How To Use Marble In A Sentence
Marcus Aurelius's hair stands energetically up, a nimbus of corkscrewing locks, not a bit like the conventional signs for hair that plaster so many Roman marble crania.
The Forever City
Under the crystal bright light of a full moon their blue marble shined, iridescent.
The second bet is that drawing a red marble wins £1000, drawing a blue marble wins nothing.
And as the Roman Consuls held this to be the principal praise of their glory, they had this title curiously sculptured in marble on the Quirinal and in the forum of Trajan --- "Most powerful gift in a Prince is liberality [12].
History of the Incas
An almost seam free marble floor can be inlaid with tracery, borders, natural mosaics and other patterns in an infinite number of ways.

The clock stands on an oval marble base, enclosed by a glass dome.
More than 70 marble, bronze, terracotta and plaster busts and life-size sculptures are on display together for the first time in nearly two centuries.
Their feet clattered over the faux marble floor past the reference desk towards the closet.
Interrupted by just the squat Marble Mountains, we sit insignificantly at the hub of a huge disc of sand curving to every horizon, beneath a dome of stars and the ghostly light of a thin crescent moon.
On either side of the white marble fireplace were swan-necked gas lamps that still worked.
Times, Sunday Times
Poitiers, dedicated to the queen of Clothaire I. -- who afterwards took the veil, and was distinguished for her piety -- there is shown on a white marble slab a well-defined footmark, which is called "Le pas de
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
You are on a globe that looks like a crystal ball or a marble in a light bed of cotton wool.Sentencedict
Typical appliances rested on a long line of marble counters surrounding an island in the middle of the room.
The wide expanse of floor between the two areas was pale, marble patterned tile.
This wall was originally incrusted with rich marbles, and the great dome, adorned with deep coffering in rectangular panels, was decorated with rosettes and mouldings in gilt stucco.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
Period features throughout include marble fireplaces and decorative plasterwork.
Times, Sunday Times
You enter a lobby lined with great slabs of marble, swirled with honey and caramel.
Times, Sunday Times
Decorated in pale green, it has decorative ceiling plasterwork, a white marble fireplace and French doors to the back garden.
He is chipping away at a block marble with a chisel.
A goatskin rug covers the carpet in front of a brass fireplace with marble surround and wooden mantelpiece.
To start, pour a small amount of dry pigment forming a mound onto a nonporous slab surface, such as glass or marble; then, make an impression in the center of the mound and, into that, pour a small amount of linseed or other oil.
Daniel Grant: Some Artists Make Their Own Paints
Numerous period features remain: the Victorian staircase with its carved wooden banisters, the 1820s ornate stuccoed ceilings, the many stone and marble fireplaces.
In the modern world, we are used to the washed-out whitness of the underlying marble or stone used to create the work of art, and so seeing replicas of the originals in full color is breathtaking.
Archive 2008-01-01
Work is underway to repair the Taj Mahal's marble facade.
Sweating and red-faced, he'd stood in the middle of the hall, the tea slopping over the marble in a red tide and the newspaper rapidly disintegrating in the currents.
Two twin marble staircases curved upwards, leading to the second floor.
The house that he occupied, of Venetian design, and four stories in height, bore many architectural marks of distinction, such as the floriated window, the door with the semipointed arch, and medallions of colored marble set in the walls.
The Financier
We used to have freedom and play in the fields with traditional toys such as hoops, a top and whip and marbles.
Marbled godwit, frigate bird, roseate spoonbill, the palm warbler.
Our main products are electric drill, marble cutter, angle grinder, rotary hammer, pipe dredger, etc.
Clusters of tall, willowy bamboos rose out of ten pale-pink marble planters and almost touched the high triple-domed ceiling.
The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass.
It's not just about texture though: not only does meat cooked on the bone tend to be more flavourful, but, in marked contrast to much modern pork, that around the ribs is marbled with fat, which means it's always succulent – even more so with spare ribs, the larger, meatier kind most familiar to us as the obligatory meat element of Mixed Starter number 2.
How to cook perfect barbecue ribs
Visitors during the summer of 2002 may expect to see a new black-and-white marble floor in the rotunda beneath the dome.
