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How To Use Marginalize In A Sentence

  • This could result in his contributions being marginalized or minimalized.
  • Move to the Left, encourage mass protest, and they risked being marginalized in a revolutionary confrontation.
  • In the one study I am aware of that focuses on sites close to Magude and addresses Iron Age developments in a lowveld region straddling the international border, the significance attached to pottery demonstrates both how archaeological mappings have tacitly marginalized this area from history and how gender ideologies have buttressed this representation. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Seek the Kingdom of God and his justice here on earth through effective, brotherly solidarity with the neediest and the marginalized!
  • And what of the male dancer, historically marginalized but increasingly interesting on both the dance and fashion front? The Times Literary Supplement
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  • Did television marginalize the Alliance and thereby contribute to its failure?
  • It appears that the charismatic Parker's first contribution is to hypnotise Zuckerberg, his second to marginalise Saverin, his third to hold out the prospect of big hedge-fund money, and the fourth to suggest shortening the title to "Facebook". The Social Network – review
  • Soon after, though, the curtain will drop and the media will attempt to marginalize bloggers, hoping they will go away.
  • That is what happens when you poison your growth through letting others diminish, marginalize and demoralize you from reaching your potential.
  • Read theology and biblical studies from global voices, or from historically marginalized peoples or groups. Christianity Today
  • The subjective experience of the human mind has been marginalised and the inextricable mutual dependence of body and mind within a unique individual ignored.
  • This is hardly the first time that a major media network used its power to marginalize political beliefs that contradict those of its owners.
  • In general, historians tend to portray Somerset's rise to power as logically inevitable and to cast Mary as a marginalized from the jockeying for political position that took place amongst the executor-councilors during the first two months of Edward VI's reign. 11 Hindsight makes it easy to forget that the political situation taking shape after Henry's death in late January 1547 initially appeared unstable. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • The new and improved line of attack is to dichotomize war opponents by, first, issuing the most back-handed of compliments to those who were anti-war all along – the unthreatening, marginalized “Michael Moore crowd.” Archive 2005-11-01
  • For example, queer theorists usually argue that one of the advantages of the term ˜queer™ is that it thereby includes transsexuals, sado-masochists, and other marginalized sexualities. Homosexuality
  • The former chief sub who had been with the paper for eight years, was evidently marginalised and ostracised after a disagreement with the publisher.
  • Often, we use the term globalisation without dissecting its meaning and in many ways we have seen those who have political and economic power in the world using the term to justify actions that benefit this small section of humanity, thus engendering strong opposition from the oppressed and the marginalised. Globalisation must benefit all humanity
  • Those who cannot make their job the top priority become marginalized from centers of innovation and influence. Christianity Today
  • That's certainly interesting now that word has come from the LA Times that the latest Bush administration is dunning corporations to build a war chest to "marginalize" conservative talk radio and other pillars of the GOP for opposing the President's amnesty & open borders immigration plan. Archive 2005-07-24
  • He drew crowds, cared for the marginalised, made friends with prostitutes and crooks, and called ordinary people like you and me to be his followers.
  • Today, these communities have no autonomy but are isolated, marginalised and discriminated against.
  • So I definitely saw the attempts to marginalize me early on.
  • His supporters were marginalized but tolerated in the village, like harmless but disliked lechers. A Privilege to Die
  • She has defied the death threats from mullahs to stand as a vice-presidential nominee in a country where women are largely marginalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Y'all disenfranchise and marginalize the black man and you expect him to bear his chafe?
  • We've always been marginalized, exploited, and constantly threatened.
  • Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.
  • Those who cannot make their job the top priority become marginalized from centers of innovation and influence. Christianity Today
  • She points out that even Sufi practitioners, the contemplatives of Islam, are marginalized by the powerful clerics and government leaders who guide Islam.
  • Parliament's support services proposes that special measures be taken to appoint people from previously marginalised groups, and that the concept of merit be "reframed" as a criteria for promotion. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • They encourage the viewer to take a more compassionate look at his or her fellow creatures, including the most despised and marginalized.
