How To Use Marge In A Sentence
It would have been way easy for Obaa to support the tax holiday but no he wants to do this thing right and deliver the goods for the good citizents of America. marge
Schneider: Did 'Operation Chaos' succeed in Indiana?
Marge's chain-smoking, DMV-working sister, Selma, feels the tick of her biological clock.
He beginneth not with obscure definitions, which must blur the margent with interpretations, and load the memory with doubtfulness: but he cometh to you with words sent in delightful proportion, either accompanied with, or prepared for the well enchanting skill of music; and with a tale forsooth he cometh unto you: with a tale which holdeth children from play, and old men from the chimney corner.
English literary criticism
If Marge did come up to Rome suddenly, Tom had a lot of his own clothing hanging ready in the closet.
They are counterweighted by moments of ache (Wayne's abuse, Margene's break-down at her old job), humor (Nicki's catty asides), and tenderness.
Mark Blankenship: Big Love Wife Watch!: Season 5, Ep. 1

I thought it a good idea; the very sight of Edith tucking in her babies and sitting down beside the library lamp to embroider me a scarfpin-holder for Christmas would bring Margery back to normal again.
The Window at the White Cat
Margery seems defeminised, too: her experience of womanhood feels very much an outsider's view.
Her chapter concerning the library of the London vowess Margery de Nerford also discusses the events surrounding de Nerford's wardship, forced marriage, ensuing divorce, and legal battles.
In narratives by English writers from the time of Margery Kempe, the litany of discomfort, hazard, and mortal peril echoes almost unchangingly down the centuries, muting fainter sounds of pleasure.
Marge's first impulse was to run.
Just to lie there, on the marge of the mystery, just to lie there and drink the air in great gulps, and do nothing!
Above them were fields of blazing stars and on some of the curves Marge caught a glimpse of moonlight on rolling surf.
Margent; and for that the said Sir John Newton is yncertaine of any creaste which he ought to beare by his owne proper name, he therefore hath also required vs, the said kings and hereauldes of armes, to assigne and confirme vnto him and his posteritie for ever, the creaste of Sir Auncell Corney, knight, which Sir Auncell Corney, as it doth appere by divers ancient evidence and other monuments of the said Sir
Notes and Queries, Number 56, November 23, 1850
Meanwhile, we also see Margene get pulled in the private/public war, as she toys with selling an energy drink that seems to get her so coked up that she must dance around to Jewel and Human League.
Mark Blankenship: Big Love Wife Watch!: Season Five, Ep. 2
Marge : Best kiss of my life!
His ballgame companion, Marge Locke, is just as avid a fan.
There was a plate with two slices of bread and a knob of marge.
Marge helped serve coffee and triple-layer cake from the old highboy, as the scent of roses drifted through the open windows.
Marge clung to Janey and stared at the blank door in horror.
'Yessah, Missa Stussa, prease lee, see Margey' moller. '
A Rude Awakening
The plastic marvel even had a sort of visor that folded out to keep the drops off Marge's thick bifocals.
Margery's grieving family battled to come to terms with their loss.
When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.
He could have sent the congrats card, lured me down here through Marge, and set the whole thing up.
LIghtly lube a skillet or grill pan with butter, vegan marge or oil.
Ellen Kanner: Meatless Monday: Don't Be Cruel
Meals were often just bread and marge or a bit of bacon dripping, or send out for a chip supper, with fish if they were lucky.
Margery snorted inelegantly before lifting her cup to blow across the hot liquid.
Healing the Highlander
Marge trailed behind him with an armful of hastily gathered clothing.
For example, she has worked with dogs called Gouda, Feta, Munster and Stinky; Bart, Homer, Marge and Lisa; and Pork, Bacon and Sausage.
The Roanoke Times: Home page
Margerate has great lines through out though- calling Elizabeth 'pale painted queen, vain flourish of my fortune' and saying to Dorset 'master marquess you are malapert, your fire stamp of honour is scarce current'.
[shakespearean insults] time for some more
But I couldn't imagine Marge keeping on her payroll anyone who hadn't been thoroughly vetted.
In the Hilary term of 1355 the couple started a suit in the Court of Common Pleas against Margery Ros, sister and coheir to Badlesmere.
On 10 October 2000, Margery L. Young of Ontario, N.Y., received a patent for her kernel buster.
The main story mode has been revamped since 2003, and now features professional idiot Bam Margera.
The wind comes up just then and laces out those black satin streamers and they sort of wave at Marge, like bye-bye, but Marge never moves.
Marge, the gal who capsized and bumped over the rocks at Chase Rapids, showed us her bottom bruises.
Mill was a marge of firm soil, along which a column could pass, in scrubby country, and between the bogs was a sort of bridge of dry land.
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 07
I was tempted to shout for the husband to run and save himself but I lost sight of him behind a woman with the Marge Simpson bouffant.
These wordes then we thought it far better to keepe in the text, and to tel their signification in the margent or in a table for that purpose, then to disgrace bothe the text and them with translating them.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete
Then he saw the maiden come along the forest glade by the margent of the stream, her basket filled and over-flowing with flowers.
