, marigolds, and sunflowers.
The Marigold erecta, in orange, lemon, golden yellow and a rare white, is a good potted plant.
Dark-leafed Heuchera ‘Palace Purple’ and bright orange pot marigold add contrast and stop the group looking wishy-washy.
Old Marigold lost her nerve and did a trip over the cruet-thing that holds the gasometers, Thoms helped Roberts, in a way, by a spirited rendering of the jack-in-office.
The Nursing Home Murder
A sunburst of bananas is garnished with marigolds.
Reserve some space for colorful annuals like zinnia, marigold, calendula, alyssum, and cosmos.
It's not too late to plant more bush beans, summer squash, melons, peppers, eggplants, marigolds, zinnias, gomphrena, rudbeckia, coleus and caladiums.
It was summer when I was there, and beds of dahlias, marigolds, carnations, violets and pansies painted the entire garden in rich reds, purples, yellows and blues.
He led us past small, tiled, cottages and fields of marigold, ladies' finger and brinjal.
Rare plants that occur or that have occurred here include heart leaf plantain, estuary beggar ticks, golden club, ovate spikerush, Parker's pipewort, Nuttall's micranthemum, Eaton's burmarigold, false pimpernel, winged monkey flower and swamp lousewort.
Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, New York
Each registers a distinct floral note — the lilies and gladioli for the funeral parlours, irises and tulips and birds of paradise for the wives of contrite husbands, pink and crinoline-white carnations for the velvet lapels of hopeful prom kings, thorny roses for the lovers and poets and perky daisies and mums and marigolds for the pick-me-ups and get-well-soons.
Aster yellows is a disease that affects over 300 species of plants, including ornamentals such as aster, coneflower, zinnia, marigold, chrysanthemum, petunia, and snapdragon.
E-China-See-Ya~A Public Service Announcement « Fairegarden
First they were cleaned, the brass scoured with wood-ash until it shone pale gold, the silver made bright, the brushes and dusting-cloths washed, cupboards turned out, everything washed again in running water and dried sun; then prayers were said for the household tools, and marigold flowers and jessamine were put on the shelves.
Housekeeping in India
The garden is full of marigolds, pansies, dahlias, primulas and nasturtiums, as well as shrub roses and climbers.
Replace fading cool-season annuals with heat lovers like celosias, dahlias, marigolds, petunias, salvias, and verbenas.
Earlier, three canoeists wended along the quiet millstream on the outgoing tide – passing marsh marigolds and partially submerged trunks of silvery willows towards reed beds, with spears of new growth and the scratchy song of returned sedge warblers.
Country Diary: St Dominic, Tamar Valley
Marigolds are easy to grow from seed and sprout in a few days in warm soil.
As well as holding a huge range of grassland wild flowers, such as ox-eye daisies, poppies, campion and corn marigold, the nursery grows plants from wetland, upland and woodland habitats.
Anemones, chrysanthemums, marigolds, pansies, peonies, and roses are best suited to microwave drying, but small, finely textured or delicate flowers are not.
Calendula, also known as Scotch or pot marigold, is another old trouper.
I share an office with Marigold: fortunately she, like me, is a silent person.
Karma later decided to see what was what at the neighbor's place and stepped into the bed so she could get a better idea ... that nailed a crookneck squash plant, some of the sprouting bag carrots, and two marigolds in a starter pot.
Insert amusing Twitter-related title here.
As the credit cards pile up and the debt collectors gather, he finds himself reluctantly engaged to prim Marigold Flowers, while lusting for her sister, the brazen Daisy.
Vibrant orange marigolds sit quite comfortably close to the paler blue cornflower.
If you are tempted to plant annual flower seedlings, consider the most heat-tolerant ones such as petunias, calendulas, cosmos & African marigolds.
Geilie's loose, flowing gowns smelled always of the essences she distilled: marigold, chamomile, bay leaf, spikenard, mint, marjoram.
Sick Cycle Carousel
For example, amethyst blends well with lavender, fire agate with sunflowers, citrine with chamomile, aventurine with mint, sunstone with marigolds or daisy, and so forth.
A cheapjack calling himself Dr Marigold took pity on this deaf and dumb child who resembled his daughter who had died.
Add decorative and edible flower heads to your salads, such as nasturtiums, marigold petals, violas and chive flowers.
Try poppies, cornflowers, stocks, love-in-a-mist, cosmos, mignonette, larkspur, honesty, ox-eye daisies, marigolds, phlox, sunflowers, zinnias - whatever takes your fancy.
The calendula or pot marigold is a symbol of sunny days with good health, joy, and affection.
The marigold, or meadow gowan, is one of the "plants of the sun," the "golden flower.