  • The alternative, to collapse the diversity into a univocal simplification, inevitably marginalises some members of the community and their interests.
  • Female employees complained of being marginalized by management.
  • Edit an ever increasingly marginalised hotch potch of ID supporters. Casey Luskin: the new Wendell Bird? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Such urban novels were doubly marginalised, as Scottish within a British context, and as urban within a context which identified rural, Gaelic and Scots-speaking areas as the heartland of the nation.
  • Indeed, the term "ivory tower" is generally used by anti-intellectuals to denigrate and marginalize the achievements of the academic world.
  • Mr. Breitbart says he suspects the accusations were just a cynical attempt by the left and elements of the media to "marginalize" the Tea Party movement. Rude for Reid
  • However, I believe what this government is attempting to do is get a political mandate to further marginalise our aboriginal interests.
  • Generation after generation of families of families, systematically marginalised by their supposed betters and tranquillised by welfare and drugs, are doomed to the underclass.
  • Our ongoing collaboration provides pediatric primary care to marginalized Haitian immigrant children living in shanty town-like villages (bateyes) where their parents work on sugar cane plantations. Activities
  • Conservatives are, not to overlabor the obvious, marginalized in the cultural elite, even though they are powerful in the political elite. Crooked Timber
  • That's not to say other parties will not continue marginalize us but I think a turning point in the election was when Hampton attacked the Green policy (mind you it was out right lies rathter than Criticism) but that broke the NDP policy of "ignore them they will go away" When the other parites attack you they admit you are not fringe and have to be reconned with. Are the Greens Still a Fringe Party?
  • But even as the deal was announced, officials in the group were expressing disappointment at what some described as a marginalized role - a potentially troubling sign for the United States as it moves toward the planned withdrawal of all of its forces by the end of 2011. Sunni group walks out of Iraq parliament
  • By leaving the GOP, Buchanan marginalized himself from the mainstream of American politics.
  • Where friends are concerned, some delays are to be expected but be sure you don't marginalise them in your quest for everything else.
  • Common sense is still marginalized as "the left," counterweighted in the media by the intensifying stridency of the highly organized and well-financed Republican right. The Gitmo Distraction
  • The fact that GW skeptics are marginalized is less of a function of their position being in the minority, and more to do with their position being completely at odds with reality. Matthew Yglesias » Cato’s David Boaz Joins George Will in Peddling Bogus “Global Cooling” Stories
  • Women should not be patronised, marginalised or ‘forced’ to undergo or watch ultrasounds in early pregnancy.
  • But while they urged wayward men to dwell on their tearful, praying mothers, crusade leaders marginalized the women in their midst. Christianity Today
  • I've even seen managers allow their teams to ostracize or marginalize the top performer so that other people won't "feel bad.
  • However, her teenage coworkers marginalized her from contact with anglophones by not allowing her to interact with customers and by sending her off to sweep the floor while they chatted.
  • Yet they were marginalised — in an unuseful, unmedieval sense — by a self-regarding production. Times, Sunday Times
  • Steering clear of any trap to pin oneself down into boxes of identity which so often encumber films about marginalized communities Rees gracefully negotiates the line between heartbreak and hope to foreground the freedom found when we recognize ourselves for who we are, for who we love, and for who stands with us. Roya Rastegar: Sundance 2011 and the Sound of My Generation: Part II
  • This is perhaps why it's also keen to stop the subject being marginalised from the school's syllabus.
  • Fishermann drives home a very good point in that being ultra "greenie" actually marginalizes the content ... you are less effective in forwarding an agenda by shouting from the fringe. Sharks - The World's Top Predator?
  • She refers here to the aboriginals who are Argentinean but who are marginalized out of mainstream Argentinean culture to the point that many Argentineans are not even aware of their presence.
  • They cater to an elite audience that has marginalized market exchange as peripheral.
  • At the same time, renewable energies are denounced as uneconomical, with their potential marginalised in order to underscore the indispensability of nuclear energy.