The Coming of Cuculain
When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.
The potence of her attraction lay in her not being English in her being, not only Margey, but Cathay, far Cathay.
A Rude Awakening
A few days before returning home to his wife Marge and young daughter in Berkeley, John stumbles into a deal on two kilos of uncut heroin.
He sighed, and as they walked by the violet margent of the evening waves, he offered up in silence an earnest prayer that Daubeny might live.
St. Winifred's, or The World of School
Marge clung to Janey and stared at the blank door in horror.
There remained the Margerisons; Peter, with his friendly smile and gentle companionableness; Hilary, worried and weary and hardly noticing her unobtrusive presence; Silvio, Caterina, and Illuminato sucking gingerbread and tumbling off the rack, and Peggy, on whose broad shoulder Rhoda suddenly laid her head and wept, all through the Mont
The Lee Shore
He was still, not wanting to make any noise that might cause Marge to wonder.
Margery Stoakes, this examinants mother, lying upon her death-bed, and this examinant comming to visit her, shee the said Margery desired this examinant privately to give entertainment to two of her imps, and withall told this examinant, they would do this examinant good; And this examinant saith, that the same night her said mother dyed, the said two imps came to her accordingly, and sucked on her body. —
The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.
Morrow, Cronkite – where are you when your country needs intelligence and integrity? marge
John King to replace Lou Dobbs
When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.
The blazing sunlight on the beetling black; a slender gray form, radiant, starting forward to the vision from the marge where light and darkness met; a fresh young morning smile wreathed in a flame of burning gold.
In conclusion, there is nothing else to be done, but that thou only endeavour to name those names, or to touch those histories, in thine own, which I have here related, and leave the adding of annotations and citations unto me; for I do promise thee that I will both fill up the margent, and also spend four or five sheets of advantage at the end of the book.
The Authors Preface to the Reader
Marge was busy hugging one and all, including Miss Rose, who did not relish a hug.
His ballgame companion, Marge Locke, is just as avid a fan.
Meanwhile, Margene cannot get over the grody-grody-grossness of J. J.'s missing fingernails.
Mark Blankenship: Big Love Wife Watch!: Season Four, Ep. 2
Here endeth a short treatise of a devout ancress called Margery
The Cell of Self-Knowledge : seven early English mystical treatises printed by Henry Pepwell in 1521
Margery worked as a clerk for British Rail and was a dab hand at shorthand and typing.
One of my mum's specialities was bread pudding - not bread and butter pudding - made with stale bread, which we couldn't afford to waste, soaked in milk and then mixed with fruit, spices, sugar and marge, so it was sort of spicy.
Marge Simpson : Mmmm best kiss of my life.
The Book of Margery Kempe, the spiritual autobiography of the wife of a Lynn burgess, exemplified the virtues which lay men and women sought, and the revelations, visions, and ecstasies by which they came to possess them.
Marge tries her hand at deprogramming after her family is brainwashed by a religious cult.
Marge's first impulse was to run.
While Marge is out of town, Homer allows Bart to work at a burlesque house.
Then down beside its margent in the crusty snow she kneels,
Songs of Childhood
Does this mean we can expect to hear the argument that a Big Mac is, in fact, a ‘gateway drug’ leading unwitting consumers on to mainline, say, half a pound of marge?
Marge, at this point, exhausted and slightly disoriented, said, "Who are you calling a harpy?
Ann Coulter and Fred Phelps Announce Engagement
Here _Margery_ stopped, and ran up to the Door, _Tap, tap, tap_.
Goody Two-Shoes A Facsimile Reproduction of the Edition of 1766
A car cannot move without fuel in the engine," I can hear my mother chuntering as I stare at a bowl of tepid Ready Brek "Central Heating for Kids" or two slices of Mother's Pride toast with Co-op marge and a watery poached egg.
How Britain fell in love with breakfast
Thus Dr. (afterwards Archbishop) Bancroft, who frequently quotes this suppressed edition, says, -- "If euer you meete with the Historie of the Church of Scotland, penned by Maister Knox, and printed by Vautrouillier: reade the pages quoted here in the margent.
The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
‘Oh, no; the delf cups and saucers; — it will be twice as good in them;’ and as the handsome mistress of the mansion, sitting in the deal chair, loosened her cloak and untied her bonnet, she chatted away, to the edification of Margery and the amusement of both.
Wylder's Hand
Margery Allingham is pre-eminent among the writers who brought the detective story to maturity in the decades between the two world wars.
Is it in the glade or the thicket, or on the margent of the rill?
The Coming of Cuculain
Margery's particular study has been of the finely twined decorative borders known as taniko, a technique which appears to be unique to the Maori.
Thanks Marge, I'll be glad of the help.
A good, brave man hath walked aforetime on your margent, himself as bright, and usefull, and delightsome as you, sweet river.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
He took a sip of wine from the pitcher and fixed Marge with his Himalayan stare.
Nonetheless, when the opportunity arose to have tea at the Regency Hotel Tuesday afternoon with Marge Ternes, the reigning grand dame of Park Avenue's malls, I was hopeful the opportunity would arise to raise the begonia question.