Her mistress, the lover of books and words, enjoyed the garden the most, sitting on the marble seat, admiring the green-blue-brown scenery with the simulated breeze stirring the bodhi leaves and crab-claw red heliconia.
COG-WORK CAT • by Joyce Chng
They passed a marble stair that spiraled up from the mud and ended jaggedly in air.
They took a cab out to the small chapel and graveyard amongst the marble quarries on the outskirts of town.
If we may trust the old marbles, my friend with his arm stretched over my head, above there, (in plaster of Paris,) or the discobolus, whom one may see at the principal sculpture gallery of this metropolis, -- those Greek young men were of supreme beauty.
Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
Recently, he presented "Unpublished," a photography exhibition at Art Basel in Miami and co-founded that city's and arguably the country's hottest new retail spot, The Webster, a three-story boutique for fashion, photography, design and food, housed in an Art Deco space finished with milky marble and brass.
L'Homme de la Renaissance
Hippocampus severnsi is distinguished from congeners in having a combination of: extremely small size (height 13 mm, standard length 15 mm); 12 trunk rings; 27 tail rings; reduced ossification of inferior and ventral trunk ridges; 14 dorsal fin rays; 10 pectoral fin rays; anal fin small or absent; medium length snout which lacks a bulbous tip; raised, angular coronet; single gill opening on midline directly behind coronet supported by raised cleithral bone; scattered tubercles on trunk and tail; predominant colour dark brown (sometimes slightly marbled) with large, bright red patch covering dorsolateral surfaces of trunk rings 1-4; tiny white dots scattered all over; pale posterior section of tail with dark transverse bands.
Practical Fishkeeping news (RSS)
Its massive sundials and other structures are a geometry of red sandstone inlaid with dazzling white marble, more like works of modern art than scientific instruments.
The gryphons 'claws clicked metallically on the marble floor, and the bulk of the Palace muffled the sounds of the crowd outside.
Widows and Orphans
So time went by very fast, we were now playing outdoor games like tig, hide and seek and marbles or ‘Taws’, as we knew them.
It was an ornate old lobby with great marble supporting columns and big pots of palms standing around.
The original cornice was sheared off from the existing backup stone and replaced with new marble.
Creatures, men and women and things, of bronze and marble, breathe the same air as we do.
Here, as in the Kobe region of Japan, they come from the ancient Wagyu breed, which yields meat finely marbled with fat and therefore both tender and flavorful.
Slowly the edge parted and flattened out, broadwise, displaying the marbled brilliance of the butterfly's inner wings, illumining the pale chastity of the sleeping figure as if with a quivering and evanescent jewel.
Success A Novel
His tightly honed but grandiloquent rhetoric rang like gold on marble, even when it was covering gross political ineptitude.
It has been carved from a massive slab of marble.
Inside its marble staircase had completely collapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
When I say the word biologic to someone like Josephine, her eyes cross a little, and her mouth gapes, and I can hear her little brain rattling around in her skull like a smooth marble.
The Big House was of sturdy concrete, but here was marble in exquisite delicacy.
Demonstration 1. Fill the transparent container to the brim with marbles.
On the opposite side of the hall is the roomy living/dining room, which has an open fireplace with marble surround.
He said that he had bought it for 20 euros to use as a doorstop or ornament, but the authorities said it was marble and accused him of smuggling antiquities.
Inside, the tiny creature skidded to a halt on the marble floor, terrified by the sudden din of the gathering.
As is also the case with the opus sectile floor of the Roman Baths, also the marble wall veneer from this building originates mostly from Dokimeion, while cipollino is the second most frequent stone type used for marble wall veneer in the Frigidarium II, the Apodyterium and the room to the south of the Apodyterium.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Stone
Their work has produced, however, extraordinary discoveries, including a marble odeum, or small theater, of Roman Imperial date and a contemporary bath complex, both of which have no parallels at any other site in Egypt.
The Elusive Tomb of Alexander
The Tongass supports brown bear, wolverine, northern goshawk, marbled murrelet, marten, Sitka black-tailed deer, the Alexander Archipelago wolf, and healthy runs of five salmon species.
He strode across the marble floor and stopped only when he reached the lift gates.
The Caiwa middle - sized antimony deposit is located on the western Shanxi-Henan antimony ore belt, The hosting rocks are Yanlinggou Formation graphite marble of the Qinling Group.