  • But as a fairly homogenized subclass of workers, the Mexican Indians are readily marginalized.
  • They have generally marginalised less respectable behaviour, finding it difficult to acknowledge or convenient to overlook.
  • Or demand and effect nothing and yet again stumble into petulant seething marginalized mobs. Jane-Howard Hammerstein: "You Can't Handle the Truth" ... Col. Jessup (a/k/a Jack Nicholson)
  • One must unearth the silences of history, the voices of the marginalized and the forgotten, the heterogeneity which is buried by singular versions of history. Untouchable Spring .... అంటరాని వసంతం
  • In the entire world of cinema, to think that your film was somehow "marginalized" is myopic at best. GreenCine Daily: An open letter. 2.
  • Online communities allow a degree of security in, and can hence facilitate, the declaration of socially marginalized or tabooed identities, such as gay, lesbian or various fetish orientations.
  • Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.
  • There is humour as well as the anger one might expect from a once proud and powerful, but now marginalized people. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A sustainable revolution should not take place in marginalized regions of the world but in high density urban regions where small gains in efficiency multiplied millions of times translate into large cuts in energy use. ECO EWOK TREEHOUSES: Finca Bellavista Rainforest Village | Inhabitat
  • Read theology and biblical studies from global voices, or from historically marginalized peoples or groups. Christianity Today
  • Their detective is an outsider on every count and the violence is meted out against a community which is marginalised and forgotten.
  • Critics of globalization argue that it marginalizes the majority while exacting too high a toll on the environment.
  • In two sentences, he posits a fourth genre of rhetoric, one that characterizes most of the speeches featured in the address, and one particularly well suited to marginalized rhetors with limited access to traditional oratorical venues.
  • And I realized: the unapologetic nature of my musical omnivorousness owes a great deal to Michael Jackson, to the ubiquitous success of Thriller, to the fait accompli integration of MTV, to the demonstration that, even in the hyper-capitalist (and subtly discriminatory) wonderland of the Reagan 80s, sheer audacious talent could refuse to be marginalized. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Hu Yong: Because the microblog is a public platform, which can effectively cultivate civic spirit, highlight the "four powers" (ie, safeguard the people's right to information, participation, expression and right to supervise), allow for participation in politics, or at least can be used make some sound; otherwise, people may only be marginalized to a bystander's role. Interlocals - Interlocals
  • It is out of all reason to replace our own traditional mindset of long running history with one single marginalized set of values to confront mainstream western values.
  • As a consequence, two-year college faculty are implicitly marginalized and devalued within academe.
  • At the risk of being called yet another whingeing scouser by adoption, the north-east is not the first region to be marginalised by the south-east and London media and political class. Letters: Geordies, banality and the truth about Cheryl
  • Rather it is because they are marginalized participants in the process of economic globalization.
  • I call for all Queen's students to rise up against the errorist threat, whether you are a victim of American hegemony, an empathetically marginalized philosophy major or if you simply harbour guilt that your father is the vice-president of TD bank and is paying your tuition. Stephen Taylor - a blog on Canadian politics
  • The intellectuals were persecuted for 40 years and now they are marginalised.
  • And what of the male dancer, historically marginalized but increasingly interesting on both the dance and fashion front? The Times Literary Supplement
  • As I have argued above, marginalized groups cannot simply be identified economically. Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
  • And he's concerned that joining the 15 heroes now cosponsoring articles of impeachment against Dick Cheney would "marginalize" him. Rep. Bobby Scott Debates Impeachment
  • We must not marginalize the poor in our society
  • What is astonishing in these accounts is how victims find the courage to heal despite being marginalized and betrayed.
  • There is humour as well as the anger one might expect from a once proud and powerful, but now marginalized people. The Times Literary Supplement
  • If you are interested in affecting public discourse, watch out - you may gain ascendency in certain circles, but you're just as likely to marginalize yourself instead.
  • In all four gospel traditions, Jesus consistently makes the first move to reach out to the marginalized, often transgressing contemporary social mores and religious strictures in the process.
