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How To Use Margin In A Sentence

  • Documents with extra-wide margins are now displayed in a browser with a horizontal scroll bar.
  • The only people she would be able to talk to in English would be Ovidiu, and marginally to Rica with the broken language he was still trying to learn.
  • The lymphatic vessels of the tongue may be divided into four groups: (1) apical, from the tip of the tongue to the suprahyoid glands and principal gland of the tongue; (2) lateral, from the margin of the tongue—some of these pierce the Mylohyoideus to end in the submaxillary glands, others pass down on the Hyoglossus to the superior deep cervical glands; (3) basal, from the region of the vallate papillæ to the superior deep cervical glands; and (4) median, a few of which perforate the Mylohyoideus to reach the submaxillary glands, while the majority turn around the posterior border of the muscle to enter the superior deep cervical glands. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 3. The Lymphatics of the Head, Face, and Neck
  • At present, power is very high orders, to improve gross profit margins.
  • There is no suggestion of a pronounced twist in the ventral margin of the jaw of Hynerpeton like that seen in Densignathus.
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  • Nationally, Republican delegates listed fiscal issues as most important by a two-to-one margin.
  • It also provides a condensed primer to some of the issues at stake in American avant-garde cinema, which, partly because of its historical opposition to the dictates of commercial mainstream moviemaking and partly because it resists commodification unlike, say, abstract painting, oppositional cinema doesn't rack up big sales at Sotheby's, has been relegated to the status of museum pieces and festival marginalia. NYT > Home Page
  • The air time is sold by broadcast bottom feeders who could care less about anything beyond profit margins.
  • _Phyllocactus_ in having the branches dilated into the form of fleshy leaves, but differ in haying them divided into short truncate leaf-like portions, which are articulated, that is to say, provided with a joint by which they separate spontaneously; the margins are crenate or dentate, and the flowers, which are large and showy, magenta or crimson, appear at the apex of the terminal joints. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • As an extra precaution against an ongoing down market, Narayanan suggests building in a "margin of safety": a 3 to 5 percent premium over the target hurdle rate.
  • The company reported strong profit margins in its fourth quarter results, although revenues were below expectations.
  • He won by a narrow margin.
  • This vanishing reflects both the culture's increasing intolerance of sentimentalism and mainstream comics' marginalizing of women readers.
  • The new system is only marginally more efficient than the old one.
  • In the marginals the battle was much closer than the national polls suggested.
  • With this approach there is a need to justify all expenditure and not just that expenditure at the margin or additional expenditure.
  • Everyone who uses those arguments has already assumed the longterm disfranchisement and marginalization of that majority of the Palestinian people forced to live in complete exile from their homeland for, in many cases, the past 60 years ... Charlottesville Blogs
  • Other student-poets cleaved to the justified left margin; still others wrote in paragraphs.
  • This came from the xray: One finding not mentioned above, is of a 3.6 x 5. 6CM sharply marginated sclerotic rimmed area in left proximal femur, near lesser trochanter. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Marginal and fragile lands cleared for export crop production rapidly become infertile and erosion prone.
  • Honey and maple syrup are only marginally better. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • The presence of loam in potting composts does increase the margin for error, both when watering and feeding. The Sun
  • I met fuel-injection-pump rebuilders who knew the gross margins of every nozzle and pump they produced.
  • I've said before that I think the supply-siders who argue that lowering our marginal tax rates will raise revenue are full of bunk.
  • Its 25% net margin is bettered in the computer industry only by Intel, the world's biggest micro-processor maker.
  • When the eyelids are open, an elliptical space, the palpebral fissure (rima palpebrarum), is left between their margins, the angles of which correspond to the junctions of the upper and lower eyelids, and are called the palpebral commissures or canthi. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 3. The Accessory Organs of the Eye
  • The cap is a chestnut brown colour with a cream margin. Times, Sunday Times
  • The blocks are covered in dense comic art that reminds me of the Sergio Argones marginalia in MAD Magazine -- a million zillion sight gags on the theme of "Oh God the baby is coming to destroy us all! Boing Boing
  • The above utility function also has the property of diminishing marginal utility for each commodity.
  • But this year, when precisely the same measure came up for a required second vote, it was defeated by a thumping margin of 157 to 39.
  • He lambasted software companies for piling on marginal features in incessant upgrades that can downgrade user efficiency.
