
How To Use Marbled In A Sentence

  • Marbled godwit, frigate bird, roseate spoonbill, the palm warbler. OFF THE CHART
  • It's not just about texture though: not only does meat cooked on the bone tend to be more flavourful, but, in marked contrast to much modern pork, that around the ribs is marbled with fat, which means it's always succulent – even more so with spare ribs, the larger, meatier kind most familiar to us as the obligatory meat element of Mixed Starter number 2. How to cook perfect barbecue ribs
  • Hippocampus severnsi is distinguished from congeners in having a combination of: extremely small size (height 13 mm, standard length 15 mm); 12 trunk rings; 27 tail rings; reduced ossification of inferior and ventral trunk ridges; 14 dorsal fin rays; 10 pectoral fin rays; anal fin small or absent; medium length snout which lacks a bulbous tip; raised, angular coronet; single gill opening on midline directly behind coronet supported by raised cleithral bone; scattered tubercles on trunk and tail; predominant colour dark brown (sometimes slightly marbled) with large, bright red patch covering dorsolateral surfaces of trunk rings 1-4; tiny white dots scattered all over; pale posterior section of tail with dark transverse bands. Practical Fishkeeping news (RSS)
  • Here, as in the Kobe region of Japan, they come from the ancient Wagyu breed, which yields meat finely marbled with fat and therefore both tender and flavorful.
  • Slowly the edge parted and flattened out, broadwise, displaying the marbled brilliance of the butterfly's inner wings, illumining the pale chastity of the sleeping figure as if with a quivering and evanescent jewel. Success A Novel
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  • The Tongass supports brown bear, wolverine, northern goshawk, marbled murrelet, marten, Sitka black-tailed deer, the Alexander Archipelago wolf, and healthy runs of five salmon species.
  • Angus beef is claimed to be more reliably marbled, fattier and juicier than that of competing breeds.
  • Its white surface is marbled with faint purple involutions the edges of which are etched with fine black lines. Two Degrees
  • The marbled murrelet, a bird about the size of a robin, is the only seabird to nest in old growth forest.
  • Its leaves are like a lily's but extensively marbled with green and burgundy.
  • Soaptec finishing lines can produce toilet soap, laundry soap, transparent soap, syndet soap and marbled soap. - Articles related to Too much chlorine in water? Here’s a DIY
  • Marbled Murrelets are unusual among the alcids in that they molt to cryptic-brown plumage during the breeding season.
  • Our hardbacks are all sewn, on quality papers, with a variety of covers: you can choose book cloth, full leather, or quarter- and half-bound editions of leather and hand marbled paper.
  • The Japanese love their beef marbled with fat, so they lot-feed their cattle with grain - and beer.
  • Editions includes more than 60 of Leonard's portraits, hand-bound in Japanese marbled silk and leather. - News
  • A marbled murrelet perches on a branch 50 feet below her.
  • In the old days a young chef with ambitions to write their own menu would have raised £1.5m to launch something gilded and marbled and sconced. Restaurant review: Pitt Cue Co
  • The goosefish is practically invisible lying flattened, with its darkly marbled skin matching the bottom color and the outline of its body obliterated by a fringe of branched skin flaps.
  • Mallards, ring-necked ducks, killdeer, marbled godwits, and peregrine falcons settle in for the fall.
  • Set the sheet of freshly marbled paper on some newspapers to dry.
  • She lifts up another carcass, this one with beautifully marbled, ruby-colored meat.
  • Meat from the rib section tends to be tender and well marbled with the fat that makes steaks and roasts juicy and fl.
  • Inside, each suite has a carved crocodile figure on the table and a marbled bathroom with a huge mirror beside the tub. The Sun
  • In England a ham sandwich is a cold, pink punch in the face, an angry thing marbled with gristly neglect. Why we must savour the rare English delicacy that is Jack Wilshere
  • But if we agree that hacks and loafers resort to lies because they don't know how else to make great journalism, what can we say about reporters from the Pantheon who marbled their journalism with fiction?
  • Among the most abundant shorebirds in the slough are the western sandpiper, least sandpiper, marbled godwit, dowitchers, willet, American avocet, black-bellied plover, sanderling and long-billed curlew. Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, California
  • It has a unique single colour, a compact habit and holds its flowers above the marbled foliage.
  • The steak was just how he liked - pink, juicy and marbled with fat.