  • English departments marginalize it, perhaps because academics consider religion incompatible with intellectualism.
  • Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.
  • Let me illustrate here with an example about music, which may simply serve to marginalize and delegitimize the issue I'm discussing, but hey, that's why we're here.
  • Let us grant Goffman's contention that marginalized, diasporic cultures are transgressive in nature and lead to cultural hybridity.
  • The simplification of identities into news-friendly sound-bites throughout the NATO bombing campaign often further marginalises minority groups.
  • The way we as a people treat the poor and the marginalized and the down-trodden is perhaps the most deeply considered question in the Scriptures. WWJ(or M or C or B or H or P or S)D?
  • But as we shall see, the ‘feminine’ image so necessary to lyric's apodeixis reemerges in the ekphrasis as an apotropaic image: one which is both necessary to the epic project and marginalized by it.
  • One of the young men we support has taught himself the deaf and dumb language in order to witness to this neglected and marginalised group of people in Russian society.
  • (And it’s rarely been used to refer to asexual people; most asexuals are either male or female, since asexuality is a sexual orientation, not a gender identity.) “It” is not an option, not because “it” does not have a tradition of application to humans, but because it DOES have a tradition of application to humans – ones the speaker wants to discount and marginalize. Singular “they” and the many reasons why it’s correct « Motivated Grammar
  • Up to five GIAs will be awarded in amounts ranging from $500 to $2,500 each to selected applicantswho are eager to share their skills with marginalized youthin developing countries in ways that educate and inspire youth to harness their own ingenuity. Boing Boing
  • The fight for justice, inclusion and the voices of the marginalised has suddenly lost its most committed crusader.
  • Move to the Left, encourage mass protest, and they risked being marginalized in a revolutionary confrontation.
  • The subject that caught his eye was the stark isolation of marginalised individuals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Post-demonstration coverage also marginalised the political content, focusing, instead, on the activities of the violent minority.
  • Frist is the main pusher of the nuclear option and if he is too sidetracked or marginalized as is Delay, then the attempt by the neocons to savage tradition has less of a chance of happening. Think Progress » Hearings for Sam Alito
  • Other, more established artists who get marginalized at larger conventions got the star attention they deserve.
  • Let's hope the republican party is still around to be a magnet for the fringe wingers, haters and militarist, that is the best hope for keeping them marginalized and their corpratist politicians out of office. Poll Data: GOP Fast Becoming Rump Party
  • Rather than a cacogenic clan or a marginalized crypto-Muslim community," he writes, "the Ishmaels on the Web site appeared to be comfortable, middle-class Americans who got together for annual family picnics. Call Them the Ishmaels
  • As a result his goals dried up, his form and morale declined, and he was marginalised within the first team squad.
  • He has so far cleverly outwitted and outflanked this attempt to marginalize him on the political stage.
  • There are so many forms of entertainment, theatre is becoming more marginalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • It definitely is hard to be an anti-Zionist Jew as the Zionists have led a strategic and successful campaign to capture mainstream Jewish organizations, polarize their community, and marginalize secular non-Zionist Jewish voices. It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
  • Do you suffer from some kind of codependence that lets you get off on being ignored and marginalized? 11/20/02 This was one of
  • * Good luck with this one: Grover Norquist says the GOP needs to "marginalize" Islamophobia among right-wingers and "make it clear that there's no place for that in the party of Reagan. Happy Hour Roundup
  • Liberal feminism looks at the roles women play in world politics and asks why they are marginalized.
  • The current situation isolates and marginalises families who most often have to try and survive on just one income.
  • The more marginalized these people become and the more vitriol is broadcast, the greater the danger of more incidents. Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 19, 2010
  • The current geography national curriculum, it argues, is ‘adult-centred’, which marginalises and disempowers children.
  • In other words, the on-screen Italian American has not only had to shadow box with his own persona, but with other ethnically and racially marginalized groups.