  • ‘All these polls indicate is that there will be a dogfight for the last seat in all key marginals and the vote will be so tight it is hard for anyone to call it,’ the Fine Gael spokesman said.
  • While the introduction of EU compensatory payments will offset the price drop, a decline in calf prices combined with cost increases will result in continuing pressure on margins in dairy farming.
  • Margins are tightening and growth slowing to the levels of more mature markets.
  • Here, distribution may be limited to a small number of intermediaries who gain better margins and exclusivity.
  • Under the new proposals, the degree of margin reduction for cane refiners is around two-and-a-half times greater than that for beet producers, so that the competitive imbalance between beet and cane producers would be widened.
  • Net interest margin, on a fully taxable equivalent ( "FTE") basis, was 3. 96\% in 2008, an increase of 52 basis points from 3. 44\% in 2007. GuruFocus Updates
  • The study area is near the southern margin of the coal field, a structural boundary, not an erosional edge of the palaeoswamp.
  • They will be concerned that wholesale prices could move upwards again, eating into margins. Times, Sunday Times
  • For being marginally wide at the last turn he lost a single point, but otherwise his three sections of driving were clean.
  • And there are symbolic margins along which men get a worse deal than 100 years ago - modern males are probably more afraid to make sexist remarks within earshot of their wives. Are Husbands Really Like Potatoes?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Spillers pet foods had a resilient first half despite the continuing pressure on pet food margins.
  • Labour, having survived this year's election, has been left with a heavy crop of marginal seats to defend.
  • The Dutch employed fleets of full-rigged ships of relatively large tonnage, which enabled them to undercut the freight charges of their competitors by a significant margin.
  • As the machine lifted, it caught the sun above the forest margins, and burnished the fair hair falling carelessly over her forehead. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • The impact of the crisis is very marginal on the steel scrips on the BSE - not much fall in the scrips of the listed steel companies.
  • A dense wood will have proportionally more elasticity and resistance, but also a greater margin of shrinkage and swelling.
  • The northern margin of the melange is marked by a thrust contact with both the Carboniferous sedimentary rocks and extrusive volcanic sequence.
  • It is also a widespread constituent of a variety of igneous and metamorphic rocks and is occasionally found in pegmatites and in related veins marginal to igneous rock units ranging from granite to diabase.
  • If he is rational, he will choose a price that maximizes his profit, the price that equates marginal cost with marginal revenue.
  • In time the marginal benefits definitely outweighed the marginal costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • That could see Tommy Bridewell aboard the Quay Garage Honda posing questions of the title chasing pack as he ran only marginally down in seventh place ahead of Alastair Seeley on the second Relentless Suzuki and Chris Walker riding his privately entered Suzuki
  • Economics and economic policy is all about changes at the margin. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also collected a silver medal in the 50m freestyle in which he was pipped at the post for the gold by a very slim 0.04 of a second margin in another PB swim.
  • Thus the use of selective sentencing to change criminal behaviour was but marginally effective. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, women also favor Democratic congressional candidates over Republicans by a 15-point margin.
  • When the marginal profit of the manufacturer is small relative to the retailer, neither strategy was applied by the manufacturer.
  • The manubrium mallei (handle) is connected by its lateral margin with the tympanic membrane. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1d. 3. The Auditory Ossicles
  • This could result in his contributions being marginalized or minimalized.
  • For the stupid person up there that wrote "the failure of 08 begins" I can tell you that's exactly the opposite: "the recover 08 begins", no more Bush mistakes and his heir is going to be defeated big time, is going to be a victory by a huge margin!!! Obama: The general election fight should start next week
  • It is expected to make speeding punishments more flexible, with drivers caught marginally over the limit getting two penalty points and those way over, six.
  • Start writing at the left-hand margin.
  • Duet is the first dependably variegated beautyberry, selected for its yellow-margined, variegated foliage and tolerance to full sun. New crop of hybrid plants demonstrate beauty of ingenuity
  • The F.W. Woolworth Company reported profit margins of 20 percent but actually lowered the wages of salesgirls in its stores, citing the need for belt tightening.