  • OMFG I checked the material list on that puppy # 2 & its called marbled fudge glaze. Regretsy – 10 Things on Etsy That Look Like Turds
  • Signs of life are appearing in the borders: pure white hellebores, pots of blue pansies, the tips of blue hyacinths peeping through the earth and tiny white cyclamen among their marbled foliage.
  • The dessert was marbled cheesecake, however, and was delicious.
  • A butterfly of grassland that has been coming more often during the past few years into leafy town suburbs is the marbled white. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most men expected to find a consumed kell,10 empty and bladder-like guts, livid and marbled lungs, and a withered pericardium in this exsuccous corpse: but some seemed too much to wonder that two lobes of his lungs adhered unto his side; for the like I have often found in bodies of no suspected consumptions or difficulty of respiration. Letter to a Friend
  • Important breeding wetland species include marbled teal Marmaronetta angustirostris (VU,35), white-headed duck Oxyura leucocephala (EN,400, which nest mainly in artificial ponds in surrounding areas), white-eyed pochard Aythya niroca (VU), purple gallinule Porphyrio porphyrio and crested coot Fulica cristata. Doñana National Park, Spain
  • The salami is "marbled" with a vegetable-based fat, he says, and the imitation ham has a new spice profile to deliver a "smokier" flavor. The Veggie Burger's New Dream: Be More Like Meat
  • After a quick run by the cheese counter for mozzarella, I ordered a Reuben on marbled rye, checked out, and like a good girl returned my cart to the collection area.
  • From the 16th to the 19th centuries, marbled papers became an indispensable part of almost every book published.
  • They range from miniature varieties such as the Puppet series, which has scented flowers, to twelve inch tall standard varieties such as the Decora series whose leaves are marbled in silver.
  • Not as heavily marbled as the usual fare served in Japan it is, nonetheless, a delectable meal (served as Wagyu beef of the day for two people at £39).
  • The Matsuzaka beef sirloin is exquisite, although the belly may be a trifle too fatty for some, as it is marbled in fat.
  • Ramirez turned over, a wave of water slopping against the marbled side of the bath.
  • The steak was just how he liked - pink, juicy and marbled with fat.
  • I looked down to my thighs, marbled like a well slapped slice of corned beef, knees buckling under the strain, heart and lungs in danger of packing up forever.
  • Among other rare and endangered mammal species protected in this ecoregion are: marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna koshevnikovi), otter (Lutra lutra seistanica), manul cat (F. manul ferrugineus), and a number of species of bats and rodents. Kopet Dag woodlands and forest steppe
  • They filled Alecaen's marbled tub with steamy water and carried her to it gently placing her down in it.
  • n Members of the Francis M. Weston Audubon Society have reported spotting a marbled godwit, which is rare in this region, and a roseate tern, which hasn't been spotted near Pensacola since 1958. PNJ - News
  • A marbled sky above the river at dawn and, only a few yards above his head, patches of oak and sumac brilliant as neon. THE TATTOOED GIRL
  • Do you recall the marbled endpapers in the Spenser that I used to read to you on crisp fall evenings just such as this? Excerpt: March by Geraldine Brooks
  • Ten feet down in the marbled earth, like a sieve in dishwater, the metallic shopping cart lay partially submerged.
  • The marbled murrelet, a threatened seabird species, nests primarily in old-growth trees up to 75 kilometers from the coast.
  • It is similar in size, shape, and color to the Marbled Godwit, but the curlew's decurved bill distinguishes it from the upturned bill of the Marbled Godwit.
  • This beef is marbled yes, but with tiny threads of collagen, which are not to be confused with the conjunctive tissues found in other types of beef.
  • Let's face it, fat - be it the visible white lines of marbled steak or globules of fat hidden in ground beef - adds flavour and moisture.
  • The marbled murrelet, a threatened seabird species, nests primarily in old-growth trees up to 75 kilometers from the coast.
  • He walked past the bed, through the vast, green marbled bathroom and into the multiroom walk-in closet, where he pushed in a shelf disguised as a shoe rack. A Music Lover
  • Spaces are filled with variegated ivy and the marbled leaves of the cyclamen while the new shoots of Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’ add height and a splash of intense red.
  • Movement toward grain fattening has been slow, because neither Argentine nor Uruguayan consumers have a taste for marbled beef.
  • Feedlot operators feed grain to ruminants because it makes the animals grow faster and fatter, resulting in highly marbled meat.
  • This Japanese breed is associated with the highly marbled luxury known as Kobe beef, which contains up to 45 percent fat.