  • To enhance the U.S. ability to "infiltrate and combat enemy forces," the panel calls on Gates to "institutionalize" programs that develop "indigenous capacity to infiltrate and disrupt local terrorist networks," including "mapping complex and social landscapes, understanding relationships among key actors in insurgencies, [and] identifying the key goals of marginalized groups that could lead them to be recruited by terrorists. Military expands intelligence role
  • Ever since the last elections, in 2001, the two camps have been attempting to marginalise each other.
  • The main concern among those working with feral children is that the government's anti-social behaviour agenda will further marginalise them.
  • There may be a present day parallel in the way the traditional media has, wittingly or not, marginalised certain ways of thinking and forced us to seize the means of publication ourselves to give expression to our views.
  • Now that English has taken over as the main language, the country's native language has been marginalized.
  • The North is a past master in the game of brinksmanship-for-concessions, an irrational long-term strategy, but one that its economically marginalized and ideologically hyperbolized state and elite seem to depend upon more and more. Bernard Rowan: Oh, My Korea
  • He slammed the ANC for its "sleight-of-hand" politics, accused that organisation of "conning" and attempting to marginalise the Zulu nation, and of fanning violence to strengthen its argument for a speedy move to elections. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Manderson makes it clear that there are strangers within our midst in the form of the poor and the marginalised as well as the strangers at our door.
  • And away from the mainstream it has become so fissiparous, squabblesome and insular as to be self-marginalised and pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • If Obama wins he'll serve out his senate term marginalized as the Dems will boot him and the Republicans will have used him up and have no further use for him either. Chasing The News Cycle Versus Building A Real Case
  • It misleadingly marginalizes both the centrality of the Church and classicism, the dominant artistic trend of the period.
  • They will insure that no matter what the magnitude of his achievement, the memory of it will be downplayed, marginalized and exorcised - just like before.
  • I do agree with Paglia in her observation that over the [last several] decades, poetry and poetry study were steadily marginalised by pretentious 'theory' - which claims to analyse language but atrociously abuses it. Poetry
  • Edit an ever increasingly marginalised hotch potch of ID supporters. Casey Luskin: the new Wendell Bird? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The move from women in tutus doing story ballets like Swan Lake to people in sweat pants running around the stage like gymnasts while a Bach prelude is played over the PA system did a great deal to marginalize the popularity of ballet. Hub helmer headlines crix confab
  • It is a problematic and emotive issue as it relates to the most vulnerable and marginalised group in any society: children.
  • Rather than trying to marginalize the Islamic militias and the huge clan they represent, the international community should ... link No, we certainly don't want to "marginalize" those radical Islamic militias that have been terrorizing all of Somalia. Archive 2006-12-01
  • By the time the genus Homo appears in the fossil record, between 1 and 2 million years ago, fruit had been marginalized, and largely replaced by meat and by foods such as roots and tubers.
  • To a large extent, the refusal movement was marginalised and effectively gagged.
  • The mainstream media, owned by the same corporations that have made their billions in financial finagling of the tax code, loves to ridicule and marginalize our movement. Carl Gibson: Occupy The Dinner Conversation This Christmas
  • For a marginalized band, these guys were moving merch by the truckload.
  • They more often become full-blown—but usually unacknowledged—metaphysical world views, especially in times of great social change when older belief systems are being unreflectively marginalized in the name of progress. What Do Boys and Girls Draw? » Sociological Images
  • Daniel isn't championing a slacker ethos so much as he's narrowing his focus on the marginalized and underpaid, the people who don't wear designer suits or drive sporty new showroom cars.
  • But for people who feel marginalized, the opportunity to insert their voice may be worth whatever risks or discomforts.
  • That caricature had faded away over the years, along with the stories of his brutal on-set perfectionism, replaced by a picture of a marginalized but respected industry elder whom journalists and collaborators have described as reticent and not especially prone to introspection. NYT > Home Page
  • He believes that the non-Arabs in Sudan - an alliance of Southerners and marginalised groups in northern Sudan, such as the Fur - form a numerical majority and should dominate a secular, pluralist and united Sudan.