  • This is good for their profit margins but not healthy brain function - and in any case it can be unlearnt. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Rafaees at Haji Malang. flickr-photo {border: solid 2px #000000;}. flickr-yourcomment {}. flickr-frame {text-align: left; padding: 3px;}. flickr-caption {font-size: 0. 8em; margin-top: 0px;} The Rafaees at Haji Malang « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • The Sunday Times remains the brand leader by a huge margin.
  • The two bands became docile subsistence farmers on submarginal agricultural land.
  • As a key marginal producer of both oil and natural gas, Russia is now in an enviable position to catalyse this development.
  • Oborne regrets the 'loss of self restraint' and his intention is to recreate it, or rather to again 'ostracise' and 'thrust beyond the outer margins of debate' those who dare to speak out about the impact of Islam on the British way of life. The British National Party
  • These vouchers entitle the bearer to CrossRail tickets (at a marginal rate).
  • It is the third major poll this month to report a single-figure margin. The Sun
  • Most merchants can live with thin margins if they have to, as long as merchandise is flying off the shelves. Times, Sunday Times
  • The regulator said that their margins had been eroded by a rise in the wholesale cost of energy and the cost of delivering it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Move to the Left, encourage mass protest, and they risked being marginalized in a revolutionary confrontation.
  • Furthermore, women also favor Democratic congressional candidates over Republicans by a 15-point margin.
  • For the first quarter, both teams were all over the place, and for the last they were only marginally more composed.
  • In the latter, price is driven down to marginal cost.
  • The _first glume_ is cuneately obovate or obcordate, yellowish with red brown tips or dark brown with yellow tips, chartaceous below, membranous, hyaline and ciliate at the truncate, emarginate or retuse apex, 7 - to 9-nerved, the nerves abruptly ceasing towards the apex. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Only marginally cheaper than the principality's average taxi fare. The Sun
  • Cauda long, flexed ventrally in arch("U" shape), its tip not extending below the margin of the ostium.
  • Overlap of bone margins may indicate a dislocation, and a second view should confirm this.
  • The Anteaters led the Big West in turnover margin (plus-1. 91), ranked second in assist-to-turnover ratio (1.1) and defended fairly well, ranking fourth in defense at 60.6 points per game. Big West Conference
  • They have further hammered bank profits by wiping out the margin made on deposits. Times, Sunday Times
  • His backup was cement, and he knew exactly what profit margin to expect on it.
  • The weather pattern gets marginally much better tomorrow with no snow in the forecast.
  • He is aware of the risks involved in margined trading and that the entire amount of his deposit could be at risk.
  • The problem is that the margin between stable and low inflation and damaging deflation is quite slight. Times, Sunday Times
  • The high rains supports forests of karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) and tingle (E. brevistylis, E. jacksonii, and E. guilfoylei), shifting to jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Eucalyptus calophylla) in areas with lower nutrient soils. Jarrah-Karri forest and shrublands
  • It is supported by a narrow lunate platform along the dorsal margin.
  • I don't know if it was for lack of interest or lack of confidence in the current system, but the youth voter turnout was only marginally higher.
  • Everywhere around the margins there were shoal fish, creatures almost identical to skimmer bream and roach.
  • However, the company admitted that operating margin dipped from 11.1% last year to 10.7% in the first half of this year, blaming "some erosion from Asia and Australasia". M&C Saatchi revenues rise, but outlook 'uncertain'
  • The broadness of the portunid sternum allows the appendages to project well beyond the lateral margins of the carapace and is an adaptation to the swimming habit which most portunids exhibit.
  • Faith in a black, Democratic president to be marginally better than a fascist fuckwit is not the same thing as faith in YHWH, Jesus Christ or Allah, but what they share makes for a good base line. On Faith
  • In the one study I am aware of that focuses on sites close to Magude and addresses Iron Age developments in a lowveld region straddling the international border, the significance attached to pottery demonstrates both how archaeological mappings have tacitly marginalized this area from history and how gender ideologies have buttressed this representation. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • The margin where they have crossed has also widened recently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most English historians were cured of such flatulent emotion by the carnage of the first world war, the desolation of the great slump and the perilously tight margin of victory in the second world war.
  • Seek the Kingdom of God and his justice here on earth through effective, brotherly solidarity with the neediest and the marginalized!
  • The ride was rough as a cob, most of the time down in the weeds, weaving through valleys and cresting ridges by the slimmest of margins. CORMORANT
  • More importantly to Branson, it meant Virgin were on a far smaller margin of any profit.