  • Freshfields's new marbled offices off Fleet Street would pique the ego of the grandest City banker.
  • There are many butterflies including marbled white and green hairstreak and the green tiger beetle also occurs. A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
  • West of the crest of the Cascade Range, the area is habitat for bald eagles, marbled murrelets, spotted owls, cougars, lynx, salmon, and steelhead, which thrive among mature and second-growth forests of cedar and Douglas fir.
  • The covers were marbled paper and the spine was of red leather, tooled in gold.
  • Half are Cyclamen hederifolium, which will flower in the autumn, their pots currently filled with heart-shaped, dark green foliage delicately marbled with paler green and grey.
  • It's body rocked slightly with the force of the faery's movement, it's black marbled eyes boring into Peter with all the intensity of a diamond tipped drill.
  • The marbled white is a third member of the brown family, although it is mainly white with dark spots. Times, Sunday Times
  • The marbled murrelet, a bird about the size of a robin, is the only seabird to nest in old growth forest.
  • The resulting ‘corn-fed’ beef is marbled with fat that carries the flavor we've come to love.
  • Between head and pillow, a hard rectangle was interposed, the marbled cardboard of a notebook, sea-green.
  • On the top of the hill was a line of trees bearing leaves of intense green, and from behind the trees rose the white marbled palace that Anna had scried often enough in seeking Lord Ehara. The Spellsong War
  • Here medieval marbled palaces and baroque churches contrast splendidly with chic cafes and boutiques. The Sun
  • Then a marbled ribeye steak juicily cooked in a slab of butter. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, in a small book with marbled paper, its tan leather cover cracked and smelling of camphor, I found in the index, `Siegwald". TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Between head and pillow, a hard rectangle was interposed, the marbled cardboard of a notebook, sea-green.
  • The fat in venison is mostly subcutaneous, not marbled in like beef, so seasoning it has no effect other than spoiling the fat and tainting the meat. Any proven way to take the wild taste out of deer meat?
  • The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior.
  • Most can meet the company's quality requirements by feeding hogs to put on enough back fat to produce marbled meat.
  • Some are marbled with silver, others have varying shades of green, while still others sport deep green leaves.
  • The Victorian dining room is now a spacious kitchen, adorned with marbled pillars and ceiling plasterwork. Times, Sunday Times
  • A decade ago, northern spotted owls and marbled murrelets were listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act - important listings that helped bring logging on federal forests to a virtual standstill.
  • The most well known dish is nothing but Grandmother pork braised in brown sauce that a well-marbled roast of meat is packed in a big special pottery jar and it is crumbly and delicious.
  • Everyone ate their marbled steak and potatoes and only the preppy kids and parents ate the green beans to be polite or just for taste.
  • While 20 species occur regularly along the sand flats and mud flats of the estuary, four species, the willet, dowitcher, western sandpiper and marbled godwit, account for a large part of the bird population throughout the year. Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, California
  • The green is often variegated with yellow or white - the variegation itself can be flushed with pink and may be marbled, blotched or neatly edge each leaf.
  • After a month they became verrucose and some areas quickly acquired a marbled aspect with grayish coloration.
  • It's fun because we don't make ordinary Easter eggs, we make marbled ones, all different flavours, and we make latticed ones which you make by piping.
  • Today, the island's west coast is an ugly strip of marbled shopping malls and the kind of throbbing theme pubs that import their memorabilia wholesale from a warehouse in Wisconsin.
  • Leopard (Panthera pardus) and wolf (Canis lupis) are sighted occasionally within protected areas, as are golden jackal (Canis aureus), marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna) and the cats Felis catus, F. margarita, and F. manul may. Central Persian desert basins
  • Other birds that seemed to be flushed out by the truck were a few moorhens, a single purple swamphen, and a pair of marbled teals.
  • Important breeding wetland species include marbled teal Marmaronetta angustirostris (VU,35), white-headed duck Oxyura leucocephala (EN,400, which nest mainly in artificial ponds in surrounding areas), white-eyed pochard Aythya niroca (VU), purple gallinule Porphyrio porphyrio and crested coot Fulica cristata. Doñana National Park, Spain
  • She makes her nest on the woodland floor, and her marbled brown plumage blends miraculously with the dead leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • For each option, the report weighed the effects on timber production and jobs and the viability of several old-growth species, including the owl, the marbled murrelet, salmon, and other fish species.
  • Inside, marbled columns add a flourish to the hall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beef should be marbled, I hate anorexic pieces of beef.