  • They will continue to treat Hong Kong as a marketplace - and seek to marginalize dissenters as troublemakers.
  • Beyond the standard lefty refrains, most of the discourse was about how they felt marginalized within the power structure of the political science discipline.
  • Generation after generation of families of families, systematically marginalised by their supposed betters and tranquillised by welfare and drugs, are doomed to the underclass.
  • Traditional art history would include Bonnard for his technical innovations and largely marginalise Rodchenko for his politics and photography.
  • This DI loon is aiming this most recent speel at an ever increasingly marginalised hotch potch of ID supporters. Casey Luskin: the new Wendell Bird? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Now, any scientist who dares to question the prevailing wisdom is marginalized and called a sceptic, when in fact they are simply being good scientists. Archive 2007-02-01
  • This DI loon is aiming this most recent speel at an ever increasingly marginalised hotch potch of ID supporters. Casey Luskin: the new Wendell Bird? - The Panda's Thumb
  • This gendered language marginalizes female competitors by reducing our identity.
  • For all his party loyalty, he found himself increasingly marginalized in union work, pushed to the peripheries, and hung out to take the flack when things fell apart.
  • They fear that Sunnis, who are a minority in Iraq but have long-dominated Iraqi politics, will be marginalized by the country's majority Shi'ite Muslims.
  • In other words, the on-screen Italian American has not only had to shadow box with his own persona, but with other ethnically and racially marginalized groups.
  • Guys, if you don't want to be "stigmatized" and "marginalized", stop supporting genocidal mass murderers! Daimnation!: The federal government has finally
  • Research shows early school leaving marginalises different groups in society, particularly young unskilled men, lone parents and young people in disadvantaged areas or rural areas.
  • First, anyone retaining fidelity to Labour's old reformist policies was pushed out of the party or marginalised and cowed.
  • Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.
  • As I have argued above, marginalized groups cannot simply be identified economically. Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
  • Though there are attempts to marginalize us, our voices are still being heard.
  • They were once common and ubiquitous, now they are marginalised specialists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pop music is a vehicle for the marginalised urban underclass. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traditional art history would include Bonnard for his technical innovations and largely marginalise Rodchenko for his politics and photography.
  • This in turn, will increase the stakes of multi-nationals in India's well being and marginalise sanction regimes.
  • Afghanistan eventually triumphs over Kabul and Qandahar, with the former favored and viewed as central, and the latter marginalized in cartographic and, as the narrative of this book demonstrates, economic terms. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • The National Assembly passed constitutional amendments to marginalize the Taiwan Provincial Government.
  • Criminology, like crime control, tends to focus on males and marginalise females or render them invisible.
  • In the late 1970s the frontiers were radically expanded, bringing marginalized literatures into university courses.
  • The novel juxtaposes three stories of the effects of state violence on marginalized bodies across the African diaspora.
  • Marginalized people are simply creating their own society, says the retired diplomat.
  • This lends itself to gentleness, patience, and care for the marginalized. Christianity Today
  • It misleadingly marginalizes both the centrality of the Church and classicism, the dominant artistic trend of the period.
  • To marginalize the President of the United States of America as nothing more than a "campaigner" is pretty pathetic. Campaigner-in-Chief to team up with Corzine
  • The Task Force, in its first year, has targeted areas within the county that have been traditionally marginalized and have suffered because of their peripherality.
  • Certain people have suggested that the term homophobia is inappropriate because it marginalizes those that are opposed to gay marriage. OpEdNews - Diary: On the Use of the Term Homophobia
  • They were once common and ubiquitous, now they are marginalised specialists. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a clear indication that the so-called matric drop-outs or marginalised youth, if given a chance, can prove themselves to be among the best in the land," he said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Even this debate was tightly stitched up to marginalise anti-war voices.
  • In a society with partible inheritance rather than primogeniture, marginalized wives, daughters, and second sons made family relations simultaneously complementary and conflictual.