There are several other existing works attributed to Myron: they are a marble copy of his statue of Marsyas, in the Lateran at Rome; two torsi in the gallery at Florence; a figure called Diomed, and a bronze in the gallery at Munich.
A History of Art for Beginners and Students Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
Angus beef is claimed to be more reliably marbled, fattier and juicier than that of competing breeds.
Our discussion has already made apparent a great paucity of large-scale bronzes compared to what survives in marble.
To the right, the drawing room is a spacious area with a raised fireplace with brass inset and white marble hearth.
In addition to oil and gold, he said, the region is believed to have "abundant" deposits of minerals including marble, gypsum and chromite, which is used to make ferrochrome, an ingredient in stainless steel. -- Top News
The sculptor chiselled the lump of marble into a fine statue.
Navy commandoes slid down to the vessel one by one, yet then the unexpected occurred: The passengers that awaited them on the deck pulled out bats, clubs, and slingshots with glass marbles, assaulting each soldier as he disembarked.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Palestinian “Peace Activists”
A cast-iron open fireplace with a pale grey marble mantel provides a focal point.
The property has recently been remodelled, with hardwood floors, granite worktops and marble bathroom fixtures.
Times, Sunday Times
They look more like giant marble arms than sinuous branches.
The streets were lined with beautiful houses all built of green marble and studded everywhere with sparkling emeralds.
Its white surface is marbled with faint purple involutions the edges of which are etched with fine black lines.
Two Degrees
Gold and silver were made into exquisite adornments, and beautiful objects were created from indigenous turquoise, marble, and other stones.
The marbled murrelet, a bird about the size of a robin, is the only seabird to nest in old growth forest.
This is surely not only the earliest marble statue we possess but one of the first made.
Nineteen exhibition spaces are arranged as an enfilade of rooms that define an L-shaped route through the building, with its Italian marble columns and high ceilings.
The false cenotaph in the public upper chamber was in white marble, the color of freshly drawn milk, inlaid profusely with stylized flowers in tiers—a lapis lazuli blue, a jasper red, a bloodstone black, an agate and sard brown, a carnelian orange, a chlorite and jade green, and a yellow limestone.
Shadow Princess
The dome was supported by white marble columns.
The left-hand wing houses an oval entrance porch that leads to a fine reception hall decorated in pink with Ionic columns, a marble fireplace and a lantern-style window high in the central apex of the ceiling.
Pearls are composed partly of the mineral substance calcium carbonate (chemically the same as marble) and partly of a tough, horny substance of organic nature called conchiolin.
A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
If they were glass marbles they would a highly sought - after collectible.
The gray and red plastic balls are stashed, along with free weights and elastic bands, in the lounge around the corner, under a seemingly endless bar of pale gray marble and cerused oak burl .
Most were gilded, although painted faux-marble frames are also found.
The veined and variegated appearance of the colors suggests the polished marble stone used in architecture and monuments.
But side by side with that history of inflation from the infinitesimal to the immense is another development, the change year by year from the shabby impecuniosity of the Camden Town lodging to the lavish munificence of the Crest Hill marble staircase and my aunt's golden bed, the bed that was facsimiled from Fontainebleau.
Tono Bungay
Its leaves are like a lily's but extensively marbled with green and burgundy.
‘Marble’ is a general term for any kind of limestone or other carbonate rock that has been metamorphosed.
Soaptec finishing lines can produce toilet soap, laundry soap, transparent soap, syndet soap and marbled soap. - Articles related to Too much chlorine in water? Here’s a DIY
There is a farm on a neck of land belonging to this town (Marblehead, Mass.), which has peculiar advantages for collecting sea kelp and sea moss, and these manures are there used most liberally, particularly in the cultivation of cabbage, from eight to twelve cords of rotten kelp, which is stronger than barn manure, and more suitable food for cabbage, being used to the acre.
Cabbages and Cauliflowers: How to Grow Them A Practical Treatise, Giving Full Details On Every Point, Including Keeping And Marketing The Crop
Marbled Murrelets are unusual among the alcids in that they molt to cryptic-brown plumage during the breeding season.
She heard the click of shoes on the marble floor.