Janey Canuck in the West
In March, plant sunny beds with seed or transplants of marigolds, zinnias, gomphrena and rudbeckia, and brighten shady spots with impatiens and caladiums.
We tried cheerful annuals, marigolds, nasturtiums and poppies.
Hardy annuals such as clarkia, cornflower, godetia, larkspur, poppies, marigolds and strawflower can be sown outside.
The Sun
Reserve some space for colorful annuals like zinnia, marigold, calendula, alyssum, and cosmos.
Pickleson, fairground giant with whom Doctor Marigold becomes friendly and who draws his attention to the deaf-mute whom Sophy eventually marries.
An arable area at the Kew Royal Botanic Gardens - part of the Go Wild festival - includes a crop with key colourful plants like common poppy, corn marigold and corncockle, plus some clover and a ‘game strip’ down one side.
I've potted it up with some marigold seedlings in a really big pot and hopefully in a few weeks time it will grow me lots of lovely peppers.
There were lots of different species, as I recall, pretty typical of seepage swamp: black ash and cottonwood, buckthorn, marsh marigold, Virginia creeper, touch-me-not, wood nettle.
I just did a little arrangement of nasturtiums, marigolds, and some helianthus, as bright as I could make it.
Today a field awash with yellow corn marigold, mauve corncockle and white daisies is largely a historical memory.
Times, Sunday Times
Try poppies, cornflowers, stocks, love-in-a-mist, cosmos, mignonette, larkspur, honesty, ox-eye daisies, marigolds, phlox, sunflowers, zinnias - whatever takes your fancy.
Superb instant effects can be achieved by using semi-advanced seedlings of annual flowers such as lobelia, marigolds, pansies and primulas, which are all low-growing and suitable for containers.
Another lure is the distinctive fragance of the marigold, the traditional Day of the Dead flower still known by its Nahuatl moniker, cempazuchitl *.
Mexico conjures spirits with picturesque ofrendas
Thrusting through marigolds and verbena, it stands almost 3 feet high.
Natural yellow-orange substances such as marigold petals may be added to light colored feeds to enhance the yolk color.
Egg-Citing Facts
It's not too late to plant more bush beans, summer squash, melons, peppers, eggplants, marigolds, zinnias, gomphrena, rudbeckia, coleus and caladiums.
Inspired by the bur marigold, the flower has petals in Light Topaz with Smoked Topaz crystal cabochon accents and is on a silver-tone metal stand.
However, other songs, like ‘Lily of the Sky’ and ‘Marigold,’ are just sonic wallpaper.
Heliotrope is never invasive, so it can be grown in patio containers where vinca, dusty miller, or marigolds make attractive companions for its delicate flowers.
A tisane of marigold leaves and chamomile and mint and... oh, a few other things.
Biel rocks the women's V-neck top in marigold, while Timberlake wears the men's crew-neck shirt in cherry. $60 and $54 at Lnaclothing. com
Fashion Forward: Blanchett is bright in Armani's Black Lace makeup
When did marigolds aka 'stinkin' Rogers' become known as calendula?
How Does Your Garden Grow?
With flowers it is the same; the lesser celandine, the marsh marigold, the silvery cardamine, appear first in one particular spot, and may be gathered there before a petal has opened elsewhere.
Nature Near London
Replace fading cool-season annuals with heat lovers like celosias, dahlias, marigolds, petunias, salvias, and verbenas.
French marigolds and salvia, quite unlike the rambling garden at Farings.
The zempazuchitl, or marigold, is thought to light the way home for returning souls.
Ofrendas are created with such detail and often take weeks to complete. The zempazuchitl, or marigold, is thought to light the way home for returning souls.
Done in the company's iridized marigold color, the logos are priced at $25 each.
The Advertiser-Tribune
Ointments containing marigold, chamomile and comfrey are safe, as is aloe vera.
Then I throw my summersault pen at you and you must continue my story before the bell chimes, before the chalice of God hits the cobble stone floor of my marigold mansion.
Why I write
I see what you mean about your getting stuck with "soucis", as you didn't know this was the common name for Pot Marigolds (botanic name: Calendulas)
Vivace - French Word-A-Day
For the purpose of companion planting, it's easiest to use flats of marigolds and plant them at the same time or soon after you plant your tomatoes.
Warm-season annuals such as marigolds, impatiens and zinnias are adapted to bloom even during the hottest weather.
Here, irises and gladiolus are underplanted with Johnny-jump-ups and marigolds.
The flowers I remember from growing up were old-fashioned summer flowers: marigolds, zinnias, calendula, gladiolus, nasturtium, hollyhocks.