  • Women's historical writings were often trivialized or marginalized, considered not truly history but memoirs, genealogy, or gossip.
  • And once Everyman is marginalised, they will carry on down their destructive path, making the UK into Europe's Zimbabwe. Checkmate
  • Restricting access marginalizes youth, defining them as social nonentities at best, irritations at worst.
  • Again and again he defied social convention, often by showing concern for the very people who were normally despised or marginalized by respectable society.
  • Instead of protecting people who already are at special risk of abuse, many governments further marginalize migrants, punish them, or push access to services out of reach.
  • Another way to succeed is to educate people about what the Bill of Rights said and to instill values that lead most to the most libertarian readings of those rights, and do one's very best to marginalize those voices that look to erode civil liberties accretionally. Obama Administration Looks To Reinstate Assault-Weapons Ban
  • Literature that is widely taught today includes writings by women and members of other historically marginalized groups.
  • Which means if you think a marginalised person is too obsessed or too emotional or angry or taking it all too personally and it bothers you then work towards a world that doesn't FORCE them to 'obsess' or that doesn't hurt or anger them. A Spark of Wisdom: Ignoring or not being emotionally affected by marginalisation is a privilege.
  • Victims are marginalised and suffer twice over when the legal process treats them as mere evidence.
  • We are not suggesting that pluralist political methods should be marginalized or eliminated.
  • I would just add that, as far as I understand it, the Hindu concept of "swaraj" is not just a sort of anything-goes type of permissive freedom, but really is synonymous with the idea that everyone, even those who are most marginalized or excluded from social, economic, and political power, should in conjunction with her / his fellows start to gain real control over her / his own destiny. 'Just World News' with Helena Cobban
  • What would be awesome, although it again places the burden on the marginalized, is to have outreach & programs prior to and at the event (as was suggested in the other post). Burning Man and the Indigenous Community. - Feministing
  • I can stand here from Feministing and yell until I am blue in the face until a mainstream outlet can utter the word intersectionality or at least recognize the problematic history that feminism has had with marginalized groups, instead of dominating the dialogue and fusing together once again, "white," with "woman" and therefore with "feminism," but somethings gotta give. Feministing
  • We need to find ways in which we engage the hoi polloi, the so-called masses, in public discourse through indabas, town hall forums, so that no one feels marginalised… their point of view matters, it counts.
  • Read theology and biblical studies from global voices, or from historically marginalized peoples or groups. Christianity Today
  • The counterfeit cruzeiro substitutes a photo-derived image of a Brazilian Indian on one side, and on the reverse an image understood to represent a psychiatric patient, symbolic of the marginalized and oppressed.
  • This DI loon is aiming this most recent speel at an ever increasingly marginalised hotch potch of ID supporters. Casey Luskin: the new Wendell Bird? - The Panda's Thumb
  • There is humour as well as the anger one might expect from a once proud and powerful, but now marginalized people. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The piece responds to the marginalized feminine art form as well as justifies the artist's artistic standpoint and state of working that very much stray away from the mainstream context.
  • At the core of the situation and reaction as presented is an assumption that these children will forever remain marginalized, poor, and unable to have any interaction with technology devices or tools of economic empowerment. Advisor: Was it cruel to let poor kids in India play with my iPod? Boing Boing
  • And what of the male dancer, historically marginalized but increasingly interesting on both the dance and fashion front? The Times Literary Supplement
  • But, you know, it's also a superficial, ephemeral métier, suitable only for a marginalised freak - although I find it hard to imagine why everyone does not clamour to become a window dresser.
  • Having marginalised itself into near-irrelevance under a 'disorganic' leader, the UNP is in a hopelessly self-destructive mode, driving itself to electoral extinction and its supporters to political destitution and deepest despair. Groundviews
  • Yes, we are an unpopular minority, marginalized and crapped on daily by homophobes who are emboldened by the silence. Think Progress » Right-Wing Media Distorts Clinton’s Oklahoma City Speech To Claim He Wants To Muzzle Dissent
  • Taiwan must not be marginalized, belittled or treated as a locality, he said.