  • Brad DeLong has some good advice about the tax system: eliminate loopholes for the affluent and raise top marginal rates and uncap FICA.
  • Use the "filter" tool on our interactive chart to remove the two recent partisan polls, and the Kirk margin narrows to roughly 1 point (40.5% to 39.6%). Dueling Partisan Polls Confirm A Toss-Up In Illinois Senate Race
  • Ocular emargination: in Mallophaga, a lateral emargination of the head in which the eye is received posteriorly. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The spiny, reddish-brown stems are clad with oval-shaped, glossy green leaves with notched margins. The Sun
  • Whoever made the original choice of plants did a splendid job, leaving us a mix of marginals, surface-leaved and submerged oxygenating plants, all of which I would highly recommend to fellow novice pond keepers.
  • The cuticle of the anterior margin of each segment is thickened towards the interior of the animal in order to form a pachycyclus for the attachment of longitudinal muscles.
  • Splitting of the microveins of the cubitus anterior gives the margin a ragged appearance.
  • The laws of the Restoration period, especially the Test and Corporation Acts, kept the Catholic community on the margins.
  • The orientation toward nervous ailments at Steinhof, then, embodied an attempt to fight the marginalization of the asylum on a number of levels.
  • • Trading margin of 13. 5%; up 155 bps on a constant currency basis and 160 bps on an actual currency basis* Food IngredientsFIrst News
  • That's because low and falling utilization rates also hurt profit margins, not just once, but twice.
  • Damaged endothelial cells secrete p-selectin, e-selectin, intracellular adhesion molecules and vascular cell adhesion molecules that induce monocytes to marginate, roll, and adhere to endothelial surfaces.
  • For example, an input may be priced at above marginal cost in a situation where there are variable proportions in production.
  • Spain presently holds the presidency of the EU Council of Ministers and there has been a meeting in Madrid between members of the EU Parliament and members of the US Congress (one of those summer junkets for legislators) and on the margins of that meeting the Spanish Foreign Minister said: - The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Israeli Incompetence
  • But people who emphasize the efficiency often base the Laffer curve, and insist decreasing the marginal tax rate of individual income tax.
  • My suspicion is that the national poll numbers mean zilch and that this election is going to be decided in the marginals.
  • And what of the male dancer, historically marginalized but increasingly interesting on both the dance and fashion front? The Times Literary Supplement
  • The profit margin on hardware sales for the first quarter was a dismal 29%.
  • The garnet and blue clad hoopsters competed in four exhibition contests that season, winning each by a comfortable margin.
  • Pope Benedict lauded himself for the respect and solidarity he gives to the minority groups, the emarginated and religious believers of other denominations while at the same juncture he was encouraging the Maltese majority to continue with its ongoing suppressive attitude towards the minorities.
  • The story is one of massive overheads and razor-thin margins. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unit cost function represents marginal and average costs.
  • The Jews seem to have performed the rite of circumcision with flint implements, for we read in Exodus that Zipporah, the wife of Moses, took a sharp stone for that purpose; and the phrase translated "sharp knives" in Joshua v. 2 -- "At that time the Lord said unto Joshua, Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time" -- should be translated, as in the marginal reference, _knives of flint_. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • Using the services of a telephone research company in Southend, his company has canvassed voters in marginal seats. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since the funds to exercise the options and pay the taxes due were provided by margining the stock in Brokerage House Corp.'s Option Financing Program, Mr. Worker was told that he would have no money out of his pocket.
  • He owns a small, marginal business.
  • Okay, so after that passage, I may or may not have doodled small hearts in the book's margin. Caroline Hagood: On Yippee Ki-Yay Moviegoer!, Movies, and Manhood
  • A narrow margin of victory for her would increase the likelihood of that. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't waste space by leaving a wide margin.
  • He spent two and a half years in the Navy, eventually given a general discharge under honorable conditions, following several minor infractions and an attitude which he describes as marginally insubordinate. The Piano Teacher
  • The cusp has a curved anterior margin and the base is short.
  • The book is only marginally about sex, and takes a dour view of sexology, survey research, and Western-influenced sex education.
  • Do not confuse marginal and total utility. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Most attempts to move complex and invasive procedures out of hospital completely and into patients' homes remain marginal.