  • The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior.
  • Rare marbled white butterflies flit along the overgrown route of the old track, and among the nettles and the briars there may be pyramidal and spotted orchids and unusual exotic species carried there years ago by the train.
  • Other birds that seemed to be flushed out by the truck were a few moorhens, a single purple swamphen, and a pair of marbled teals.
  • The two types of chocolate in the cake give a marbled effect.
  • Pickled radish and tea marbled eggs are some really simple recipes that I dredged from the internet pretty much on a whim. Bento #68 – I wish the weather here would reflect the bento. « Were rabbits
  • It is beautifully bound in half-leather, with richly gold-tooled spine and sumptuous marbled end-papers.
  • The marbled pattern, though derived from the classic tabby gene, should betray as little of that pattern as possible.
  • These small fleshy morsels of seafood in their marbled shells are a simple delicacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He made his way, passing under the white marbled gates, and into a large finely timbered chamber.
  • The technique for making this marbled slipware is described in a source of 1677 in the ever engrossing notes.
  • Inside, marbled columns add a flourish to the hall. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the Central Coast, cooks season well-marbled beef with salt and garlic, sizzle it over local red-oak coals and serve it with the invariable trinity of garlic bread, stewed local pinquito beans and tomato salsa.
  • This is a world of arcaded courtyards, sweeping staircases and marbled columned halls. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, the USDA grading system rewards heavily marbled beef over that which is less fatty.
  • Most men expected to find a consumed kell, [III. 10] empty and bladder-like guts, livid and marbled lungs, and a withered pericardium in this exsuccous corpse: but some seemed too much to wonder that two lobes of his lungs adhered unto his side; for the like I have often found in bodies of no suspected consumptions or difficulty of respiration. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • Among the most abundant shorebirds in the slough are the western sandpiper, least sandpiper, marbled godwit, dowitchers, willet, American avocet, black-bellied plover, sanderling and long-billed curlew. Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, California
  • Among the most abundant shorebirds in the slough are the western sandpiper, least sandpiper, marbled godwit, dowitchers, willet, American avocet, black-bellied plover, sanderling and long-billed curlew. Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, California
  • Louie's Notes: Remove the wings, marinate a well-marbled steak for several hours in a chipotle marinade, then charbroil to perfection. IGN Complete
  • The steak was just how he liked - pink, juicy and marbled with fat.
  • The sands were a white yellow; the hills were marbled with erosion.
  • Many selections with silver or marbled foliage. Winter Garden Glory
  • The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior.
  • I had expected something like the Central Y, with high ceilings, impressive stone pillars, and marbled stairs.
  • Both Kittlitz's and Marbled murrelets exhibited widely variable niche widths, depending on habitat variable or site.
  • The leaves that follow the flowers are equally beautiful - green discs, marbled with silver.
  • One problem: federal agencies responsible for protecting threatened species such as coho salmon and marbled murrelets don't think timber harvests can be increased by a third under the current system of habitat protections without causing harm. News Review - Top Stories
  • The green is often variegated with yellow or white - the variegation itself can be flushed with pink and may be marbled, blotched or neatly edge each leaf.
  • It is beautifully bound in half-leather, with richly gold-tooled spine and sumptuous marbled end-papers.
  • Japanese beef is typically pricier than imports, and often reserved for delicacies like sukiyaki - thin strips of marbled meat boiled with vegetables.
  • For further evidence, tour the purlieus of your state Capitol, contrasting the vulgar ostentation on the marbled side of the street with the squalid reality on the living side.
  • A number of butterflies are also present, including marbled white, meadow brown, small heath and small skipper.
  • H. americana ‘Dale's Strain’ is a variable seed-propagated variety with silver blue marbled foliage.
  • The meat was dark and marbled, like properly hung beef.
  • Freshfields's new marbled offices off Fleet Street would pique the ego of the grandest City banker.
  • My côte de boeuf was so marbled with fat, I had to roll it aside after a bite or two.
  • The Victorian dining room is now a spacious kitchen, adorned with marbled pillars and ceiling plasterwork. Times, Sunday Times
  • He showered it with marbled corridors, gilded mosaics, glass domes and polished mahogany. Times, Sunday Times
  • ESA-listed birds in Washington marine waters are the marbled murrelet, bald eagle, brown pelican, short-tailed albatross, and western snowy plover.