  • In Jamaica the term dreadlocks was first recorded in the 1950s as a term for the "Young Black Faith", an early sect of the Rastafari which began among the marginalized poor of Jamaica in the 1930s, when they ceased to copy the particular hair style of Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia and began to wear dreadlocks instead. [citation needed] It was said that the wearer lived a "dread" life or a life in which he feared God, which gave birth to the modern name RVABlogs
  • As I have argued above, marginalized groups cannot simply be identified economically. Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
  • The term ethnic minority is often used to refer to marginalized cultural groups.
  • Restricting access marginalizes youth, defining them as social nonentities at best, irritations at worst.
  • There are many more underfed people in the region, but at least this could have filled the stomachs of the most needy and marginalised people.
  • He spent his childhood and teenage years in the suburbs of outer London, already marginalised, already looking in at the centre from the edges.
  • She and her fellow "playground mums" feel marginalized by their husbands and disrespected by working mothers, but she cannot convey her disappointments in a way that compares with the bone-deep guilt of the "neglectful" working mother. Playground mum vs. Agent Provocateur
  • Within one year of Maitreyi- Elliad’s meeting at Kolkata, the Indian National Congress passed the Karachi Resolution in 1931 where 'swaraj' or 'self rule' in free India was declared, but the gender issue was still marginalised as evidenced by the fact that only one of the resolutions expressly mentions protecting women's rights as part of workers' rights. Sense & Sensuality
  • It is out of all reason to replace our own traditional mindset of long running history with one single marginalized set of values to confront mainstream western values.
  • The hard-boiled hero's rapport with oppressed and marginalized people has a well-articulated rationale.
  • The previous non-recognition of Indigenous issues and rights had left Indigenous Australians in a marginalised and dependent relationship.
  • She rises to the formidable challenge of bringing together her three very different, marginalized figures for thoughtful comparisons and synthesis.
  • The question of how politics have been marginalised in relation to the arts is another matter altogether. Something concrete « Squares of Wheat
  • And are you seriously arguing that Likud is a marginalized organization? Matthew Yglesias » After the Two-State Solution
  • And I think that there are already plenty of pejoratives available to cis (non-trans) people to marginalise and dehumanise us, without handing them further ammunition. A rose by any other name
  • The Eurocentric ideology exists in almost all the commonwealth literary works, in which the East is represented biasedly and the Eastern people are marginalized.
  • Women are the most marginalized group due to globalization and neocolonialism sponsored by the North.
  • Ironically, one of the designated leaders of Bush's campaign to "marginalize" GOP conservatives who oppose illegal immigration is former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, who in 2002 on "Hardball" called for the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from the West Bank. Have Rove and Bush gone nuts?
  • McCullers'work is fascinating because of the profound compassion to the pain of the marginalized underlying all her texts.
  • The effect of this was to marginalize all advocacy groups and interest groups that were not corporate.
  • They're well-informed autodidacts who feel marginalised by the academy.
  • More women are empowered more by the Southern Baptist business meeting in those churches that haven't abandoned or marginalized the practice than by the installation of a few women in the pulpit in non-congregationalist churches, yet these empowered Southern Baptist women have not, apparently, felt the need to pollute the churches with feminist radicalism. Baptists blogging on `women in ministry' | RELIGION Blog |
  • All children from marginalised populations face this double jeopardy.
  • The proposed mechanism for this marked increase in residential detoxification is that Insite facilitates sustained contact between the health-care system and a population which is normally highly marginalized and difficult to reach with conventional addiction treatment services. The Solution is Insite, Part II : Law is Cool
  • He concludes that the nature of this coverage serves to marginalize the groups and assert a greater level of social control over them.
  • This new synthesis emphasizes three morphological areas of biology that had been marginalized by the Modern Synthesis of genetics and evolution: embryology, macroevolution, and homology.
  • By lacking any essence, queer does not marginalize those whose sexuality is outside of any gay or lesbian norm, such as sado-masochists. Homosexuality

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