2009 May
Claudia MacTeer retells the story of possibly why the marigolds did not bloom in the year of 1941 in Lorain, Ohio.
For a splash of bright colour it is hard to beat marigolds, Calendula officialis.
Sow annual flowers such as asters, cosmos, zinnias and marigolds as soon as the frost has passed and the air begins to warm up.
An example of this process, called antibiosis, is provided by marigold roots, which release chemicals that are toxic to several species of fungi.
We gathered a few, however, by way of doing our Maying, adding to them some violets scattered along the roadside, and a bunch of the golden flowers of the marsh marigold, which enticed us off the road into a low, boggy spot, by their bright blossoms; a handsome flower, this – the country people call it cowslip, though differing entirely from the true plant of that name.
Rural Hours
Marigold means well in her vocation, but her strength of character and reputation as a paragon of all virtues isolates her from the reality of messy, suffering, worrying, humanity.
Marigold and feverfew, dandelion and hyssop, thyme and marjoram.
Look, the marsh marigolds we treasured have disappeared this spring gobbled by deer, overrun by reed canary grass but still the redwing blackbird sings.
Alice d’alessio | days we are given « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
Morgen’s and a hatache all the afternunch; plays gehamerat when he’s ernst but misses mausey when he’s lustyg; walked as far as the Head where he sat in state as the Rump; shows Early Eng-lish tracemarks and a marigold window with manigilt lights, a myrioscope, two remarkable piscines and three wellworthseeing ambries; arches all portcullised and his nave dates from dots; is
Finnegans Wake
Sow annual flowers such as asters, cosmos, zinnias and marigolds as soon as the frost has passed and the air begins to warm up. and Your Budget
Mother Earth News Latest 10 Articles
Roughly chop the flowers, leaves and stems of the rose geranium and place with the marigold flowers and lavender flowerheads in a large glass bowl.
Particularly good trap crops include: green lettuce, cabbage, calendula, marigolds, comfrey leaves, zinnias and beans.
The woods contain an area of rare wet woodland - a government priority habitat - featuring rare marsh marigold and bittercress.
The ultimate natural, romantic fragrance blends fruits like guava, papaya, passion fruit, and citrus, with a flowery bouquet of jasmine, freesia and marigold.
To carry the container plantings through the last remaining warm days, replant them with late-summer annuals such as cosmos, marigolds, salvias, or zinnias.
Poppies, sweet peas, pot marigold and gilia are all waiting in our yard for attention.
If you have a history of allergy to daisies, ragweed, marigolds, chrysanthemums, or related plants, you may be more at risk of having an allergic reaction to echinacea.
Rare plants that occur or that have occurred here include heart leaf plantain, estuary beggar ticks, golden club, ovate spikerush, Parker's pipewort, Nuttall's micranthemum, Eaton's burmarigold, false pimpernel, winged monkey flower and swamp lousewort.
Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, New York
Like other members of the daisy family, marigolds also do their share in feeding nectar to beneficial insects, such as syrphid flies, who prey on aphids and other insects that attack garden plants.
The Seattle Times
I still love the fresh scent: a mix of notes of freesia, marigold and white lily.
The marigold is the most traditional flower of the season.
Los Dias de los Muertos (the Days of the Dead)
It is also know as pot marigold, but should not to be confused with the common garden marigolds of the Tagetes species.
The result is that, for instance, in the Monk's Vegetable Garden you'll see fennel, nettles, arugula, marigolds and orache -- an early variety of spinach -- but not tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and sweetcorn, which only came to Europe after Christopher Columbus's voyages to America, "Mr. Charoy says.
Gardens of Delight
And so it was that the first night passed, and Marigold found herself settling down into the softest downy mattress.
The marigold is a lovely annual that can be propagated easily.
A marigold may take three days to germinate, a cycad may take three months.
It's not just marigolds and magnolias that grow abundantly in the fecund heat of the South.
The elegant palmate leaved Pomacea likewise occurs, with the mulberry: the marigold is a great favourite.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
Begin planting borage or marigold with your potatoes and notice the difference it makes.
Most people are familiar with pot marigold and nasturtium, my favourite good-value plant with its peppery-tasting leaves, decorative edible flowers, and plump seeds that can be pickled as capers.
For success in controlling nematode pests in tomatoes, plant marigolds with them.
Earlier, three canoeists wended along the quiet millstream on the outgoing tide – passing marsh marigolds and partially submerged trunks of silvery willows towards reed beds, with spears of new growth and the scratchy song of returned sedge warblers.
Country Diary: St Dominic, Tamar Valley
Not flamboyante not one of Ledom's crossbred bastardized beautiful miracle blossoms, but a perky little button of a dried-up marigold.
Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
The vegetables seem in perfect harmony with yellow marigolds and calceolaria.
When the Birds Begin to Sing
We were greeted at the bus stop by over a hundred men, women and children who had waited patiently for six hours to welcome us with showers of flower petals, garlands of marigolds, conch blowing, ululating and slogans.
African and French marigolds - tagetes - are also edible, the flowers and leaves providing a touch of lemon to savoury dishes.
Sometimes I mix a few of the flowers with marigolds and zinnias for a late summertime dinner table bouquet.
In March, plant sunny beds with seed or transplants of marigolds, zinnias, gomphrena and rudbeckia, and brighten shady spots with impatiens and caladiums.
June come pinks of all sorts, specially the blushpink; roses of all kinds, except the musk, which comes later; honeysuckles; strawberries; bugloss; columbine; the French marigold, flos
The Essays
It's not too late to plant more bush beans, summer squash, melons, peppers, eggplants, marigolds, zinnias, gomphrena, rudbeckia, coleus and caladiums.
A garden, at one end of the house, was red with love-lies-bleeding and coxcombs, their deep hues contrasting with great clumps of marigolds and bachelor's-buttons, all claiming a preemption right over innumerable weeds and any amount of ribbon grass, that struggled hard to drive them out.
The Old Homestead
A popular one is Mexican Marigolds Tagetes sp. which is an aromatic plant, above and below ground and can deter quite a few pests e.g. eelworm and cabbage white butterfly, but also attract the hover fly which eats aphids and other soft bodied insects.
Organic Gardening: Pest Control
In our garden Michaelmas daisies and sedum are at their best while annuals such as pot marigolds and nasturtium come a close second.
Part of my garden consists of a patio on which I have many pots housing a selection of Japanese acers, begonias, marigolds and nasturtiums.
There were also carnations, marigolds and daisies planted around the sides of the garden.
Calendula petals can be used to make a nourishing skin cream or cleanser, and a strong infusion made from marigold petals can be used to lighten hair.
Pinks and columbines, mullein and Canterbury bells, the burning blue of lupin and larkspur, the magenta plush tassels of love-lies-bleeding, the streaked and goffered rosettes of the French marigolds – they have about them the harmonious confusion, the riotous immobility of a crowd of stage peasantry during the principals 'duet.
Try Anything Twice
For us modern day herbalists who prefer to buy our wares in natural food stores, there are wonderful marigold-based skin-care products sold under the botanical name calendula that can soothe and heal mild skin problems.
Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
The golden centers of the aster flowers are repeated in the color of the Mexican Marigold-Mint, and spike flowers of salvia make wonderful cut flowers and garden displays.
Cooking takes place mainly in the tiny kitchen of the marigold yellow cottage with periwinkle trim that Carrie shares with her two dogs, Moses the dachshund and Patty Lewis the redbone coonhound.
If you are tempted to plant annual flower seedlings, consider the most heat-tolerant ones such as petunias, calendulas, cosmos & African marigolds.
Many have abundant gardens, with brilliant red poppies, orange marigolds, blue flax, pink clematis and jacaranda, and large cypress and eucalyptus trees.
Caltha palustris, the marsh marigold her in its single and double-flowered forms, brings sunny colour to the bog garden.
In India, where marigolds are traditionally planted among other crops, African marigolds (Tagetes erecta) intercropped with tomatoes or okra, were found to be effective for reducing six kinds of nematodes including the root knot nematode, and for increasing the quality and quantity of crop yields. 57 There appear to be several ways in which marigolds affect nematodes: substances exuded from marigold roots are nematocidal, the nematodes life cycle is interrupted because nematode larvae have difficulty penetrating marigold roots, and nematodes are unable to develop once inside the roots.
5. How plants live and grow
Today a field awash with yellow corn marigold, mauve corncockle and white daisies is largely a historical memory.
Times, Sunday Times
In winter, butter is sometimes so pale as to look almost like lard, but it may be coloured by a little arnatto, which is sold for that purpose in the grocers 'shops; or the juice of carrot scraped and strained through muslin, or that of the flowers of the marigold, may be used.
The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
Marigold and feverfew, dandelion and hyssop, thyme and marjoram.
The yellow of their egg yolks will be an even more intense golden color thanks to the natural orange pigments in the marigolds.
He has also made a border featuring fuchsias, marigolds and nasturtiums.
For example - a bright blue pot planted with orange marigolds stands out in any setting.
She began to place the marigold seeds in the holes, repairing the damage Sherrie had done to the dirt as she did so.
To carry the container plantings through the last remaining warm days, replant them with late-summer annuals such as cosmos, marigolds, salvias, or zinnias.