Think of the thousands and millions that are being demoralized by games of chance, by marbles -- when they play for keeps -- by billiards and croquet, by fox and geese, authors, halma, tiddledywinks and pigs in clover.
The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume VIII. Interviews
His feet were now covered only by his wool socks, which would make less noise, but make footing slippery on the marble floor.
Greece's attempts to get the British government to return the Elgin Marbles have met another roadblock, this time from within.
From their arrival in England the ‘Elgin Marbles’ had a revolutionary impact on European taste, and the Parthenon sculptures are still considered to mark the apogee of Greek art.
The Shaykh opened the door and they two entered a vestibule vaulted with onyx stones and arabesqued with gold, and they stayed not walking till they came to a great hall and a wide, paved and walled with marble.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Turn onto a smooth, lightly greased surface such as Formica or marble and knead until smooth and satiny.
And the winner is...
There was a grand marble staircase, spiralling up to the eaves and the upper areas of the casino.
They found the stairway - a spiral stairway constructed of black marble - almost immediately and started up it.
A salmagundi of Italian marble, Japanese carpet, matched rosewood, Hawaiian monkeypod wood, gold foil and tropical fish, the Sahara Inn is like a movie set for a dream sequence in a musical starring George Jessel and Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Alphonse Daudet is immortalized in marble in the little municipal park at Nimes, in the middle of a small ornamental pool, in which two swans swim round and round, with the quiet precision of a pair of clock hands.
The British government has remained steadfast in its refusal to return the marbles.
The floor was the same white marble, and a crystal chandelier hung from the slightly domed ceiling.
I overheard these older girls talking about him being a dreamboat but I just see him as Scott, the kid that had to go to the doctor because he swallowed eight marbles whole.
The background is an intricately marbleized cascade of diaphanous, sea-foam-green skeins over cerulean blue, a surface more precious and less labored than usual.
Her eyes, a startling blue-gray danced and twinkled in the light streaming in from tall, elegant windows framed with green marble columns topped by gold-painted fluting.
He preferred to finish the marble himself, and his delicate skill is apparent in two marble figures.
To the right, the dual aspect living/dining room runs the length of the property, is decorated in neutral tones and includes a marble fireplace.
The new plan seems set to create a much more significant development more in keeping with its surroundings, unlike the dirty Portland stone and marble facings and 1960s concrete-style structures it replaces.
Pour the batter(original flavor) in a swiss roll mould first, then put the cocoa flavored batter on top randomly, use a toothpick to draw the marble pattern.
Our classroom had a chart; on it an apricot glow marked the apotheosis of a vast flight of yellowed marble stairs.
All the original furniture, fittings and candelabra are in place and only the marble floor is covered by a carpet.
The quarries contain building materials, such as marble and pozzolana, which is Roman cement almost ready-made.
The Roman Question
I'd do the Elgin Marbles with a sledgehammer and wipe my ass with the Mona Lira.
Finding myself (not often in London on the day that comes so mercifully between the Saturday and Monday) beside the enisled Marble Arch, I spent half an hour in listening to the astonishing oratory that was going on there.
A Boswell of Baghdad With Diversions
A black marble eagle crouches at his feet.
The only sound was the slap of their bare feet on the cool marble floors, as they had left their footwear at the door.
So might cover the marbles with gladwrap first as a buffer to keep their convexness from being too convex.
September 12th, 2007
This capital cannot be associated with the plain marble drum because of its size and the flutes on the necking.
Gail nodded and bit her lip again, turning her attention back to the game board and staring at the jumbled patterns of red and yellow marbles.
quarry marble
The marble-topped washstand was fitted with towel rails, a mirrored splashback, and a neat little cupboard.
The inherited interior – also previously an office – was not particularly grand, but any standout details were to be retained (such as marble mosaic floor tiles in the entrance area, a number of marble-inlaid fireplaces and highly detailed ceiling cornicing).
Manchester Square Interior by SHH
Beautiful materials are used: in the podium the concrete beams are clad in mullions of black Argentine granite enclosing fillets of white Sicilian marble.
The chapel has some interesting works in wood and marble.
In many cases, framers are ‘customizing’ custom framing jobs by hand-making the frame or staining and gold leafing moulding, marbleizing matboard or etching glass.
The wind whipped at her skirt pulling the material taut across her calves and thighs, outlining her shape as the marble of a statue.