  • These small fleshy morsels of seafood in their marbled shells are a simple delicacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • While 20 species occur regularly along the sand flats and mud flats of the estuary, four species, the willet, dowitcher, western sandpiper and marbled godwit, account for a large part of the bird population throughout the year. Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, California
  • The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior.
  • This biscuit porcelain example, with its marbled black surround bearing its identifying label, came from the collection of a German princely family.
  • The length of that code easily beats its nearest competitor, a long-bodied muck dweller known as the marbled lungfish. Paris Japonica: Researchers Claim Simple White Flower Has World's Longest Genome
  • Inside, hundreds more jammed the marbled foyer, busting for a pee or gagging for a drink but determined to be first up the stairs to the galleries.
  • The fat should be slightly yellow and, as a general rule, evenly marbled through the flesh.
  • BLM officials and environmental groups say endangered wildlife, such as coho salmon, the northern spotted owl and the marbled murrelet, a diminutive seabird that nests in old-growth redwoods, would be disturbed if new trails were cut and hikers, horse riders or mountain bikers poured in. EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed
  • Tablehurst's small farm shop regularly sells clean out of biodynamic lamb, sausages and finely marbled steaks.
  • Let's face it, fat - be it the visible white lines of marbled steak or globules of fat hidden in ground beef - adds flavour and moisture.
  • The centre already has solar panels to produce electricity to run them, and that's all the equipment needed to turn junk into sheets of plastic marbled with colours or laminated with print and pictures from carrier bags.
  • There are 26 lettered copies half-bound in black Asahi cloth and hand-made marbled paper.
  • Here medieval marbled palaces and baroque churches contrast splendidly with chic cafes and boutiques. The Sun
  • They were quickly followed by three Asian species (bay cat, marbled cat, and Asian golden cat) and three African species (caracal, serval, and African golden cat).
  • Recorded late last month, this moving skyscape features Jupiter above the southeastern horizon and the marbled streets of the ancient port city of Ephesus, located in modern day Turkey.
  • The case has the same decoration of painted marbling on a light brown ground, and the stand is marbled in grey on black.
  • Affinities of both Kittlitz's and Marbled murrelets for particular water clarity and habitat types seen here reflect differences in foraging preferences.
  • Further moiré, marbled and feathered patterns of spiraling lines and spinning concentric circles hype the image up with bang, wallop and wham-bam.
  • He showered it with marbled corridors, gilded mosaics, glass domes and polished mahogany. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are mounted on ebonised, marbled and gilded supports in the form of four crouching Nubian slaves.
  • Mallards, ring-necked ducks, killdeer, marbled godwits, and peregrine falcons settle in for the fall.
  • Then a marbled ribeye steak juicily cooked in a slab of butter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the hardest blue cheeses have a fairly open-textured curd which allows mould to grow between the granules, giving a marbled appearance to a slice of the cheese.
  • Pretty, slender features and a chocolate brown colouring belie the fatty marbled meat within.
  • Big, red, marbled cuts of rib-eye, T-bone and filet mignon are neatly lined in the case.
  • A new stall sells properly hung beef which is marbled in fat and looks almost mahogany in colour. Bad Food Britain
  • Freshfields's new marbled offices off Fleet Street would pique the ego of the grandest City banker.
  • Summer butterflies include the orange tip, holly blue, marbled white and small copper. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two types of chocolate in the cake give a marbled effect.
  • I pounced, grabbed, and came up with three rolls of a really quite pleasant dark rose paper, slightly marbled but with no actual decorative design of the nasty kind.
  • With Cooper having spent much of his time in France over the last several years, away from his native Los Angeles, The Marbled Swarm seems explicitly continental, with touches of the Oulipo Group's literary capering and a tasteful amount of cult-Euro name drops, from Isabelle Adjani to Alain Robb-Grillet. Brian Joseph Davis: A Literary Outlaw in Paris: Interview With Dennis Cooper
  • He showered it with marbled corridors, gilded mosaics, glass domes and polished mahogany. Times, Sunday Times
  • Footsteps rang out along the marbled hallway.
  • It's worth scrambling into some of the tombs to see the finely marbled stone, ribbed and veined into extraordinary patterns by the forces of nature.
  • Do not overstir; the mixture should have a marbled effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was flying again, going on trips up north and out west to photograph birds he never had before, the marbled godwit, the prairie falcon. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • Most questionable of all, perhaps, is the merely mechanical mountebankery -- the blanks, and the dashes, and the rows of stops, the black pages and the marbled pages which he employs to force a guffaw from his readers. The English Novel

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