Bemoaning the Begonias
Ficava nas margens de um rio, tinha arranha-céus brancos e ruas labirinticas, pontes de ferro ocre e fábricas com as chaminés corroídas.
O Quetzal Sonhador IV/V
In some cases, patients won't notice a difference in their care because doctors effectively explain the reasons for pursuing a less-aggressive approach, such as forgoing an MRI scan for low-back pain unless symptoms change dramatically or no improvement is shown over a period of time, says Marge Ginsburg, executive director of the Center for Healthcare Decisions, a nonprofit group in Sacramento, Calif.
Imagine Doctors, Patients Talking
In the television show, Homer responds by ineptly professing his love for Marge, who later goes to him at the nuclear power plant where he works.
Marge tries her hand at deprogramming after her family is brainwashed by a religious cult.
Guess who I saw yesterday. Marge White.
Marge tries her hand at deprogramming after her family is brainwashed by a religious cult.
Del mismo modo, para un fácil y efectivo acceso del agua de riego durante todo el año en todo el terreno, se han abierto también en la parte alta “canales” y tuberías ocultas que lo hacen fácil y eficiente, así como el transito por los márgenes de la propiedad.
Land for sale / Terreno en venta Tirio, Michoac�n
Evelyn is now working with our new writer, Margery Holt, though Margery has lots of experience.
Leah allowed Margery to enfold her in her comforting embrace, once more giving herself over to the tears that had taken so long to find their release.
Healing the Highlander
Margery Allingham is pre-eminent among the writers who brought the detective story to maturity in the decades between the two world wars.
Marge liked the coffee that his filter pot made.
No. La cantidad de irregularidades registradas en su gestión y, desde luego, el levísimo margen por el cual ganó las elecciones regionales, indican que este personaje no despierta precisamente, las palmas más sonoras.
Peru: Puno Leader Seeking Greater Autonomy for Region
I knew you must be edified by the margent, ere you had done.
Act V. Scene II. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Janet was not altogether indulgent to these freaks, as she considered them, of Marget -- she had quite given up calling her Meg, "sin 'she took to the beuk so eident.
David Elginbrod
Oh, and Marge will bake you a chicken pie.
`Yes, and there aren't any cocoa lumps... But you have to have bread and marge first.
The downfal of the School, was a great Misfortune to Mrs. _Margery_; for she not only lost all her Books, but was destitute of a Place to teach in; but Sir William _Dove_, being informed of this, ordered the House to be built at his own Expence, and 'till that could be done, Farmer _Grove_ was so kind, as to let her have his large Hall to teach in.
Goody Two-Shoes A Facsimile Reproduction of the Edition of 1766
Ah! la "bataille" de Margerie-Haucourt, sous le grand soleil qui, dissipant les nuages de la matinée, fit scintiller tout à coup comme une moisson d'acier les milliers de fusils des armées réunies!
The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke, Volume 2
Reminds me of the "b-sharps" episode of the simpsons, when marge makes a surrogate homer, but the tape speeds up, the head falls off, and the latex glove hand flies over and grabs bart by the face.
My weekend with a cardboard version of my boyfriend Boing Boing
The box I set in a casket, and enclosing this in seven other caskets and seven chests, laid the whole in a alabastrine coffer,424 which I buried within the marge of yon earth-circling sea; for that these parts are far from the world of men and none of them can win hither.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Soon Marge arrives with Vernon , hugging Dudley while planting a twenty - pound note in his hand.
Andean condor Homer and his mate Marge are love birds again - after vets gave him a blunter beak to save her from the sharp side of his temper.
Surely, we are not the nation of idiots that she is taking us to be? marge
Schneider: The electability argument falls flat
Marge was going through her black plastic carry bag, checking the contents.
Playboy's first 3-D centerfold comes about six months after the magazine ran a photo spread featuring a cartoon character -- a scantily clad Marge Simpson from the hit television show "The Simpsons.
Sentencing him, she said Margerum had lashed out in drink at someone who had done him no harm and said he could have left his victim blinded.
* George Marge - sopranino recorder on "Rosalinda's Eyes
Thanks Marge, I'll be glad of the help.
Pierre gave a small cringe as Marge turned from fixing the table with mild surprise.
When Putin expressed support for Total's investments in Russia, De Margerie kowtowed before the tape recorders.
In Oil Quest, Total Makes High Friends In Low Places
Oh, and Marge will bake you a chicken pie.
Meantime you should have sifted the flour and salt, rubbed in the marge and added the dates/currants and jam.
In an effort to annul an arranged marriage, Apu tells his mother he wed Marge.
At this Instant something was heard to slap at the Window, _Wow, wow, wow_, says Jumper, and attempted to leap up and open the Door, at which the Children were surprized; but Mrs. _Margery_ knowing what it was, opened the Casement, as _Noah_ did the Window of the
Goody Two-Shoes A Facsimile Reproduction of the Edition of 1766
There was a plate with two slices of bread and a knob of marge.
On the tables were fluffy white caraway seed bread and marge.