  • Since shareholders have a nasty habit of leaving, customers will probably have to bear the brunt of these losses and the bank may try to push profit margins even wider apart.
  • These commarginal lirae broadly tongue dorsally across plicae and ventrally across interspaces.
  • Thus, beyond a certain point the marginal social benefit of further risk reduction will exceed the marginal social cost.
  • The Labour MP was defending an already tight 2,138 majority in a seat targeted as a key marginal by Tory chiefs.
  • Midnight at the Stanhope Gate was only a marginal improvement on three o 'clock in the porch of St. Georges. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
  • The service will initially operate only with leading brand-name products, keeping customers away from cheaper goods with smaller profit margins. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those servers (which were lodged in the basement of a bank in Chattanooga, Tennessee) mysteriously "malfunctioned" during a critical period in the deep night of the election when a 200,000-vote exit poll margin for John Kerry somehow morphed into a victory for Bush/Rove. Harvey Wasserman: Do the Neo-Cons Need Karl Rove When They Can Count on the Democrats?
  • The ferocious topspin he used achieved depth while keeping a much wider margin for error than a flat stroke.
  • No inversion can, therefore, really take place in anatropous ovules, but the blade of the leaf is bent back on the funicle, with which its margins also cohere. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • But it wasn't just in the regions and the marginals that a different election was going on.
  • These states have had huge growth in statewide Democratic voting from 2002-2008, with very marginal growth in Democratic representation. Matthew Yglesias » Busting More Gerrymandering Myths
  • The inner and outer margins of the annulus were observed to bulge outwards but when the nucleus was removed the inner margins bulged inwards.
  • Carnes quas detulerant reseruauimus vsque ad diem festum: nihil enim inueniebamus venale pro auro et argento, nisi pro telis et alijs [Marginal note: Nota diligentissime.] pannis: et illos non habebamus. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Dr.A. H. Thompson: "A.ter several years 'successful use of tin-gold, I commend it for approximal cavities, cervical margins, and frail walls. Tin Foil and Its Combinations for Filling Teeth
  • On the opposite end of the scale, SUVs are large, heavy lumps that transport people and stuff looking marginally ‘cooler’ than wagons and vans.
  • The other species which yield buchu are _B. serratifolia_, having linear-lanceolate sharply serrulate leaves, and _B. betulina_, the leaves of which are cuneate-obovate, with denticulate margins. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • But the wider importance of the phrase was only made clear by a marginal note in one of his notebooks.
  • In plan-form the dune has an irregular outline but the eastern margin is more complex and irregular than the western edge.
  • Did television marginalize the Alliance and thereby contribute to its failure?
  • Essa foto foi tirada por volta de 15h, da janela do 9o andar da Abril (Marginal Pinheiros). Global Voices in English » Brazil: Photos of a country hit by hail, rain and high winds
  • It appears that the charismatic Parker's first contribution is to hypnotise Zuckerberg, his second to marginalise Saverin, his third to hold out the prospect of big hedge-fund money, and the fourth to suggest shortening the title to "Facebook". The Social Network – review
  • On the margins, why do fibers breathe out leaves and wind?
  • Soon after, though, the curtain will drop and the media will attempt to marginalize bloggers, hoping they will go away.
  • Among 25 cases of tuberculosis of internal genital, the roughness of cervical margin was most commonly seen, stenosis of cervix uteri came second.
  • The ventral and posterior margins form an acute angle of 70°, which offers an acuminate aspect.
  • Systematic firm palpation of the costal margin in recommended in all patients presenting with pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen.
  • The greatest hindrance to recovery of this resource is the marginally favorable economic environment.
  • The expense keep accounts on the accountant that unless manage a gender, goes and one-time item pay, profit margin and historical expression keep basic consistent.
  • When you decide that you have the right to taunt someone, you have no idea what kind of marginalization that they have put up with before encountering you. Archive 2009-11-01
  • I formed monstrous shapes in potter's clay, or cut them in trees; I filled my notebooks and the margins of my books with rough sketches, and I spent more than one night crying without reason. Wladyslaw Reymont - Autobiography
  • The bottom shelved gently down from the margins and levelled out at 10 feet depth just at the point where the reeds ended.
  • Worried men Operating margins have increased to 30% or so, putting garbage up with pharmaceuticals in terms of profitability.