Our hardbacks are all sewn, on quality papers, with a variety of covers: you can choose book cloth, full leather, or quarter- and half-bound editions of leather and hand marbled paper.
The Japanese love their beef marbled with fat, so they lot-feed their cattle with grain - and beer.
The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha.
There are two tombs in the body of the place; but none in the chancel, which is bare, except for the tall candlesticks, and the chancel rail, beyond which is the undraped altar of solid marble, upon which stand four small candlesticks, two at each end.
Carnacki, the Ghost Finder
As he droned on, I would watch the kites flying and tangling with each other in the afternoon sky, mentally replay a lost game of marbles, or look forward to the Test match between Pakistan and the West Indies.
Editions includes more than 60 of Leonard's portraits, hand-bound in Japanese marbled silk and leather. - News
To the left the drawing room is a bright area with two shuttered sash windows overlooking the front garden and a fine marble fireplace.
A marbled murrelet perches on a branch 50 feet below her.
I'm beginning to think such iconic lines are in marble precisely so they won't be bent or made to yield to a scribbler's whim.
Ranging from tiny marble-sized "jumbie pumpkins" of the Caribbean islands to giant gourds more than seven feet long, the largest fruit belongs to this plant family.
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He pushed it and the next sound heard was of two marble slabs being rubbed together.
A more elaborate Doric capital of white marble, with flutes on the necking, is stored west of the building, to the west of the marble throne in room A.
The reason was because it had a great hall with many seats and chess boards and the flooring was faux marble.
He lowered his head on to the table; the marble felt fresh in contact with his flushed skin.
The property has two marble fireplaces with marble hearths and fitted units in the kitchen.
The most handsome and timeless of materials is stone such as marble, granite, limestone, or slate.
It's also available with a clear top, should you wish your marble floor to be unobscured.
Times, Sunday Times
Called "agha mama," or "father uncle," by his guards, Karzai now lives in a relatively modest house with a marble facade on a barricaded street manned by police in downtown Kandahar City.
Ahmed Wali Karzai, an ally and obstacle to the U.S. military in Afghanistan
A white marble open fireplace provides an impressive focal point and there is plenty of room for a three-piece suite and coffee table.
Over the marble fireplace there were the official framed documents granting the college its coat of arms.
Seminary Boy
I thought of the marble frieze in Barre and hoped some one had covered it against the snow.
Only upon close inspection do visitors realize that the organic creatures bearing lustrously creamy skin are marble.
He is chipping away at a block marble with a chisel.
He is chipping away at a block marble with a chisel.
Terra cotta, which is afterwards baked, is plastic; and yet becomes hard; thus a Tanagra figurine is an example of plastic art, while a Florentine marble statuette is a product of sculpture.
Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
he still had all his marbles and was in full possession of a lively mind
They were of red and black granite, and each was surmounted by a foliated encarpus of white marble.
The Yoke A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt
Its paperboard ends covered with marbleized paper enclose thirty-six well-worn pages of laid rag paper.
Groupers, jacks and barracuda seek refuge in the wrecks, while large marble rays cruise the sandy flats.
Her marble fireplace business has grown from humble beginnings, when she hawked marble tiles round shops, to the ultimate in trendsetting home design.
Here and there, indeed, were smooth patches which we called bowling-greens, but hard and slippery as polished marble, with much the same translucent appearance.
The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
Our favourite photo was taken of me on the marble slab.
In the old days a young chef with ambitions to write their own menu would have raised £1.5m to launch something gilded and marbled and sconced.
Restaurant review: Pitt Cue Co
The goosefish is practically invisible lying flattened, with its darkly marbled skin matching the bottom color and the outline of its body obliterated by a fringe of branched skin flaps.
Suspended from the ceiling just behind the white marble altar, the cross is backed by a swath of deep purple fabric.
The water fountain became an altar, standing on marble pillars and graced by its own fan design.
Fourteen columns of colored marble sustain a domed ceiling of gilded cedar, with an exterior deambulatory under a tunnel-vaulting also roofed with cedar.
In Morocco
To their left, under a dome of palms, was a marble basin, on the edges of which four large swans of delftware emitted the water from their beaks.