  • Hand in hand with this measure goes an equally bold re-focusing of Labour's strategy concerning marginal constituencies.
  • He was the sole price setter, free to set marginal revenue equal to marginal cost, and free to set price far above marginal cost.
  • And in co-ordination with maths methods, we will introduce the relative theory in management, such as marginal balance, the flexibility in enterprise management, and the idea of stability, etc.
  • To get a book that has someone else's marginalia is even more special somehow. 42 entries from November 2007
  • These people occupy such a marginal position in society that the authorities think they can be safely ignored.
  • Today, only a few hundred individuals of the Persian wild ass subpsecies (E.h. onager) persist in Bahram-e-Goor in the Iranian portion of the hotspot, while another subspecies of wild ass, known as the kulan or Turkmenian wild ass (E.h. kulan, CR), survives only in a single population in and around the Badkhyz Nature Reserve in south Turkmenistan, just marginally outside the hotspot. Biological diversity in the Irano-Anatolian
  • The survey has a margin of error of 2.1%.
  • The bulk of the sediments on the outer margin are of Eocene to Oligocene age with thin units of younger sediments on top.
  • Selenite mostly formed in shallow marginal settings and was redeposited into a small remnant basin with a depocentre near the present synclinal axis.
  • That is what happens when you poison your growth through letting others diminish, marginalize and demoralize you from reaching your potential.
  • The lode proved to be spotty, showing just marginal copper mineralization.
  • Given lower sales forecasts, protecting margin is now the business imperative to maintain profits and cash. Times, Sunday Times
  • A willingness to accept untidiness: shaggy hedges, hairy field margins, trees, fallen branches, unkept bits, tangly bits, squashy bits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a plate carrying continental crust gives rise to a continental-margin orogen.
  • Read theology and biblical studies from global voices, or from historically marginalized peoples or groups. Christianity Today
  • It is somewhat viscid when moist, and the margin is very thin and strongly striate and tuberculate, i. e., the ridges between the marginal furrows are tuberculate. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • The region's flagship tree species include three eucalypts: jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata), marri (E. calophylla), and karri (E. diversicolor). Biological diversity in Southwest Australia
  • The subjective experience of the human mind has been marginalised and the inextricable mutual dependence of body and mind within a unique individual ignored.
  • [ARCA LIENOSA] lines of growth distinct, giving a striate appearance; the ligament area is marked by strong lines diverging from beneath the umbo; umbones distant; inside margin strongly sulcate or ribbed. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • This margin of error accounts for the effect of weighting. Christianity Today
  • It seemed to possess a double quantity of fins, -- lunated along their outer margins, and set thickly over its body, so as to give it a bristling aspect. The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
  • Not all annotations and marginal notes were politically motivated or denominationally influenced.
  • The flowering glume is awned, strongly 5-nerved, nerves scabrid and ciliate, the lateral nerves being marginal. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • There was a marginal difference in the levels of support among urban voters compared to rural ones, with city dwellers only slightly more likely to vote no.
  • But the stewards ruled that the interference had not affected the result, arguably not an easy call given the margins at the line of just a neck and half a length.
  • Kerekou won by an unsurprisingly huge margin: 86 percent of the valid votes cast compared with 16 percent for Amoussou.
  • This is hardly the first time that a major media network used its power to marginalize political beliefs that contradict those of its owners.
  • Now, you don't have to offer shippable product as a special offer or price enhancement; it can also be electronic which makes it easier and raises your profit margin. Penny C. Sansevieri: What Shopping Channels Can Teach Us About Selling
  • Only the oldest age groups are positive, though by a smaller margin than they were. Times, Sunday Times
  • Calculations of the social marginal costs and benefits of cutting back pollution tend to be conspicuous by their absence.
  • In general, historians tend to portray Somerset's rise to power as logically inevitable and to cast Mary as a marginalized from the jockeying for political position that took place amongst the executor-councilors during the first two months of Edward VI's reign. 11 Hindsight makes it easy to forget that the political situation taking shape after Henry's death in late January 1547 initially appeared unstable. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Counting the more weakly focalizing zoom ins would have made the margin even greater.
  • The allochthonous units that overlie the eastern part of this terrane were probably emplaced when the Magnitogorsk volcanic arc collided with this margin in late Devonian times.

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