Bel Ami
He lapses into a long silence and lets Goodman talk about the marble on the bar and the wood used in the construction.
There is a basic truth in his assertion, for before his time the use of marble was rare in Roman architecture.
There was a glass marble at the top of the bottle which was much prized as marbles were at a premium.
Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha.
Sunroom for garden dining, barbecue & hood, marble sink with garbage disposer and custom talavera mural.
ESTATE LIQUIDATION-to be sold to the highest bidder.
The home, approximately 5,000 square feet, is a block from the Atlantic Ocean, has an outdoor pool and "Roman spa" and the inside features "pecky cypress ceilings, and Travertine marble and cherry wood floors.
Lehman Vet Grapples
I look past them, at the blackened edges of a curb, the smooth marble of a ledge, the angle of a rail.
I had to take a lot of oddments as well, like the marble.
The downstairs foyer was sheathed in multicolored marble and adorned with lush palms in handmade marble pots; a closer inspection revealed that the palms could be lifted out holus-bolus in smaller, plastic pots.
In one rounded gallery, the walls are entirely Pompeian red, which sets off the second-century white-marble Roman sculptures of the Muses, brought to Spain in the early 18th century by Philip V and a highlight of the museum's sculpture collection.
Rethinking the Prado:
To the right of the entrance hall is a dual aspect drawing room extending the depth of the house and featuring an Adams-style marble fireplace.
Let me demonstrate by lying down on this cold, slabby marble.
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No flowers, no marble vases, just empty plastic buckets and washing-up bowls.
The most important specimens of Lumachella marbles are the pair of very fine large columns of L. rosea on the ground-floor of the Schiarra Palace, the balustrade of the high altar of St. Andrea della Valle, two columns in the garden of the Corsini Palace of L. d 'Astracane, and a pair of large pillars which support one of the arches of the Vatican Library, formed of L. occhio di pavone.
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
Pennsylvania, and Vermont, and also a small amount of so-called onyx marble or travertine obtained from caves and other deposits in Kentucky and other states.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
The ball of all sorts and sizes, from the marble to the pushball, would lead to endless scientific argument.
The Angel and the Author, and others
Various mineral localities occur throughout the county, of which some of the most important occur on the shore at Portsoy, as for example the gabbro masses in Portsoy Bay with enstatite, hypersthene and labradorite, the graphic granite with microcline, muscovite and tourmaline at East Head, the chiastolite-schist west of the marble quarry, the mottled serpentine with strings of chrysotile.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
It hovers perilously close to cheesy at times (think animal prints and acres of marble), but it positively reeks of a bygone era.
These suites are decorated with period furnishing such as oriental carpets on teak, marble and tiled floors, and all have private parlours and dining areas.
Mallards, ring-necked ducks, killdeer, marbled godwits, and peregrine falcons settle in for the fall.
Even the floors and ceilings were different: the former was high and covered with stalactites, whereas the latter was no longer simply white marble but a checkerboard of black and white.
The ceiling is richly decorated in marble and fresco.
His vast marble diwan was colder than the hills outside.
A Privilege to Die
There was a soiled and tawdry mirror above a massive metal and marble clock supported by a lion couchant on the mantelshelf.
The thirteen marble fireplaces all remained, as did the gas jets over the parlor mantels and near the windows.
It's just lots of genial old blokes sitting around whittling chess pieces and playing with marbles.
Times, Sunday Times
The dining area is floored in linoleum while the living area is carpeted and features a distinctive marble surround fireplace.
A generous pile of cushions, or a treasured marble bust can add the required decorative touch.
Decorated in cornflower blue and white, this features a striking granite fireplace with marble inset and, like most of the ground floor accommodation, is floored in Junkers timber.
Over the marble fireplace there were the official framed documents granting the college its coat of arms.
Seminary Boy
The statue was carved out of marble.
The next three cases (43-45) are chiefly devoted to the various crystallisations of calcite, including that generally known as the Fontainbleau crystallised sandstone, and the stalactic and fibrous varieties from Africa, Sweden, and Cumberland; while the two cases marked 45 A and B are covered with polished samples, known to people generally as marbles, including the beautiful fire marble.
How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
And other chunks of marbleized and speckled soap are mixed with river rocks in a slotted dish.
Snow White's House: A Genius For Still Life